Honeywell control panel LYNXRLYNXR24 User Manual
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– 21 – $#% &# NOTES: (1) The “Follow Me” announcement will be terminated if any new report needs to be sent or if any key is pressed on the LYNXR/LYNXR24 keypad or a wireless (RF) keypad. The [ ✻] key on a wireless keypad is ignored by the system when the “Follow me” feature is active and cannot be used to terminate the announcement or request status. (2) If your LYNXR/LYNXR24 has been programmed to send “Follow Me” system messages upon arming/disarming do not make any key strokes after you have disarmed the system (unless it is necessary). Entering additional keystrokes will terminate the “Follow Me” message. To program “Follow Me” reminder telephone number: 1. Enter: )81&7,21 >@ 0DVWHU XVHU FRGH 2. The system will announce: “Enter follow me reminder phone number, press ADD to accept, press ESCAPE to quit”. NOTES: (1) The system will accept all digits including the star [ ✻], pound [#]. To insert a two (2) second pause press the $8; key. (2) If the (6&$3( key is pressed to cancel entry, the telephone number must be entered again. (3) Pressing any key on a wireless (RF) keypad will terminate this mode and the “Follow Me” telephone number must be reentered. 3. Enter up to 24 digits. After each digit is entered the system will announce the digit and it will be displayed on the LCD screen. The system will not announce star, pound or pause, however Str, Pnd, or PAU will be displayed on the LCD screen. 4. After you have entered the last digit press $ to save the number. If 24 digits have been entered the system will automatically save the number and exit the “Follow Me” announcement feature. NOTE: The “Follow me” reminder telephone number can be changed as often as necessary by repeating steps 1 through 4. To delete “Follow Me” reminder telephone number 1. Enter: )81&7,21 >@ 0DVWHU XVHU FRGH 2. The system will announce: “Enter follow me reminder phone number, press ADD to accept, press ESCAPE to quit”. 3. Press $ without entering any digits.
– 22 – !% ( )*+*+ , Powerline Carrier devices (e.g. X-10 brand devices) are programmable switches that can be used to perform many different functions. Your system may be set up so that certain lights or other devices can be turned on or off by using the device command from the keypad. Ask your installer if this has been done in your system. If programmed for your system, some devices may activate automatically upon certain system conditions. In this case, the following commands can be used to override the device activation. See your installer for a full explanation of this feature. To activate X-10 devices 1-6: )81&7,21/,*+76 21 GHY QR EHHSV To deactivate X-10 devices 1-6: )81&7,21/,*+76 2)) GHY QR EHHSV To activate X-10 devices 7 & 8**: )81&7,21/,*+76 21 GHY QR EHHSV Your user code To deactivate X-10 devices 7 & 8**: )81&7,21/,*+76 2)) GHY QR EHHSV
– 23 – -! . The LYNXR/LYNXR24 Message Center allows you to record, play and delete messages. The maximum message duration is 85 seconds. NOTES: (1) The Record/playback functions can only be performed from the master keypad. It cannot be performed from any other wireless keypad (ex. 5827). (2) If the system loses electrical power, all messages will be erased. (3) Message Play/Record will not be available if a report must be sent. (4) Individual messages cannot be played back or deleted. - To record a message: )81&7,215(&25 The keypad displays “REC MESSAGE.” Begin speaking into the microphone. The recording will automatically stop after 85 seconds, if a message has been recorded. The keypad will beep twice and “REC” will no longer be displayed. “MESSAGE” will still be displayed. To stop recording before the end of 85 seconds: 3UHVV2)) The keypad beeps twice, the REC display turns off, but the MESSAGE display remains on. Additional messages can be recorded, as long as there is recording time remaining, by repeating the above steps. NOTE: If you are trying to record a new message and the message center is already full, the system will announce “END MESSAGE” and “REC MESSAGE” will not be displayed. If the message center is full all old messages must be deleted before new messages can be recorded. See Deleting Messages section. .( The lighted word MESSAGE indicates that a new message is in memory. After playing the message, the MESSAGE display turns off. See NOTE below if using a wireless keypad. To play back a message: )81&7,213/$< All recorded messages will be announced sequentially. A short beep will sound between messages. To skip a message: 3UHVV > ✻@ Deleting Messages To delete all messages: )81&7,21(/(7( While the messages are being announced: Press )81&7,21(/(7( A double beep will sound confirming that the messages have been deleted.
– 24 – -! . / 0 The volume level of message playback, system announcements, and status beeps can be changed. You can also mute system announcements if desired. See NOTE below if using a wireless keypad. To adjust message playback/system announcement volume: )81&7,2192/80( >@ RU >@‚ † [3] = increases volume one level, [6] = decreases volume one level. Repeat the key sequence until the desired volume level is achieved. To mute system announcements: )81&7,2192/80(2)) When muted, no system announcements will be made. Recorded messages will be announced, though, when 3/$@ RU >@ Volume level will be restored to the level that was selected prior to muting the sound. NOTE: If a wireless keypad (5827) has been installed and is programmed for quick arming, it cannot be used to activate message playback or adjust the volume. In this case, you must use the master keypad to perform these functions.
– 25 – /# The AUX key may have been programmed to either perform a predefined function or to send a preset message to a pager/”Follow Me” system phone number (see Pager Feature section for pager operation or the Follow Me Announcement Feature section for “Follow Me” operation). Ask your installer which function has been assigned for your system. $8; Key: 35((),1( )81&7,213$*,1* )81&7,21)2//2: 0( 92,&( 0(66$*( If programmed for the AUX function, you can use the $8; key to activate a string of up to 20 keystrokes that have been stored in the system’s memory. Typical functions include: • Seldom used but repeatable sequences • Arming sequences that involve bypassing zones before arming • Device activation sequences Defining the AUX Function The system must be disarmed before defining a function. 1. Enter )81&7,21$8;KROG GRZQ DW OHDVW VHFRQGV XQWLO EHHSV VRXQG 0DVWHU XVHU FRGH 2. Press the desired command sequence, up to 20 keystrokes. Press the $8; key between each command in the sequence. 3. Press the $8; key twice to end the definition. For example, to bypass Zones 10 and 11 and arm AWAY with NO DELAY, enter the following string: )81&7,21$8;>@ >@ >@ $8;$:$@ $8;$8; 0DVWHU XVHU FRGH Note that the $8; key is included in the 20 keystroke maximum. 1 Press and hold down the $8; key (hold down at least 2 seconds until 4 beeps sound), then enter 7KH GHILQHG IXQFWLRQ ZLOO EHJLQ
– 26 – Your system can display the current time (see your installer). The date is not displayed, but has an internal function. The system must be disarmed. To set the time and date: )81&7,21 >@ 0DVWHU XVHU FRGH RU ,QVWDOOHU &RGH The system will enter the Voice Prompt Calendar Setting mode. The [#] key can be pressed at any time to repeat a voice prompt. NOTES: 1. The keypad beeps twice for invalid data entries (e.g., an hour greater than 12), and the entry will not be accepted. The keypad beeps once for valid entries. 2. Clock-Setting mode automatically ends if no keys are pressed for one minute. 3. It is not possible to enter the real time clock programming mode from a wireless keypad 4. Pressing any key on a wireless (RF) keypad terminates Clock/Calendar setup. 5. It is not possible to enter the real time clock programming mode when either FC or CA is displayed on the display. 1. The system will announce, “Enter two-digit hour then press ADD to accept, ESCAPE to quit”. Hour % (The current hour will be displayed with the AM/PM indication.) Enter the 2-digit hour (i.e., 01-12). Press [ADD] to accept the entry and continue to the AM/PM selection. Press [ESCAPE] to exit Clock/Calendar mode (keypad beeps 4 times). 2. The system will announce, “Enter one for PM, zero for AM, press ADD to accept, ESCAPE to quit”. AM/PM 4 (The current AM/PM setting will display A or P.) Enter 1 for PM or 0 for AM. Press [ADD] to accept the entry and continue to the minute selection. Press [ESCAPE] to back up to hour selection. 3. The system will announce, “Enter two-digit minute press ADD to accept, ESCAPE to quit”. Minute (The current minute will display.) Enter the 2-digit minute (i.e., 00-59). Press [ADD] to accept the entry and continue to the month selection. Press [ESCAPE] to back up to AM/PM selection. 4. The system will announce, “Enter two-digit month press ADD to accept, ESCAPE to quit”. Month (The current month will display.) Enter the 2-digit month designation (i.e., 01-12). Press [ADD] to accept the entry and continue to the day selection. Press [ESCAPE] to back up to Minute selection.
– 27 – 5. The system will announce, “Enter two-digit day press ADD to accept, ESCAPE to quit”. Day (The current day of the month will display.) Enter the 2-digit day of the month (i.e., 01-31). Press [ADD] to accept the entry and continue to the year setting. Press [ESCAPE] to back up to Month selection. 6. The system will announce, “Enter two-digit year press ADD to accept, ESCAPE to quit”. Year (The current year will be displayed.) Enter the last two digits of the year (i.e., 00-99). Press [ADD] to accept the entry and exit Clock-Setting mode (keypad beeps 4 times). Press [ESCAPE] to back up to Day selection.
– 28 – To access the Scheduling User Interface enter: )81&7,21>@ 0DVWHU XVHU FRGH RU ,QVWDOOHU &RGH The following entries will be sequentially prompted to the user. Note that all inputs are checked for validity upon entry and all invalid entries are rejected. Hitting a [*] will allow the entries to be accepted and advance to the next field. Hitting a [#] will reject the entry and back up one field. Hitting the [#] in the “Schedule Number” screen will exit the schedule programming. NOTES: 1. During the schedule programming, if three minutes passes and no key was entered, the programming will be terminated and no values will be saved. Furthermore, if a zone is troubled while in schedule programming, the system will abort the programming mode and show the troubled zone, and any uncompleted program event will not be saved. 2. It is not possible to enter the schedule programming mode from a wireless keypad. 3. Pressing any key on a wireless (RF) keypad terminates Scheduling setup. 4. It is not possible to enter the schedule programming mode when either FC or CA is displayed on the display. Because the keypad display does not show prompt titles, you must refer to these instructions while programming the system. The prompts are indicated by a number/letter combination. The prompts for option #64 are as follows: n Schedule number------------- for selecting a schedule number (1-8) i d Event identifier--------------- for selecting a schedule action (0-5) : A b Begin time (hrs, am/pm)---- for selecting a schedule begin time (hour, am/pm) entry (00-12) b : Begin time (min)------------- for selecting a schedule begin time (minute) entry (00-59) b d Begin day--------------------- for selecting a schedule begin day (01-17) : A E End time (hrs, am/pm)------ for selecting a schedule end time (hour, am/pm) entry (00-12) E : End time (min)--------------- for selecting a schedule end time (minute) entry (00-59) E d End day------------------------ for selecting a schedule end day (01-17) d n Device number--------------- for selecting a X-10 device number (1-8)
– 29 – NOTE: The keypad beeps twice for invalid data entries (e.g.: an hour greater than 12), and the entry will not be accepted. The keypad beeps once for valid entries and four times when a schedule event is programmed successfully. [x] = the value that was last stored in the memory. 6FKHGXOH QXPEHU >[@ VFKHGXOH QXPEHU WR > @ FRQWLQXH >@ H[LW VFKHGXOH SURJUDPPLQJ PRGH Enter the 1-digit schedule number to be programmed, then press [*] to accept and advance to the next programming field: Event Identifier. • Press the [#] key in this entry will exit the schedule programming mode. The keypad will beep four times and exit. • Schedule number 7 and 8 are always random events that are meant to work only with X-10 devices. NOTE: This feature should be implemented when the user is trying to give the impression that a premises is “lived in”. The events will occur at random times (0-59 minutes) within the defined hour. (YHQW ,GHQWLILHU >[@ HYHQW LGHQWLILHU WR > @ FRQWLQXH >@ UHWXUQ WR SUHYLRXV SURPSW 0 = Empty - no event scheduled (or schedule temporarily disabled. Keypad will beep four times and return to Schedule Number with the schedule number advanced. 1 = X-10 Device - the user is required to enter data up to and include the Device Number screen. Selection #1 is a time driven event that requires a begin and end time. 2 = Latch Key Report - the user is required to enter data up to and include the End Day screen. Selection #2 is a window driven event that requires a begin/end time. 3 = Automatic Stay Arming - the user is required to enter data up to and include the Begin Day screen. Selection #3 is a time driven event that requires a begin time to send a report. 4 = Reminder Announcements - the user is required to enter data up to and include the Begin Day screen. This is a reminder announcement. 5 = Alarm Clock - the user is required to enter the field values up to and include the Begin Day screen. This is a an alarm clock. NOTES: (1) See figure 1 for an explanation of each entry of the event identifier. (2) If “Follow me” reminder telephone number is programmed, the reminder announcement is also delivered to that number. %HJLQ 7LPH KRXU >[[@ EHJLQ KRXU WR > @ FRQWLQXH >@ UHWXUQ WR SUHYLRXV SURPSW %HJLQ 7LPH DPSP >@ EHJLQ WLPH DP $ >@ EHJLQ WLPH SP 3 > @ FRQWLQXH >@ UHWXUQ WR SUHYLRXV SURPSW• The begin hour is a two-digit entry. To enter the hour 3, press “0” followed by “3”. • The begin hour “00” indicates this schedule does not have a begin time. • Press “0” to select AM or “1” to select PM. NOTE: When programming schedule number 7 and 8, do not program turn on/off to occur within the same 1-hour period. This will prevent this random feature from causing a reversal of the on/off times.
– 30 – %HJLQ 7LPH PLQXWH >[[@ EHJLQ PLQXWH WR > @ FRQWLQXH >@ UHWXUQ WR SUHYLRXV SURPSW %HJLQ D\ >[[@ EHJLQ GD\ WR > @ FRQWLQXH >@ UHWXUQ WR SUHYLRXV SURPSW• If the value programmed in the Event Identifier is “3”, “4”, or “5”, and the current entry is completed, the system will save all field data up to this field. The system will beep four times and go back to the first field (Schedule Number) with the schedule number advanced. • If the value programmed in the Event Identifier is “1” or “2”, and the current entry is completed, the system will advanced to the next programming field - End Time (hour). NOTE: See figure 2 for the definition of begin day entries. End Time (hour) [xx] = end hour 00 to 12 [*] = continue [#] = return to previous prompt End Time (am/pm) [0] = end time, am (A) [1] = end time, pm (P) [*] = continue [#] = return to previous prompt • The end hour is a two-digit entry. To enter the hour 3, press “0” followed by “3”. • The end hour “00” indicates this schedule does not have a end time. • Press “0” to select AM or “1” to select PM. End Time (minute) [xx] = end minute 0 to 59 [*] = continue [#] = return to previous prompt End Day [xx] = end day 01 to 17 [*] = continue [#] = return to previous prompt NOTE: See figure 2 for the definition of end day entries. • If the event identifier is set to “2” upon completion of this field, the current schedule data will be saved and the system will go back to the next schedule number. Device Number [xx] = device number 1 to 8 [*] = continue [#] = return to previous prompt [*] will accept and save the entire schedule event. The system will beep four times and go back to the beginning of the programming field (Schedule Number) with the schedule number advanced. If the current schedule number is 8, the system will wrap around and set the schedule number to 1. NOTE: For X-10 devices.