Hitachi Cpx2 Projector Users Manual
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Page 61
61 Troubleshooting Regarding the indicator lamps :KHQRSHUDWLRQRIWKH/$037(03DQG32:(5LQGLFDWRUVGLIIHUVIURPXVXDO POWER indicatorLAMP indicatorTEMP indicatorDescription /LJKWLQJ ,Q Orange 7XUQHG off7XUQHG offThe projector is in a standby state.3OHDVHUHIHUWRWKHVHFWLRQ³3RZHURQRII´ Blinking In Green 7XUQHG off7XUQHG offThe projector is warming up.3OHDVHZDLW /LJKWLQJ ,Q Green 7XUQHG off7XUQHG offThe projector is in an on state.2UGLQDU\RSHUDWLRQVPD\EHSHUIRUPHG Blinking In Orange...
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62 Troubleshooting Regarding the indicator lamps (continued) POWER indicatorLAMP indicatorTEMP indicatorDescription Blinking In Red or /LJKWLQJ ,Q Red 7XUQHG off/LJKWLQJ ,Q Red There is a possibility that the interior portion has become heated. 3OHDVHWXUQWKHSRZHURIIDQGDOORZWKHSURMHFWRUWRFRROGRZQDWOHDVW PLQXWHVHDVHPDNH DJDLQ ‡,VWKHUHEORFNDJHRIWKHDLUSDVVDJHDSHUWXUH ‡,VWKHDLU¿OWHUGLUW\ ‡RHVWKHSHULSKHUDOWHPSHUDWXUHH[FHHGƒ& SOHDVHVHW...
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63 Troubleshooting Phenomena that may be easy to be mistaken for machine defects FRSHZLWKLW DFFRUGLQJWRWKHIROORZLQJWDEOH Phenomenon Cases not involving a machine defectReference page 3RZHUGRHVQRW FRPHRQ The electrical power cord is not plugged in. &RUUHFWO\FRQQHFWWKHSRZHUFRUG11 The main power source has been interrupted during operation such as by a power outage (blackout), etc. WKHQWXUQWKHSRZHURQDJDLQ Either there is no lamp and/or lamp cover, or either...
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64 Phenomena that may be easy to be mistaken for machine defects (continued) Phenomenon Cases not involving a machine defectReference page 1RSLFWXUHVDUH GLVSOD\HG FRQWLQXHG IXQFWLRQRUWKHUHPRWHFRQWURO The computer cannot detect the projector as a plug and play monitor. PRQLWRUXVLQJDQRWKHUSOXJDQGSOD\PRQLWRU9 The BLANK screen is displayed. 3UHVVWKH%/$1.EXWWRQRQWKHUHPRWHFRQWURO20 9LGHRVFUHHQ GLVSOD\IUHH]HVThe FREEZE function is working. 20 &RORUVKDYHD IDGHGRXW...