Hitachi CP-X1200/CP-X1250 Projector User Manual
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INTERIN PU TM1-DRGBB NG S-VID EOS TA N DBY /O NTEM PVI DE OCOM PONENTLAMPKEYST ON ESEARC HR ESE TM E NUF OCUSL E NS SHIF TZ O OM VID EO R -A UD IO IN -LS-VIDE O BNC RGB A UDIO IN1 A UD IO IN2 RGB OUTA UDIO OUT REMOTE CONTROL R/CR/PRG/YB/CB/PBH VY CONTROL NETWORK CR/PRCa/Pa 11 Setting Up (continued) Setting Up (continued) REMOTE CONTROL VIDEO R-AUDIO IN-LS-VIDEOBNC RGB AUDIO IN1 AUDIO IN2 RGB OUTAUDIO OUT R/C R/PRG/Y B/CB/PBHVY CONTROL NETWORK CR/PR Ca/PaL REMOTE CONTROL VIDEO R-AUDIO IN-LS-VIDEOBNC RGB AUDIO IN1 AUDIO IN2 RGB OUTAUDIO OUT R/C R/PRG/Y B/CB/PBHVY CONTROL NETWORK CR/PR Ca/PaM MonitorProjector RGB in RGB cableRGB OUT Connecting to a monitor SpeakerProjector Connecting to a speaker (with amplifier) Audio in Stereo Mini cableAUDIO OUTM L WARNING• Use extra caution when connecting the power cord as incorrect or faulty connections may result in fire and/or electrical shock. Please adhere to the “User’s manual – Safety Guide” and the following. • Only plug the power cord into outlets rated for use with the power cord’s specified voltage range.• Only use the power cord that came with the projector. If it is damaged, contact your dealer to newly get correct one. • Never modify the power cord. Never attempt to defeat the ground connection of the three-pronged plug.• Make sure that you firmly connect the power cord to the projector and wall outlet. 1Connect the connector of the power cord to the AC inlet of the projector. 2Firmly plug the power cord’s plug into the outlet. AC Inlet Connector PlugOutlet Connecting The Power Supply $19&/(0(~

12 Remote Control Remote Control About The Laser Pointer Putting Batteries WARNING• The laser pointer of the remote control is used in place of a finger or rod. Never look directly into the laser beam outlet or point the laser beam at other people. The laser beam can cause vision problems. CAUTION •Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure. STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATOR ESC MENUPOSITIONRESET AUTO KEYSTONE1 2 3 ID CHANGESEARCHON OFFFREEZE MUTEMAGNFYPinPVOLUME RGB BLANK PREVIOUSNEXT ASPECT ENTER LASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM JQA MADE IN CHINAP S C

STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATOR ESC MENUPOSITIONRESET AUTO KEYSTONE1 2 3 ID CHANGESEARCH ON OFFFREEZE MUTEMAGNFYPinPVOLUME RGB BLANK PREVIOUSNEXT ASPECT ENTER LASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM 13 Remote Control (continued) Remote Control (continued) Operating The Remote Control CAUTION• Do not disassemble the remote control. • Do not place the remote control near the projector’s lens, fan, or vents. • Do not drop or otherwise expose the remote control to physical impact. • Do not get the remote control wet or place it on wet objects on it. Doing so may result in malfunction. • Remove the batteries from the remote control and store them in a safe place if you wont be using the remote control for an extended period. • Replace the batteries whenever the remote control starts to malfunction. • When strong light, such as direct sunlight or light from an extremely close range (such as from an inverter fluorescent lamp), hits the projectors remote sensor, the remote control may cease to function. Adjust the direction of the projector to keep light from directly hitting the projectors remote sensor. NOTE • The remote control works with the projector’s remote sensor. • Front remote sensoris 3 meters with a 60 degree range (30 degrees to the left and right of a remote sensor). Rear remote sensoris 3 meters with a 40 degree range (20 degrees to the left and right of a remote sensor). •Also a remote signal reflected in the screen etc. may be available. If it is difficult to send a remote signal to the sensor directly, please try. • Since the remote control uses infrared light to send signals to the projector (Class1 LED), be sure to use the remote control in an area free from obstacles that could block the remote control’s output signal to the projector. memoYou can use the remote control as a wired remote control, by connecting the REMOTE CONTROL ports of the main unit and remote control via an audio cable (3.5 dia. stereo mini cable with plugs). Set the ID number to the projector beforehand, referring to the item “IR REMOTE ID” of the section “OPTION Menu”. memoWhen the ALL is selected to the item “IR REMOTE ID” of the OPTION menu, the projector is controlled by a remote control irrespective of the position of the ID CHAGE switch. Slide the knob of the switch into the position of the ID number of the projector you want to control. Using The Remote ID Feature This is the function to properly use when you use two or three same type projectors at the same time. This function should be used combining a setup of a projector. ID CHANGE switch I N T E R I N P U TM 1 - DR G BB N GS - V I D E OS T AN D B Y /O NTEMPV I D E OCOMPONENTLAMPK E Y S TO N ES E A R C HR E S ETM E N UF O C U SLE N S SH IF TZO O MINT ER I NPUTM1-DRGBBNGS-VIDEOS T A N D B Y / O NTEMPVIDEOCOMPONENTLAMPK E Y S T O N ES E A R C HR E S E TM E N UF O C U SL E N S S H I F TZ O O M VIDEO R-AUDIO IN-L S-VIDEOBNC RGB AUD IO IN1 AUD IO IN2 RGB OUTAUD IO OUT REMOTE CO NTROL R/CR/PRG/YB/CB/PBH VY CONTROL NETWORKCR/PR Ca/Pa approximately 3 meters30 degrees30 degreesapproximately 3 meters20 degrees20 degrees 1 2 $19&/(0(~

STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATOR ESC MENUPOSITIONRESET AUTO KEYSTONE1 2 3 ID CHANGESEARCH ON OFFFREEZE MUTEMAGNFYPinPVOLUME RGB BLANK PREVIOUSNEXT ASPECT ENTER LASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM 14 Remote Control (continued) Remote Control (continued) Using The Mouse/Keyboard Control Function CAUTION• Before connecting, read the manuals of the device you will connect. Mistaken use of the mouse/keyboard control could damage your equipment. • Only connect to a PC. • Do not unplug the connector cables while the computer is operating. Using the USB control feature, you can use the remote control as a simplified mouse or keyboard of the computer. Connect the M1-D port of the projector to the computer via the M1-D cable. Then functions illustrated below will be enabled. memoThe USB control can be used with Windows 95 OSR 2.1 or higher. It may not be possible to use the remote control, depending on the computer’s configurations and mouse drivers. memoThe function can be used only for the functions illustrated on the right. memoThe projector would be enumerated as a mouse and a keyboard of HID (Human Interface Device) class devices, after connecting cable. Mouse move pointer Keyboard Arrow keys / / / Mouse right button Keyboard ESC key (Front) (Rear) Mouse left button $19&/(0(~

STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATORRGB SCSLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM I N T E RI NP UTM 1-DR GBB NG S-V ID EOS TA NDBY/ ONT EM PVID EOCO MP ON E N TLA MPKE Y STO NES EAR CHRE S ETM EN UFOCUSLEN S S HI FTZ OO M VIDEO R-AU DIO I N-LS- VIDEO BNC R GB AU DIO I N1 AU DIO I N 2 RGB O UTAU DIO O U T REMOT E CON TR OL R/CR/PRG/YB/ CB/PBH VY C ONT ROL NETWOR K CR/PRC a/Pa I N T E RI NP UTM 1 -DR GBB NG S-V ID EOSTA NDBY/ ONT EM PVI D EOCO MP ON E N TLA MPKE YSTO NES E AR CHRE SETM EN UFO CUSLEN S S HI F TZ OOM VIDEO R-AU DIO I N-LS-VIDEO BNC RGB AU DIO I N1 AU DIO I N2 RGB O UTAU DIO O U T REMOTE CON TR OL R /CR/PRG/YB/ CB/PBH VY CO NTROL N ETWOR K CR/PRCa/Pa STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATORRGB BLANKASPECTLASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM IN T E RI NP UTM1 -DR GBBNG S-V ID EOS TA NDBY/ ONT EM PVID EOCO MP O N E N TLA MPKEY STONESE AR CHRES ETM EN UFO CUSLEN S S HIF TZOO M VIDEO R-AU DIO I N-LS- VIDEO BNC RGB AU DIO I N1 AU DIO I N 2 RG B O UTAU DIO O U T RE MO TE CON TR O L R /CR/PRG /YB/ CB/PBH VY CO NTR OL N ETW O RK CR/P RC a/Pa 15 Turning On The Power WARNING• When the power is ON, a strong light is emitted. Do not look into the lens or vents of the projector. • Turn the power on/off in right order. Please power on the projector before the connected devices. Power off the projector after the connected devices.NOTE Power ON/OFF Power ON/OFF Remove the lens cap. 2Set the power switch to [ | ] (ON). The STANDBY/ON indicator will light to solid orange. STANDBY/ONSTANDBY/ON button / indicator LENS SHIFT buttons Power switch (ON position) STANDBY/ON buttonSTANDBY/ON 3Press the STANDBY/ON button. The projector lamp will light up and the STANDBY/ON indicator will begin blinking green. When the power is completely on, the indicator will stop blinking and light green. 4Use the LENS SHIFT buttons to shift the picture upward or downward. 5Select an input signal according to the section “Selecting An Input Signal” of the following page. LENS SHIFT Power switch (OFF position) 1Press the STANDBY/ON button. The message “Power off?” will appear on the screen for approximately 5 seconds. Attached the lens cap. 2Press the STANDBY/ON button again while “Power off?” the message is visible. The projector lamp will go off, and the STANDBY/ON indicator will begin blanking orange. Then the STANDBY/ON indicator will stop blinking and light to solid orange when the lamp cooling is complete. 3Switch the power switch to [O] (OFF). The STANDBY/ON indicator will go off. STANDBY/ON buttonSTANDBY/ON STANDBY/ONSTANDBY/ON button / indicator Turning Off The Power STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATORRGB BLANKASPECTLASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM 1 4 $19&/(0(~

I N T E RI N P UTM1-DR GBB NG S-V ID EOS TA NDBY/ ONT EM PVID EOCO MP ON E N TLA MPKE Y S TO NES EAR CHRE S ETM EN UFO CUSLEN S S HI F TZ OO M VIDEO R-AU DIO I N-LS- VIDEO BNC RGB AU DIO I N1 AU DIO I N 2 RGB O UTAU DIO O UT REMOTE CONTR OL R /CR/PRG/YB/ CB/PBH VY C ONTROL N ETW ORK CR/PRCa/P a STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATOR ESC MENUPOSITIONRESET AUTO KEYSTONE1 2 3 ID CHANGESEARCH ON OFFFREEZE MUTEMAGNFYPinPVOLUME RGB BLANK PREVIOUSNEXT ASPECT ENTER LASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM 16 Operating Operating Selecting An Input Signal Select an input signal. Turn the INPUT dial of the projector. Turning the dial cycles through the input ports as shown below. Select the signal you wish to project. M1-D RGB BNC S-VIDEO COMPONEN T VIDEO M1-D RGB BNC S-VIDEO COMPONEN T VIDEO I N T E RI NP UTM1-DR G BB NG S-V IDEOS TA NDBY/ ONT EM PVIDEOCO MP ON E N TLA MPKE YS TO NES EAR CHRE SETMEN UFOCUSLEN S S HIFTZOOM VIDEO R-AU DIO I N-LS- VIDEO BNC R GB AU DIO I N1 AU DIO I N 2 RGB O UTAU DIO O U T RE MOT E CO N TR O L R/ CR/PRG/YB/ CB/PBH VY C O NTR OL N ETW OR K CR/PRC a/P a ENTER INPUTM1-DRGB BNC S-VIDEO VIDEO COMPONENT SEARCH RESET MENU ■Using the INPUT dial Press the SEARCH button of the projector or the remote control. Pressing the button automatically cycles through input ports and displays the picture of retrieved signal. memoIf no signal is found or the projector is unstable to find an input signal at any of its ports, it will turn to the state it was in prior to the search. ■Using SEARCH button Press the RGB button of the remote control. Pressing the button toggles between the RGB ports as shown below Select the signal you wish to project. Press the VIDEO button of the remote control. Pressing the button toggles between the VIDEO ports as shown below Select the signal you wish to project. M1-D RGB BNC S-VIDEO VIDEO COMPONENT INPUT dialSEARCH button VIDEO button RGB button SEARCH button ZOOM buttonsFOCUS buttons ZOOMFOCUS Use the FOCUS buttons to adjust the focus.Use the ZOOM buttons to adjust the screen size. ■Using RGB button ■Using VIDEO button 2 3 1 $19&/(0(~

STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATOR ESC MENUPOSITIONRESET AUTO KEYSTONE1 2 3 ID CHANGESEARCH ON OFFFREEZE MUTEMAGNFYPinPVOLUME RGB BLANK PREVIOUSNEXT ASPECT ENTER LASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATOR ESC MENUPOSITIONRESET AUTO KEYSTONE1 2 3 ID CHANGESEARCH ON OFFFREEZE MUTEMAGNFYPinPVOLUME RGB BLANK PREVIOUSNEXT ASPECT ENTER LASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM 17 Operating (continued) Operating (continued) The Vertical position (V POSITION), the horizontal position (H POSITION), the clock phase (H PHASE) and horizontal size (H SIZE) will be automatically adjusted. memoMake sure that the application window is set to its maximum size prior to attempting to use this feature. Dark pictures may still be incorrectly adjusted. Use a bright screen when adjusting. The signal type mode best suited for the respective input signal will be selected automatically. memoThis function is available only when the AUTO is selected to the item VIDEO of the INPUT menu. For a component video signal, the signal type is identified automatically independently of this function. Selecting The Aspect Ratio Press the Aspect button to toggle between the modes for aspect ratio. ASPECT button AUTO button 4:316:9 NORMAL Using The Automatic Adjustment Feature Press the AUTO button. memoNORMAL keeps the original aspect ratio of the input signal. memoAt a HDTV signal of 1125i or 750p, only 16:9 can be selected. memoThe automatic adjustment operation requires approximately 10 seconds. Also, please note that it may not function correctly with some input. 4:316:9 4:316:9 SMALL ■At a M1-D signal ■At a RGB signal (not M1-D) ■At a video signal ■At a RGB signal ■At a video signal 1 1 $19&/(0(~

STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATOR ESC MENUPOSITIONRESET AUTO KEYSTONE1 2 3 ID CHANGESEARCH ON OFFFREEZE MUTEMAGNFYPinPVOLUME RGB BLANK PREVIOUSNEXT ASPECT ENTER LASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATOR ESC MENUPOSITIONRESET AUTO KEYSTONE1 2 3 ID CHANGESEARCH ON OFFFREEZE MUTEMAGNFYPinPVOLUME RGB BLANK PREVIOUSNEXT ASPECT ENTER LASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM 18 Operating (continued) Operating (continued) Adjusting The Picture Position Press the POSITION button. As illustrated on the right, a dialog will appear on the screen to aid you in adjusting the position. POSITION POSITION buttonCursor buttons RESET button KEYSTONE button 2 1 Use the cursor buttons / / / to adjust the position. memoWhen you want to initialize the position, press the RESET button during adjustment. 3 1 Press the POSITION button again to close the dialog and complete this operation. memoEven if you dont do anything, the dialog will automatically disappear after a few seconds. 2 Use the cursor buttons / to select the direction of distortion to correct ( or ). 4Press the KEYSTONE button again to close the dialog and complete this operation. memoEven if you dont do anything, the dialog will automatically disappear after a few seconds. memoWhen this adjustment is excessive, certain degradation may appear on the picture. Also, please note that it may not function correctly with some input. 3Use the cursor buttons / to correct the distortion. Correcting The Keystone Distortion Press the KEYSTONE button. As illustrated on the right, a dialog will appear on the screen to aid you in correcting the keystone distortion. 0 KEYSTONE + 0+ memoThis function is available only for RGB signals. Cursor buttons $19&/(0(~

STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATOR ESC MENUPOSITIONRESET AUTO KEYSTONE1 2 3 ID CHANGESEARCH ON OFFFREEZE MUTEMAGNFYPinPVOLUME RGB BLANK PREVIOUSNEXT ASPECT ENTER LASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATOR ESC MENUPOSITIONRESET AUTO KEYSTONE1 2 3 ID CHANGESEARCH ON OFFFREEZE MUTEMAGNFYPinPVOLUME RGB BLANK PREVIOUSNEXT ASPECT ENTER LASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATOR ESC MENUPOSITIONRESET AUTO KEYSTONE1 2 3 ID CHANGESEARCH ON OFFFREEZE MUTEMAGNFYPinPVOLUME RGB BLANK PREVIOUSNEXT ASPECT ENTER LASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM 19 Operating (continued) Operating (continued) Adjusting The Volume Muting The Sound Temporarily Blanking The Screen Press the VOLUME button. As illustrated on the right, a dialog will appear on the screen to aid you in adjusting the volume. Use the cursor buttons / to adjust the volume. Press the VOLUME button again to close the dialog and complete this operation. memoEven if you dont do anything, the dialog will automatically disappear after a few seconds. Press the MUTE button. As illustrated on the right, a dialog will appear on the screen indicating that you have muted the sound. Press the MUTE or VOLUME button to restore the sound. memoEven if you dont do anything, the dialog will automatically disappear after a few seconds. Press the BLANK button. The input signal screen will shut off, and a BLANK screen will appear. memoYou can set the BLANK screen using the menu. Please refer to the item “BLANK” of the table of the section “SCREEN Menu”. Press the BLANK button again to remove the blank screen, and return to the input signal screen. 16 VOLUME 16 VOLUME Cursor buttons VOLUME button MUTE button BLANK button 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 $19&/(0(~

STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATOR ESC MENUPOSITIONRESET AUTO KEYSTONE1 2 3 ID CHANGESEARCH ON OFFFREEZE MUTEMAGNFYPinPVOLUME RGB BLANK PREVIOUSNEXT ASPECT ENTER LASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM STANDBY/ONVIDEOLASER INDICATOR ESC MENUPOSITIONRESET AUTO KEYSTONE1 2 3 ID CHANGESEARCH ON OFFFREEZE MUTEMAGNFYPinPVOLUME RGB BLANK PREVIOUSNEXT ASPECT ENTER LASERLENS SHIFT+ –––++FOCUS ZOOM 20 Operating (continued) Operating (continued) Freezing The Screen Press the FREEZE button. As illustrated on the right, a dialog will appear on the screen, and the screen will freeze at the current image. Press the FREEZE button again to restore the screen to normal. The icon “||” will change to the icon “ ”. And after a couple of seconds, the dialog will be closed and the screen will be restored to normal. memoThe freezing feature will automatically finish if a remote control’s button that changes some display state (ex. blanking the screen, displaying a dialog or a menu, adjusting the picture, changing the input signal) is pressed, or a button of projector is pressed. •If the projector continues projecting the same image for a long time (i.e. you forget to exit FREEZE mode), the image might possibly remain as an afterimage. Do not leave the projector in FREEZE mode for too long.NOTE Using The Magunify Feature Press the MAGNIFY button. As illustrated on the right, a dialog will appear on the screen to aid you in magnifying the picture. ON Press the POSITION button, then use the cursor buttons / / / to select the area to zoom. Press the POSITION button again to finalize the zoom area. Use the cursor buttons / to adjust the zoom level. Press the MAGNIFY button again to close the dialog and complete this operation. memoThe magnify feature will automatically finish if the automatic adjustment is execute, or the aspect, the signal type mode of video or the signal input state is changed. OFF FREEZE MAGNIFY FREEZE button POSITION buttonCursor buttons MAGNIFY buttons 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 $19&/(0(~