Haier Afl631cw Instructions For Use
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Preparation prior to use Connection to power supplyWhen the refrigerator is connected to power supply, the fridge temperature and freezer temperature are automatically set to 5 and -18 respectively. Operation modes of the refrigeratorManual adjustment mode: can set temperature by pressing the temperature setup key (see “Function description” hereafter). Loading the refrigerator with foodLoad the refrigerator with food after it has been operates for a period and the inside is cool enough. Some time will be required for the refrigerator to reach the set temperature when the setting is changed. The length of this period depends on the difference between the existing and set temperatures, ambient temperature, door opening frequency and the amount of food in storage. Note 9

F u n c t i oni ntr o d u c t i on 1 M o d e l s:C F E 5 3 3 C W / C F E 5 3 3A W / C F E 6 3 3 CW C o n t r o l p a n el S u p er c o o l i ng b u t t on F r i d g e s t o r a ge t e m p e r a t u re s e t upk n ob P o w e r I n d i c a t or F r e e z e r s t o r a ge t e m p e r a t u re s e t up k n ob S u p er f r e e z i ng b u t t on Initial powering on Upon initialpowering on,the powerindicatorwillilluminate. Th e temperatureinthefridge storagecompartmentcanbe setbyturning thefridge storage temperature setupknob.There arethreetemperaturepositionsforrefrigerating:Holiday,Moderate and SuperCool. Th e temperatureinthefreezerstorage compartmentcanbe setbyturning thefreezerstorage temperature setupknob.There arethree temperature positionsforfreezing:W eak,Moderate and Super Freeze. Selec t this function afteryou haveputfresh foodin thefridgerstorage compartment.Press the super cooling button,the refrigeratoractivates thisfunction andcorresponding indicatorilluminates.This function willautomatically deactivate whenthetemperature decreasestotherequired level.Youcan also deactivateitbypressing thesupercooling buttonagain. When thetemperatureinthe refrigeratorstorage compartmentistoo low,the super-cooling function may notwork.That is,when youpressthe “super-Cooling”button once,the buzzerwillbeep once and theindicatorwillnot blink,meaning thetemperaturein therefrigeratorstorage compartmentistoo low andthesuper-coolingfunctiondoesn'tneedtobe activated. Turning thefridge storagetemperaturesetupknobto“Holiday”willactivate theholidayfunctionofthe fridge storagecompartment.Itwilloperateat a relativelyhigh temperature.(Please removeanyfresh food from thefridgestoragecompartmentand close thedoorbefore activating thisfunction) Whe n therefrigeratordooris open formore than 3 minutes,the supercooling indicatorwillflash and the buzzerwillsound3 beepsevery30 seconds.The buzzercanbe silencedbyclosing thedooror pressing anykey. Fridg e storagetemperature setup Freeze r storage temperaturesetup Supe r cooling Supe r freezing Holida y function Doo r open alarming Ifyou are freezing largequantitiesoffoodin the freezercompartment,please switchonsuper freezingby24 hoursbefore thefoodisplacedin thefreezercompartment.This function willquit automatically after56 hours.Youcandeactivateitbypressing thesuperfreezing buttonmanually. 10

F u n c t i oni ntr o d u c t i on Set the fridge storagetemperatureto0.The fridge storagecompartmentwillbe turnedoffwhile the freeze r storage compartmentoperates normally. Turningoffthe fridgestoragecompartment Setthe freezerstorage temperatureto0.The refrigeratorwillstop operating. Thi s functionisnotequivalentto turningoffthe power. Turningoffthe refrigerator 2M o d e l s: C o n t r o l p a n elF r i d ge s t o r a ge c o m p a r t m e nt t e m p e r a t u re F r e e z e r s t o r a ge c o m p a r t m e nt t e m p e r a t u re A1 Switchon/offthefridgestoragecompartmentA3 SupercoolA5 FridgetemperaturedownA7 Freezertemperature downA9 Over-temperature/dooropen alarm A2 HolidayfunctionA4 Fridgetemperature upA6 Freezertemperature upA8 Superfreeze A10 PowerON/OFF Whe n therefrigeratorispoweredon forthe firsttime, the powerindicatorand thefridgestorage compartmen t indicator willlight, the displayed temperaturesofthe fridgestoragecompartmentand freeze r storage compartmentare the ex-factorysettings“5”and “-18”respectively. Initialpowering on PresskeyA4orA5to setthe fridge storagetemperature.The fridge storagetemperaturecyclesfrom 2to8.The settingisconfirmed automatically 5 secondsafterthe operationisfinishedorbypressing an y otherkey. Fridge storagetemperaturesetup 11 C F L 5 3 3 C B / C F L 5 3 3 C S / C F L 5 3 3 A B / C F L 5 3 3 A S / C F L 6 3 3 C B/ C F L 6 3 3 C S / A F L 6 3 1 C B / A F L 6 3 1 C S / A F L 6 3 4 C B / A F L 6 3 1 C W the

F unc t i onin t rod u c t ion Freezing storagetemperaturesetup Supe r cooling Supe r freezing Holida y function Displa y control Doo r open alarming Turningoffthe fridgestoragecompartment Turningoffthe refrigerator Press keyA6orA7to setthe freezerstorage temperature.The freezerstorage temperaturecycles fro m -14to-24.Itwillbe confirmed automatically5secondsafterthe operationisfinishedorby pressin g anyotherkey. Selec t this function afteryou haveputfresh foodinthefridgestorage compartment.Press keyA3, an d thisfunctionisactivated andthecorresponding indicatorilluminates.This function will automaticall y deactivate whenthetemperaturedecreasestothe required level.Youcanalso deactivat eitby pressing keyA3again. Pres s keyA2,corresponding indicatorilluminates and theholidayfunctionofthe fridgestorage compartmen tis activated.Itwilloperateat a relativelyhigh temperatureinHolidaymode.The fridge storag e temperaturewillbeindicatedas“-”(Please takeoutthe freshfoodintherefrigeratorand clos e thedoorbefore activating thisfunction).Press keyA2 again,and the corresponding indicator goe soff and therefrigeratorcomes into normalcontrol. Th e displayscreen willturnoff automatically1 minuteafteranoperationisfinished.Itcanbe litupby openin g thedoororpressing anykey.(Alarm doesnotlightup thedisplayscreen) Whe n therefrigeratordooris open formore than 3 minutes,the alarm indicatorwillflash and the buzze r willsound3 beepsevery30 seconds.The buzzercanbe silencedbyclosing thedooror pressin g keyA9. Pres s and hold keyA1for 3 seconds,and thecorresponding indicatorwillturnoff and thefridge storag e compartmentwillbe turnedoffwhile thefreezerstorage compartmentoperates normally.The fridg e storagetemperature indicationiconwillalsogooff. Press and hold keyA1for 3 secondsagain, th e corresponding indicatorwillilluminate, the fridge storagecompartmentwillbe turnedon,and the fridg e storage temperatureindicationiconwillrecover. When thetemperatureintherefrigeratorstorage compartmentistoo low,the super-cooling function ma y notwork.That is,when youpressthe “super-Cooling”button once,the buzzerwillbeep once an d theindicatorwillnot blink, meaning thetemperaturein therefrigeratorstorage compartmentis to o low andthesuper-coolingfunctiondoesn'tneedtobe activated. Ifyou arefreezinglargequantitiesoffoodin the freezercompartment,please switchon super freezin gby24 hoursbefore thefoodisplacedin thefreezercompartment.Press keyA8,the function is activated andthecorresponding indicatorilluminates.The functionwillbecome inactive automaticall y after56 hours.Youcanalsodeactivateitbypressing keyA8again. 12

F unc t i onint rod u c t ion Press and holdkeyA10 for 3 seconds,corresponding indicatorwillgooff,the displaypanelwillgooff an d therefrigeratorwillstop operating. Pres s and holdkeyA10 for 3 secondsagain,corresponding indicatorwilllight up,the displaypanel wil l light up,and therefrigeratorwillstart operating normally. Thi s functionisnotequivalentto turningoffthe power. When E or Fis displayed duetofault,the refrigeratorcan stillrefrigerate. Please contactprofessional after-sale s service personnelassoonaspossible. Faultindication C o n t r olp a n el A1 S w i t cho n / offthef r i d ges t o r a ge c o m p a r t m e ntA2 M e nuk eyA3Te m p e r a t u reupA4Te m p e r a t u re d o wnA5 C o n f i r m a t i onk eyA6 P o w erO N / O FFB S u p erc o o l i ng i c onC H o l i d ayf u n c t i on i c onDFr i d ge s t o r a get e m p e r a t u red i s p l ay EFr i d ge c o m p a r t m e nti n d i c a t i ng i c onFFr e e z erc o m p a r t m e nti n d i c a t i ng i c onG A l a rmi c onHFr e e z ers t o r a ge t e m p e r a t u red i s p l ayI S u p erf r e e z i ng i c onJIc e m a k er i c on ( o n lyonm o d e lsw i than i c e m a k e r)KW a t eri n p utt i me a d j u s t m e nti c on ( o n lyon m o d e lsw i than i c e m a k e r) 3M o d e lsA F D 6 3 1 C X / A F D 6 3 1 C B / A F D 6 3 1 C S / A F D 6 3 0 I X / A F D 6 3 0 I B/ A F D 6 3 0 I S / A F D 6 3 4 C X / A F D 6 3 3 I X Initial powering on Whentherefrigeratorispoweredon forthe firsttime,the displayedtemperaturesofthe fridgestorage compartmen t are the ex-factorysettings“5”and “-18” ico n willdecreaseto halfautomatically when therefrigeratoris 13 compartmentand thefreezerstorage respectively. no t being oper- The brightnessofD,E,H ated.

F u n c t i oni ntr o d u c t i on 14 Fridge storage temperaturesetup Pres s keyA2 untilicon D flashes.Then, press keyA3orA4to setthe temperature.The refrigerating storag e temperaturecyclesfrom 2to8.After you havesetittothedesiredvalue,press keyA5 to confirm. Note : Flashingoficon Dis accompaniedby flashingoficonE Pres s keyA2 untilicon H flashes.Then, press keyA3orA4to setthe temperature.The freezing storag e temperaturecyclesfrom -14to-24.After you've setitto thedesiredvalue,press keyA5 to confirm. Note : Flashingoficon His accompaniedby flashingoficonF Freezer storage temperature setup Supercooling Holida y function Supe r freezing Ic e makingfunction(onlyonmodelswithan icemaker) Icemaker' s waterinjection time adjustment(onlyon modelswithan icemaker) Displa y control Doo r open alarming PresskeyA2 untilicon B flashes.Then, press keyA5to confirm thesupercooling function.IconB wil l illuminate solid.Youcandeactivate thesupercooling functionwiththesame operation. Pres s keyA2 untilicon C flashes.Then, press keyA5to confirm theholidayfunction.Icon C will illuminat e solid.Youcandeactivatetheholidayfunction withthesame operation. Pres s keyA2 untilicon J flashes.Then, press keyA5to confirm theicemakingfunction.Icon J will illuminat e solid.Youcandeactivatetheicemaking functionwiththesame operation. Pres s keyA2 untilicon K flashes.Then, press keyA5to confirm theicemaker'swaterinjection time adjustment . Icon K willilluminate solid.The waterinjection timewillbeindicatedwithicon H andicon D.For example,ifthe timeis4.0s,icon H willbe 4and D willbe0.Press keyA3orA4to setthe time inanincrementof0.5s.Itcycles from2sto 7s.After you havesetittothedesiredvalue,press key A5to confirm.Icon K willgooff.Youcanexitthe icemaker'swaterinjection timeadjustmentwith the sam e operation. Note : this operation canbeperformedonlywhen theicemakingfunctionisselected. Th e displayscreen willdim 1 minuteafteranoperationisfinished.Itwillrecoverto normal brightnes s when youopen thedoororpress anykey.(Alarm doesnotlightup thedisplayscreen) Whe n the fridgestoragecompartmentdooris open formore than 3 minutes,icon G willflash andthe buzze r willgive out 3 beepsevery30 seconds.Ifyou closethedoor,the alarm willbesilencedand icon G wil lgooff.Youcanalsosilencethebuzzerbypressing keyA5. Whe n the temperatureintherefrigeratorstorage compartmentistoo low,the super-coolingfunction ma y notwork.That is,when youpressthe “super-Cooling”button once,the buzzerwillbeep once an d theindicatorwillnot blink,meaning the temperatureintherefrigeratorstorage compartmentis to o low andthesuper-cooling functiondoesn'tneedtobe activated. Note :If the icemachineisnotinstalled,the H icononthedisplaypanelwillbe displayedas“Er”. Ifyou arefreezinglargequantitiesoffoodin thefreezercompartment,please switchonsuper freezin gby24 hoursbefore thefoodisplacedin thefreezercompartment.Press keyA2 untiliconI flashes.Then,pres s keyA5to confirm thethesuperfreezing function.Icon I willilluminate solid.You ca n deactivethesuperfreezing function withthesameoperation.The functionwillbecome inactive automaticall y after56 hours.

F unc t i onin t rod u c t ion 15 Switchin goff the fridgestoragecompartment Switchin goff the refrigerator Erro r indication Press and holdkeyA1 for 3 seconds,the fridgestoragecompartmentwillbe turnedoffwhile the freeze r storage compartmentisoperating normally.Atthis time,icon D willgooffand icon E will becom e dim. Pres s and holdkeyA1 for 3 secondsagain,the fridgestoragecompartmentwillbe turnedon,iconD wil l recover, and icon E willrecover its normalbrightness. Note :if super coolingorholiday functionis selected previously,the function willbedeactivatedand correspondin g iconwillturnoff when thefridgestoragecompartmentisturnedoff Pres s and holdkeyA6 for 3 seconds,the displaypanelwillgooff and therefrigeratorwillstop operating . Press and hold keyA6for 3 secondsagain,the displaypanelwilllightup andthe refrigerato r willstart operating normally.This functionisnotequivalentto turningoffthe power. When E or Fis displayed duetofault,the refrigeratorcan stillrefrigerate. Please contactprofessional afte r sales service personnelassoonaspossible. 4 Models:AFT630IX/ AFT630IB Appendix

About the fridge storage compartment Please put the food to be stored for short period or for daily consumption in the fridge storage compartment: Although the average temperature in most areas in the fridge storage compartment can be regulated between 0 and 10 , extended period of food storage is not recommended. The fridge storage compartment should only be used for short-term storage. Adjusting shelf height The shelf can be relocated to accommodate food size or height. To adjust the height of a shelf, remove it first in this way: uplift its front edge and then pull it out. To install the shelf, put the dogs on both sides of the shelf on the supporting ribs and push it to the most inward end. Fruit & Vegetable box Fresh control box Disassemble of Clean the bottle The refrigerator has a crisper. You can adjust the humidity inside it according to the properties of the foods. Turning the humidity control button rightward enables the crisper to keep in a higher humidity suitable for cucumbers, grapes, Chinese gooseberries, persimmons, etc. Turning the humidity control button leftward enables the crisper to keep in a lower humidity suitable for strawberries, oranges, beans, garlic, watermelon, plums, tomatoes, etc. The temperature in this box is kept at approx 0 , it may be slightly changed due to the different ambient temperature or refrigerator working style. It is suitable to store fresh fish, meat and cooked food in 1~2 days. To take out a bottle guard, uplift the bottle guards in direction and grip both sides and pull it out in direction . After cleaning, install it with the operation in the reversed direction. 16

About the fridge storage compartment Use of the foldaway shelfFig. shows the extended state of the foldaway shelf in which you can put lower food containers. Fig. shows the folded state of the foldaway shelf in which you can put higher food containers. To fold the shelf from state to state , simply push structure A upwards, and push structure B inward in the direction of the arrow shown in the figure. To extend the shelf from state to state , push structure A upwards, and pull structure B in the direction of the arrow shown in the figure. Use of the wire wine holderFig. shows the folded state of the wire wine holder. In this state large space can be spared. Fig. shows the extended state of the wire wine holder. In this state it can hold various wines. To extend it from state to state , simply pull the wire down.The maximum load of the bottle holder is 10 kg. To fold it from state to state , simply push the wire up. Notemake sure to keep the two ends of a shelf on the same level. Otherwise it may fall or the food on it may dump. Recommended storage areas for various foods As cold air circulates inside the refrigerator, there is temperature difference inside the fridge storage compartment. Different foods should be placed in different areas according to their properties. Eggs, butter, cheese and etc. Drinks, canned food and etc. Seasonings and pickled food Beverages, canned food, cake, etc. Wine, champagne, etc. Milk, cheese, etc Cooked meat, fresh fish and meat, etc. Fruit, vegetables, salad, etc. Lamp in the fridge storage compartment and its replacement Parameters of the lamp: 12V, max 5W(the power depends on the model). The lamp adopts LED as its light source, featuring low energy consumption and long service life. If there is any abnormality, please contact the after-sales service personnel. 17

Fridge storage precautions Hot foods must be cooled to room temperature before storing in the refrigerator.Clean the food and dry any droplets on it before placing in the refrigerator. Food to be stored should be properly sealed. This will prevent moisture in the food from evaporating and prevent them from spoiling.Sorted storage of food. Food to be stored should be sorted according to their category. Food consumed daily should be placed on the front part of the shelves. This can avoid unnecessary delays in door opening as well as expiration of the storage period because you forgot to eat it. Do not store excess quantities of food. Food should be stored with spaces in between them. This allows cold air to flow smoothly and therefore obtain better storage results.Do not place the food too near to the inner walls. Do not store foods with high moisture content clinging to the inner walls. Otherwise they may freeze to the walls. Place food a little away from the inner walls. Avoiding food (especially oil food) contact with the inner liner directly, as oil can erode the inner liner. So its better to clean the oily dirt whenever it is found. Note 18