Gateway P-7805U Service Manual
Have a look at the manual Gateway P-7805U Service Manual online for free. It’s possible to download the document as PDF or print. offer 54 Gateway manuals and user’s guides for free. Share the user manual or guide on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. 143 All Gateway systems equipped with CD and DVD drives comply with the appropriate safety standards, including IEC 825. The laser devices in these components are classified as “Class 1 Laser Products” under a US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Radiation Performance Standard. Should the unit ever need servicing, contact an authorized service location. Environmental information The product you have purchased contains extracted natural resources that have been used in the manufacturing process. This product may contain substances known to be hazardous to the environment or to human health. To prevent releases of harmful substances into the environment and to maximize the use of our natural resources, Gateway provides the following information on how you can responsibly recycle or reuse most of the materials in your “end of life” product. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (commonly known as WEEE) should never be disposed of in the municipal waste stream (residential garbage collection). The “Crossed-Out Waste Bin” label affixed to this product is your reminder to dispose of your “end of life” product properly. Substances such as glass, plastics, and certain chemical compounds are highly recoverable, recyclable, and reusable. You can do your part for the environment by following these simple steps: When your electrical or electronic equipment is no longer useful to you, “take it back” to your local or regional waste collection administration for recycling. In some cases, your “end of life” product may be “traded in” for credit towards the purchase of new Gateway equipment. Call Gateway to see if this program is available in your area. If you need further assistance in recycling, reusing, or trading in your “end of life” product, you may contact us at the Customer Care number listed in your product’s user guide and we will be glad to help you with your effort. Finally, we suggest that you practice other environmentally friendly actions by understanding and using the energy-saving features of this product (where applicable), recycling the inner and outer packaging (including shipping containers) this product was delivered in, and by disposing of or recycling used batteries properly. With your help, we can reduce the amount of natural resources needed to produce electrical and electronic equipment, minimize the use of landfills for the disposal of “end of life” products, and generally improve our quality of life by ensuring that potentially hazardous substances are not released into the environment and are disposed of properly. For additional recycling information specific to your area, please go to

APPENDIX A: Legal Information 144 Notices Copyright © 2008 Gateway, Inc. All Rights Reserved 7565 Irvine Center Drive Irvine, CA 92618 USA All Rights Reserved This publication is protected by copyright and all rights are reserved. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted by any means or in any form, without prior consent in writing from Gateway. The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. However, changes are made periodically. These changes are incorporated in newer publication editions. Gateway may improve and/or change products described in this publication at any time. Due to continuing system improvements, Gateway is not responsible for inaccurate information which may appear in this manual. For the latest product updates, consult the Gateway Web site at In no event will Gateway be liable for direct, indirect, special, exemplary, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect or omission in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In the interest of continued product development, Gateway reserves the right to make improvements in this manual and the products it describes at any time, without notices or obligation. Trademark Acknowledgments Gateway and the Black-and-White Spot Design are trademarks or registered trademarks of Gateway, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Intel, Intel Inside logo, and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. Microsoft, MS, and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only, and may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Macrovision statement If your notebook has a DVD drive and an analog TV Out port, the following paragraph applies: This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.

145 A AC adapter connecting 16 connector 9 international adapters 72 accessories safety precautions 137 acoustic handset coupler 78 application key 25 arrow keys 25 audio adjusting volume 28, 43 back button 27, 38 headphone jack 8 microphone jack 8 muting 28, 39, 43 next button 27, 38 pause button 27, 38 play button 27, 38 stop button 27, 38 troubleshooting 131 volume down button 28 volume up button 28 audio CD cleaning 87 inserting 51 automobile power adapter 72 B battery alternate power sources 72 bay 69 calibrating 86 changing 69 charge indicator 6, 68 charge status 68 charging 16, 68 conserving power 71 extending life 86 fuel gauges 86 icons 68 installing 69 latch 10 life span 86 locating 10 managing power 71 maximizing performance 71 monitoring charge 68 recalibrating 70 recharging 16, 68 release latch 10 replacing 69 storing 86 troubleshooting 129 bays battery 69 hard drive 10 memory 10, 99 BIOS Setup utility 70 Bluetooth system key 27 turning off 27, 47 turning on 27, 47 brightness adjusting 27, 28, 43 system keys 28 broadband modem connecting 18 button Effects 40 Help 40 Properties 40 settings 40 Snapshot 42 Start camera 40 buttons multimedia panel 11 C cable lock 7 cable modem 8, 18 Index

146 Index connecting 18 troubleshooting 121 camera See digital camera See digital video camera Camera Assistant 41 Camera Assistant Toolbar 40 Capacitive volume control 39 Caps Lock indicator 23 cards Express Card slot 8 inserting Express Card 59 inserting memory card 58 memory card slot 8 memory cards supported 58 removing Express Card 59 removing memory card 58 slots 58, 59 troubleshooting Express Card 113 troubleshooting memory card 121 CD cleaning 87 controlling playback 27, 38 eject button 51 inserting 51 manual eject hole 51 CD drive See DVD drive cellular phone memory cards 58 Certificate of Authenticity 3 changing battery 68 cleaning audio CD 87 case 85 CD 87 DVD 87 keyboard 85 LCD panel 85 notebook exterior 84 screen 85 clicking 36 clock speed 87 closing unresponsive program 22 connecting AC adapter 16 cable modem 18 dial-up modem 19 DSL modem 18 external keyboard 24 external monitor 62 IEEE 1394 device 61 keyboard 24 mouse 36 printer 60 projector 62 scanner 60 television 62 to wired Ethernet 18 USB device 61 video camera 57, 61, 62 connections audio 8 broadband Internet 8, 18 cable modem 8, 18 dial-up modem 9, 19 digital camera 7, 8 digital video camera 8 DSL modem 8, 18 eSATA 9 Ethernet 8 external audio 8 external diskette drive 7, 8, 61 external speakers 8 Firewire 8 flash drive 7, 8, 61 HDMI (TV) out 9 headphone 8 i.Link 8 IEEE 1394 8 keyboard 7, 8 microphone 8 modem (dial-up) 9 monitor (VGA) 9, 63 mouse 7, 8 network 8

147 power 9, 16 printer 7, 8 projector 63 scanner 7, 8 speaker 8 television 62 USB 7, 8, 60 VGA 9, 63 video camera 8 wired Ethernet 18 wired network 18 copyright notice 144 D default printer 130 dialing codes 78 dial-up modem 9, 19 adjusting volume 124 diagnostics 123 dialing properties 122 troubleshooting 121 using while traveling 78 digital audio 60 digital camera memory card reader 8, 58 USB port 7, 8 digital video 60 digital video camera connecting 57, 61, 62 IEEE 1394 port 8 directional keys 25 diskette troubleshooting 109 diskette drive troubleshooting 109 display brightness 43 switching 26 troubleshooting 110 display properties adjusting 64 documentation User Guide 2 double-clicking 36 dragging 37 drivers re-installing 88, 91 drives DVD 50 DVD/CD-RW 7, 50 DVD±RW 7, 50 hard drive 10, 102 HD DVD 50 identifying drive types 50 multi-format DVD±RW 7, 50 replacing hard drive 102 troubleshooting 109, 111, 114 types 50 DSL modem 8, 18 connecting 18 troubleshooting 121 DVD cleaning 87 controlling playback 27, 38 eject button 51 inserting 51 manual eject hole 51 playing 62 regional code 51 troubleshooting 111 DVD drive identifying 50 locating 7 troubleshooting 111 using 50 DVD player program 38 DVD/CD-RW drive See DVD drive DVD±RW drive See DVD drive E Effects button 40 eject button CD 51 DVD 51 eject hole CD 51

148 Index DVD 51 electrostatic discharge (ESD) 98 EmPower power adapter 72 ergonomics 14 eSATA jack 9 troubleshooting 115 Ethernet connecting wired 18 jack 8, 18 Express Card adding 59 inserting 59 installing 59 removing 59 slot 59 troubleshooting 113 external monitor 9, 26 EZ Pad touchpad See touchpad F fan 7, 9 faxes troubleshooting 123 files opening 36 transferring 79 troubleshooting 113 fingerprint enrolling 30 fingerprint reader control center 32 locating 12 password bank 33 troubleshooting 114 tutorial 29 using 29 Firewire port 8 Fn key 25, 26 folders opening 36 function keys 24 G Gateway contact information 2 model number 2 serial number 2 Support 3 Gateway Recovery Management re-installing drivers 91 re-installing programs 91 re-installing software 91 H hard drive bay 10 indicator 23 installing 102 replacing 102 troubleshooting 114 HDMI (TV) out jack 9 HDMI port 26, 60, 62 headphone jack 8 Help button 40 Hibernate mode 21, 72 hot-swapping 59, 60 Hybrid Sleep mode 26, 73 system key 26 turning on 76 I i.Link port 8 IEEE 1394 connecting device 61 IEEE 1394 port 8 IEEE 802.11 using while traveling 79 indicators See status indicators installing battery 69 devices 60 digital camera 60 digital video camera 60 Express Card 59

149 hard drive 102 memory 99 peripheral devices 60 printer 60 scanner 60 Instant on Audio 38 Instant on Video 38 Internet troubleshooting 115 Internet chat program 39 J jacks See connections K Kensington cable lock 80 lock slot 7 key combinations 26 keyboard buttons 24 cleaning 85 connecting 24 features 24 keys 24 locating 11 troubleshooting 116 USB port 7, 8 keys application 25 arrow 25 brightness 28 directional 25 Fn 25, 26 function 24 Hybrid Sleep 26 LCD brightness 28 LCD/CRT 26 navigation 25 numeric keypad 25 Sleep 26 system 24 system key combinations 26 toggle display 26 Windows 25 wireless Ethernet 26 L labels Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity 3 model number 2 serial number 2 latch battery 10 LCD panel release 6 LCD panel cleaning 85 release latch 6 switching display 26 troubleshooting 110 LCD/CRT system key 26 line protector 78 line tester 78 lock cable 80 Kensington cable 7 M maintenance cleaning 84, 87 Media Center 38 troubleshooting 117 media reader See memory card reader memory bay 10 installing 99 removing 99 replacing 99 troubleshooting 120 memory card reader inserting card 58 locating 8 memory cards supported 58 removing card 59 troubleshooting 121 using 58

150 Index microphone built-in 12 jack 8 Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity 3 model number 2, 80 modem cable 8, 18 connecting 18, 19 dial-up 19, 78 DSL 8, 18 international adapter 78 jack (dial-up) 9, 19 troubleshooting 121 monitor adding external 62 color quality 64 port 9 screen resolution 64 troubleshooting external 132 using 26 using external 65 mouse connecting 36 troubleshooting 125 USB port 7, 8 moving pointer 36 screen objects 37 MP3 player memory cards 58 multimedia adjusting volume 43 using DVD drive 50 multimedia panel 11, 38 mute button 28, 39 muting sound 28, 39, 43 N navigation keys 25 network troubleshooting 125, 127 network jack 8, 18 networkingturning off Bluetooth 47 turning off wireless Ethernet 45 turning on Bluetooth 47 turning on wireless Ethernet 45 NTSC/PAL jack 62 Num Lock status indicator 23 system key 25 numeric keypad status indicator 23 using 25 O opening files 36 folders 36 LCD panel 6 notebook 6 programs 36 shortcut menu 37 overclocking processor 87 P packing notebook 78 password 80, 129 startup 80 supervisor 80 user 80 password bank 33 PCMCIA card See Express Card PDA memory cards 58 peripheral devices 60 Plug and Play devices USB support for 60 pointer identifying 35 moving 36 ports See connections power

151 AC adapter 16, 72 advanced settings 74, 75 alternate sources 72 automobile/airplane adapter 72 battery 68, 69, 70, 71 button 11, 26 changing modes 73 changing plans 74 connector 9, 16 conserving battery power 71 EmPower adapter 72 extending battery life 71 Hibernate mode 72 Hybrid Sleep mode 26, 72 indicator 6, 21 international adapter 81 management 67, 71 plans 74 Sleep mode 21, 26, 72 source problems 18 SpeedStep settings 74 status indicator 6 surge protector 18 troubleshooting 129 turning off notebook 21 turning on notebook 19 printer default 130 installing 60 troubleshooting 130 USB port 7, 8 processor overclocking 87 programs closing unresponsive 22 opening 36 re-installing 88, 91 projector adding 62 color quality 64 port 9 screen resolution 64 troubleshooting 132 using 26, 65 Properties button 40 R radio approval authorities 79 radio frequency wireless connections 79 RAID configuring 54 creating volume 54 deleting volume 56 enabling 54 help information 57 preparing computer 54 resetting to non-RAID status 56 setting up 52 RAID 0 52 RAID 1 53 RAM See memory rebooting notebook 22 recalibrating battery 70 recharging battery 68 recovering defaults 94 drivers 88, 91 programs 88, 91 software 88, 91 system 88 with Gateway Recovery Management 91 with Windows System Restore 92 Recycle Bin deleting files 114 emptying 114 regional code DVD 51 re-installing defaults 94 drivers 88, 91 programs 88, 91 software 88, 91 Windows 88 with Gateway Recovery Management 91 with Windows System

152 Index Restore 92 replacing See installing resetting notebook 22 restarting notebook 22 restoring defaults 94 drivers 88, 91 programs 88, 91 software 88, 91 system 88 with Gateway Recovery Management 91 with Windows System Restore 92 right-clicking 37 S safety avoiding repetitive strain 15 caring for notebook 84 general precautions 136 guidelines for troubleshooting 108 posture 15 reducing eye strain 14 setting up computer 15 sitting at computer 15 static electricity 98 scanner installing 60 USB port 7, 8 screen resolution 64 troubleshooting 110, 132 screen objects getting information 37 moving 37 selecting 36 scroll zone 35 security startup password 80 while travelling 80 security features Kensington cable lock 7 serial number 2, 80 setting up safety precautions 136 Settings button 40 shipping notebook 78 shortcut menus accessing 37 shortcuts opening menu 37 shutting down notebook 21, 22 Sleep mode 21, 26, 73 system key 26 Snapshot button 42 SO-DIMM See memory software re-installing 88, 91 sound adjusting 28, 43 controls 43 muting 28, 39, 43 troubleshooting 131 speakers built-in 11 jack 8 SpeedStep technology 74 Start camera button 40 starting notebook 19 programs 36 startup password 80 static electricity 98 status indicator wireless Ethernet 23 status indicators battery charge 6, 68 Caps Lock 23 drive activity 23 hard drive 23 location 12 numeric keypad 23