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Gateway P-6825 Manual

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Page 21

Setting Up and Getting Started
Working safely and comfortably
Connecting the AC adapter
Connecting the optional dial-up modem
Connecting to a broadband modem or 
Starting your notebook
Turning off your notebook
Restarting (rebooting) your notebook
Using the status indicators
Using the keyboard
Using the optional fingerprint reader
Using the EZ Pad touchpad
Using the optional multimedia panel
Using the optional webcam
Adjusting the brightness
Adjusting the volume
Turning your wireless...

Page 22

CHAPTER 3: Setting Up and Getting Started
Working safely and 
Before using your notebook, follow these general guidelines 
for setting up a safe and comfortable work area and avoiding 
discomfort and strain:
Keep hands and arms parallel to the floor.
Adjust the screen so it is perpendicular to your line of 
Place your feet flat on the floor or on a footrest.
Although notebooks are sometimes called “laptops,” do 
not use your notebook while it rests on your unprotected 
lap. Notebook...

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Setting up your computer desk and chair
When you are setting up your computer desk and chair, make 
sure that the desk is the appropriate height and the chair helps 
you maintain good posture.
Select a flat surface for your computer desk.
Adjust the height of the computer desk so your hands 
and arms are positioned parallel to the floor when you 
use the keyboard and touchpad. If the desk is not 
adjustable or is too tall, consider using an adjustable 
chair to control your arm’s...

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CHAPTER 3: Setting Up and Getting Started
Connecting the AC adapter
You can run your notebook using an AC adapter or your 
notebook’s battery. The battery was shipped to you partially 
charged. You should use the ACadapter right away to fully 
charge the battery. Allow three hours for the battery to fully 
To connect the AC adapter:  
1Connect the power cord to the AC adapter. Warning
Do not attempt to disassemble the AC adapter. The AC adapter has no 
user-replaceable or user-serviceable...

Page 25

2Connect the AC adapter to your notebook’s power 
3Plug the power cord into a wall outlet. The battery 
charge indicator turns on (see “Front” on page 6 for the 
location of the battery charge indicator) . If the battery 
charge indicator does not turn on, complete the 
following steps until it turns on:
Unplug the adapter from your notebook, then plug 
it back in.
Press FN+F1 to toggle the status lights on and off.
Make sure the power cord is firmly attached to the 

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CHAPTER 3: Setting Up and Getting Started
Protecting from power source problems
During a power surge, the voltage level of electricity coming 
into your notebook can increase to levels far above normal 
levels and cause data loss or system damage. Protect your 
notebook and peripheral devices by connecting them to a 
surge protector, which absorbs voltage surges and prevents 
them from reaching your notebook.
Connecting to a broadband 
modem or network
Your notebook has a network jack that you can use...

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Connecting the optional dial-up 
Your notebook may have a built-in 56K modem that you can 
use to connect to a standard telephone line.
To connect the modem:  
1Insert one end of the modem cable into the optional 
modem jack on your notebook.
2Insert the other end of the modem cable into a telephone 
wall jack. 
Starting your notebook
To start your notebook:  
1Press the latch on the front of your notebook, then lift 
the LCD panel. Warning
To reduce the risk of fire, use only...

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CHAPTER 3: Setting Up and Getting Started
2Press the power button located above the keyboard.
3If you are starting your notebook for the first time, follow 
the on-screen instructions to select the language and 
time zone and to create your first user account.
4Attach and turn on any peripheral devices, such as 
printers, scanners, and speakers.
5To open the main menu, click  (Start). From that 
menu, you can run programs and search for files. For 
more information on using Windows, see “Using...

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Waking up your notebook
When you have not used your notebook for several minutes or 
if you close the LCD panel without turning off your notebook, 
it may enter a power-saving mode called Sleep. While in Sleep 
mode, the power indicator flashes. If your notebook is in Sleep 
mode, press the power button to “wake” it up.
Turning off your notebook
Putting your notebook into Sleep mode is the easiest way to 
power down your notebook. Although it does not turn your 
notebook completely...

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CHAPTER 3: Setting Up and Getting Started
To turn off your notebook:  
Click  (Start), click the arrow next to the lock icon, then 
click Shut Down. The notebook turns off.
Restarting (rebooting) your 
If your notebook does not respond to keyboard, touchpad, or 
mouse input, you may have to close programs that are not 
responding. If closing unresponsive programs does not restore 
your notebook to normal operation, you may have to restart 
(reboot) your notebook.
To close unresponsive...
Start reading Gateway P-6825 Manual

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