Garmin GPS 2 Manual
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Reference Waypoints To create a new waypoint manually without knowing its position coordinates, you’ll need to enter its bearing and distance from an existing waypoint or your pre- sent position. To create a new waypoint by referencing a stored waypoint: 1. From the waypoint definition page, highlight ‘NEW?’, and press ENTER. 2. Enter a waypoint name, and press ENTER. 3. Highlight the ‘reference field’ (Fig. 35a), and press ENTER. 4. Enter a reference waypoint name (Fig. 35b) (or leave the field blank to...
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Editing Existing Waypoints The waypoint definition page also allows you to change the name, coordinates, comment, or reference waypoint field for a stored waypoint (Figs. 36a-36c). To edit the coordinates, comment, or reference waypoint field: 1. Highlight the field you want to edit, and press ENTER. 2. Enter new data, and press ENTER. Fig. 36a Fig. 36bREFERENCE 36 Fig. 36cGPS II 7/23/98 4:04 PM Page 36
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Waypoint Comments Each waypoint stored in the GPS II has a user-defined 16-character comment field. The default comment is the UTC (or Greenwich mean time) date and time of the waypoint’s creation. To change or add a comment: 1. Highlight the ‘comment’ field. 2. Press ENTER (Fig. 37a). 3. Make changes or enter a comment (Fig. 37b). 4. Press ENTER.Fig. 37a Fig. 37bREFERENCE 37GPS II 7/23/98 4:04 PM Page 37
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Renaming and Deleting Waypoints The rename and delete function fields are located along the right side of the waypoint definition page. To rename a stored waypoint: 1. Highlight ‘RENAME?’ (Fig. 38a), and press ENTER. 2. Enter the new waypoint name (Fig. 38b), and press ENTER. 3. Press ENTER to confirm the ‘Yes?’ prompt. To delete a stored waypoint: 1. Highlight ‘DELETE?’, and press ENTER. 2. Select ‘Yes?’, and press ENTER. Fig. 38a Fig. 38bREFERENCE 38GPS II 7/23/98 4:04 PM Page 38
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Scanning Waypoints As you manually enter a waypoint’s name, the GPSII’s waypoint scanning feature will automatically display the first numerical or alphabetical match of the character you have entered to that point. This helps eliminate the need to always enter a way- point’s complete name. To scan waypoints from a waypoint field: 1. Highlight the ‘waypoint name’ field, and press ENTER. 2. Press the left side of the keypad to clear the name field. 3. Scroll through the waypoints. 4. When you find the...
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Selecting a GOTODestination The GPS II provides four ways to navigate to a destination: GOTO, MOB, TracBack, and route navigation. The most basic method of selecting a destination is the GOTO function, which lets you choose any stored waypoint as the destination and quickly sets a direct course from your present position. To activate the GOTO function: 1. Press GOTO. 2. Select the waypoint you want to navigate to (Fig. 40a), and press ENTER. Once a GOTOwaypoint has been activated, the compass page or...
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Man Overboard Function The GPS II’s man overboard function (MOB) lets you simultaneously mark and set a course to a position for quick response to passing positions. To activate the MOB mode: 1. Press GOTO twice. The GOTO waypoint page will appear with ‘MOB’ selected (Fig. 41a). 2Press ENTER to begin MOB navigation (Fig. 41b). The GPS II will now guide you to the MOB waypoint until the MOBGOTOis cancelled. If you want to save the MOB waypoint, be sure to rename it (Fig. 41c) because it will be...
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TracBack Navigation The TracBack function allows you to quickly and easily retrace your path using the track log automatically stored in the receiver’s memory. The advantage of the TracBack feature is that it eliminates the need to mark waypoints along the way and manually create and activate a route back to where you began your trip. Once a TracBack route is activated, it will lead you back to the oldest track log point stored in memory, so it’s usually a good idea to clear the existing track log at the...
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To activate a TracBack route: 1. Press GOTO, and highlight ‘TRACBACK?’ (Fig. 43a). 2. Press ENTER. Once the TracBack function has been activated, the GPS II will take the track log currently stored in memory and divide it into segments called legs (Fig. 43b). Up to 30 temporary waypoints (e.g., ‘T001’) will be created to mark the most significant features of the track log in order to duplicate your exact path as closely as possible. The active route page will appear, showing a route from your present...
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Tips on Creating and Using the TracBack Feature To get the most out of the TracBack feature, remember the following tips: •Always clear your track log at the exact point that you want to go back to (trail head, truck, dock, etc.). •The ‘record’ option on the track log setup page must be set to the ‘YES’ position. •There must be at least two track log points stored in memory to create a TracBack route. •If there are not enough available waypoints in memory to create a TracBack route, you will be alerted...