Garmin 2599lmtd Owners Manual
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My device does not appear as either a portable device or a removable drive or volume on my computer 1Disconnect the USB cable from your computer. 2Turn off the device. 3Plug the USB cable into a USB port on your computer and into your device. TIP: Your device should be connected directly to a USB port on your computer and not to a USB hub. The device automatically turns on and goes into MTP mode or USB mass storage mode. A picture of the device connected to a computer appears on the device screen. My phone will not connect to the device •Select Settings > Bluetooth. The Bluetooth field must be set to Enabled. •Enable Bluetooth wireless technology on your phone and bring your phone within 33 ft. (10 m) of the device. •Go to for more help. Troubleshooting 17

Index Symbols2-D map view 73-D map view 7 Aaccessories 16active lane guidance 6addresses, finding 3answering calls 10audio, proximity points 15 automatic volume 2enabling 2avoidances 14area 7customizing 7deleting 7disabling 7road 7road features 7 B batterycharging 1, 2, 15, 16maximizing 16problems 16 Bluetooth technology 9, 10, 17disabling 14disconnecting a device 10enabling 10settings 14 brightness 2 Ccables, power 15calibrating fuel economy 11 calls 9, 10answering 10contacts 10dialing 10disabling 11history 10home 10placing 10 cameras, safety 7changing search area 3charging the device 1, 2, 15, 16cleaning the device 16cleaning the touchscreen 16computer, connecting 13, 16, 17coordinates 4current location 7custom POIs 4customizing, avoidances 7customizing the device 14 Ddashboard mount 16 deletingpaired Bluetooth device 10trips 13 destinations. See locationsdetours 5device care 15dialing 10directions 6disconnecting, Bluetooth device 10display settings 14driving directions 6 EecoChallenge 11 ecoChallenge score 11resetting 12ecoRoute 11, 12calibrating fuel economy 11ecoChallenge score 11, 12mileage report 12mileage reports 12 vehicle profile 11ecoRoute HD, accessory 11EULAs 15extras, custom points of interest 5 F filessupported types 13transferring 13finding locations. 3 See also locationsaddresses 3browsing the map 3categories 3cities 3coordinates 4intersections 3using the map 3 finding services, up ahead 6fuel, prices 11fuel economy. 11, 12 See also ecoRoutefuel price, changing 11fuse, changing 15 G Garmin Express 1registering the device 1updating software 1Garmin Live Services 11subscribing to 11 geocaching 4going home 4GPS 2 Hhands-free phone calls 9help. 10 See also product support homecalling 10editing location 4going 4phone number 10setting locations 4 IID number 15intersections, finding 3 Jjunction view 6 K keyboard 2language 15layout 15 L languagekeyboard 15voice 15 latitude and longitude 4lifetime maps 1 locations 3, 13calling 10current 4, 7recently found 3saving 4searching for 3setting home 4simulated 4 Mmap layers, customizing 7map tools 7 map view2-D 73-D 7maps 5, 6, 14browsing 3data field 6, 7detail level 14layers 7 lifetime 1nüMaps Guarantee 1nüMaps Lifetime 1purchasing 16theme 14updating 1viewing routes 6memory card 13microSD card, installing 13mileage reports 12mount, removing 16 mounting the deviceautomobile 1dashboard 16removing from mount 16suction cup 1, 16 muting, audio 9myGarmin, messages 12myTrends, routes 6 N navigation 5off-road 5previewing routes 5settings 14 next turn 6nüMaps Guarantee 1nüMaps Lifetime 1 Ooff-road navigation 5on-screen buttons 2 P pairing 10disconnecting 10phone 10, 17parking 3last spot 3phonedisconnecting 10pairing 10, 17 phone book 10 phone calls 9answering 10dialing 10muting 10voice dial 10 POI. 4 See also point of interest (POI)POI Loader 4points of interest (POI Loader) 4 points of interest (POI) 5custom 4, 5extras 5POI Loader 4 power cables 15changing the fuse 15vehicle 1 power key 2product registration 1product support 10proximity points alerts, settings 15 QQuick Search 3 Rrecently found locations 3registering the device 1removing mount 16renaming trips 13reports, mileage 12 resettingdevice 2trip data 6 restoring settings 15road conditions, weather 13 routesadding a point 5calculating 5calculation mode 1418Index

myTrends 6previewing 5starting 5stopping 5suggested 6viewing on the map 6 Ssafety cameras, subscriptions 7 satellite signalsacquiring 2viewing 2saved locations 5, 13categories 4deleting 4editing 4 saving, current location 4screen, brightness 2screenshots 14search bar 3, 12settings 14, 15 shortcutsadding 4deleting 4 simulated locations 4sleep mode 2 Smartphone Link 10connecting 11disabling calls 11Garmin Live Services 10 softwareupdating 1version 15 specifications 15speech recognition 9 subscriptionsGarmin Live Services 11nüMaps Lifetime 1traffic 1 suction cup 16 Ttheft, avoiding 16time settings 2, 15 traffic 7–9, 14activating a subscription 8adding subscriptions 8alternate route 8cameras 8incidents 8lifetime subscriptions 1map 8receiver 8searching for delays 8trafficTrends 9 traffic cameras 8viewing 8trafficTrends 9disabling 9 travel history 15trip computer 6 trip information 6resetting 6viewing 6 trip log, viewing 6 trip planner 13editing a trip 13 troubleshooting 16, 17turn list 6 Uunit ID 15 up aheadcustomizing 6finding services 6updatingmaps 1software 1 USB, disconnecting 14 Vvehicle power cable 1vehicle profile 11 voice command 9activating 9navigating with 9tips for using 9wakeup phrase 9 voice control 9tips 9 volume, adjusting 2 W weather 12radar 12road conditions 13 Where Am I? 4, 7 Index19 +43 (0) 820 220230+ 32 2 672 52 540800 770 49601-866-429-9296+385 1 5508 272 +385 1 5508 271+420 221 985466 +420 221 985465+ 45 4810 5050+ 358 9 6937 9758+ 331 55 69 33 99+ 39 02 36 699699(+52) 001-855-792-76710800 0233937+47 815 69 55500800 4412 454 +44 2380 662 915(+35) 1214 447 460+386 4 27 92 5000861 GARMIN (427 646) +27 (0)11 251 9999+34 93 275 44 97+ 46 7744 52020+886 2 2642-9199 ext 20808 238 0000 +44 (0) 870 8501242+49 (0)180 6 427646 20 ct./Anruf. a. d. deutschen Festnetz, Mobilfunk max. 60 ct./Anruf913-397-8200 1-800-800-1020 © 2014 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries