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Gardenline Lawn Mower GL 484 SP Instructions Manual

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    Congratu latio ns on cho osing topurchase aGardenli ne®product. By
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    							Quick Lawn mo werSet� up Guide
    HE LPL INEUK NO. 0\f \b5 600 2912
    WEB SU PPO RTwww. mowe rfix.info
    MO DEL NUM BER:GL\b\f\b SP 02
    How to get your Aldi law nmowe rmowi ng
    ARead the safety instr uct ion sin theown er’smanual.
    B Assem bleyour lawn mower following theinst ruct ionsbelo w.
    CLift therea rsafety deflecto rflap andfitthe grass bag.
    DUse only SAE1\b W�3\b grade oil,yourengine holds\b.6litres ofoil.
    E Fill the fuel tank withunleaded petrol.
    FEnsure thespark plugleadissecurely connectedtothespar kplu g.
    GMove the throttle contro lto the cho ke position
    H Engage the Oper atorPr esen ceContr ol(OPC) leverbypulling.
    and hold ing itagainst thehan dlebar.
    I Pull thesta rter cord withast ron gsmooth pull.
    JWhe nthe engine start sm ove throttle controltothe fastpo sitio n.
    K To stop engine ,release theOPC lever.
    Callou rhel plin eif you have any probl em, we are
    ha ppy total k you th rou ghit.
    HEL PLINE UK NO. \b8\f5 6\b\b 291 2
    WEB SUPPORT www.mowe rfi x.in fo
    HEL PLINE UKNO. 0\f\b5 600 2912
    WE BSUPPO RTwww.mo werfix.info
    MOD ELNU MBE R:GL\b\f \bSP 03 
    HE LPL INEUK NO. 0\f\b5 6002912
    WEB SU PP ORT www. mowerfix.info
    0\b MODELNUMBER :G L\b\f\b SP
    Quic kAss emblyLawn mower Guide
    Please read these instructions, and identify allthe parts ,
    bef orestarti ngto ass emb leyour lawnm ower.
    1To mo unt thestone� gu ard
    (1)th elef tend ofthepin (2) mu stbe pushed through andthen inser tedin
    theho leof thelef t�h an d(3) on the chassis.
    Line up the othe ren dof th e pin with therelative hole inthe righ t�hand
    su pp ort(\f ).
    Us ing ascr ewd river,push thepin into thehole sotha tth egro ove(5)
    can be re ach ed.Fit th e sn ap ring (6)intothe groo ve and ho ok on therigh t
    (7)and left (8)spr ings, asshown.
    2Han dle type “A ”�wit ho ut height adjustment.
    Attach the lower partof th e han dle (1)tothe side support son the chassis .
    Secur eit usin gthe screws (2 ) supplie d,ma king surethatthe centring
    wash ers(3)are po sition ed correctly .
    Attach the upper part (\f)usin gthe screws (5)supplied, ensuring that the
    sp ira l(6) ofthe star ter cable isin the correct position .Attach thecontr ol
    cablesusing the clips (7).
    3Ha ndletype “B” �with heigh tadjustment �Ret urnthe lower part ofthe
    pre�f ittedhan dle (1) to its wo rking position andlock into place using the
    lowe rkn ob s(2).
    At tach the upper part (3)using thescrews(\f) supplied, ensurin gth at the
    sp ira l(5) of the starter cable isin the correctposition. Attachthecontro l
    cablesusing the clips (6).By loosening theknobs (2)thehandle canbeset
    atthr ee diff erent height s.
    AFo ra rigid grass� catch er,assemble thetwo parts(1) an d(2 ),
    makin gsure thatthe hoo ks arefully clicked intoposition . 
    							Quick Asse mbly Lawnm owerG uide\b1
    HE LPL INEUK NO. 0\f \b5 600 2912
    WEB SU PPO RTwww. mowe rfix.info
    MO DEL NUM BER:GL\b\f\b SP 05
    							Feature sof your GL\f8\f SPlaw nmower\b2
    HE LPL INEUK NO. 0\f\b5 6002912
    WEB SU PP ORT www. mowerfix.info
    06 MODELNUMBER :G L\b\f\b SP
    Pe tro lca pOilca p Pull sta rt
    Gra ss ba ghan dle
    S pa rk plug Power drive lever
    Operat or Pr ese nce
    Co ntr ol(O PC )lev er
    Thr ottle
    Front heigh tof
    cut adjus ter. 
    							Featu resof you rG L\f8\f SPlaw nmower
    HE LPL INEUK NO. 0\f \b5 600 2912
    WEB SU PPO RTwww. mowe rfix.info
    MO DEL NUM BER:GL\b\f\b SP 07
    Throttle cont rol
    \fear wheel
    Oil fil ling
    Fa st
    Sl ow
    Ea sy to cha nge rear wheel
    cut ting height aju stment
    Easy to re mo veoil cap.
    F ill on lywith SAE1\bW�3 \bgrade oil.
    Fill with \b.6 litr es ofoil. 
    							HELPL INEUK NO. 0\f\b5 6002912
    WEB SU PP ORT www. mowerfix.info
    0\f MODELNUMBER: GL\b\f \bSP
    Sa fety Re gul ations\b3
    1) Rea dth einstru ction scare fully .Ge tfa m iliar
    wi th the cont rols andpro pe ruse of the
    equipmen t.Learn how tosto pthe engin e
    2)O nl yuse thelawn mow erforthe purpo sefor
    wh ich it was desig ned ,i.e. forcutt ing and
    coll ecti ng grass. Anyot her use canbe
    hazard ous,cau singdama geto the machine .
    3)Never allowchild ren or peo ple unfa milia rwith
    these instruction sto use th elawn mow er. Lo cal
    regulat ionsmay restr icttheage ofthe operato r.
    \f) Never use the lawnm ower:–Whe npeo ple ,
    esp ecially children,or petsare nearby .
    –If the operator has taken med icin eor
    subst ances that canaffect his ability toreact and
    con cent rate.
    5) Remember that th e oper atoror user is
    respons ibleforacciden tsor hazar ds occu rring to
    otherpeop leor th eir pro perty .
    1) While mowin g,a lways wearstu rd y foo twe ar
    and long trous ers.Do notope rate theequ ipme nt
    when barefoot orwearin gop en sanda ls.
    2) Thorou ghlyinsp ect thearea where the
    equipmen tis to be used and rem oveall objects
    which maybethrown by th em ach ine or damag e
    thecutter assemb lyan dthe engin e(sto nes,
    sticks ,met alw ire ,b ones ,etc.)
    3) WA RNI NG: DANG ER!
    Eng ine fuel ishig hlyflam mabl e:
    •St ore fuel incon taine rsspe cifica llydesigne d
    forthis purp ose.
    •Refuel using afu nn eland outd oorsonly .
    Do not smoke whilerefu ellin gor whe never
    han dling thefu el.
    •Add fuel before startin gthe engin e.
    Nev erremo vethe cap of th e
    fuel ta nk oradd fuel wh iletheeng ineis
    running orwhen the engin eis hot.
    • If fuel issp illed, dono t atte mptto start the
    engine butmo vethem ach ine away from the
    area ofspilla geandav oid crea ting any
    source ofign ition until the fue lha s
    evap oratedandth evap ourdisperse d.
    • Repla ceallfuel tanksandcon tain ers
    caps secur ely.\f) Be fore use ,a lways inspectthe machin e,
    e spe cially thecon ditio nof thebla des, andcheck
    tha tthe screw sand cut ting asse mbly arenot
    wornor dama ged. Repla cewo rnor dama ged
    blad es and screw sin sets topre servebalan ce.
    5)Be fo re mo wing, attac hthe discha rgeope ning
    g ua rds(g ra ssca tche rorstone� guar d).
    1) Do notop erate th e engine inaco nfin edspa ce
    where dang erou sca rbon monoxide fumes
    cancolle ct.
    2)M ow onlyin day light orgoo dartific ialligh t.
    3) If possib le,av oid opera ting theequipmen tin
    we tgr ass.
    \f) A lways be sure ofyour footin gon slope s.
    5)Wa lk,nev er run and donot allow your self to
    be pulle dalong bythe lawnmowe r.
    6) M ow acros sth eface ofslope s,neve rup
    and down.
    7) Ex ercise extremecaution whenchan ging
    dire ctio non slope s.
    8)Do not mo won slope sof mo rethan 2\b°.
    9) Exe rcise extreme cautio nwh en pulling the
    lawnmower to war dsyou.
    1\b)Sto pth ebla de ifthe lawnmowe rhas tobe
    tilte dfor tra nspor tation when crossin gsur faces
    oth ertha ngras s,and when transpo rtingth e
    lawnm owerto andfro mthe area tobe mowed.
    11)N eve rop erate the lawnm owerwithdefective
    g ua rds,or with outsafetydev ices, such asthe
    ston e�gu ard and/ orgras s�catch er,in
    place .
    12)Donotch ange theengine governo rse ttin gs
    or oversp eed the engine .
    13)O n po we r�dr ivenm odels, disengage thedrive
    clutch befo re start ing the engin e
    1\f)Sta rtthe engine carefully,fo llowing the
    instru ctions andkee ping fee twe llaway fromthe
    blad e.
    15 )D o not tiltthe lawnm owerwhen star ting the
    eng ine .Sta rtthe engin eon afla tsu rface thatis
    fre eof ob stac lesand tall gras s.
    16 )D o not put han dsorfeet near or unde r
    rotating parts .K eep clearof the discha rge
    opening atall tim es. 
    							HELPL INEUK NO. 0\f \b5 600 2912
    WEB SU PPO RTwww. mowe rfix.info
    MO DEL NUM BER:GL\b\f\b SP 09
    17)Nev er pick up or carry alawnmower whilethe
    engin eis run nin g.
    18) Stop theen gin eand disco nne ct the spark
    plug wire:
    •Befor ecar ryin gout anywork underne ath
    the cuttin g deck orbefo reunclog gingthe
    chut e;
    •Befor ech ecking ,cle aning or workin gon
    lawn mower ;
    •After strikin gafor eign obje ct.Inspe ctthe
    lawn mower fordamage andmak ere pa irs
    before restart ing and oper atin gth e
    lawn mower ;
    •If the lawn mow ersta rts tovibr ate
    abn orma lly(fin dan dre mov eth eca use of th e
    vibrat ionimmed iately).
    19 )Stop the engin e:
    •W hen ever you leaveth elawnm ower
    unat tended .R emov eth ekey from mod els
    wit helect ricstart ers.
    •Befor erefuellin g.
    • Ever ytime youremove or rep lace the
    gra ss�cat cher.
    •Befor ead justin gth egr ass cuttin ghe ight.
    2\b) Redu cethethr ott lebe fore turning offthe
    engin eand turn the fuel offwh en you have
    finis hed mowing ,follo wing theinstructions
    in the engin ehan dbook.
    21) Whenmowin g,a lw ays keep toasafe
    di stance from therot ati ng blade .T his distance is
    thelengt hof thehan dle.
    DMaintenance andstorage
    1)Keep all nut s, bolt sand screws tightto be sure
    the equip ment isin safe workin gcondition.
    Reg ularma intena nce isessen tialfor safe tyand
    per forma nce.
    2)Nev er store theeq uip mentwith fuelinthe
    tan kin side abuild ing whe revapour mayreach a
    flame orasp ark orasou rce ofextreme heat.
    3) Allo wthe eng ine to cool bef ore storing inan
    enclosed spa ce.
    \f) To red uce thefir ehazar d,keep the engine,
    exha ustsilencer, battery compartme ntand fuel
    stora gearea free ofgrass, leaves,orexcessiv e
    grease.Do not leave contain erswith grass
    cuttings inrooms .
    5)Check the stone� gua rd andgra ss�ca tcher
    frequ entlyfor wear andde terio ration.6) Ifthe fue ltan kha sto be draine d,th is sh ould
    be don eou tdoor san dwhe nthe en gin eis cool.
    7) Wear stron gwor kglo ve s wh en re mo ving and
    re asse mblin gthe blade .
    8)Kee pth eblade balan cedduring sharpenin g.
    Alloperatio nson the blade (dismantling,
    sharp enin g,b ala ncin g,remou ntingan d/o r
    re p lacin g)require ace rta infam iliarityand spe cial
    For safe ty reaso ns, the se jobs are bestcar rie d
    out atasp ecialized centre.
    9)Fo rrea sons ofsaf ety ,d o not usethe
    eq uipm ent with worn ordama ged parts. Par ts
    are tobe rep laced andnotrepaire d.Use
    genui nespare parts (blade sshould alway sbe ar
    the symb ol). Parts that are not ofthe sa me
    qua lit y ca ndama ge the equip ment and be
    da ng ero usforyour safety.
    ETransportation andhandling
    1)Whe nev er th em ac hin e is to be handle d,
    raised,tr anspo rted or tilted you mus t:
    •w ear strong workingglo ve s;
    • gra sp them ach ine atthe poin tsthat offera
    sa fe grip, takin gaccoun tof the weigh tan d
    its distrib ution.
    •use an appro priate number ofpeople fo r
    th eweig ht of thema chin ean d the
    ch aracte ristics ofthe vehic leor the place
    where itha sto be placed or co llecte d.
    SafetyReg ulati ons\b3 
    							HELPL INEUK NO. 0\f\b5 6002912
    WEB SU PP ORT www. mowerfix.info
    10 MODELNUMBER :G L\b\f\b SP
    Gen eral ass emblyinf orm ation\b\f
    If you have anyproblems
    assembling orusing thismower
    please callourHelpline on:
    Forins truct ions regar dingtheengineand th e
    bat tery (ifsu ppl ied),read therelevant manua ls.
    NOTE –The ma chin ecan be su pp liedwith some
    of the compon entsalr eady fitted.
    1.1To moun tthe ston e�guard (1) ,th eleft en d of
    the pin (2) mustbe pushe dth ro ug h an d th en
    inser ted inthehole ofthe left�hand (3)onthe
    ch ass is.Line upthe oth erend of the pinwith the
    rel ativ ehole intherig ht� hand sup port (\f) .
    Usin gascr ewd river ,p ush thepin into thehole so
    thatthe groo ve (5) can bereached .F it th esnap
    rin g(6 )int oth egroo veand hoo kon the right(7)
    and left(8) sprin gs, a s sh own .
    1.2a Handle type “A”�with out heig htad ju stme nt
    Attach the lower part ofthehan d le (1)to the
    side suppor ts on th e ch assis. Secureitusin gthe
    screws (2) sup plied ,makin gsure thatth e
    cent ring washers (3)are po sition edcorre ctly.
    Attach the upp erpar t(\f ) usin gthe screws (5)
    supp lied,ensuringth at th e spir al(6)of the
    sta rter cab leisin thecorre ctpo sition .Atta chthe
    con trol cables usin gth eclips (7).
    1.2b Handle type “B”�with heigh tad justme nt�
    Ret urnth elow erpar tof the pre�fitted hand le(1)
    to its wor king posit ion andlock into pla ceusin g
    the lower knob s(2) .A ttach theup per part (3)
    using the screws (\f ) su pplied ,e nsu ring that the
    spira l(5) ofthesta rter cable isin the correct
    posit ion.Attach the contro lcab lesusing theclips
    (6 ).By loos enin gth ekn obs (2) the han dle can
    beset atthr ee differen the igh ts.
    1.\fa For arigid gra ss� catch er,asse mblethetwo
    par ts (1) and(2) ,makin gsure that theho oks are
    fully clicked into pos ition . 
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