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Ford E250 Owners Manual

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Page 391

Note:Items on this screen are selectable only when your vehicle is
moving at speeds slower than 5 mph (8 km/h).
Street AddressTouch this button to program a street address
as a destination or waypoint.
•State/Provlets you use the keyboard to
type or you can select the area to search from
a list. The system bases the search on your
vehicle’s current position or the previous
selection. You can set the Auto Fill feature on
to have the system fill in some information for
you based on readings from...

Page 392

Note:Items on this screen are selectable only when your vehicle is
moving at speeds slower than 5 mph (8 km/h).
Point of Interest
(POI)Touch this button to select a point of interest
on the map as a destination or waypoint.
There are three ways to search for a point of
1. Enter a city name in the City field and a
point of interest in the Name field.
2. Enter a city name in the City field, choose a
point of interest category by selecting
Category, and then enter the point of interest...

Page 393

Note:Items on this screen are selectable only when your vehicle is
moving at speeds slower than 5 mph (8 km/h).
Entrance/ExitTouch this button to select an entrance and
exit point to a freeway you select. You can sort
the entrance and exit point alphabetically or in
order of distance from your vehicle’s position.
You can then select the point you choose as a
destination or waypoint.
•State/Provlets you use the keyboard to
type or you can select the area to search from
a list. The system...

Page 394

Note:Items on this screen are selectable only when your vehicle is
moving at speeds slower than 5 mph (8 km/h).
IntersectionTouch this button to select an intersection
point. Enter the name of the first street, then
the first letter of the second street. The
system displays possible intersection matches
based on the first letter of the second street.
Once you choose the intersection, you can sort
the list alphabetically or in order of distance
from your vehicle’s position.
•State/Provlets you...

Page 395

*To delete all stored Address Book and Previous Destination entries at
1. Press theMENUhard button.
2. Select theSystem Settingstab.
3. Press theVi e wbutton forDelete Stored Items.
4. SelectAddress BookorPrevious Destinations.
Edit Route
Cancel RouteTouch this button to cancel the current route.
DetourTouch this button to avoid an area on the
current route.
View RouteTouch this button to view the entire current
route. You can select from the following
•View Destinationdisplays a close-up...

Page 396

Programming a Destination Using Voice Commands
Press the voice button on the steering wheel.
If you want to: Say:
Enter an address. “Destination street address”
Enter an intersection. “Destination intersection”
Find a point of interest
(POI) by its category.“Destination nearest ” or
“Destination nearest POI”
Find a point of interest
(POI) by its name.“Destination POI”
Go to a previous
destination.“Destination previous destination”
Go to your home
location.“Destination home”
Use a nametag from

Page 397

Within these main categories, there are subcategories, which contain
more listings:
Auto Dealership
Public Transit
Home & Garden
Personal Care Services
Setting Your Navigation Preferences
Select settings for the system to take into account when planning your
route. Press theNAVhard button.
Map Preferences
Map Content Street Namedisplays current street name
during route guidance.
Time to Destdisplays the distance to your
destination and the estimated time of...

Page 398

Map Preferences
Bird’s Eye View ONprovides an elevated map perspective.
OFFturns the feature off.
Adjust Angleoffers six different map angles.
Turn List Format Top-to-Bottomstarts the turn instructions
from the top.
Bottom-to-Topstarts the turn instructions
from the bottom.
Route Preferences
Preferred RouteHave the system display the shortest or
fastest route first.
Avoid FreewaysHave the system avoid freeways when
calculating a route.
Avoid TollroadsHave the system avoid tollroads when
calculating a...

Page 399

Traffic Preferences*
Traffic Icons to
overlay on MapTouch this button to display a list of map
icons that you can turn off and on. The list of
icons includes:
•Weather related incidents
•Road work
•Closed road
Traffic Flow OverlayTouch this button to have the map show
traffic flow coloring on major roads. Roads
display in green (all clear), yellow (reduced
speed) and red (stopped).
Traffic Alert
NotificationTouch this button to have the system traffic
incidents notifications along...

Page 400

Navigation Preferences
Avg. Speed:
ResidentialWhen this feature is on, the system displays
the average speed on a residential road,
initially set to 25 mph (40 km/h). You can
change the setting for your driving
preferences. This setting helps estimate your
arrival time at a destination based on your
driving preferences.
Avg. Speed: Main
RoadsWhen this feature is on, the system displays
the average speed on a main road, initially set
to 45 mph (72 km/h). You can change the
setting for specific roads and...
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