FN Self Loading Rifle 49 User Manual
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Flq. 11 Fig. 12. Action of rlflo !irinq rIaq10 rhot and full automatic 5m For rifles ahIs !o shoot either sin+ ahot or full automatic fire. the foUowinq parts are designed as to deliver this kind of firing. their item number are then as follows : Auxiliary sear (39) superseded by auxiliary sear (239) :. Hammer (31 A) superseded by hammw (231 A) ; Rmiver body (15A) superwded by receiver body (215A) : Bolt carrier (27) superseded by bolt carrier (227); Triqqer ward (30) superseded by trtqqer quard (230); Stock (65A) superseded by stock (265A). Further on the Iollowinq parts arm used : Safely sear (216A); Safety soar sprinq (217); Automatic fire Iwor (232). SW thow compononta on Lip. I1 and 12 as well a* the sectional view of weapon at the end ol this pamphlet. It ought furthermore to be noticed that : 1” The weapon being on safety, with the trigger locked, the cocking of the rifle by hand is possible owing to the oval slot (A) of the hammer, which is consequently able to move longitudinally. 2” If the finger depresses the trigger at the moment the hammer returns backwards any shock to the finger is prevented owing to the elasticity of the linkage of the auxiliary sear. bl Double pull. - This is the result of the action of the auxiliary sear spring which resting against the trigger cooperates with the trigger spring and gives the shooter the feeling of a l double pull s motion. aiD 33

c) Cocking iadkutor. - As the hammer is completely concealed U-I the weapon, it is desirable that there should be a way to make sure externa!ly.if the rifle IS ready or not for action. To this end, the guide (31B) of the hammer spring protrudes beneath the trigger guard when the hammer is cocked. It is thus easy, even m the dark, to make sure by mere feeling if the hammer is cocked or not. d) !Safoty. - The safety (46) is located on the side of the trigger guard, it is consequently very easily acceSsible and is easily actuated without removing the hand from the butt. As the angle between the positions l Fire l and . Safety s is important, the safety is easily felt in the dark and even visible from a certain distance. The arm of the safety is fitted, inwardly, with a spring plunger which fixes it in the selected position. In the l safety l position, the safety worjcs like a skid against the trigger in such a way that the more the action on the trigger is sharp, the more the safety is confirmed. In a rifle equiped for lull automatic fir*. the workinq of tha action 11 different lrom that 01 the single ahot lire in the following points : Aa the automatic Iir~.Iww (232) Is located In th* posltion . A l : the cylin- d&al ,XXt of the lever bcdy Is in contact with the icmq of lb auxiliary sear (239) and prevents the sear lo pivot Iorward when the triqqer II depressed. The enqaqement 01 the hammor (231A) by the auxiliary soar II conuquentl,y impos- sible when the triqqer is depressed. In other worda, thr auxiliary sear (239) Is switched out and does not mlorlere any more in the action. On the other hand, aa low aa the triqqw is depressed. the main sear bolnq no more In tha way of the hammer (231): this ia not catchd aflw each shot. The bmxn soar ia however superseded by the safety ~ear (216) whose rear end penetrates a qroova in the hammer and keeps it at the rear until the bolttarrior comes tack to its forward ,:~siMon. The safety war is than pushed loword by the belt-carrier and its sprinq (217) compressed. Th. hammer is then fin to b flung forward unaer the a:tlon of its sprinqs (34-A-B). When the triqqor is r&awd, the main war. whkh b one ploco with the triqqor, h aqaln in the way of the hammer mrd catch- the hammer norwards, s:opplnq con~equ.ntly th. firinq. 5. LOADING The reloading of the rifle as it is designed with its piston on top of the barrel, is possible owing to : 1’ The independence of the piston and of the bolt carrier, which enables the piston to move back to its locatfon under. the

action of its own spring as soon as it has thrown the bolt carrier rear-wards. 2” The action of the holding open’device which holds the bolt and bolt carrier to the rear. Flq. 13. This device (43A) consists of a plunger located vertically at the rear of the magazine and in front of the bolt when the bolt is in its full rearward position. The spring of this plunger, keeps the plunger downward, in its housing 1 ‘&he trigger guard, and consequently out of the functioning of the weapon as long as there are cartridges in the magazine. When the last cartridge has been fired and the bolt has travelled to the rear, the magazine platform rear end engages the front end of the bolt stop, lifting the stop in front of the bolt and preventing it to return in the closing position. The shooter is consequently warned that the magazine of his rifle is empty. As the piston has returned to its forward position and as the bolt is held to the rear, the magazine is open to be refilled. It is only necessary to insert two clips, with 5 rounds each, one after each other in the grooves out in the receiver and to press, with the thumb of the right hand, on the upper cartridge of each clip in order to introduce the 2 bundles of 5 cartridges into the magazine. After the cartridges have been introduced into the magazine, ai!D 35

closing the rifle only requires a short pull on the operattnq handle, so introducing a cartridge *into the chamber. Pulling of the opemting handle compels indeed the bolt to withdraw releasing the holding open device which withdraws in tts houstng under the action of its spring. If it is desired to refill the magazine before it is empty in order to give the rifle its full potentiality of fire, the bolt carrier stop is to be used. This stop is fitted on the left side of the cover and is perfectly accessible to the thumb of the right hand after pulling operating handle, and consequently the bolt, to the rear. The retracting of this stop is the same as that of the automatic holding open device. 6. SAFEGUARDS The functioning of the hand safety, which locks the trigger, has been described before. Further, as detailed below, the rifle may be carried with 10 cartridges in the magasine, without cartridge tn the chamber. In order to be ready for firing, only pull operating handle fully rearwards and release it. Fiq. 14. There are two internal safeguards which make the firing impossible so long as the rifle is not duly locked. 1.’ The first of these safeguards is performed without the addi- tion of any part, it results only from the relative motions of the bolt 36 a!D

and of the bolt carrier. In fact, the hammer can only reach the firing pin when the bolt is locked and positively confirmed in this position by the complementary m*otion of the bolt-carrier. 2y The second safeguard is performed by means of a firing pin stop (26) which prevents the striker to protude in the face of the bolt so long as the locking of the rifle is not performed, as the bolt carrier prevents any motion of the firing pin stop upwards (see fig. 15). On the contrary. when the rifle is locked, the firing pin stop is allowed to raise and does no more prevent the motions of the firing pin (see fig. 16). Fiq. 15. Flq. 16. aD 37

HOW TO HANDLE THE RIFLE TO MAKE, THE GUN SAFE With thumb of right hand, rotate safety lever downwards. In this postnon of safety lever, trigger IS posrtively locked. Moreover safe!y lever prevents the fmger of the shooter to reach the trigger. It 1s so very easy, even in the dark, to make sure that the gun is safe. To release safety, reverse the movement of safety lever upwards, wrth index fmger of right hand. TO OPEN AND TO CLOSE THE BOLT To open the bolt, grasp with right hand operating handle and draw it fully back. If there are no cartridges in magazine, bolt will be held in the open position by bolt catch which, under the action of magazine platform, protrudes before the bolt. To close the bolt, push down magazine platform with thumb of left hand, at the same time draw bolt carrier slightly back with right hand. Under the tension of its spring, bolt catch is forced down and does no more protrude n-t the path of bolt. Release gently mechanism forward, withdraw left thumb when bolt is above magazine platform. LOADING THE RIFLE With right hand, grasp operating handle and pull mechanism to the rear. The mechanism will be held open by the bolt catch. Loading the gun may be carried out either by inserting single cartridges into magazine, or by means of 5 rounds clips. When the loading is completed, draw slightly back slide handle and let it go, mechanism will close forward under the thension of recoil springs, pushing a cartridge into the chamber. The magazine holds 10 cartridges but it is not necessary to !ill it, the mechanism will close in the same way whatever the number of cartridges in magazine may be. Jt is possible to close the mechanism without introducing a cartridge into the chamber with. the magazine loaded with 10 rounds : with right hand, grasp oroerating handle and pull it slightly back, with thumb of left hand push down cartridges of magazine and release gently the mechanism, retaining it with right hand. The mechanism will so close above the top of the cartridges in the magazine and there will be no round in the chamber. This is an original way to transport safely the loaded 38 a!D

gun. To make the weapon ready for firing, one has just to cock the mechanism to introduce a cartridge into the chamber. If the weapon is partially unloaded, it is possible to complete the loading of the magazine : grasp operating handle with right hand, pull mechanism fully rearwards. With thumb or right hand depress bolt carrier catch and release operating handle, the bolt carrier will be held in the rear position by bolt carrier catch. Complete the loading of magazine, pull slightly back operating handle, bolt carrier catch will release .the bolt carrier. Release operating handle, mechanism will close pushing a round into the chamber. The possibility to load the gun either with single rounds or standard clips, and the possibility to complete the loading of magazfne are original features of the F. N. self loading rifle, in comparison to similar weapons. Unloading the gun may be carried out in two ways : The first method is to cock the gun, without firing, with the safety on, as many times as there are cartridges in the magazine. When the magazine is unloaded, the mechanism will be held in the rear position by bolt catch. In order to close the mechanism, with left hand, push down magazine platform, while right hand pulls operating handle slightly backwards, release gently mechanism. The second method is a follows : release magazine by pressing with nose ofcartridge on magazine catch, while other hand gathers magazine and cartridges, cock the gun in order to eject cartridge inserted in chamber. Replace magazine. All operations necessary for loading or unloading may be performed with gun on safety. The safety does not prevent the motion of mechanism either forwards or rear-wards. FIRING THE RIFLE Tg fire, put safety off, sight the rifle and depress the trigger. With a rifle fitted lor the lull automatic shoo:inq: to shoot : Simqla d~l fh. - Put !~re lever m positnn . S. A v, put salely in the l off l pos111on. Ssht the nlle and depress the Iflqqer. Each tnne the trigger is depressed a shot wll be hred. Full au(omatk Iire. - With the lire lever put in position a A l , put safety . off l by turnmq safety lever Siqht the r II I e and depress the trigger. The hrinq wtl be automatically performed as Ion9 as the tr199er is depressed and as lonq there are cartndqes m the maqartne. The lirinq stops as soon as the trigger 1s released. 0 39

STRIPPING AND ASSEMBLING L FIELD STRIPPING AND ASSEMBLING STRIPPING THE MECHANISM Turn receiver cover locking key 18W upwards, grasp receiver cover and slide it forward against action of recoil springs, raise shqhtly rear end of receiver cover in order to disengage cover from guides m receiver. Release cover rearward. Cover and recoil springs will so be removed from receiver. Grasp operating handle and pull back bolt carrier and bolt assembly until guides of bolt carrier are in line with clearance cut in guides of receiver. Lift front-end of bolt carrier and bolt assembly and remove bolt carrier and bolt assembly from receiver. Remove bolt from bolt carrier. STRIPPING THE BOLT First remove firing pin stop. Using nose of cartridge, lift extractor spring out of spring housing cut in bolt and rotate extractor spring 9W. Remove extractor. Grasp bolt at both ends between thumb and index finger. Push firing pin in bolt. Remove extractor spring, firing pin and firing pin spring. Take firing pin spring off firing pin. REMOVING THE PISTON Using nose of cartridge depress gas cylinder plug catch and rotate plug W’. Remove gas cylinder plug. Tilt rifle forward, piston and piston spring will slide out of gas cylinder. Remove piston spring from piston. STRIPPING THE MAGAZINE Using nose of cartridge, lift magazine catch and remove maqazine from trigger guard. Remove magazine platform and platform spring. Disengage magazine spring from magazine platform. The weapon is so disassembled for complete cleaning. ASSEMBLING THE BOLT Replacs firing pin spring on firing pin. Replace firing Pin and firing pin spring in bolt. Depress firing pin in bolt and replace 40 a!D

extractor spring head in bolt (extractor spring being at an angle of 900 with the bolt). Release firing pin which, under the tension of firing pin spring will hold extractor spring. Replace extractor in its seat. Rotate extractor spring 90” in order to insert it in extractor seat. Replace firing pin stop. ASSEMBLING THE MECHANISM Replace bolt in bolt carrier. Seize bolt and bolt carrier assembly at both ends between thumb and index and replace bolt and bolt carrier assembly in receiver to enable guides of bolt to pass through clearance cut in guides of receiver. When bolt and bolt carrier assembly is home push it forwards. Grasp receiver cover, turn upwards cover locking key, insert recoil springs in hole of bolt-carrier. Compress recoil springs pushing cover forward. Replace cover downwards in receiver, front end first, and release cover as to allow it to drop backwards fully home in its guides. Turn cover locking key downwards. Test motions of mechanism a few times by hand in order to make sure assembly is correct. ASSEMBLING THE PISTON Replace piston spring on piston, replace piston and piston spring in gas cylinder (head of piston turned to the muzzle). Replace gas cylinder plug, depressing plug catch, and turn plug in such a way that letter A is turned outside. Release gas cylinder plug catch. ASSEMBLING THE MAGAZINE Insert magazine platform spring in magazine platform. Replace magazine platform and spring in magazine, take care to replace them in correct position. Seize magazine and introduce magazine in trigger guard, engaging first front stud of magazine in recess in trigger guard. Press on magazine bottom until magazine is caught by magazine catch. II. COMPLEYE STRIPPING AND ASSEMBLY The rifle ought first to be stripped as described for stripping. the field a!D kl

COMPLETE STRIPPING OF THE RECEIVER COVER Remove the return sprmqs by disenqaqmq. with the help of a screw-driver, the first coil of the inner sprmq from the end of its rod. Separare the outer sprrnq from the inner springs and the inner sprmqs from their guide. To strip the backsight : depress tail of sight leave in order to compress the sight spring and to disengage the leave studs from the shoulders. Draw back the sight leave and remove it from the cover. Remove the leaf spring from its housing, using the hole cut in the spring. Grasp rear of leaf in riqht hand, with the left hand grasp the siqht slide and slide lock, depress &de lock, and remove slide and slide lock from the leaf. Remove slide lock and its spring from the sight slide. Unscrew the two lateral adjusting screws and remove rear sight aperture. In order to strip the bolt carrier catch : with the help of the point of a bullet depress the bolt carrier catch spring, this will allow to turn the bolt carrier catch body outwards. Remove the spring, remove the catch by raising it, remove bolt carrier catch stop. STRIPPING OF THE HANDGUARD Unscrew front end cap screw. Remove front end cap from the front. Remove front part of handguard swinging its front end upwards. Unscrew lower band screw which will free swivel ; lower band is so able to open. Remove lower band from the front. Remove rear part of handguard. swinging its front end upwards. STRIPPING THE GAS REGULATOR SLEEVE With the handguard removed, it is only necessary to unscrew qas regulator wleeve using, if necessary, qas regulator key. Remove gas regulator sleeve. STRIPPING THE BARREL - RECEIVER ASSEMBLY Unscrew trigger guard stop screws, unscrew and remove trigger guard screws, the barrel-receiver assembly may thus be removed from the stock. 42 - (89