FN Rifle And Carbine 98 Operators Manual
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-.I1 - 5. - THE FITTINGS consist of the cleaning rod. It screws into a nut let into the stock. The other end is provided with a slot for the rag and is tapped so as to allow of 2 rods being screwed together for the cleaning of the barrel: the the the the the upper band and its spring: bayonet attachment; lower band and its spring: swivel of the lower band; frontand rear screws of the trigger quard and the check screws; the cross piece in the breech (secured by means of a nut); the bottom swivel; the muzzle cover; the slinq. 6. - THE BAYONET consists of the grip, the quard with rtnq which surrounds the end of the barrel when the bayonet is fitted to the rifle, the blade and the steel scabbard. The bayonet is secured to the rifle by means of the bayo- net attachment. This is provided with a notch in which the sprinq pawl, lodqed in the grip of the bayonet, engages, thus connecting the bayonet riqidly to the rifle.
Dismantling and Reassembling DISMOUNTING. 1,. Unscrew and remove the cleaning rod. 2** Remove the sling. 3” Remove the bolt and dismantle same. Cock flrinq pin and raise the safety wing in the intermediate position between the safety position and the firing position. Remove the bolt from the breech by pressing aside the bolt stop with the left thumb. The hand grips the bolt and the thumb presses back the spring catch of the bolt plug in order to disengage it from the safety notch, the right hand unscrews the bolt IJug with firinq mechanism from the bolt. The left hand places the firing pin point on a wooden support or such like. The left thumb presses the safety wing down, com- pressing the firing pin spring until the stud of the cocking piece rises out of the slot in the bolt plug. The right hand gives the cocking piece a quarter of a turn to the right or to the left in order to disengage it from the grooves in the rear end of the firing pin. The bolt plug is then removed and the firing pin and main spring are separated. To remove the safety device from the bolt plug. - Turn rhe safety wing to the right. By doinq so, the stop of the safety is placed in front of the hollow made in the collar shaped lug ar- ranged on the upper rear part of the bolt plug, and pull the safety out. To remove the spring catch. - Press on the spring catch of the bolt plug and turn it in such a way that the stop pin gets into the notch made in the side of the bolt plug. Disengage the pin from this notch. Pull out the catch and its spring. To take out the extractor. -- Take hold of the knob with the left hand, turn the extractor to the right until the guide rises out of the semi-circular groove in the bolt head in which it glides. The removal of the guide from the groove is facilitated by a ramp provided at the end of the groove.
Push the extractor forward. The extrackor is separated from the bolt when the 2 small lugs of the rotable rrnq disengage from their seats beneath the extractor. & To remove the magazine cover plate, spring and plat- form. - No special tcol is required. The magazine cover plate
- 14 - can be easily removed by pressing the point of a cartridge in the catch which is just in front of the trigger guard and pushfng it towards the trigger guard. Draw out the magazine cover plate, the magazine spring and platform. Separate the different parts by removing the spring leaves from their bearings in the platform and tn the magazine cover plate. 5” To remove the upper and the lowor band. - Press upon the springs of the upper and lower band in order to disengage these these parts from the stops and remove them. 6 To wparate the barrel and the body, the band guard, the trswer mechanism and tbo triqgor guard fmn thm eiock. - To do this the screws of the trigger guard are to be loosened whilst taking care to turn first the check screws in such u post tion that their notches face the screws of the trigger guard. Raise the front part of the barrel and remove the abovemen- tioned parts. 7’ To separate the hand guard kom UIO barmL - Remove the screw of the rear siqt bed, lift the sight tangent, the slide being placed at the figure * 6 m. The wooden guard is lifted in front until the spring of this quard is disengaged from the bar- rel. Give the hand guard a half turn to disengage it from the sight tangent. Further dismantling is only required under special circum- stances and can easily be effected by any military armourer who should proceed as follows: 80 To remove the bolt slop, the l lador, the might tangent and the trigaer meclmnkw.. - To strip the bolt stop and the ejec tor it suffices to loosen the fixinq screw of the bolt stop. To remove the siqht tangent, drive out its pin and press on the tangent to disenqaqe the 2 small bearings from their seats, remove the sight tangent, the spring and the slide.
- 15 - To strip the trigger mechanism, drive out the axis pin of the trigger bar in order to set free the trigger bar, the trigger and the trigger spring, the trigger pin, being riveted, must not be removed. Unscrew the nut of the cross piece and take out the latter. Remove the pin of the cover plate catch, thus setting free the latter part and its spring. REA55EM5LlNG. lo To reassemble the bolt stop, the elector, the sight tangent md the ttigqer me&aniem. - If necessary, replace the ma- gazine catch and its spring by means of the pin, making sure that it is inserted in front of the spring base. Replace the bolt stop, the ejector, the trigger mechanism and the cross piece. To reassemble the sight tangent to which the slide has pre viously been fitted, press on the sight tangent to overcome the resistance of the sight spring and to force the 2 studs of the sight tangent to get into place under the corresponding bea- rings of the foremost part of the sight bed: replace the locking pin of the sight leaf. 20 To 5t the hcmd guard to the barreL - Replace the hand guard on the barrel in such a way that the sight bed fits in the opening made for it in the hand guard and that the spring of the latter grips the barrel. Insert the screw of the sight bed. 9” To zeaaeemble the barrel and the body, the trigger mecha- nlsm and the rtock. - Mount the barrel with hand quard on the stock so that the trigger mechanism and the stop of the trigger guard enter into their recesses. Replace the trigger guard. Insert the screws of the trigger guard and the check screws.
- 16 - C To replace the upper and the lowot band. - Place the lower band in such a way that It IS again retained by its spring. Mount the upper band, making sure that it enters into the recess. 5” To replace the magazine cover plate, the rpring and the platform. -. The maqazme cover plate with feeding apparatus 1s Inserted Into the box in the following manner : The magazine cover plate IS, after the platform and spring have been inserted, pushed on with the flat hand when the catch snaps into the hr,la at the ma(JcIzme cover plate, securing the latter in its cor- rect positIon. 6” Reassemble the bolt and fit it to the rifle To replace the bolt plug with safety device. - Replace the catch of the holt plulr with its spring and fit the safety to the 1101 t plug. Assembliig the bolt. .- Slip the main spring or, the firing pin. Place? ths Ijolt ~III’J on the firing pin; to do this, introduce the rear end of the firirly pin in the hole of the bolt plug which serves fcjr the recaption of the flattened portion o! the firins pin which, by this means, is prevented from turniny. The lefi halld pluces the firing pin vertical with its point on a wooderl suppose and keeps the safety wing on the safety up. Press tile safety winq wit11 the left thumb until the interrupted rits on the filing pin UI~ free. The right hand slips the cocking pi&e on the firing pin and gives it a quarter of a turn until t?le yrooves are erlqaqed with the ribs on the firing pin. Then the bolt is allowed to slide upward until the stud of the cocking piece enters the groove of the bolt plug. The right hand screws the bolt plug. into the bolt until the spring catch slips into the notch of the bolt plug. Assembling the extractor. - The extractor is put in by pla- cmg ihe small lugs of the rotating extractor ring between the gas escape openings on the bolt. after which the extractor is put back on the lugs, and simultaneously the claw is lifted and the springy part compressed and pushed on the lugs. By a turn to the left the head of the extractor hook springs into the groove.
- 17 - When the bolt is being inserted in the body, care must be taken that the extractor stands in the correct position over the right hand lug and the wing of the sufety bolt to the left. 70 Replace the sling. 80 Put in and screw the cleaning rod into place.
Manipulation and working Openfng the Breech. - Grip the rifle with the left hand be- tween the rear sight and bolt and let het hand remain there du- ring all loading .movements. The right hand grips the bolt la ver, turns it upward an eight of a turn and then pulls it back until it stops against the bolt stop. While the bolt IS being tur- ned, the ramp nose of the cocking piece stud is led along the corresponding cam surface of the bolt, whereby the former is pushed back over the trigger sear and the mechanism is cocked. The ramp nose of the cocking piece stud is placed behind the rear part of the bolt. The bolt plug cannot take part in the turning movement of the bolt, its lower part resting on the 2 sides of the tail of the body. When the bolt lever is turned in the vertical position, it is stopped in its rotating movement by the bridge and the locking lugs are placed tn front of the longitudinal grooves of the breech. Pulbg the bolt rearwards. When pulling the bolt, the claw of the extractor withdraws the case of the fired cartridge. The ejector slides on the bolt and slips then in the groove of the left locking lug just before the lug gets into contact with the bolt stop, the ejector protrudes in the bolt head and presses on the left side of the cartridge case which is ejected to the right. Loading the Magcuino with cartridgeu With the right hand, a clip filled with 5 cartridges is placed in the vertical groove cut out for thts purpose in the bridge. The cartridges are forced out of the clip being pressed downward by the thumb (the other fingers rest on the magazine cover plate until the last cartridge is pressed into the magazine. By entering the magazine, the cartridges are placed in zigzag fashion and press on the magazine spring. The top cartridge Is
- 19 - held by the lip of the breech and iis base is placed in front of the face of the bolt. The clip is left in the vertical groove of the bridge. The right hand again grips the bolt’ lever, the finger nails being turned to the left ; the bolt is pushed fully home and the fever turned to the right. As the bolt moves forward, it encounters the lower end of the clip and throws it out. The lower part of the bolt head meets the rim of the first cartridge and pushes the latter forward, being guided in its movement by the lip of the breech and the following cartridge (or by the magazine platform when it is the last cartridge) The cartridge slides up tht, ramp in the fore part of the body and is carried into the chamber. The instant the cartridge leaves the magazine, the claw of the extractor en- gages with the groove of the cartridge. When the bolt is pushed fully home, the spring catch of the bolt plug is stopped by the rear face of the bolt plug. The cocking piece is retained at the rear by its stud which is placed behind the sear nose. When turning the bolt lever to the right, the locking lugs of the bolt aided by their small chamfered edges clear the ramps of the body head lugs and are placed vertically behind the cor- responding lugs whilst the flat side of the lever slides along the corresponding cam face of the bridge. The bolt is pushed forward by the chamfered edges of the locking lugs whtlst the cocking piece, and consequently the firing pin which are rigid- ly connected, are retained at the rear. The spring of the firing pin and with its rear end on the front portion of the bolt plug is still more compressed by the forward movement of the bolt plug, whlist the firing pin is retained at the rear by means of the cocking piece. The closing of the breech is complete when the bolt lever is turned down. To put at de. Turn the safety to the right, The non notched portion of the safety spindle enters the slot of the bolt end and the bolt can- not be turned. At the same time, the slanting surface of the safe- ty head forces the cocking piece back, thus withdrawing the latter from contact with the sear. The sear has therefore no more effect on the cocking piece.
-2o- Disengaqlng the ddy. Turn the safety to the left. When the non notched portion of the spindle is withdrawn from the safety slot in the bolt, the bolt is no longer locked ; the cocking piece advances until the stud engages with the sear. Under the effect of the spring of the trigger bar. the sear nose prom&s into the groove of the tall of the body, the trigger rests on its front cam underneath the body and is connected to the trigger bar by its pin. Press the tail of the trigger backwards. The trigger revolves first on its pin and as its front cam rests against the bottom of the breech, the sear nose is depressed and sets the cocking piece free, which under the effect of the spring of the firing pin and the ramp nose of the cocking piece enters the notch of the bolt. The point of the firing pin juts out in the head of the bolt and strikes the cap of the cartridge. The percussion can only take place when the bolt is comple- te!y closed: if this is not the case, the safety chamfers of the flange of the firing pin and those of its recesses in the bolt are not in line and the firing pin cannot protrude through the bolt head. In this case, the nose of the cocking piece presses under the action of the firing pin spring on the cocking cam of the bolt and will make the closing complete. To contim* the firing. After the first shot has been fired, open and close the bolt. fire and repeat the movement until the last cartridgde is fired. To empty the maqasim. Open and close the bolt as many times as is necessary: a car- tridge is ejected at every moment.