Epson Projector PowerLite W16 User Manual
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• Do not store theprojector outsideofthe required temperature rangeof14 to140 ºF (– 10 to60 ºC) or in direct sunlight forlong periods oftime. Doing somay cause damage tothe case. • Do not place anything thatcanbecome warpedordamaged byheat near theexhaust vents.Donot bring yourhands orface close tothe vents whileprojection isin progress. Donot bring yourfaceclose to the projector whileitis in use. • Before youmove theprojector, makesureitspower isturned off,the plug isdisconnected fromthe...
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3D Safety Instructions Follow these3Dsafety instructions whensetting upand using theprojector: • Ifyou orany viewer experiences thefollowing symptoms orother major discomfort fromviewing 3D video images, immediately stopviewing andcontact yourhealth careprovider: convulsions, eyeor muscle twitching, lossofawareness, alteredvision,involuntary movements, disorientation, eyestrain, nausea/vomiting, dizziness,headaches, fatigue,orblurry/double visionthatlasts longer thanfew seconds. Donot engage...
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People whoaresleep deprived People whoarephysically tired People undertheinfluence ofdrugs oralcohol Anyone whohasever experienced epilepticseizures orsensory disturbances triggeredbyflashing light effects SOME LIGHTPATTERNS MAYINDUCE SEIZURES INPERSONS WITHNOPRIOR HISTORY OF EPILEPSY. • Do not use thedevice nearanymedical equipment orequipment thatisautomatically controlled,such as automatic doorsorfire alarms. Electromagnetic interferencefromthedevice maycause such equipment tomalfunction...
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medical equipment relatedtodirect medical care,please makeyourownjudgment onthis products suitability afterafull evaluation. Parent topic:Important SafetyInstructions FCC Compliance Statement For United StatesUsers This equipment hasbeen tested andfound tocomply withthelimits foraClass Bdigital device, pursuant to Part 15ofthe FCC Rules. Theselimitsaredesigned toprovide reasonable protectionagainstharmful interference inaresidential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses,andcanradiate...
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Trademarks EPSON ® , Instant Off® , PowerLite ® , and Quick Corner ® are registered trademarks, andEPSON Exceed Your Vision isaregistered logomarkofSeiko Epson Corporation. Accolade ® and PrivateLine ® are registered trademarks; DuetTM and SizeWise TM are trademarks; and Extra CareSM isaservice markofEpson America, Inc. HDMI andHigh-Definition MultimediaInterfacearethetrademarks orregistered trademarks ofHDMI Licensing LLC. General Notice:Otherproduct namesusedherein areforidentification...
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• libstdc++-6.0.10 • linux-2.6.27 • patches • udhcp 0.9.8 • uvc rev.219 • wireless_tools 29 • EPSON originaldrivers • Stonestreet OneDrivers The GNU General PublicLicense Version2is as follows. Youalso canseetheGNU General Public License Version2at GNU GENERAL PUBLICLICENSE Version 2,June 1991 Copyright (C)1989, 1991FreeSoftware Foundation, Inc.,51Franklin Street,FifthFloor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.Everyone ispermitted tocopy anddistribute...
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We protect yourrights withtwosteps: (1)copyright thesoftware, and(2)offer youthislicense which gives youlegal permission tocopy, distribute and/ormodify thesoftware. Also, foreach authors protection andours, wewant tomake certain thateveryone understands that there isno warranty forthis free software. Ifthe software ismodified bysomeone elseandpassed on, we want itsrecipients toknow thatwhat theyhave isnot theoriginal, sothat anyproblems introduced by others willnot reflect onthe original authors...
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b) You must cause anywork thatyoudistribute orpublish, thatinwhole orinpart contains orisderived from theProgram orany part thereof, tobe licensed asawhole atno charge toall third parties underthe terms ofthis License. c) Ifthe modified programnormally readscommands interactively whenrun,youmust cause it,when started running forsuch interactive useinthe most ordinary way,toprint ordisplay anannouncement including anappropriate copyrightnoticeandanotice thatthere isno warranty (orelse, saying...
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associated interfacedefinition files,plusthescripts usedtocontrol compilation andinstallation ofthe executable. However,asaspecial exception, thesource codedistributed neednotinclude anything that is normally distributed (ineither source orbinary form)withthemajor components (compiler,kernel,and so on) ofthe operating systemonwhich theexecutable runs,unless thatcomponent itselfaccompanies the executable. If distribution ofexecutable orobject codeismade byoffering accesstocopy fromadesignated...
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made generous contributions tothe wide range ofsoftware distributed throughthatsystem inreliance on consistent application ofthat system; itis up tothe author/donor todecide ifhe orshe iswilling to distribute softwarethroughanyother system andalicensee cannotimpose thatchoice. This section isintended tomake thoroughly clearwhatisbelieved tobe aconsequence ofthe rest ofthis License. 8. Ifthe distribution and/oruseofthe Program isrestricted incertain countries eitherbypatents orby copyrighted...