Epson Projector PowerLite Pro G6550WU User Manual
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2. Carefully rotatethedistortion ringcounter-clockwise untilitcannot goany further. Note: Becareful nottoshift theshort throw lenswhen adjusting itto prevent theprojected image from shifting. 3. Support thefront ofthe lens withonehand andusetheother tocarefully rotatethefocus ringuntil the image around thelens projection axisisfocused. 111

4. Rotate thedistortion ringuntil thearea around theedges ofthe image isalso focused. 5. Rotate thefocus ringagain tofocus theentire screen image. 6. Ifthe area around thelens projection axisisout offocus, rotatethedistortion ringagain tobring the area intofocus. Note: When usingtheshort throw lens,make sureELPLU01 isselected forthe Lens Typesetting inthe Extended menusothat keystone adjustments areperformed correctly.Ifthe image hasshifted after making adjustments, re-positiontheimage usinglensshift. When adjusting theimage height, position the image lowerthanwhere youwant itto be and then move itup using thevertical lensshiftdial. This will help prevent theimage frommoving downafteradjustment. Parent topic:Focusing theImage UsingtheFocus Ring Related tasks Adjusting theImage Position UsingLensShift Remote ControlOperation The remote controlletsyou control theprojector fromalmost anywhere inthe room, upto49 feet (15m) away. Youcanpoint itat the front orrear ofthe projector. Make surethatyouaimtheremote controlatthe projectors receiverswithintheangles listedhere. 112

1 49 feet (15m) 2 ± 60 ° 3 ± 20 ° 4 ± 30 ° 5 +10 °to +50 ° Note: Avoidusingtheremote controlinconditions withbright fluorescent lightsorindirect sunlight, or the projector maynotrespond tocommands. Ifyou willnot use theremote controlforalong time, remove thebatteries. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related tasks Replacing theRemote ControlBatteries 113

Selecting anImage Source If you connected multipleimagesources tothe projector, suchasacomputer andDVD player, youmay want toswitch fromoneimage source tothe other. 1. Make suretheconnected imagesource youwant touse isturned on. 2. Forvideo image sources, insertaDVD orother video media andpress itsplay button, ifnecessary. 3. Doone ofthe following: • Press theSource Searchbuttononthe projector orthe Search buttononthe remote controluntil you seetheimage fromthesource youwant. • Press thebutton forthe source youwant onthe remote control. Ifthere ismore thanoneport for that source, pressthebutton againtocycle through thesources. 1 Computer portsource 2 BNC portsource 3 Video portsource (composite video) 114

4 S-Video portsource 5 Networked computersource 6 DisplayPort source 7 HDMI portsource 8 SDI port source (PowerLite ProG6900WU) 9 HDBaseT portsource (PowerLite ProG6750WU/G6800/G6900WU) Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Projection Modes Depending onhow youpositioned theprojector, youmay need tochange theprojection modesoyour images projectcorrectly. • Front (default setting)letsyou project fromatable infront ofthe screen. • Front/Ceiling flipstheimage overtop-to-bottom toproject upside-down fromaceiling orwall mount. • Rear flipstheimage horizontally toproject frombehind atranslucent screen. • Rear/Ceiling flipstheimage overtop-to-bottom andhorizontally toproject fromtheceiling andbehind a translucent screen. Changing theProjection ModeUsing theRemote Control Changing theProjection ModeUsing theMenus Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Changing theProjection ModeUsing theRemote Control You canchange theprojection modetoflip the image overtop-to-bottom. 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. 2. Hold down theA/V Mute button onthe remote controlforfive seconds. 115

The image disappears brieflyandreappears flippedtop-to-bottom. 3. Tochange projection backtothe original mode,holddown theA/V Mute button forfive seconds again. Parent topic:Projection Modes Changing theProjection ModeUsing theMenus You canchange theprojection modetoflip the image overtop-to-bottom and/orleft-to-right usingthe projector menus. 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. 2. Press theMenu button. 3. Select theExtended menuandpress Enter. 4. Select theProjection settingandpress Enter. 5. Select aprojection modeandpress Enter. 6. Press Menu orEsc toexit themenus. Parent topic:Projection Modes 116

Image Aspect Ratio The projector candisplay images indifferent width-to-height ratioscalled aspect ratios.Normally the input signal fromyourvideo source determines theimages aspectratio.However, forcertain images you canchange theaspect ratiotofityour screen bypressing abutton onthe remote control. If you always wanttouse aparticular aspectratioforacertain videoinputsource, youcanselect itusing the projectors menus. Changing theImage Aspect Ratio Available ImageAspect Ratios Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related references Image Quality Settings -Image Menu Changing theImage Aspect Ratio You canchange theaspect ratioofthe displayed imagetoresize it. Note: SettheScreen Typesetting inthe projectors Extendedmenubefore changing theaspect ratio. 1. Turn onthe projector andswitch tothe image source youwant touse. 2. Press theAspect buttononthe remote control. The shape andsize ofthe displayed imagechanges, andthename ofthe aspect ratioappears briefly onthe screen. 3. Tocycle through theavailable aspectratiosforyour input signal, presstheAspect button repeatedly. Parent topic:Image Aspect Ratio 117

Related tasks Setting theScreen Type Available ImageAspect Ratios You canselect thefollowing imageaspect ratios,depending onthe selected ScreenTypesetting and the input signal fromyourimage source. Note: Blackbands andcropped imagesmayproject incertain aspectratios,depending onthe aspect ratio andresolution ofyour input signal. Screen Typesetting Available aspectratios 4:3 Auto orNormal, 4:3,6:9,Native* 16:9 Auto orNormal, Full,Zoom, Native 16:10 Auto orNormal, 16:9,Full,Zoom, Native *Available onlywhen projecting computerimagesorfrom theHDMI orHDBaseT (PowerLite Pro G6750WU/G6800/G6900WU) port Aspect ratiosetting Description Auto Automatically setstheaspect ratioaccording tothe input signal. Normal Displays imagesinthe same aspect ratioofthe input signal. 4:3 Displays imagesata4:3 aspect ratio. 16:9 Displays imagesata16:9 aspect ratio. Full Displays imagesusingthefullsize ofthe projection area,butdoes not maintain theaspect ratio. Zoom Displays imagesusingthefullwidth ofthe projection areaand maintains theaspect ratioofthe image. Areasthatexceed the edges ofthe projected screenarenotprojected. Native Displays imagesasis(aspect ratioandresolution aremaintained). Parent topic:Image Aspect Ratio Related tasks Setting theScreen Type 118

Color Mode The projector offersdifferent ColorModes toprovide optimum brightness, contrast,andcolor fora variety ofviewing environments andimage types.Youcanselect amode designed tomatch yourimage and environment, orexperiment withtheavailable modes. If you always wanttouse aparticular colormode foracertain videoinputsource, youcanselect itusing the projector menus. Changing theColor Mode Available ColorModes Turning OnAuto Iris Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related references Image Quality Settings -Image Menu Changing theColor Mode You canchange theprojectors ColorMode usingtheremote controltooptimize theimage foryour viewing environment. 1. Turn onthe projector andswitch tothe image source youwant touse. 2. Ifyou areprojecting fromaDVD player orother video source, insertadisc orother video media and press theplay button, ifnecessary. 3. Press theColor Mode button onthe remote controltochange theColor Mode. The image appearance changesandthename ofthe Color Mode appears brieflyonthe screen. 4. Tocycle through allthe available ColorModes foryour input signal, presstheColor Mode button repeatedly. Parent topic:ColorMode 119

Available ColorModes You cansetthe projector touse these ColorModes, depending onthe input source youareusing: Color Mode Description Dynamic Best forprojecting inabright room Presentation Best forcolor presentations inabright room Theatre Best formovies projected inadark room Photo Best forstill images projected inabright room Sports Best fortelevision imagesinabright room sRGB Best forstandard sRGBcomputer displays DICOM SIM Best forprojecting X-rayphotographs andother medical images Multi-Projection Best forprojecting frommultiple projectors (reducesthecolor tone difference betweenimages) Note: TheDICOM SIMColor Mode isfor reference purposesonlyandshould notbeused tomake medical diagnoses. Parent topic:ColorMode Turning OnAuto Iris In certain colormodes, youcanturn onthe Auto Irissetting toautomatically optimizetheimage based on the brightness ofthe content youproject. 1. Turn onthe projector andswitch tothe image source youwant touse. 2. Press theMenu button. 120