Epson Projector PowerLite Pro G6050W User Manual
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Restriction ofUse When thisproduct isused forapplications requiringhighreliability/safety suchastransportation devices related toaviation, rail,marine, automotive; disasterprevention devices;varioussafetydevices; or functional/precision devices,youshould usethisproduct onlyafter giving consideration toincluding fail- safes andredundancies intoyour design tomaintain safetyandtotal system reliability. Because thisproduct wasnotintended foruse inapplications requiringextremely highreliability/safety such asaerospace equipment, maincommunication equipment,nuclearpowercontrol equipment, or medical equipment relatedtodirect medical care,please makeyourownjudgment onthis products suitability afterafull evaluation. Parent topic:Important SafetyInstructions FCC Compliance Statement For United StatesUsers This equipment hasbeen tested andfound tocomply withthelimits foraClass Bdigital device, pursuant to Part 15ofthe FCC Rules. Theselimitsaredesigned toprovide reasonable protectionagainstharmful interference inaresidential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses,andcanradiate radio frequency energyand,ifnot installed andused inaccordance withtheinstructions, maycause harmful interference toradio communications. However,thereisno guarantee thatinterference willnot occur in a particular installation. Ifthis equipment doescause interference toradio andtelevision reception, which can bedetermined byturning theequipment offand on,theuser isencouraged totry tocorrect the interference byone ormore ofthe following measures: • Reorient orrelocate thereceiving antenna. • Increase theseparation betweentheequipment andreceiver. • Connect theequipment intoanoutlet onacircuit different fromthattowhich thereceiver isconnected. • Consult thedealer oran experienced radio/TVtechnician forhelp. WARNING The connection ofanon-shielded equipmentinterfacecabletothis equipment willinvalidate theFCC Certification orDeclaration ofthis device andmay cause interference levelswhichexceed thelimits established bythe FCC forthis equipment. Itis the responsibility ofthe user toobtain anduseashielded equipment interfacecablewiththisdevice. Ifthis equipment hasmore thanoneinterface connector, do not leave cables connected tounused interfaces. Changesormodifications notexpressly approvedby the manufacturer couldvoidtheuser ’s authority tooperate theequipment. 221

For Canadian Users This Class Bdigital apparatus complieswithCanadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique delaclasse Best conforme àla norme NMB-003 duCanada. Parent topic:Notices Trademarks EPSON ® , Instant Off® , PowerLite ® , and Quick Corner ® are registered trademarks, andEPSON Exceed Your Vision isaregistered logomarkofSeiko Epson Corporation. PrivateLine ® is aregistered trademark; DuetTM and SizeWise TM are trademarks; andEpson StoreSM and Extra CareSM are service marksofEpson America, Inc. Mac andMac OSare trademarks ofApple Inc.,registered inthe U.S. andother countries. HDMI andHigh-Definition MultimediaInterfacearethetrademarks orregistered trademarks ofHDMI Licensing LLC. HDBaseT TM and theHDBaseT Alliancelogoaretrademarks ofthe HDBaseT Alliance. General Notice:Otherproduct namesusedherein areforidentification purposesonlyandmay be trademarks oftheir respective owners.Epsondisclaims anyand allrights inthose marks. Parent topic:Notices Open Source Software License GNU GPL This projector productincludes theopen source software programs whichapplytheGNU General Public License Version2or later version (GPLPrograms). We provide thesource codeofthe GPL Programs untilfive(5)years afterthediscontinuation ofsame model ofthis projector product. If you desire toreceive thesource codeofthe GPL Programs, contactEpsonasdescribed inthe Users Guide . 222

These GPLPrograms areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.SeetheGNU General Public License formore details. The listofGPL Programs isas follows andthenames ofauthor aredescribed inthe source codeofthe GPL Programs The listofGPL Programs busybox-1.13.4 iptables-1.4.4 libgcc1(gcc-4.3.3) libstdc++-6.0.10 linux-2.6.27 patches udhcp 0.9.8 uvc rev.219 wireless_tools 29 EPSON originaldrivers The GNU General PublicLicense Version2is as follows. Youalso canseetheGNU General Public License Version2at GNU GENERAL PUBLICLICENSE Version 2,June 1991 Copyright ©)1989, 1991FreeSoftware Foundation, Inc.,51Franklin Street,FifthFloor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USAEveryone ispermitted tocopy anddistribute verbatimcopiesofthis license document, but changing itis not allowed. Preamble The licenses formost software aredesigned totake away yourfreedom toshare andchange it.By contrast, theGNU General PublicLicense isintended toguarantee yourfreedom toshare andchange free software--to makesurethesoftware isfree forallitsusers. ThisGeneral PublicLicense appliesto most ofthe Free Software Foundations softwareandtoany other program whoseauthors committo using it.(Some otherFreeSoftware Foundation softwareiscovered bythe GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) Youcanapply itto your programs, too. When wespeak offree software, weare referring tofreedom, notprice. OurGeneral PublicLicenses are designed tomake surethatyouhave thefreedom todistribute copiesoffree software (andcharge for 223

this service ifyou wish), thatyoureceive sourcecodeorcan getitifyou want it,that youcanchange the software oruse pieces ofitin new freeprograms; andthatyouknow youcandothese things. To protect yourrights, weneed tomake restrictions thatforbid anyone todeny youthese rightsortoask you tosurrender therights. These restrictions translatetocertain responsibilities foryou ifyou distribute copies ofthe software, orifyou modify it. For example, ifyou distribute copiesofsuch aprogram, whethergratisorfor afee, youmust givethe recipients allthe rights thatyouhave. Youmust make surethatthey, too,receive orcan getthesource code. Andyoumust show themthese terms sothey know theirrights. We protect yourrights withtwosteps: (1)copyright thesoftware, and(2)offer youthislicense which gives youlegal permission tocopy, distribute and/ormodify thesoftware. Also, foreach authors protection andours, wewant tomake certain thateveryone understands that there isno warranty forthis free software. Ifthe software ismodified bysomeone elseandpassed on, we want itsrecipients toknow thatwhat theyhave isnot theoriginal, sothat anyproblems introduced by others willnot reflect onthe original authors reputations. Finally, anyfree program isthreatened constantlybysoftware patents.Wewish toavoid thedanger that redistributors ofafree program willindividually obtainpatent licenses, ineffect making theprogram proprietary. Toprevent this,wehave made itclear thatanypatent mustbelicensed foreveryones free use ornot licensed atall. The precise termsandconditions forcopying, distribution andmodification follow. GNU GENERAL PUBLICLICENSE TERMSANDCONDITIONS FORCOPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This License appliestoany program orother workwhich contains anotice placed bythe copyright holder saying itmay bedistributed undertheterms ofthis General PublicLicense. TheProgram, below, referstoany such program orwork, andawork based onthe Program meanseitherthe Program orany derivative workunder copyright law:thatisto say, awork containing theProgram ora portion ofit,either verbatim orwith modifications and/ortranslated intoanother language. (Hereinafter, translation isincluded withoutlimitation inthe term modification.) Eachlicensee isaddressed asyou. Activities otherthancopying, distribution andmodification arenotcovered bythis License; theyare outside itsscope. Theactofrunning theProgram isnot restricted, andtheoutput fromtheProgram is covered onlyifits contents constitute awork based onthe Program (independent ofhaving beenmade by running theProgram). Whetherthatistrue depends onwhat theProgram does. 1. You may copy anddistribute verbatimcopiesofthe Programs sourcecodeasyou receive it,in any medium, provided thatyouconspicuously andappropriately publishoneach copyanappropriate copyright noticeanddisclaimer ofwarranty; keepintact allthe notices thatrefer tothis License andtothe absence ofany warranty; andgive anyother recipients ofthe Program acopy ofthis License alongwith the Program. 224

You may charge afee forthe physical actoftransferring acopy, andyoumay atyour option offer warranty protection inexchange forafee. 2. You may modify yourcopy orcopies ofthe Program orany portion ofit,thus forming awork based on the Program, andcopy anddistribute suchmodifications orwork under theterms ofSection 1above, provided thatyoualso meet allofthese conditions: a) You must cause themodified filestocarry prominent noticesstatingthatyouchanged thefiles andthe date ofany change. b) You must cause anywork thatyoudistribute orpublish, thatinwhole orinpart contains orisderived from theProgram orany part thereof, tobe licensed asawhole atno charge toall third parties underthe terms ofthis License. c) Ifthe modified programnormally readscommands interactively whenrun,youmust cause it,when started running forsuch interactive useinthe most ordinary way,toprint ordisplay anannouncement including anappropriate copyrightnoticeandanotice thatthere isno warranty (orelse, saying thatyou provide awarranty) andthatusers mayredistribute theprogram undertheseconditions, andtelling the user howtoview acopy ofthis License. (Exception: ifthe Program itselfisinteractive butdoes not normally printsuch anannouncement, yourwork based onthe Program isnot required toprint an announcement.) These requirements applytothe modified workasawhole. Ifidentifiable sectionsofthat work arenot derived fromtheProgram, andcanbereasonably consideredindependent andseparate worksin themselves, thenthisLicense, anditsterms, donot apply tothose sections whenyoudistribute themas separate works.Butwhen youdistribute thesame sections aspart ofawhole whichisawork based on the Program, thedistribution ofthe whole mustbeonthe terms ofthis License, whosepermissions for other licensees extendtothe entire whole, andthus toeach andevery partregardless ofwho wrote it. Thus, itis not theintent ofthis section toclaim rights orcontest yourrights towork written entirely by you; rather, theintent isto exercise theright tocontrol thedistribution ofderivative orcollective works based onthe Program. In addition, mereaggregation ofanother worknotbased onthe Program withtheProgram (orwith a work based onthe Program) onavolume ofastorage ordistribution mediumdoesnotbring theother work under thescope ofthis License. 3. You may copy anddistribute theProgram (orawork based onit,under Section 2)inobject codeor executable formunder theterms ofSections 1and 2above provided thatyoualso doone ofthe following: a) Accompany itwith thecomplete corresponding machine-readable sourcecode,which mustbe distributed undertheterms ofSections 1and 2above onamedium customarily usedforsoftware interchange; or, 225

b) Accompany itwith awritten offer,validforatleast three years, togive anythird party, foracharge no more thanyourcostofphysically performing sourcedistribution, acomplete machine-readable copyof the corresponding sourcecode,tobe distributed undertheterms ofSections 1and 2above ona medium customarily usedforsoftware interchange; or, c) Accompany itwith theinformation youreceived astothe offer todistribute corresponding source code. (Thisalternative isallowed onlyfornoncommercial distributionandonly ifyou received the program inobject codeorexecutable formwithsuch anoffer, inaccord withSubsection babove.) The source codeforawork means thepreferred formofthe work formaking modifications toit.For an executable work,complete sourcecodemeans allthe source codeforallmodules itcontains, plusany associated interfacedefinition files,plusthescripts usedtocontrol compilation andinstallation ofthe executable. However,asaspecial exception, thesource codedistributed neednotinclude anything that is normally distributed (ineither source orbinary form)withthemajor components (compiler,kernel,and so on) ofthe operating systemonwhich theexecutable runs,unless thatcomponent itselfaccompanies the executable. If distribution ofexecutable orobject codeismade byoffering accesstocopy fromadesignated place, then offering equivalent accesstocopy thesource codefromthesame placecounts asdistribution of the source code,eventhough thirdparties arenotcompelled tocopy thesource alongwiththeobject code. 4. You may notcopy, modify, sublicense, ordistribute theProgram exceptasexpressly providedunder this License. Anyattempt otherwise tocopy, modify, sublicense ordistribute theProgram isvoid, andwill automatically terminateyourrights under thisLicense. However, partieswhohave received copies,or rights, fromyouunder thisLicense willnot have theirlicenses terminated solong assuch parties remain in full compliance. 5. You arenotrequired toaccept thisLicense, sinceyouhave notsigned it.However, nothingelse grants youpermission tomodify ordistribute theProgram orits derivative works.Theseactions are prohibited bylaw ifyou donot accept thisLicense. Therefore, bymodifying ordistributing theProgram (or any work based onthe Program), youindicate youracceptance ofthis License todo so, and allits terms andconditions forcopying, distributing ormodifying theProgram orworks based onit. 6. Each timeyouredistribute theProgram (orany work based onthe Program), therecipient automatically receivesalicense fromtheoriginal licensor tocopy, distribute ormodify theProgram subject tothese terms andconditions. Youmay notimpose anyfurther restrictions onthe recipients exercise ofthe rights granted herein.Youarenotresponsible forenforcing compliance bythird parties to this License. 7. If,as aconsequence ofacourt judgment orallegation ofpatent infringement orfor any other reason (not limited topatent issues), conditions areimposed onyou (whether bycourt order, agreement or otherwise) thatcontradict theconditions ofthis License, theydonot excuse youfrom theconditions of this License. Ifyou cannot distribute soastosatisfy simultaneously yourobligations underthisLicense and anyother pertinent obligations, thenasaconsequence youmay notdistribute theProgram atall. 226

For example, ifa patent license wouldnotpermit royalty-free redistribution ofthe Program byallthose who receive copiesdirectly orindirectly throughyou,then theonly wayyoucould satisfy bothitand this License wouldbetorefrain entirely fromdistribution ofthe Program. If any portion ofthis section isheld invalid orunenforceable underanyparticular circumstance, the balance ofthe section isintended toapply andthesection asawhole isintended toapply inother circumstances. It is not thepurpose ofthis section toinduce youtoinfringe anypatents orother property rightclaims or to contest validityofany such claims; thissection hasthesole purpose ofprotecting theintegrity ofthe free software distribution system,whichisimplemented bypublic license practices. Manypeople have made generous contributions tothe wide range ofsoftware distributed throughthatsystem inreliance on consistent application ofthat system; itis up tothe author/donor todecide ifhe orshe iswilling to distribute softwarethroughanyother system andalicensee cannotimpose thatchoice. This section isintended tomake thoroughly clearwhatisbelieved tobe aconsequence ofthe rest ofthis License. 8. Ifthe distribution and/oruseofthe Program isrestricted incertain countries eitherbypatents orby copyrighted interfaces,theoriginal copyright holderwhoplaces theProgram underthisLicense mayadd an explicit geographical distributionlimitationexcluding thosecountries, sothat distribution ispermitted only inor among countries notthus excluded. Insuch case, thisLicense incorporates thelimitation asif written inthe body ofthis License. 9. The Free Software Foundation maypublish revised and/ornewversions ofthe General Public License fromtimetotime. Such newversions willbesimilar inspirit tothe present version, butmay differ in detail toaddress newproblems orconcerns. Each version isgiven adistinguishing versionnumber. Ifthe Program specifies aversion number ofthis License whichapplies toitand any laterversion, youhave theoption offollowing theterms and conditions eitherofthat version orofany later version published bythe Free Software Foundation. Ifthe Program doesnotspecify aversion number ofthis License, youmay choose anyversion everpublished by the Free Software Foundation. 10. Ifyou wish toincorporate partsofthe Program intoother freeprograms whosedistribution conditions are different, writetothe author toask forpermission. Forsoftware whichiscopyrighted bythe Free Software Foundation, writetothe Free Software Foundation; wesometimes makeexceptions forthis. Our decision willbeguided bythe two goals ofpreserving thefree status ofall derivatives ofour free software andofpromoting thesharing andreuse ofsoftware generally. NO WARRANTY 11. BECAUSE THEPROGRAM ISLICENSED FREEOFCHARGE, THEREISNO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TOTHE EXTENT PERMITTED BYAPPLICABLE LAW.EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATEDINWRITING THECOPYRIGHT HOLDERSAND/OROTHERPARTIES PROVIDE THEPROGRAM ASISWITHOUT WARRANTY OFANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR 227

IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.THEENTIRE RISKASTO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OFTHE PROGRAM ISWITH YOU.SHOULD THEPROGRAM PROVEDEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THECOST OFALL NECESSARY SERVICING,REPAIRORCORRECTION. 12. INNO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BYAPPLICABLE LAWORAGREED TOINWRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER,ORANY OTHER PARTYWHOMAYMODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM ASPERMITTED ABOVE,BELIABLE TOYOU FORDAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESARISINGOUTOFTHE USE OR INABILITY TOUSE THEPROGRAM (INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TOLOSS OFDATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE ORLOSSES SUSTAINED BYYOU ORTHIRD PARTIES OR AFAILURE OFTHE PROGRAM TOOPERATE WITHANYOTHER PROGRAMS), EVENIFSUCH HOLDER OROTHER PARTYHASBEEN ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGES. END OFTERMS ANDCONDITIONS How toApply These Terms toYour NewPrograms If you develop anew program, andyouwant itto be ofthe greatest possible usetothe public, thebest way toachieve thisisto make itfree software whicheveryone canredistribute andchange underthese terms. To doso, attach thefollowing noticestothe program. Itis safest toattach themtothe start ofeach source filetomost effectively conveytheexclusion ofwarranty; andeach fileshould haveatleast the copyright lineand apointer towhere thefullnotice isfound. < one linetogive theprograms nameandabrief ideaofwhat itdoes. > Copyright (c) This program isfree software; youcanredistribute itand/or modify itunder theterms ofthe GNU General PublicLicense aspublished bythe Free Software Foundation; eitherversion 2of the License, or (at your option) anylater version. This program isdistributed inthe hope thatitwill beuseful, butWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; without even theimplied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY orFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU General PublicLicense formore details. You should havereceived acopy ofthe GNU General PublicLicense alongwiththisprogram; ifnot, write tothe Free Software Foundation, Inc.,51Franklin Street,FifthFloor, Boston, MA02110-1301 USA. Also addinformation onhow tocontact youbyelectronic andpaper mail. If the program isinteractive, makeitoutput ashort notice likethis when itstarts inan interactive mode: 228

Gnomovision version69,Copyright (c)year name ofauthor Gnomovision comeswithABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; fordetails typeshow w.This isfree software, andyouarewelcome toredistribute itunder certain conditions; typeshow cfor details. The hypothetical commandsshowwand show cshould showtheappropriate partsofthe General Public License. Ofcourse, thecommands youusemay becalled something otherthanshow wand show c;they could evenbemouse-clicks ormenu items--whatever suitsyourprogram. You should alsogetyour employer (ifyou work asaprogrammer) oryour school, ifany, tosign a copyright disclaimer forthe program, ifnecessary. Hereisasample; alterthenames: Yoyodyne, Inc.,hereby disclaims allcopyright interestinthe program Gnomovision (whichmakes passes atcompilers) writtenbyJames Hacker. < signature ofTy Coon >,1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President ofVice This General PublicLicense doesnotpermit incorporating yourprogram intoproprietary programs.If your program isasubroutine library,youmay consider itmore useful topermit linking proprietary applications withthelibrary. Ifthis iswhat youwant todo, use theGNU Lesser General PublicLicense instead ofthis License. GNU LGPL This projector productincludes theopen source software programs whichapplytheGNU Lesser General PublicLicense Version2or later version (LGPL Programs). We provide thesource codeofthe LGPL Programs untilfive(5)years afterthediscontinuation ofsame model ofthis projector product. If you desire toreceive thesource codeofthe LGPL Programs, pleaseseetheEPSON Projector Contact Listinthe Users Guide, andcontact thecustomer supportofyour region. These LGPLPrograms areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.SeetheGNU General Public License formore details. The listofLGPL Programs isas follows andthenames ofauthor aredescribed inthe source codeofthe LGPL Programs. LGPL Programs glibc-2.8 SDL-1.2.13 SDL-Image 229

The GNU Lesser General PublicLicense Version2is as follows. Youalso canseetheGNU Lesser General PublicLicense Version2at GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLICLICENSE Version 2.1,February 1999 Copyright ©)1991, 1999FreeSoftware Foundation, Inc.51Franklin Street,FifthFloor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USAEveryone ispermitted tocopy anddistribute verbatimcopiesofthis license document, but changing itis not allowed. [This isthe first released versionofthe Lesser GPL.Italso counts asthe successor ofthe GNU Library Public License, version2,hence theversion number 2.1.] Preamble The licenses formost software aredesigned totake away yourfreedom toshare andchange it.By contrast, theGNU General PublicLicenses areintended toguarantee yourfreedom toshare and change freesoftware--to makesurethesoftware isfree forallitsusers. This license, theLesser General PublicLicense, appliestosome specially designated software packages--typically libraries--oftheFree Software Foundation andother authors whodecide touse it. You canuseittoo, butwesuggest youfirstthink carefully aboutwhether thislicense orthe ordinary General PublicLicense isthe better strategy touse inany particular case,based onthe explanations below. When wespeak offree software, weare referring tofreedom ofuse, notprice. OurGeneral Public Licenses aredesigned tomake surethatyouhave thefreedom todistribute copiesoffree software (and charge forthis service ifyou wish); thatyoureceive sourcecodeorcan getitifyou want it;that youcan change thesoftware andusepieces ofitin new freeprograms; andthatyouareinformed thatyoucan do these things. To protect yourrights, weneed tomake restrictions thatforbid distributors todeny youthese rightsorto ask you tosurrender theserights. These restrictions translatetocertain responsibilities foryou ifyou distribute copiesofthe library orifyou modify it. For example, ifyou distribute copiesofthe library, whether gratisorfor afee, youmust givethe recipients allthe rights thatwegave you.Youmust make surethatthey, too,receive orcan getthe source code.Ifyou linkother codewiththelibrary, youmust provide complete objectfilestothe recipients, sothat they canrelink themwiththelibrary aftermaking changes tothe library and recompiling it.And youmust show themthese terms sothey know theirrights. We protect yourrights withatwo-step method:(1)we copyright thelibrary, and(2)we offer youthis license, whichgivesyoulegal permission tocopy, distribute and/ormodify thelibrary. To protect eachdistributor, wewant tomake itvery clear thatthere isno warranty forthe free library. Also, ifthe library ismodified bysomeone elseandpassed on,therecipients shouldknowthatwhat they 230