Epson Projector PowerLite Pro G6050W User Manual
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that very many implementations willsupport it.)So faraswe are aware, therearenopatent restrictions on the remaining code. The IJGdistribution formerlyincluded codetoread andwrite GIFfiles. Toavoid entanglement withthe Unisys LZWpatent, GIFreading supporthasbeen removed altogether, andtheGIF writer hasbeen simplified toproduce uncompressed GIFs.Thistechnique doesnotuse theLZW algorithm; the resulting GIFfiles arelarger thanusual, butare readable byallstandard GIFdecoders. We arerequired tostate...
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Simon-Pierre Cadieux Eric S.Raymond Gilles Vollant and with thefollowing additions tothe disclaimer: There isno warranty againstinterference withyour enjoyment ofthe library oragainst infringement. There isno warranty thatourefforts orthe library willfulfill anyofyour particular purposes orneeds. This library isprovided withallfaults, andtheentire riskofsatisfactory quality,performance, accuracy,and effort iswith theuser. libpng versions 0.97,January 1998,through 1.0.6,March 20,2000,...
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Tim Wegner The PNG Reference Libraryissupplied ASIS.The Contributing AuthorsandGroup 42,Inc. disclaim all warranties, expressedorimplied, including, withoutlimitation, thewarranties ofmerchantability andof fitness forany purpose. TheContributing AuthorsandGroup 42,Inc. assume noliability fordirect, indirect, incidental, special,exemplary, orconsequential damages,whichmayresult fromtheuse ofthe PNG Reference Library,evenifadvised ofthe possibility ofsuch damage. Permission ishereby granted touse,...
Page 244
License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe zlib are asfollows. Copyright notice: (c) 1995-1998 Jean-loupGaillyandMark Adler This software isprovided as-is,without anyexpress orimplied warranty. Inno event willthe authors be held liable forany damages arisingfromtheuse ofthis software. Permission isgranted toanyone touse thissoftware forany purpose, including commercial applications, and toalter itand redistribute itfreely, subject tothe following...
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TERMS ANDCONDITIONS FORUSE, REPRODUCTION, ANDDISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. License shallmean theterms andconditions foruse, reproduction, anddistribution asdefined by Sections 1through 9of this document. Licensor shallmean thecopyright ownerorentity authorized bythe copyright ownerthatisgranting the License. Legal Entity shallmean theunion ofthe acting entityandallother entities thatcontrol, arecontrolled by, orare under common controlwiththatentity. Forthepurposes ofthis definition,...
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2. Grant ofCopyright License.Subjecttothe terms andconditions ofthis License, eachContributor hereby grantstoYou aperpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge,royalty-free, irrevocable copyright licensetoreproduce, prepareDerivative Worksof,publicly display, publiclyperform, sublicense, anddistribute theWork andsuch Derivative WorksinSource orObject form. 3. Grant ofPatent License. Subjecttothe terms andconditions ofthis License, eachContributor hereby grants toYou aperpetual, worldwide,...
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5. Submission ofContributions. UnlessYouexplicitly stateotherwise, anyContribution intentionally submitted forinclusion inthe Work byYou tothe Licensor shallbeunder theterms andconditions ofthis License, withoutanyadditional termsorconditions. Notwithstanding theabove, nothing hereinshallsupersede ormodify theterms ofany separate license agreement youmay have executed withLicensor regarding suchContributions. 6. Trademarks. ThisLicense doesnotgrant permission touse thetrade names, trademarks,...
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Licensed undertheApache License, Version2.0(the License); you may notuse thisfileexcept incompliance withtheLicense. You may obtain acopy ofthe License at Unless required byapplicable laworagreed toinwriting, software distributed undertheLicense is distributed onanAS ISBASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES ORCONDITIONS OFANY KIND, either express orimplied. See theLicense forthe specific language governing permissions andlimitations undertheLicense. newlib This...
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All rights reserved. Redistribution anduseinsource andbinary forms, withorwithout modification, arepermitted provided that thefollowing conditions aremet: * Redistributions ofsource codemustretain theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer. * Redistributions inbinary formmust reproduce theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer inthe documentation and/orothermaterials providedwiththedistribution. * Neither thename ofthe University...
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Permission touse, copy, modify, anddistribute thissoftware anditsdocumentation forany purpose and without feeishereby granted, provided thattheabove copyright noticeappear inall copies andthatboth that thecopyright noticeandthispermission noticeandwarranty disclaimer appearinsupporting documentation, andthatthename ofLucent orany ofits entities notbeused inadvertising orpublicity pertaining todistribution ofthe software withoutspecific, writtenpriorpermission. LUCENT DISCLAIMS ALLWARRANTIES...