Epson Projector PowerLite Home Cinema 3500 User Manual
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Resizing theImage withtheZoom Ring 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. Wait30minutes afterturning onthe projector before setting thefocus, zoom, andlens shiftformaximum accuracy. Note: Youcandisplay apattern toaid inadjusting theprojected imageusingthePattern buttonon the remote control. 2. Toenlarge orreduce theimage size,rotate theprojectors zoomring. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Focusing theImage UsingtheFocus Ring 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. Wait30minutes afterturning onthe projector before setting thefocus, zoom, andlens shiftformaximum accuracy. Note: Youcandisplay apattern toaid inadjusting theprojected imageusingthePattern buttonon the remote control. 61

2. Tosharpen theimage focus,rotatetheprojector ’s focus ring. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Remote ControlOperation The remote controlletsyou control theprojector fromalmost anywhere inthe room. Youcanpoint itat the screen, orthe front orback ofthe projector. Make surethatyouaimtheremote controlatthe projectors receiverswithinthedistance andangles listed here. Vertical 1 32 feet (10m) 2 ± 30 ° 62

Horizontal 1 32 feet (10m) 2 ± 30 ° Note: Avoidusingtheremote controlinconditions withbright fluorescent lightsorindirect sunlight, or the projector maynotrespond tocommands. Ifyou willnot use theremote controlforalong time, remove thebatteries. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Selecting anImage Source If you connected multipleimagesources tothe projector, suchasacomputer andDVD player, youmay want toswitch fromoneimage source tothe other. 1. Make suretheconnected imagesource youwant touse isturned on. 2. Forvideo image sources, insertaDVD orother video media andpress itsplay button, ifnecessary. 3. Doone ofthe following: • Press theSource buttononthe projector untilyouseetheimage fromthesource youwant. 63

• Press thebutton forthe source youwant onthe remote control. Ifthere ismore thanoneport for that source, pressthebutton againtocycle through thesources. 1 HDMI portsources 2 Component source 3 Composite videosource 4 USB andnetwork portsources 5 WirelessHD sources(PowerLite HomeCinema 3600e) 6 PC port (VGA) source Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Projection Modes Depending onhow youpositioned theprojector, youmay need tochange theprojection modesoyour images projectcorrectly. • Front (default setting)letsyou project fromatable infront ofthe screen. • Front/Ceiling flipstheimage overtop-to-bottom toproject upside-down fromaceiling orwall mount. • Rear flipstheimage horizontally toproject frombehind atranslucent screen. • Rear/Ceiling flipstheimage overtop-to-bottom andhorizontally toproject fromtheceiling andbehind a translucent screen. Changing theProjection ModeUsing theMenus Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Changing theProjection ModeUsing theMenus You canchange theprojection modetoflip the image overtop-to-bottom and/orleft-to-right usingthe projector menus. 64

1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. 2. Press theMenu button. 3. Select theSettings menuandpress Enter. 4. Select theProjection settingandpress Enter. 5. Select aprojection modeandpress Enter. 6. Press Menu orEsc toexit themenus. Parent topic:Projection Modes Image Aspect Ratio The projector candisplay images indifferent width-to-height ratioscalled aspect ratios.Normally the input signal fromyourvideo source determines theimages aspectratio.However, forcertain images you canchange theaspect ratiotofityour screen bypressing abutton onthe remote control. If you always wanttouse aparticular aspectratioforacertain videoinputsource, youcanselect itusing the projectors menus. Changing theImage Aspect Ratio Available ImageAspect Ratios Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related references Input Signal Settings -Signal Menu 65

Changing theImage Aspect Ratio You canchange theaspect ratioofthe displayed imagetoresize it. Note: ForHDMI sources, theinput signal determines theimages aspectratio. 1. Turn onthe projector andswitch tothe image source youwant touse. 2. Press theAspect buttononthe remote control. A list ofthe available aspectratiosappears. 3. Tocycle through theavailable aspectratiosforyour input signal, presstheupordown arrow button. 4. Press Entertoselect theaspect ratio. Parent topic:Image Aspect Ratio Available ImageAspect Ratios You canselect thefollowing imageaspect ratios,depending onthe input signal fromyourimage source. Note: When theprojector isin 3D mode, theaspect ratioisautomatically settoNormal . Note: Blackbands andcropped imagesmayproject incertain aspectratios,depending onthe aspect ratio andresolution ofyour input signal. Aspect ratiosetting Description Auto Automatically setstheaspect ratioaccording tothe input signal. Normal Displays imagesusingthefullprojection areaandmaintains the aspect ratioofthe image. Zoom Displays imagesusingthefullwidth ofthe projection areaand maintains theaspect ratioofthe image. 66

Aspect ratiosetting Description Full Displays imagesusingthefullwidth ofthe projection area,butdoes not maintain theaspect ratio. Note: TheAuto aspect ratiosetting isavailable onlyforHDMI, component, andWirelessHD image sources. Parent topic:Image Aspect Ratio Color Mode The projector offersdifferent ColorModes toprovide optimum brightness, contrast,andcolor fora variety ofviewing environments andimage types.Youcanselect amode designed tomatch yourimage and environment, orexperiment withtheavailable modes. If you always wanttouse aparticular colormode foracertain videoinputsource, youcanselect itusing the projector menus. Changing theColor Mode Available ColorModes Turning OnAuto Iris Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related references Input Signal Settings -Signal Menu Changing theColor Mode You canchange theprojectors ColorMode usingtheremote controltooptimize theimage foryour viewing environment. 1. Turn onthe projector andswitch tothe image source youwant touse. 2. Ifyou areprojecting fromaDVD player orother video source, insertadisc orother video media and press theplay button, ifnecessary. 67

3. Press theColor Mode button onthe remote controltochange theColor Mode. A list ofavailable ColorModes appears. 4. Tocycle through allthe available ColorModes foryour input signal, presstheupordown arrow button. 5. Press Entertoselect aColor Mode. Parent topic:ColorMode Available ColorModes You cansetthe projector touse these ColorModes, depending onthe input source youareusing: 2D Images Color Mode Description Auto Sets thecolor mode automatically basedonthe brightness ofthe room detected bythe brightness sensor(available onlywhen the Projection settinginthe Settings menuisset toFront ) Dynamic Best forprojecting inabright room Living Room Best forprojecting inaroom withclosed curtains Cinema Best formovies projected inadark room Natural Best forprojecting inadark room 3D Images Color Mode Description 3D Dynamic Best forprojecting inabright room 3D Cinema Best formovies projected inadark room 68

Parent topic:ColorMode Turning OnAuto Iris In certain colormodes, youcanturn onthe Auto Irissetting toautomatically optimizetheimage based on the brightness ofthe content youproject. 1. Turn onthe projector andswitch tothe image source youwant touse. 2. Press theMenu button. 3. Select theImage menuandpress Enter. 4. Select theAuto Irissetting andchoose oneofthe following: • High Speed toadjust brightness assoon asthe scene changes. • Normal forstandard brightness adjustment. Note: YoucansetAuto Irisforeach Color Mode thatsupports thefeature. 5. Press Menu orEsc toexit themenus. Parent topic:ColorMode Using Picture inPicture You canusethePicture inPicture modetoview twoimage sources simultaneously. 69

Note: Youcannot usePicture inPicture whileprojecting 3Dimages orwhen Image Processing isset to Fast inthe Signal menu. 1. Press theP-in-P buttononthe remote control. The second HDMIvideosource appears asasub-screen inthe corner ofthe image. Note: WhilePicture inPicture modeisactive, presstheMenu button onthe remote controltoadjust the size andposition ofthe sub-screen. 2. Toswap themain screen andsub-screen videosources, pressandhold theP-in-P buttonforat least three seconds. 3. Press theP-in-P buttonagaintoclose thesub-screen andresume normalprojection. Available PictureinPicture Options Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Available PictureinPicture Options You canadjust thefollowing optionsbypressing theMenu button onthe remote controlwhilePicture in Picture modeisactive: Setting Description Subscreen Size Adjusts thesize ofthe sub-screen Subscreen Position Adjusts thelocation wherethesub-screen isdisplayed Subscreen Source Selects whichsource appears inthe sub-screen Swap Main/Sub Switches thevideo source displayed onthe main screen withthe source displayed onthe sub-screen Exit Picture inPicture Closes thesub-screen andresumes normalprojection 70