Epson Projector PowerLite 640 User Manual
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can bedetermined byturning theequipment offand on,theuser isencouraged totry tocorrect the interference byone ormore ofthe following measures: • Reorient orrelocate thereceiving antenna. • Increase theseparation betweentheequipment andreceiver. • Connect theequipment intoanoutlet onacircuit different fromthattowhich thereceiver isconnected. • Consult thedealer oran experienced radio/TVtechnician forhelp. WARNING The connection ofanon-shielded equipmentinterfacecabletothis equipment...
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• iptables-1.4.20 • linux-3.4.49 • patches • udhcp 0.9.8 • wireless_tools 29 • dbus-1.6.18 • EPSON originaldrivers • Stonestreet OneDrivers The GNU General PublicLicense Version2is as follows. Youalso canseetheGNU General Public License Version2at GNU GENERAL PUBLICLICENSE Version 2,June 1991 Copyright (C)1989, 1991FreeSoftware Foundation, Inc.,51Franklin Street,FifthFloor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USAEveryone ispermitted tocopy anddistribute verbatimcopiesofthis...
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We protect yourrights withtwosteps: (1)copyright thesoftware, and(2)offer youthislicense which gives youlegal permission tocopy, distribute and/ormodify thesoftware. Also, foreach authors protection andours, wewant tomake certain thateveryone understands that there isno warranty forthis free software. Ifthe software ismodified bysomeone elseandpassed on, we want itsrecipients toknow thatwhat theyhave isnot theoriginal, sothat anyproblems introduced by others willnot reflect onthe original authors...
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b) You must cause anywork thatyoudistribute orpublish, thatinwhole orinpart contains orisderived from theProgram orany part thereof, tobe licensed asawhole atno charge toall third parties underthe terms ofthis License. c) Ifthe modified programnormally readscommands interactively whenrun,youmust cause it,when started running forsuch interactive useinthe most ordinary way,toprint ordisplay anannouncement including anappropriate copyrightnoticeandanotice thatthere isno warranty (orelse, saying...
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associated interfacedefinition files,plusthescripts usedtocontrol compilation andinstallation ofthe executable. However,asaspecial exception, thesource codedistributed neednotinclude anything that is normally distributed (ineither source orbinary form)withthemajor components (compiler,kernel,and so on) ofthe operating systemonwhich theexecutable runs,unless thatcomponent itselfaccompanies the executable. If distribution ofexecutable orobject codeismade byoffering accesstocopy fromadesignated...
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made generous contributions tothe wide range ofsoftware distributed throughthatsystem inreliance on consistent application ofthat system; itis up tothe author/donor todecide ifhe orshe iswilling to distribute softwarethroughanyother system andalicensee cannotimpose thatchoice. This section isintended tomake thoroughly clearwhatisbelieved tobe aconsequence ofthe rest ofthis License. 8. Ifthe distribution and/oruseofthe Program isrestricted incertain countries eitherbypatents orby copyrighted...
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DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE ORLOSSES SUSTAINED BYYOU ORTHIRD PARTIES OR AFAILURE OFTHE PROGRAM TOOPERATE WITHANYOTHER PROGRAMS), EVENIFSUCH HOLDER OROTHER PARTYHASBEEN ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGES. END OFTERMS ANDCONDITIONS How toApply These Terms toYour NewPrograms If you develop anew program, andyouwant itto be ofthe greatest possible usetothe public, thebest way toachieve thisisto make itfree software whicheveryone canredistribute andchange underthese terms. To doso, attach...
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Yoyodyne, Inc.,hereby disclaims allcopyright interestinthe program `Gnomovision (whichmakes passes atcompilers) writtenbyJames Hacker. < signature ofTy Coon >,1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President ofVice This General PublicLicense doesnotpermit incorporating yourprogram intoproprietary programs.If your program isasubroutine library,youmay consider itmore useful topermit linking proprietary applications withthelibrary. Ifthis iswhat youwant todo, use theGNU Lesser General PublicLicense instead ofthis...
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Copyright (C)1991, 1999FreeSoftware Foundation, Inc.51Franklin Street,FifthFloor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USAEveryone ispermitted tocopy anddistribute verbatimcopiesofthis license document, but changing itis not allowed. [This isthe first released versionofthe Lesser GPL.Italso counts asthe successor ofthe GNU Library Public License, version2,hence theversion number 2.1.] Preamble The licenses formost software aredesigned totake away yourfreedom toshare andchange it.By contrast, theGNU General...
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license fromapatent holder. Therefore, weinsist thatanypatent license obtained foraversion ofthe library mustbeconsistent withthefullfreedom ofuse specified inthis license. Most GNU software, includingsomelibraries, iscovered bythe ordinary GNUGeneral PublicLicense. This license, theGNU Lesser General PublicLicense, appliestocertain designated libraries,andisquite different fromtheordinary GeneralPublicLicense. Weuse thislicense forcertain libraries inorder to permit linking thoselibraries...