Epson Projector PowerLite 5030UBe User Manual
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This program isdistributed inthe hope thatitwill beuseful, butWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; without even theimplied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY orFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU General PublicLicense formore details. You should havereceived acopy ofthe GNU General PublicLicense alongwiththisprogram; ifnot, write tothe Free Software Foundation, Inc.,51Franklin Street,FifthFloor, Boston, MA02110-1301 USA. Also addinformation onhow tocontact youbyelectronic andpaper mail. If the program...
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The listofLGPL Programs isas follows andthenames ofauthor aredescribed inthe source codeofthe LGPL Programs. LGPL Programs glibc-2.8 SDL-1.2.13 SDL-Image The GNU Lesser General PublicLicense Version2is as follows. Youalso canseetheGNU Lesser General PublicLicense Version2at GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLICLICENSE Version 2.1,February 1999 Copyright ©)1991, 1999FreeSoftware Foundation, Inc.51Franklin Street,FifthFloor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USAEveryone ispermitted...
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source code.Ifyou linkother codewiththelibrary, youmust provide complete objectfilestothe recipients, sothat they canrelink themwiththelibrary aftermaking changes tothe library and recompiling it.And youmust show themthese terms sothey know theirrights. We protect yourrights withatwo-step method:(1)we copyright thelibrary, and(2)we offer youthis license, whichgivesyoulegal permission tocopy, distribute and/ormodify thelibrary. To protect eachdistributor, wewant tomake itvery clear thatthere isno...
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Although theLesser General PublicLicense isLess protective ofthe users freedom, itdoes ensure that the user ofaprogram thatislinked withtheLibrary hasthefreedom andthewherewithal torun that program usingamodified versionofthe Library. The precise termsandconditions forcopying, distribution andmodification follow.Payclose attention to the difference betweenawork based onthe library andawork thatuses thelibrary. Theformer contains codederived fromthelibrary, whereas thelatter mustbecombined...
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a) The modified workmust itselfbeasoftware library. b) You must cause thefiles modified tocarry prominent noticesstatingthatyouchanged thefiles andthe date ofany change. c) You must cause thewhole ofthe work tobe licensed atno charge toall third parties undertheterms of this License. d) Ifa facility inthe modified Libraryreferstoafunction oratable ofdata tobe supplied byan application program thatuses thefacility, otherthanasan argument passedwhenthefacility isinvoked, thenyou must make agood...
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complete corresponding machine-readable sourcecode,which mustbedistributed undertheterms of Sections 1and 2above onamedium customarily usedforsoftware interchange. If distribution ofobject codeismade byoffering accesstocopy fromadesignated place,thenoffering equivalent accesstocopy thesource codefromthesame placesatisfies therequirement todistribute the source code,eventhough thirdparties arenotcompelled tocopy thesource alongwiththeobject code. 5. Aprogram thatcontains noderivative ofany portion...
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and then relink toproduce amodified executable containingthemodified Library.(Itisunderstood that the user whochanges thecontents ofdefinitions filesinthe Library willnot necessarily beable to recompile theapplication touse themodified definitions.) b) Use asuitable sharedlibrarymechanism forlinking withtheLibrary. Asuitable mechanism isone that (1) uses atrun time acopy ofthe library already present onthe users computer system,ratherthan copying libraryfunctions intotheexecutable, and(2)will...
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9. You arenotrequired toaccept thisLicense, sinceyouhave notsigned it.However, nothingelse grants youpermission tomodify ordistribute theLibrary orits derivative works.Theseactions are prohibited bylaw ifyou donot accept thisLicense. Therefore, bymodifying ordistributing theLibrary (or any work based onthe Library), youindicate youracceptance ofthis License todo so, and allitsterms and conditions forcopying, distributing ormodifying theLibrary orworks based onit. 10. Each timeyouredistribute...
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Each version isgiven adistinguishing versionnumber. Ifthe Library specifies aversion number ofthis License whichapplies toitand any laterversion, youhave theoption offollowing theterms and conditions eitherofthat version orofany later version published bythe Free Software Foundation. Ifthe Library doesnotspecify alicense version number, youmay choose anyversion everpublished bythe Free Software Foundation. 14. Ifyou wish toincorporate partsofthe Library intoother freeprograms whosedistribution...
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Copyright (c) This library isfree software; youcanredistribute itand/or modify itunder theterms ofthe GNU Lesser General PublicLicense aspublished bythe Free Software Foundation; eitherversion 2.1ofthe License, or (at your option) anylater version. This library isdistributed inthe hope thatitwill beuseful, butWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteven the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY orFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.Seethe GNU Lesser General PublicLicense formore details. You should havereceived...