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Epson Projector Powerlite 4100 Specifications

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    MultiMedia Projector
    Brilliant qualit\f. Eas\f installation \u\beatures.
    engineere\f for ea\by in\btallati\ron, the Powerlite 4100 offer\b a flexible \boluti\ron for any cla\b\broom or 
    boar\froom. Featuring 4500 \rlumen\b of color an\f wh\rite light output
    1, plu\b XGa re\bolution, thi\b power\rful 
    performer en\bure\b amazing pre\bentation\b an\f provi\fe\b convenient mai\rntenance feature\b. With  
    one-touch filter removal an\f ea\by \bi\fe l\ramp acce\b\b, the Power\rlite 4100 offer\b a\f\fe\f peace of mi\rn\f. 
    it even inclu\fe\b a cl\ro\be\f captioning \feco\fe\rr, \bo there are no a\f\fe\f co\bt\b to acc\rommo\fate tho\be 
    with hearing impairm\rent\b. the Powerlite 4100 i\b i\feal for \rboth executive boar\froom\b an\f e\fucational 
    in\btitution\b, with v\ralue, power an\f perfor\rmance for all your pre\bentation nee\f\b.
    Bright per\bormance;\u brilliant detail — 4500 lumen\b color an\f white light outp\rut
    XGa re\bolution
    Network-read\f — rj-45 laN connection with m\ronitor an\f control capabilitie\b
    Eas\f installation — horizontal/vertical\r len\b \bhift, centere\f len\b \fe\bign, 1.8x zoom len\b 
    an\f Quick corner
    ® allow for flexible room placement an\f ea\by\r image a\fju\btment\b at\r \betup 
    							The best-selling p\drojectors in the wo\drld\f
    ep\bon un\fer\btan\f\b bu\bine\r\b\b an\f e\fucation an\f ha\r\b a \bolution no matter\r what your \bituation.\r Built with 
    image quality an\f reliability in min\f,\r ep\bon projector\b enhance comm\runication an\f in\bpire collaboration, 
    while offering a low total co\r\bt of owner\bhip. From long-throw projector\b to ultra-\bhort\r-throw  
    an\f all-in-one \boluti\ron\b, ep\bon ha\b the mo\fel ma\f\re for you.
    PowerLite® \b100 
    MultiMedia Projector
    Mirror 3L\fD chi\bs
    MirrorDichroic mirror
    Dichroic mirror
    3LCD technolog\f — \b\uor qualit\f and  
    color that’s be\fond amazing
    • 3 chip\b for full-tim\re, vibrant color  
    • 25% le\b\b electricity\r require\f per lumen of brig\rhtne\b\b
       when compare\f to 1-chip dlP projector\b
    • over 20 year\b of roa\f-te\bte\f reliability built 
       into every projector
    Brilliant image qua\dlity 
    For more information on E\,pson’s environmental  
    programs, go to e\fo.epson.\fomSM
    E\fo Features
    Energ\b-effi\fient 3LCD li\,ght engine
    •  Designed to be re\f\b\fled3
    • Epson Ameri\fa, In\f. \,is a SmartWa\bSM 
      Transport Partner4
    C2Fine™ technolog\f del\uivers a higher 
    contrast ratio
    c2Fine offer\b \bmooth, uniform i\rmage\b with exception\ral 
    contra\bt for better im\rage quality. Ba\be\f on thi\b new 
    pha\be-compen\bation te\rchnology, light leakage i\b e\rliminate\f, 
    an\f, when combine\f w\rith the auto iri\b, t\rhi\b technology allow\b\r 
    for contra\bt ratio\b of u\rp to 1000:1.
       Without c2Fine   With c2Fine
    Amazing color ligh\ut output 
    rich color an\f \fetail a\rre critical for  
    pre\bentation\b — that’\b why it’\b important to 
    un\fer\btan\f that color l\right output i\b an e\b\r-
    \bential ingre\fient in achieving\r optimum  
    performance. the Powerlite 4100 \feliver\b 450\r0 lumen\b of 
    color light output an\r\f 4500 lumen\b of whi\rte light output
    1 for 
    bright, vibrant color\rful image\b.
    4500 4500
    Advanced sharpness
    another feature ep\bon ha\b tran\bferre\f over from it\b in\fu\btry  
    lea\fing home cinema \rprojector\b — a\fvance\f \bha\rrpne\b\b for  
    vi\feo. depen\fing on the cont\rent, u\ber\b can a\fju\bt \rany of the  
    following attribute\b \rof the image \fepen\fi\rng on the content: \r 
    thin line enhanceme\rnt, thick line enh\rancement, vertical l\rine  
    enhancement or horizo\rntal line enhanceme\rnt. 
    							Easy and flexible in\dstallations
    Epson lens shi\bt tech\unolog\f
    in a\f\fition to a\f\fe\f reliability an\f amazin\rg color performance, 
    ep\bon’\b in\fu\btry-lea\fing 3lcd technology enable\b \rthe\be 
    projector\b to achieve a \rwi\fe range of len\b \bh\rift capabilitie\b 
    allowing you to in\bta\rll aroun\f ob\btacle\b. thi\b len\b \bhift 
    technology enable\b an\r incre\fible range of ±50 \rpercent on the 
    vertical axi\b an\f ±10 \rpercent on the horizont\ral axi\b.
    Centered lens design
    the Powerlite 4100 make\b in\btal\rlation ea\by to plan w\rith len\b-
    to-\bcreen alignment. in\btaller\b can po\bition\r the ceiling mount,\r 
    \bcreen an\f projector in\fepen\fently\r of one another, knowing  
    that the center of t\rhe \bcreen will align with\r the len\b at the  
    center of the projector. 
    Ke\fstone correction
    a\fju\bt\b up to ±40 \fegr\ree\b vertically an\f ±2\r0 \fegree\b  
    horizontally to ea\bily\r achieve a perfect \b\rquare image.
    Quick Corner
    thi\b innovative featu\rre allow\b 
    you to move any of th\re four corner\b 
    of an image in\fepen\fe\rntly at \betup, 
    u\bing the remote control to a\fju\bt each 
    corner for a perfectly r\rectangular picture.
    O\b\b-axis, flexible inst\uallation
    the Powerlite 4100 al\bo feature\b a ±30-\fegree tilt operation 
    for off-axi\b po\bitioning fle\rxibility. a\b a re\bult, thi\b projector can 
    be u\be\f for a wi\fe ran\rge of application\b, \b\ruch a\b projecting on 
    angle\f \burface\b. ep\bon technology keep\r\b the projector running 
    without compromi\bing performance or\r cau\bing overheating.\r
       off-axi\b, flexible in\bt\rallationPowerLite 4100 Produ\ft Spe\fifi\fation 
    							Protect \four investmen\ut — long-li\be 
    electrostatic air filter
    thi\b innovative filter\r wa\b \fe\bigne\f to protect the optical en\rgine, 
    lamp an\f electronic\b from \bmall \fu\bt particle\r\b that can enter 
    any projector. it ha\b a recommen\fe\f 3000-hour \rfilter cleaning 
    6 an\f can capture particle\b a\b \bmall a\r\b three micron\b, 
    \fue in part to it\b pl\reate\f, 
    expan\fe\f \fe\bign. 
    With one air intake an\r\f 
    one exhau\bt path, th\re 
    Powerlite 4100 offer\b 
    efficient airflow \by\bte\rm\b 
    for optimum cooling o\rf 
    key component\b an\f a \r
    re\fuction in \fu\bt-relate\f 
    Low cost of ownersh\dip
    Long-li\be lamp that\u’s eas\f to replace
    thi\b high-efficiency \rlamp la\bt\b up to 2000\r hour\b in Normal 
    Mo\fe an\f up to 3000 h\rour\b in eco Mo\fe.
    7 it can be replace\f 
    quickly an\f ea\bily, 
    without having 
    to unin\btall the 
    projector from  
    the ceiling.
    PowerLite 4100 Produ\ft Spe\fifi\fation
    Monitor and control
    • Easy Management®  software included — remotely
       acce\b\b, monitor an\f\r control ep\bon projector\b over the 
       network; inclu\fe\b\r e-mail notification\b
    • Network-ready for monitor an\dd control — rj-45 laN 
    Convenient control, monitoring and \dcommunication
    Web-based remote control
    thi\b utility allow\b u\r\ber\b to control one projector at a time thr\rough 
    the laN network. Projector control i\b u\be\f in the room in which 
    the projector i\b locate\f, ta\rking the place of t\rhe remote control 
    for \bome ba\bic comman\f\b\r, inclu\fing power on\r an\f off, volume 
    control, \bource change\b an\f more. 
    							Built-in closed capt\uioning
    • accommo\fate\b tho\be with\r hearing impairment\b
    • deliver\b important con\rtent when au\fio broa\fca\bting i\b not    
    • Help\b \bave money —\r no nee\f to pay for an\r a\f\fitional \feco\fer   
       an\f it\b in\btallati\ron
    • effective an\f ea\by to u\r\be — ea\bily enable\f o\rr \fi\bable\f through  
       the projector remote or menu
    Test patterns
    the Powerlite 4100 al\bo feature\b four te\bt pattern\b for preci\be 
    \betup, inclu\fing \fet\recting \fi\btortion, ch\recking linearity, color 
    repro\fuction an\f blee\fing\r, an\f dicoM \bimulation mo\fe.
       Stan\far\f   cro\b\b-Hatch
       color Bar\b   Gray\bcale
    Full-featured performance 
    DICOM Simulation Mo\ude 
    dicoM (digital imaging an\f communication in Me\fi\rcine) i\b a 
    \btan\far\f for han\fling, \btorin\rg, printing an\f tran\b\rmitting me\fical 
    imaging information. \rthe projector’\b dicoM Simulation Mo\fe 
    enable\b u\ber\b to repro\fuce image\b with an \ra\fvance\f gray 
    \bcale level that \bim\rulate\b dicoM Part 14. thi\b mo\fe i\b i\feal for \r
    viewing gray\bcale me\r\fical image\b, \buch a\b \rX-ray\b, for training 
    an\f e\fucational purpo\be\r\b.
       Normal Mo\fe   dicoM Simulation Mo\fe
    >>> Phase one projected to be early\d\f
    PowerLite 4100 Produ\ft Spe\fifi\fation 
    Projection System 
    High-aperture Epson 3LC\f,\C 3-chip technolog\b
    Projection Metho\f 
    Front/rear/ceiling m\Count
    Driving Metho\f 
    Epson Pol\b-silicon TFT Active Matrix
    Pi\bel Number 
    786,432 pixel x 3 L\CC\fs (1024 x 768)
    Native Resolution 
    1024 x 768 (XGA)
    Aspect Ratio 
    Supports 4:3, 16:9, 16:10
    Pi\bel Arrangement 
    Cross stripe
    Color Light Output
    4500 lumens
    White Light Output1
    4500 lumens (ISO 21\C118 standard) 
    Contrast Ratio (High Brightness,  
    Dynamic Mo\fe) 
    Brightness Uniformi\hty (typical) 
    Color Repro\fuction 
    16.7 million colors
    Size (projecte\f \fistance) 
    30" – 300"
    Lens Shift
    Vertical: ±50 degrees 
    Horizontal: ±10 degrees
    Keystone Correction
    Vertical: ±40 degrees
    Horizontal: ±20 degrees
    Lamp Type
    275 W UHE
    Lamp Life
    2000 hours (Normal \CMode) 
    3000 hours (ECO Mode\C)
    Effective Scanning 
    Frequency Range 
    Pi\bel Clock
    13.5 MHz – 162 MHz (\Cup to UXGA 60 Hz)
    15 kHz – 92 kHz
    50 Hz – 85 Hz
    Vi\feo I/O
    Display Performance
    NTSC: 560 line
    PAL: 560 line
    (depends on observation of the  
    multi-burst pattern)
    Input Signal
    Pixel works: video chip
    3\f Y/C separation, noise reduction 
    motion compensated
    Interlace-Progressi\Cve conversion  
    (2 – 2, 3 – 2 film detectio\Cn)
    Computer: \f-sub 15 pin x 1
    Composite video: BNC x 1
    Video: 5-BNC x 1
    Network: RJ-45 x 1,100 Mbps
    Serial: RS-232c
    Projection Lens 
    Manual focus/zoom
    1.65 – 2.55
    Focal Length
    21.28 mm – 37.94 m\Cm
    Zoom Ratio
    Optical zoom 1.0 – \C1.8
    Throw Ratio Range 
    1.30 – 2.36
    Other Features
    Operating Temperature
    32 ˚ to 104 ˚F (0 \C˚ to 40 ˚C)
    Power Supply Voltage
    100 – 240 V ±10%, 50/60 Hz AC
    Power Consumption
    390 W (Normal Mode)
    323 W (ECO Mode) 
    10 W Standb\b (Communica\Ction on) 
    0.38 W Standb\b (Communica\Ction off)
    Fan Noise
    33 dB (Normal Mode)
    28 dB (ECO Mode)
    Securit\b Cable Hole, Lens Lock,  
    ® Lock provision
    Dimensions (W \b D \b\h H)
    Inclu\fing Feet (wit\hh stan\far\f lens)
    18.50" x 12.26" x \C5.96"
    E\bclu\fing Feet, Lens
    18.5" x 12.26" x 5\C.31"
    Weight 15 lb
    Remote Control 
    Power, source search selec\Ction, computer, 
    video, A/V mute, freeze, user I\f, auto, aspect, 
    color mode, num, page up and down, E-zoom, 
    volume, help, menu, enter, esc and  
    pointer functions 
    Operating Angle
    Front: ± 60 degrees
    Rear: ± 30 degrees
    Front: ± 20 degrees
    Rear: +10 to +45 degree\Cs
    Operating Distance
    49 ft
    The Epson Connectio\hnSM
    Pre-sales support
    U.S. and Canada 800-463\C-7766
    Internet website w\Cww.epson.com
    Service Programs
    Two-\bear limited war\Crant\b, Epson Road
    Service program, Epson PrivateLine
    dedicated toll-free suppo\Crt (U.S. and
    Canada onl\b) and 90-\Cda\b limited
    lamp warrant\b
    What’s In The Bo\b
    PowerLite 4100  proj\Cector, power cable,  
    computer cable (VGA)\C, projector remote c\Control 
    with batteries, user manual C\f, Eas\bMP
    software C\f, Quick Setup Sheet,\C PrivateLine 
    support card, registration card, password 
    protection sticker \Cand lens lock screw
    Accessory Part Numbers
    Genuine Epson lamp \C   V13H010L62
    Replacement air filte\Cr   V13H134A17
    Replacement remote \Ccontrol   1485872
    Advanced projector \Cceiling mount
    with precision gear\C     ELPMBPRG
    Adjustable suspende\Cd  
    ceiling channel kit \C    ELPMBP01
    False ceiling plate kit   ELPMBP02
    Structural round cei\Cling plate   ELPMBP03
    Adjustable extensio\Cn column  
    (pipe) 8" – 11"     ELPMBC01
    Kensington securit\b\C lock   ELPSL01
    50-inch portable scr\Ceen  
    (4:3 aspect ratio)     ELPSC06
    60-inch portable po\Cp-up screen
    (4:3 aspect ratio)     ELPSC07
    80-inch portable po\Cp-up screen
    (4:3 aspect ratio)     ELPSC08
    \fuet™ portable proj\Cector screen
    (4:3/16:9 combination)   ELPSC80
    Component to VGA video cable   ELPKC19
    S-video cable     ELPSV01
    \fistribution amplifi\Cer    ELP\fA01
    Remote control (ELP\CST16)   V12H007T16
    Image presentation  
    camera (ELP\fC05)     V12H162020
    Packaging Specificati\hons
    PowerLite 4100
    \fimensions 21.9" x \C18.4" x 11.1" (W x\C \f x H)
    Weight 21.3 lb
    Genuine Epson Lamp
    \fimensions 6.3" x 5\C.6" x 5.6" (W x \f x\C H)
    Weight 0.8 lb
    Master Carton
    \fimensions 28.4" x \C13.1" x 6.8" (W x \C\f x H)
    Weight 9 lb
    Units Per Master Carton 10
    Replacement Air Fi\hlter
    \fimensions 11.3" x \C3.7" x 1.9" (W x \f \Cx H)
    Weight 0.21 lb
    Master Carton
    \fimensions 19.2" x \C11.8" x 4.8" (W x \C\f x H)
    Weight 3.09 lb
    Units Per Master Carton 10
    Product Name  Product Code  UPC
    PowerLite 4100   V11H380020  0 10343 88096 2 
    Genuine Epson Lamp\C   V13H010L62 0 10343 88122 8
    Replacement Air Filter   V13H134A17 0 10343 86897 7
    1  White an\f color light\r output will vary \fe\rpen\fing on mo\fe \belec\rte\f.  White light o\rutput mea\bure\f u\bing iSo 21118 \btan\far\f.
    2   data \bource: Projectorcentral.com jan 2010. a verage of 910 \bhippin\rg mo\fel\b for which th\re manufacturer\b provi\fe\f lumen\b an\f tota\rl power \fata, all re\bolution\b an\f brightn\re\b\b level\b.
    3   See our web\bite for c\ronvenient an\f rea\bonable recycling option\b at \rwww.ep\bon.com/recycle
    4   SmartWay i\b an innovative p\rartner\bhip of the u.S. environmental Protection agency that re\fuce\b greenhou\be ga\be\b an\f oth\rer air pollutant\b an\f \rimprove\b fuel efficiency\r.
    5  thi\b projector \foe\b not meet \rthe dicoM \btan\far\f Part 14 an\f \bhoul\f not\r be u\be\f a\b a me\fical \r\fiagno\btic \fevice.
    6   a 3000-hour filter cle\raning cycle recommen\fation i\b ba\be\f\r on normal room con\fition\b. cleaning requirement\b may vary \fepen\r\fing on u\be, environment an\f other con\fi\rtion\b.  cleaning interval\b may\r be a\fju\bte\f to accomm\ro\fate the environment in which the\r projector i\b u\be\f.
    7   lamp life will vary \f\repen\fing upon mo\fe \be\rlecte\f, environmental con\fition\b an\r\f u\bage. lamp brightne\b\b \fecrea\be\b over time.
    Spe\fifi\fations subje\f\,t to \fhange. Epson,\, Eas\b Management, E\,as\bMP and Qui\fk Corner are registered trademarks, Epson\, Ex\feed Your Vision is a registered logomark, C
    2Fine and Better 
    Produ\fts for a Better \,Future are a trademarks of S\,eiko Epson Corpora\,tion. PowerLite an\,d PrivateLine are registered trademarks, Duet i\,s a trademark and Ep\,son Conne\ftion is a\, servi\fe 
    mark of Epson Amer\,i\fa, In\f. Smartwa\b i\,s a servi\fe mark of\, the U.S. Environmental Prote\ftion Agen\f\b. All other produ\ft and brand names \,are trademarks and/or \,registered trademarks of 
    their respe\ftive \fompanies\,. Epson dis\flaims an\,\b and all rights in \,these marks. Cop\bri\,ght 2011 Epson Ame\,ri\fa, In\f. CPD-33435\,R1 1/11
    Epson America, Inc\d\f 
    3840 Kilro\b Airport Wa\b, Long Bea\fh, CA 908\,06
    Epson Canada, Ltd\f 
    3771 Vi\ftoria Park Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M1W 3\,Z5 www\fepson\fcom 
    PowerLite® \b100
    Multime\fia Projector 
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