Epson Projector PowerLite 20230 User Manual
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5. Move theglasses within10feet (3m) ofthe projector, thenholddown thePairing buttononthe glasses foratleast three seconds. The status lightonthe glasses flashesgreenandred. Ifpairing issuccessful, thelight turns green for 10seconds andthen turns off. Parent topic:Viewing 3DImages Charging the3DGlasses Charge theglasses whenthestatus lightonthe glasses flashesredtoindicate alow battery. 1. Connect thesmaller endofthe charging cabletothe port onthe bridge ofthe glasses. Note: Makesureyouconnect...
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The glasses arefully charged whenthestatus lightonthe glasses staysgreen. Parent topic:Viewing 3DImages 3D Viewing Range When youview 3Dimages, makesureyouarepositioned withintheviewing rangeshown here. 1 32 ft(10 m) Parent topic:Viewing 3DImages Selecting theLanguage forthe Projector Menus If you want toview theprojectors menusandmessages inanother language, youcanchange the Language setting. 1. Turn onthe projector. 2. Press theMenu button. 52
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3. Select theExtended menuandpress Enter. 4. Select theLanguage settingandpress Enter. 5. Select thelanguage youwant touse and press Enter. 6. Press Menu orEsc toexit themenus. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Adjusting theImage Height If you areprojecting fromatable orother flatsurface, andtheimage istoo high orlow, youcanadjust the image heightusingtheprojectors adjustablefeet. 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. 2. Toadjust thefront foot,pulluponthe foot release...
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The footextends fromtheprojector. 3. Release thelever tolock thefoot. 4. Ifthe image istilted, rotate therear feettoadjust theirheight. If the projected imageisunevenly rectangular, youneed toadjust theimage shape. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related concepts Image Shape Image Shape You canproject anevenly rectangular imagebyplacing theprojector directlyinfront ofthe center ofthe screen andkeeping itlevel. Ifyou place theprojector atan angle tothe screen, ortilted upordown,...
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1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. Note: Youcandisplay apattern toaid inadjusting theprojected imageusingtheSettings menu. 2. Adjust theslider untiltheimage isevenly rectangular. After correction, yourimage isslightly smaller. Parent topic:Image Shape Related references Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Correcting ImageShape withtheKeystone Buttons You canusetheprojectors keystonecorrection buttonstocorrect theshape ofan image thatis unevenly rectangular onthe sides. 1. Turn...
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2. Press oneofthese keystone buttonsonthe control paneltodisplay theKeystone adjustment screen. 3. Press akeystone buttononthe projectors controlpaneltoadjust theimage shape. After correction, yourimage isslightly smaller. Note: Ifthe projector isinstalled outofreach, youcanalso correct theimage shape withtheremote control usingtheKeystone settingsinthe projector menus. Parent topic:Image Shape Related references Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu 56
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Resizing theImage WiththeZoom Ring 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. Note: Youcandisplay apattern toaid inadjusting theprojected imageusingthePattern buttonon the remote control. 2. Toenlarge orreduce theimage size,rotate theprojectors zoomring. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Focusing theImage UsingtheFocus Ring 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. Note: Youcandisplay apattern toaid inadjusting theprojected imageusingthePattern buttonon the remote control. 57
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2. Tosharpen theimage focus,rotatetheprojector ’s focus ring. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Remote ControlOperation The remote controlletsyou control theprojector fromalmost anywhere inthe room. Youcanpoint itat the screen, orthe front orback ofthe projector. Make surethatyouaimtheremote controlatthe projectors receiverswithinthedistance andangles listed here. 58
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1 19.7 feet(6m) 2 ± 15 ° 1 19.7 feet(6m) 2 ± 30 ° Note: Avoidusingtheremote controlinconditions withbright fluorescent lightsorindirect sunlight, or the projector maynotrespond tocommands. Ifyou willnot use theremote controlforalong time, remove thebatteries. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related tasks Installing Batteriesinthe Remote Control Selecting anImage Source If you connected multipleimagesources tothe projector, suchasacomputer andDVD player, youmay want toswitch...
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2. Forvideo image sources, insertaDVD orother video media andpress itsplay button, ifnecessary. 3. Doone ofthe following: • Press theSource buttononthe projector untilyouseetheimage fromthesource youwant. • Press thebutton forthe source youwant onthe remote control. Ifthere ismore thanoneport for that source, pressthebutton againtocycle through thesources. 1 HDMI portsources 2 Network source 3 Video sources 4 PC port (VGA) sources Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Projection...