Epson Projector PowerLite 2000 User Manual
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Page 151
(3) Permission foruse ofthis software isgranted onlyifthe user accepts fullresponsibility forany undesirable consequences; theauthors acceptNOLIABILITY fordamages ofany kind. These conditions applytoany software derivedfromorbased onthe IJG code, notjust tothe unmodified library. Ifyou useourwork, youought toacknowledge us. Permission isNOT granted forthe use ofany IJGauthors nameorcompany nameinadvertising or publicity relatingtothis software orproducts derivedfromit.This software maybereferred...
Page 152
The libpng areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List oflibpng programs libpng-1.2.49 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe libpng are asfollows. This copy ofthe libpng notices isprovided foryour convenience. Incase ofany discrepancy between this copy andthenotices inthe filepng.h thatisincluded inthe libpng distribution, thelatter shallprevail. COPYRIGHT NOTICE,DISCLAIMER,...
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libpng versions 0.89,June1996, through 0.96,May1997, areCopyright (c)1996, 1997Andreas Dilger Distributed accordingtothe same disclaimer andlicense aslibpng-0.88, withthefollowing individuals added tothe listofContributing Authors: John Bowler Kevin Bracey Sam Bushell Magnus Holmgren Greg Roelofs Tom Tanner libpng versions 0.5,May 1995, through 0.88,January 1996,areCopyright (c)1995, 1996GuyEric Schalnat, Group42,Inc. For thepurposes ofthis copyright andlicense, Contributing Authorsisdefined...
Page 154
A png_get_copyright functionisavailable, forconvenient useinabout boxesandthelike: printf(%s,png_get_copyright(NULL)); Also, thePNG logo(inPNG format, ofcourse) issupplied inthe files pngbar.png andpngbar.jpg (88x31) andpngnow.png (98x31). Libpng isOSI Certified OpenSource Software. OSICertified OpenSource isacertification markofthe Open Source Initiative. Glenn Randers-Pehrson [email protected] March 29,2012 zlib This projector productincludes theopen source software...
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[email protected] MarkAdler [email protected] If you usethezlib library inaproduct, wewould appreciate *not*receiving lengthylegaldocuments to sign. Thesources areprovided forfree butwithout warranty ofany kind. Thelibrary hasbeen entirely written byJean-loup GaillyandMark Adler; itdoes notinclude third-party code. If you redistribute modifiedsources,wewould appreciate thatyouinclude inthe fileChangeLog history information documenting yourchanges. mDNSResponder This projector...
Page 156
Object formshall mean anyform resulting frommechanical transformation ortranslation ofaSource form, including butnotlimited tocompiled objectcode,generated documentation, andconversions to other media types. Work shallmean thework ofauthorship, whetherinSource orObject form,made available underthe License, asindicated byacopyright noticethatisincluded inor attached tothe work (anexample is provided inthe Appendix below). Derivative Worksshallmean anywork, whether inSource orObject...
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4. Redistribution. Youmay reproduce anddistribute copiesofthe Work orDerivative Worksthereof in any medium, withorwithout modifications, andinSource orObject form,provided thatYou meet the following conditions: (a) You must giveanyother recipients ofthe Work orDerivative Worksacopy ofthis License; and (b) You must cause anymodified filestocarry prominent noticesstatingthatYou changed thefiles; and (c) You must retain, inthe Source formofany Derivative WorksthatYou distribute, allcopyright,...
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8. Limitation ofLiability. Inno event andunder nolegal theory, whether intort (including negligence), contract, orotherwise, unlessrequired byapplicable law(such asdeliberate andgrossly negligent acts) or agreed toinwriting, shallanyContributor beliable toYou fordamages, includinganydirect, indirect, special, incidental, orconsequential damagesofany character arisingasaresult ofthis License orout of the use orinability touse theWork (including butnotlimited todamages forloss ofgoodwill, work...
Page 159
The aes-src-29-04-09 areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List ofes-src-29-04-09 programs aes-src-29-04-09 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe aes- src-29-04-09 areasfollows. Copyright (c)1998-2008, BrianGladman, Worcester, UK.Allrights reserved. LICENSE TERMS The redistribution anduseofthis software (withorwithout changes) isallowed withoutthepayment of fees orroyalties...
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(1) Red HatIncorporated Copyright (c)1994-2007 RedHat,Inc.Allrights reserved. This copyrighted materialismade available toanyone wishing touse, modify, copy,orredistribute it subject tothe terms andconditions ofthe BSD License. Thisprogram isdistributed inthe hope thatitwill be useful, butWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY expressedorimplied, including theimplied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY orFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.Acopy ofthis license isavailable at AnyRed...