Epson Projector PowerLite 1955 User Manual
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1 Computer portsources 2 Video andHDMI sources 3 USB portsources (computer displayandexternal devices) 4 Network source Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Projection Modes Depending onhow youpositioned theprojector, youmay need tochange theprojection modesoyour images projectcorrectly. • Front (default setting)letsyou project fromatable infront ofthe screen. • Front/Ceiling flipstheimage overtop-to-bottom toproject upside-down fromaceiling orwall mount. • Rear flipstheimage horizontally toproject frombehind atranslucent screen. • Rear/Ceiling flipstheimage overtop-to-bottom andhorizontally toproject fromtheceiling andbehind a translucent screen. You canchange theprojection modeusingtheremote controlorby changing amenu setting. Changing theProjection ModeUsing theRemote Control Changing theProjection ModeUsing theMenus Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Changing theProjection ModeUsing theRemote Control You canchange theprojection modetoflip the image overtop-to-bottom. 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. 91
2. Hold down theA/V Mute button onthe remote controlforfive seconds. The image disappears brieflyandreappears flippedtop-to-bottom. 3. Tochange projection backtothe original mode,holddown theA/V Mute button forfive seconds again. Parent topic:Projection Modes Changing theProjection ModeUsing theMenus You canchange theprojection modetoflip the image overtop-to-bottom and/orleft-to-right usingthe projector menus. 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. 2. Press theMenu button. 92
3. Select theExtended menuandpress Enter. 4. Select theProjection settingandpress Enter. 5. Select aprojection modeandpress Enter. 6. Press Menu orEsc toexit themenus. Parent topic:Projection Modes Image Aspect Ratio The projector candisplay images indifferent width-to-height ratioscalled aspect ratios.Normally the input signal fromyourvideo source determines theimages aspectratio.However, forcertain images you canchange theaspect ratiotofityour screen bypressing abutton onthe remote control. If you always wanttouse aparticular aspectratioforacertain videoinputsource, youcanselect itusing the projectors menus. Changing theImage Aspect Ratio Available ImageAspect Ratios Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related references Input Signal Settings -Signal Menu 93
Changing theImage Aspect Ratio You canchange theaspect ratioofthe displayed imagetoresize it. 1. Turn onthe projector andswitch tothe image source youwant touse. 2. Press theAspect buttononthe remote control. The shape andsize ofthe displayed imagechanges, andthename ofthe aspect ratioappears briefly onthe screen. 3. Tocycle through theavailable aspectratiosforyour input signal, presstheAspect button repeatedly. Parent topic:Image Aspect Ratio Available ImageAspect Ratios You canselect thefollowing imageaspect ratios,depending onthe input signal fromyourimage source. Note: Blackbands andcropped imagesmayproject incertain aspectratios,depending onthe aspect ratio andresolution ofyour input signal. PowerLite 1940W/1945W Aspect ratiosetting Description Auto Automatically setstheaspect ratioaccording tothe input signal and the Resolution setting. 94
Aspect ratiosetting Description Normal Displays imagesusingthefullprojection areaandmaintains the aspect ratioofthe image. 16:9 Converts theaspect ratioofthe image to16:9. Full Displays imagesusingthefullwidth ofthe projection area,butdoes not maintain theaspect ratio. Zoom Displays imagesusingthefullwidth ofthe projection areaand maintains theaspect ratioofthe image. Native Displays imagesasis(aspect ratioandresolution aremaintained). PowerLite 1950/1955/1960/1965 Aspect ratiosetting Description Auto Automatically setstheaspect ratioaccording tothe input signal and the Resolution setting. Normal Displays imagesusingthefullprojection areaandmaintains the aspect ratioofthe image. 4:3 Displays imagesusingthefullprojection areaat4:3 aspect ratio. 16:9 Converts theaspect ratioofthe image to16:9. Note: TheAuto aspect ratiosetting isavailable onlyforHDMI image sources. Parent topic:Image Aspect Ratio Color Mode The projector offersdifferent ColorModes toprovide optimum brightness, contrast,andcolor fora variety ofviewing environments andimage types.Youcanselect amode designed tomatch yourimage and environment, orexperiment withtheavailable modes. If you always wanttouse aparticular colormode foracertain videoinputsource, youcanselect itusing the projector menus. Changing theColor Mode Available ColorModes Turning OnAuto Iris 95
Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related references Image Quality Settings -Image Menu Changing theColor Mode You canchange theprojectors ColorMode usingtheremote controltooptimize theimage foryour viewing environment. 1. Turn onthe projector andswitch tothe image source youwant touse. 2. Ifyou areprojecting fromaDVD player orother video source, insertadisc orother video media and press theplay button, ifnecessary. 3. Press theColor Mode button onthe remote controltochange theColor Mode. The image appearance changesandthename ofthe Color Mode appears brieflyonthe screen. 4. Tocycle through allthe available ColorModes foryour input signal, presstheColor Mode button repeatedly. Parent topic:ColorMode Available ColorModes You cansetthe projector touse these ColorModes, depending onthe input source youareusing: Color Mode Description Presentation Best forcolor presentations inabright room Dynamic Best forprojecting inabright room 96
Color Mode Description Theatre Best formovies projected inadark room Sports Best fortelevision imagesinabright room sRGB Best forstandard sRGBcomputer displays Blackboard Best forpresentations ontoagreen chalkboard (adjuststhecolors accordingly) Whiteboard Best forpresentations ontoawhiteboard (adjuststhecolors accordingly) Photo Best forstill images projected inabright room DICOM SIM Best forprojecting X-rayphotographs andother medical images Note: TheDICOM SIMColor Mode isfor reference purposesonlyandshould notbeused tomake medical diagnoses. Parent topic:ColorMode Turning OnAuto Iris In certain colormodes, youcanturn onthe Auto Irissetting toautomatically optimizetheimage based on the brightness ofthe content youproject. 1. Turn onthe projector andswitch tothe image source youwant touse. 2. Press theMenu button. 97
3. Select theImage menuandpress Enter. 4. Select theAuto Irissetting andselect On. Note: Youcanturn Auto Irisonoroff for each Color Mode thatsupports thefeature. Youcannot change theAuto Irissetting whenyouareusing aClosed Caption setting. 5. Press Menu orEsc toexit themenus. Parent topic:ColorMode Controlling theVolume withtheVolume Buttons The volume buttons controltheprojector ’s internal speaker systemorany external speakers you connected tothe projector. You must adjust thevolume separately foreach connected inputsource. 1. Turn onthe projector andstart apresentation thatincludes audio. 98
2. Tolower orraise thevolume, presstheVolume buttonsonthe remote control. A volume gaugeappears onthe screen. 3. Toset the volume toaspecific levelforaninput source, youcansetthe volume usingaprojector menu. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Projecting aPC Free Presentation You canuseyour projectors PCFree feature (PowerLite 1945W/1955/1965) wheneveryouconnect a USB device thatcontains compatible presentation files.Thisletsyou quickly andeasily display a presentation andcontrol itusing theprojectors remotecontrol. Supported PCFree FileTypes Editing Scenarios (SITFiles) Starting aPC Free PDFFilePresentation Starting aPC Free Movie Presentation Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related concepts USB Device Projection Related tasks Connecting aUSB Device orCamera tothe Projector Supported PCFree FileTypes You canproject thesetypesoffiles using theprojectors PCFree feature. Note: Forbest results, placeyourfilesonmedia thatisformatted inFAT16/32. Ifyou have trouble projecting frommedia formatted fornon-Windows filesystems, tryformatting themedia forWindows 99
instead. Youmay notbeable touse thesecurity features oncertain USBstorage devices withPCFree features. Graphic andText FileFormats File contents File type Details (extension) Image .jpg Make surethefileisnot: • CMYK format • Progressive format • Highly compressed • Above 8192×8192 resolution • Over 12MB insize • Named witha.jpeg extension .bmp Make surethefileresolution isnot above 2048×2048 .gif Make surethefileisnot: • Above 2048×2048 resolution • Animated .png Make surethefileresolution isnot above 2048×2048 Scenario .fse Main format forfiles converted fromPowerPoint usingEasyMP Slide Converter .sit Compressed formatforfiles converted fromPowerPoint using EasyMP SlideConverter (alsocalled scenario files) PDF .pdf Make surethefileisnot: • Saved inPDF version 1.7orearlier format • Encrypted Movie FileFormats 100