Epson Projector Powerlite 1835 User Manual
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have isnot theoriginal version, sothat theoriginal authors reputation willnot beaffected byproblems that might beintroduced byothers. Finally, software patentsposeaconstant threattothe existence ofany free program. Wewish tomake sure thatacompany cannoteffectively restricttheusers ofafree program byobtaining arestrictive license fromapatent holder. Therefore, weinsist thatanypatent license obtained foraversion ofthe library mustbeconsistent withthefullfreedom ofuse specified inthis license. Most...
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GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLICLICENSE TERMSANDCONDITIONS FORCOPYING, DISTRIBUTION ANDMODIFICATION 0. This License Agreement appliestoany software libraryorother program whichcontains anotice placed bythe copyright holderorother authorized partysaying itmay bedistributed undertheterms of this Lesser General PublicLicense (alsocalled thisLicense). Eachlicensee isaddressed asyou. A library meansacollection ofsoftware functions and/ordataprepared soastobe conveniently linked with application...
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d) Ifa facility inthe modified Libraryreferstoafunction oratable ofdata tobe supplied byan application program thatuses thefacility, otherthanasan argument passedwhenthefacility isinvoked, thenyou must make agood faitheffort toensure that,inthe event anapplication doesnotsupply suchfunction or table, thefacility stilloperates, andperforms whatever partofits purpose remainsmeaningful. (For example, afunction inalibrary tocompute squarerootshasapurpose thatisentirely well-defined independent ofthe...
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5. Aprogram thatcontains noderivative ofany portion ofthe Library, butisdesigned towork withthe Library bybeing compiled orlinked withit,iscalled awork thatuses theLibrary. Suchawork, in isolation, isnot aderivative workofthe Library, andtherefore fallsoutside thescope ofthis License. However, linkingawork thatuses theLibrary withtheLibrary creates anexecutable thatisaderivative of the Library (because itcontains portionsofthe Library), ratherthanawork thatuses thelibrary. The executable...
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library, ifthe user installs one,aslong asthe modified versionisinterface-compatible withtheversion that thework wasmade with. c) Accompany thework withawritten offer,validforatleast three years, togive thesame userthe materials specifiedinSubsection 6a,above, foracharge nomore thanthecost ofperforming this distribution. d) Ifdistribution ofthe work ismade byoffering accesstocopy fromadesignated place,offerequivalent access tocopy theabove specified materials fromthesame place. e) Verify...
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10. Each timeyouredistribute theLibrary (orany work based onthe Library), therecipient automatically receives alicense fromtheoriginal licensor tocopy, distribute, linkwith ormodify theLibrary subject to these terms andconditions. Youmay notimpose anyfurther restrictions onthe recipients exerciseof the rights granted herein.Youarenotresponsible forenforcing compliance bythird parties withthis License. 11. If,as aconsequence ofacourt judgment orallegation ofpatent infringement orfor any other...
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14. Ifyou wish toincorporate partsofthe Library intoother freeprograms whosedistribution conditions are incompatible withthese, writetothe author toask forpermission. Forsoftware whichiscopyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, writetothe Free Software Foundation; wesometimes make exceptions forthis. Ourdecision willbeguided bythe two goals ofpreserving thefree status ofall derivatives ofour free software andofpromoting thesharing andreuse ofsoftware generally. NO WARRANTY 15. BECAUSE...
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This library isfree software; youcanredistribute itand/or modify itunder theterms ofthe GNU Lesser General PublicLicense aspublished bythe Free Software Foundation; eitherversion 2.1ofthe License, or (at your option) anylater version. This library isdistributed inthe hope thatitwill beuseful, butWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteven the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY orFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.Seethe GNU Lesser General PublicLicense formore details. You should havereceived acopy ofthe GNU...
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1. Redistributions ofsource codemustretain theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions inbinary formmust reproduce theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer inthe documentation and/orothermaterials providedwiththedistribution. 3. Neither thename ofthe University northenames ofits contributors maybeused toendorse or promote products derivedfromthissoftware withoutspecific priorwritten permission. THIS SOFTWARE...
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1. We dont promise thatthissoftware works.(Butifyou findany bugs, please letus know!) 2. You canusethissoftware forwhatever youwant. Youdont have topay us. 3. You may notpretend thatyouwrote thissoftware. Ifyou useitin aprogram, youmust acknowledge somewhere inyour documentation thatyouve usedtheIJG code. In legalese: The authors makeNOWARRANTY orrepresentation, eitherexpress orimplied, withrespect tothis software, itsquality, accuracy, merchantability, orfitness foraparticular...