Epson Projector Powerlite 1751 User Manual
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so on) ofthe operating systemonwhich theexecutable runs,unless thatcomponent itselfaccompanies the executable. If distribution ofexecutable orobject codeismade byoffering accesstocopy fromadesignated place, then offering equivalent accesstocopy thesource codefromthesame placecounts asdistribution of the source code,eventhough thirdparties arenotcompelled tocopy thesource alongwiththeobject code. 4. You may notcopy, modify, sublicense, ordistribute theProgram exceptasexpressly providedunder this...
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This section isintended tomake thoroughly clearwhatisbelieved tobe aconsequence ofthe rest ofthis License. 8. Ifthe distribution and/oruseofthe Program isrestricted incertain countries eitherbypatents orby copyrighted interfaces,theoriginal copyright holderwhoplaces theProgram underthisLicense mayadd an explicit geographical distributionlimitationexcluding thosecountries, sothat distribution ispermitted only inor among countries notthus excluded. Insuch case, thisLicense incorporates thelimitation...
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END OFTERMS ANDCONDITIONS How toApply These Terms toYour NewPrograms If you develop anew program, andyouwant itto be ofthe greatest possible usetothe public, thebest way toachieve thisisto make itfree software whicheveryone canredistribute andchange underthese terms. To doso, attach thefollowing noticestothe program. Itis safest toattach themtothe start ofeach source filetomost effectively conveytheexclusion ofwarranty; andeach fileshould haveatleast the copyright lineand apointer towhere...
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This General PublicLicense doesnotpermit incorporating yourprogram intoproprietary programs.If your program isasubroutine library,youmay consider itmore useful topermit linking proprietary applications withthelibrary. Ifthis iswhat youwant todo, use theGNU Lesser General PublicLicense instead ofthis License. GNU LGPL This projector productincludes theopen source software programs whichapplytheGNU Lesser General PublicLicense Version2or later version (LGPL Programs). We provide thesource...
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The licenses formost software aredesigned totake away yourfreedom toshare andchange it.By contrast, theGNU General PublicLicenses areintended toguarantee yourfreedom toshare and change freesoftware —to make surethesoftware isfree forallitsusers. This license, theLesser General PublicLicense, appliestosome specially designated software packages —typically libraries—of the Free Software Foundation andother authors whodecide touse it. You canuseittoo, butwesuggest youfirstthink carefully aboutwhether...
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Public License therefore permitssuchlinking onlyifthe entire combination fitsitscriteria offreedom. The Lesser General PublicLicense permitsmorelaxcriteria forlinking othercodewiththelibrary. We call this license theLesser GeneralPublicLicense because itdoes Lesstoprotect theusers freedom thantheordinary GeneralPublicLicense. Italso provides otherfreesoftware developers Less of an advantage overcompeting non-freeprograms. Thesedisadvantages arethereason weuse the ordinary GeneralPublicLicense...
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Source codeforawork means thepreferred formofthe work formaking modifications toit.For a library, complete sourcecodemeans allthe source codeforallmodules itcontains, plusanyassociated interface definition files,plusthescripts usedtocontrol compilation andinstallation ofthe library. Activities otherthancopying, distribution andmodification arenotcovered bythis License; theyare outside itsscope. Theactofrunning aprogram usingtheLibrary isnot restricted, andoutput fromsuch a program iscovered...
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Thus, itis not theintent ofthis section toclaim rights orcontest yourrights towork written entirely by you; rather, theintent isto exercise theright tocontrol thedistribution ofderivative orcollective works based onthe Library. In addition, mereaggregation ofanother worknotbased onthe Library withtheLibrary (orwith awork based onthe Library) onavolume ofastorage ordistribution mediumdoesnotbring theother work under thescope ofthis License. 3. You may opttoapply theterms ofthe ordinary GNUGeneral...
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unrestricted, regardlessofwhether itis legally aderivative work.(Executables containingthisobject code plusportions ofthe Library willstill fallunder Section 6.) Otherwise, ifthe work isaderivative ofthe Library, youmay distribute theobject codeforthe work under the terms ofSection 6.Any executables containingthatwork alsofallunder Section 6,whether ornot they arelinked directly withtheLibrary itself. 6. As anexception tothe Sections above,youmay alsocombine orlink awork thatuses theLibrary with...
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with themajor components (compiler,kernel,andsoon) ofthe operating systemonwhich the executable runs,unless thatcomponent itselfaccompanies theexecutable. It may happen thatthisrequirement contradictsthelicense restrictions ofother proprietary librariesthat do not normally accompany theoperating system.Suchacontradiction meansyoucannot useboth them andtheLibrary together inan executable thatyoudistribute. 7. You may place library facilities thatareawork based onthe Library side-by-side inasingle...