Epson Projector Ex5230 Pro User Manual
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To doso, attach thefollowing noticestothe program. Itis safest toattach themtothe start ofeach source filetomost effectively conveytheexclusion ofwarranty; andeach fileshould haveatleast the copyright lineand apointer towhere thefullnotice isfound. < one linetogive theprograms nameandabrief ideaofwhat itdoes. > Copyright (C) This program isfree software; youcanredistribute itand/or modify itunder theterms ofthe GNU General PublicLicense aspublished bythe Free Software Foundation; eitherversion...
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This projector productincludes theopen source software programs whichapplytheGNU Lesser General PublicLicense Version2or later version (LGPL Programs). We provide thesource codeofthe LGPL Programs untilfive(5)years afterthediscontinuation ofsame model ofthis projector product. If you desire toreceive thesource codeofthe LGPL Programs, pleaseseetheEPSON Projector Contact Listinthe Users Guide, andcontact thecustomer supportofyour region. These LGPLPrograms areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY;...
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When wespeak offree software, weare referring tofreedom ofuse, notprice. OurGeneral Public Licenses aredesigned tomake surethatyouhave thefreedom todistribute copiesoffree software (and charge forthis service ifyou wish); thatyoureceive sourcecodeorcan getitifyou want it;that youcan change thesoftware andusepieces ofitin new freeprograms; andthatyouareinformed thatyoucan do these things. To protect yourrights, weneed tomake restrictions thatforbid distributors todeny youthese rightsorto ask you...
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For example, onrare occasions, theremaybeaspecial needtoencourage thewidest possible useofa certain library,sothat itbecomes ade-facto standard. Toachieve this,non-free programs mustbe allowed touse thelibrary. Amore frequent caseisthat afree library doesthesame jobaswidely used non-free libraries. Inthis case, thereislittle togain bylimiting thefree library tofree software only,sowe use theLesser General PublicLicense. In other cases, permission touse aparticular libraryinnon-free programs...
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1. You may copy anddistribute verbatimcopiesofthe Librarys complete sourcecodeasyou receive it, in any medium, provided thatyouconspicuously andappropriately publishoneach copyanappropriate copyright noticeanddisclaimer ofwarranty; keepintact allthe notices thatrefer tothis License andtothe absence ofany warranty; anddistribute acopy ofthis License alongwiththeLibrary. You may charge afee forthe physical actoftransferring acopy, andyoumay atyour option offer warranty protection inexchange...
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they refer tothe ordinary GNUGeneral PublicLicense, version2,instead oftothis License. (Ifanewer version thanversion 2of the ordinary GNUGeneral PublicLicense hasappeared, thenyoucanspecify that version insteadifyou wish.) Donot make anyother change inthese notices. Once thischange ismade inagiven copy,itis irreversible forthat copy, sothe ordinary GNUGeneral Public License appliestoall subsequent copiesandderivative worksmadefromthatcopy. This option isuseful whenyouwish tocopy partofthe code...
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of your choice, provided thattheterms permit modification ofthe work forthe customers ownuseand reverse engineering fordebugging suchmodifications. You must giveprominent noticewitheach copyofthe work thattheLibrary isused initand thatthe Library anditsuse arecovered bythis License. Youmust supply acopy ofthis License. Ifthe work during execution displayscopyright notices,youmust include thecopyright noticeforthe Library among them, aswell asareference directingtheuser tothe copy ofthis License....
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provided thattheseparate distribution ofthe work based onthe Library andofthe other library facilities is otherwise permitted, andprovided thatyoudothese twothings: a) Accompany thecombined librarywithacopy ofthe same workbased onthe Library, uncombined with any other library facilities. Thismust bedistributed undertheterms ofthe Sections above. b) Give prominent noticewiththecombined libraryofthe fact that part ofitis awork based onthe Library, andexplaining wheretofind theaccompanying...
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consistent application ofthat system; itis up tothe author/donor todecide ifhe orshe iswilling to distribute softwarethroughanyother system andalicensee cannotimpose thatchoice. This section isintended tomake thoroughly clearwhatisbelieved tobe aconsequence ofthe rest ofthis License. 12. Ifthe distribution and/oruseofthe Library isrestricted incertain countries eitherbypatents orby copyrighted interfaces,theoriginal copyright holderwhoplaces theLibrary underthisLicense mayadd an explicit...
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FAILURE OFTHE LIBRARY TOOPERATE WITHANYOTHER SOFTWARE), EVENIFSUCH HOLDER OROTHER PARTYHASBEEN ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGES. END OFTERMS ANDCONDITIONS How toApply These Terms toYour NewLibraries If you develop anew library, andyouwant itto be ofthe greatest possible usetothe public, we recommend makingitfree software thateveryone canredistribute andchange. Youcandosoby permitting redistribution undertheseterms (or,alternatively, undertheterms ofthe ordinary General Public License)....