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Epson Projector Eh Tw420 Specifications

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Page 1

Arevol ution in big screen entertainment
Proje ct ors
Home C\bnema
Project orsE\fso n
Home C\bn ema 

Page 2

Enjoy inst ant aud iovis ual ente rtainme nt
with easy -to-us e,fully-fu nctione d
Ep son home cinema projectors.
Eps on 3L CD
Our stat e� of�the� artpro jec tion tech nolo gy
provi des superb images an d opti mal colou r
reprod uctio n\fEven when proj ecte d in maxi
fo rm at,ima ges are sharp andpe rfe ctly steady\f
Coloursare clear andnatu ral,ra pid�action video
is fluid \f
Easy toconn ect and use
The proje ctors offeraful lmu ltime diaexperience,
wit hallth e conn ections neede dto watch,...

Page 3

entertainment centre
Eps onmak esbig screen enjoyme nt
easy, with ourall-in-one proj ector s,
puttin g mo vies,gam esand music all
wi thin you rre ac h!
Your cin ema inabox
Epso nho me enterta inm en t ce ntr es are leadin g
the way in m ulti medi aho me ente rtainment:
• 16 :9 form at
•Int egrated DV D/DivX pla ye r
•Buil t�in speakers
•Co mpa ct,easy tocar ry
A wor ld ofm ult imed iafun
Ou rhom eentertai nm en t ce ntr es offer incr edible
imag equal ity, aswel la s su rroun dsound
sp eak...

Page 4

State�o f�the�art features
for cin em aand action lovers
By in ve sting in the latest-g eneration fullHD multimed ia,you willrediscover the
pleasure of watc h ing movi es, with images ofoutstan ding brig htness, contrast
andperfect lytone dcolour .
T\f3 000
Epso n
HD Ready10 80p: thefuture ishere
•The Epson EH �TW 3000 in cor por ates twin
HDMI versi on 1\f3in puts forcon nec tin g
Blu� ray player s,thenew ge neratio ngame
co nsoles, oraHD set�top box
•Imag ecol our...

Page 5

Aper fec tco mp lement foryou rhom e
Attract ively styled, co nt ou re d an dfinished ina
ple asing off�whi tecolo ur ,the pro jector will easily
blend in to the dec or ofan yho me when mounted
ontoace iling \f
Qui etAt onl y22d bth equ iet ly ope ratin gEpson EH�TW3000
projec tor makes itadisc reet ad di tion toyour living
space \fY ou will be thrille d by theen tir ely new worldof
ente rtai nme ntthat thepr oje ct or in troduces youto\f
Easy in sta llation
The horizo ntal and vertical len ssh ift...

Page 6

Advanced quality
•HD Read y(7 20 p\b, toma kethe most ofHigh
De fini tio n th ro ugh awi de range ofde vices
such asDV D/Bl u�r ay playe rs,set�to pbox or
compute rs
•Epso n3L CD technology
•16:9 widesc reen format
•Eps on Cine maFilte rma ximi ses movie quality
in any ligh tco ndi tion
B right rich pic tu re s
• Hig h co ntr as tat 10, 000:1
•Brig ht 1,600 lumen sligh tout put
•Pre� set co lo ur mode smak eaut om aticadj ust�
ment sto acc omm odate envi ron ment alligh t
and pro gram me...

Page 7

Brigh tw ide image
•Epson 3LCDtec hn ol ogy
for accur atecol ou rre produ ction
•Pow erful 2,00 0lumen sgi ve sha rp
imag es even in dayl ight
• 16: 9wid esc reen forma t
Full mul timedia conn ections
•HD Ready (7 20p\b forcon nectin g any gam es
co nsole s,setto pbox, Blu�ray /DVD player s
orhar ddisc drive
• Bui lt�in 7Wa ttspea kerforafu ll gaming
exp erienc e
•Wa tch yourpi ct ure son the big sc reen
direct lyfro m aSD car d or via US Bkey
Save energy andmo ney
•Ep son ’sE�TO RLlam pgive sa...

Page 8

Great hom ecinem am ade easy
HD Read yproj ecto r,DVD, andspeakers bring surro undsound actionintoany
ro om –sim plypl ug inand play!
Ep son
Incred iblesound
•Fo ur in teg rate d5W att spe ake rs to fill
th e ro om
•Su rrou nd so und tech no lo gy (Dol by\b
Advanc edflexibility
•Ro tating base fo r tab leor shelf placement and
easy access toDV Dtra y
Full multimed iaconnections
•W ide range ofcon nectio ns, inc lu ding HDMI
inpu tto con nect to all th ela te st HD sources...

Page 9

Simplese tup in 3ste ps!
•Pow eron, choose your DVD, an d play!
Versa tile co nne ctions
•Connects to any game consol e
•Connects to PC and televi sion
• Access andenj oy MP3 music file s, videos
and photosviaaUS Bkey
Lightw eight
• M ove easilybet ween rooms
•Tak ewith you tovisi tfri ends andshar eyo ur
film s, video s,ph otos and musi c
•Pract icalint eg rate dhan dle and soft case
includ ed
Easy family fun,anywh ere
Ep son
Ho me
Ente\f ta\b nm ent
Ce nt\fe 

Page 10

EH�TW 3000EMP�TW 680
Resolut ion1080p (1920 x1080\b 720p(1280 x720\bHigh Defin itionFu ll H D HDreadyCont rast Ra tio18,0 00:1 10000:1Ligh tO up ut(Brigh tness \b 1800 lm 1600 lmIma geSize30"to 300 " 30"to300"Thro wratio80 "scr een at 2\f4 �5\f1 m 80"screen at2\f4 �3\f 6mZoom ratio1�2\f1 (optic al\b 1�1\f5 (optical\bLen sF�numb er 2,0�3,17 2,1 �2,8Focal Length 22,5�47,2 mm 21,4 �31,7 mmLens shif tVertical ±100% Vertical±100%Hor izonta l± 50%...
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