Epson Powerlite 915w Multimedia Projector Users Guide
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Connecting toan HDMI Video Source If your video source hasanHDMI port,youcanconnect itto the projector usinganoptional HDMIcable. 1. Make suretheprojector andyour video source areturned off. 2. Connect theHDMI cabletoyour video sources HDMIoutput port. 3. Connect theother endtothe projectors HDMIport. 1 HDMI port Parent topic:Connecting toVideo Sources Connecting toaComponent-to-VGA VideoSource If your video source hascomponent videoports, youcanconnect itto the projector usingacomponent- to-VGA videocable. Depending onyour component ports,youmay need touse anadapter cablealong with acomponent videocable. 1. Make suretheprojector andyour video source areturned off. 2. Connect thecomponent connectorstoyour video sources color-coded componentvideooutput ports, usually labelled Y,Pb ,Pr orY,Cb ,Cr .If you areusing anadapter, connecttheseconnectors to your component videocable. 3. Connect theVGA connector tothe projectors Computer port. 31

1 Computer1 orComputer2 port If your image colorsappear incorrect, youmay need tochange theInput Signal settinginthe projectors Signal menu. Parent topic:Connecting toVideo Sources Related references Input Signal Settings -Signal Menu Connecting toaComposite VideoSource If your video source hasacomposite videoport,youcanconnect itto the projector usinganoptional RCA-style videoorA/V cable. 1. Make suretheprojector andyour video source areturned off. 2. Connect thecable withtheyellow connector toyour video sources yellowvideooutput port. 3. Connect theother endtothe projectors Videoport. 1 Video port Parent topic:Connecting toVideo Sources Connecting toan S-Video VideoSource If your video source hasanS-Video port,youcanconnect itto the projector usinganoptional S-Video cable. 1. Make suretheprojector andyour video source areturned off. 2. Connect theS-Video cabletoyour video sources S-Videooutputport. 32

3. Connect theother endtothe projectors S-Videoport. 1 S-Video port Parent topic:Connecting toVideo Sources Connecting toaVideo Source forSound You canplay sound through theprojectors speakersystemifyour video source hasaudio output ports. If you areprojecting videousingaComputer port,connect theprojector tothe video source usingan optional stereomini-jack audiocable. If you areprojecting videousingtheVideo orS-Video port,connect theprojector tothe video source using anoptional stereomini-jack adaptercable(withone3.5mm mini-plug andtwoRCA plugs). 1. Connect theaudio cabletoyour video sources audio-out ports. 2. Doone ofthe following: • Connect theother endofthe cable tothe projectors Audioportthatcorresponds tothe Computer portyouareusing forvideo. • Connect thered and white plugs onthe other endofthe cable tothe projectors L-Audio-R ports. 33

1 Audio1 orAudio2 port 2 L-Audio-R ports Parent topic:Connecting toVideo Sources Connecting toan External Computer Monitor If you connected theprojector toacomputer usingaComputer port,youcanalso connect anexternal monitor tothe projector. Thisletsyou seeyour presentation onthe external monitorevenwhen the projected imageisnot visible. Note: Monitors thatusearefresh rateless than 60MHz maynotbeable todisplay images correctly. 1. Make sureyourcomputer orvideo source isconnected tothe projectors Computer port.Ifthere are two computer ports,makesureyouusetheComputer1 port. 2. Connect theexternal monitors cabletoyour projectors MonitorOutport. 1 Monitor Outport Parent topic:Projector Connections Connecting toExternal Speakers To enhance thesound fromyourpresentation, youcanconnect theprojector toexternal speakers with built-in amplifiers. Youcancontrol thevolume usingtheprojectors remotecontrol. Note: Theprojectors built-inspeaker systemisdisabled whenyouconnect external speakers. 1. Make sureyourcomputer orvideo source isconnected tothe projector withboth audio andvideo cables asnecessary. 34

2. Locate theappropriate cabletoconnect yourexternal speakers, suchasastereo mini-jack-to-pin- jack cable, oranother typeofcable oradapter. 3. Connect oneendofthe cable toyour external speakers asnecessary. 4. Connect thestereo mini-jack endofthe cable toyour projectors AudioOutport. 1 Audio Outport Parent topic:Projector Connections Connecting aMicrophone You canconnect amicrophone tothe projectors Micport toprovide audiosupport duringpresentations (PowerLite 95/96W/905/915W/1835). Note: Ifyou connect acondenser microphone withplug-in powersupport, turnonthe Plug-in Power setting inthe Extended menu. 1. Connect themicrophone cabletothe projectors Micport. 2. Turn onthe microphone, ifnecessary. Parent topic:Projector Connections 35

Related references Projector SetupSettings -Extended Menu Connecting toExternal USBDevices Follow theinstructions inthese sections toconnect external USBdevices tothe projector. USB Device Projection Connecting aUSB Device orCamera tothe Projector Selecting theConnected USBSource Disconnecting aUSB Device orCamera FromtheProjector Parent topic:Projector Connections USB Device Projection You canproject images andother content withoutusingacomputer orvideo device byconnecting anyof these devices toyour projector: • USB flash drive • Digital camera orcamera phone • USB harddrive • Multimedia storageviewer • USB memory cardreader Note: Digital cameras orcamera phonesmustbeUSB-mounted devices,notTWAIN-compliant devices. You canproject slideshows fromimage filesonaconnected USBdevice ormemory cardreader. Parent topic:Connecting toExternal USBDevices Related topics Projecting aSlide Show Connecting aUSB Device orCamera tothe Projector You canconnect yourUSB device orcamera tothe projectors USBType Aport anduseitto project a slide show orpresentation. 1. Ifyour USB device camewithapower adapter, plugthedevice intoanelectrical outlet. 36

2. Connect theUSB cable (orUSB flash drive orUSB memory cardreader) intotheprojectors USB TypeA portshown below. 1 USB TypeA port Note: Donot connect aUSB huboraUSB cable longer than10feet (3m), orthe device maynot operate correctly. 3. Connect theother endofthe cable (ifapplicable) toyour device. Parent topic:Connecting toExternal USBDevices Related topics Projecting aSlide Show Selecting theConnected USBSource You canswitch theprojectors displaytothe source youconnected toaUSB Type Aport. 1. Make suretheconnected USBsource isturned on,ifnecessary. 2. Press theUSB button onthe remote control. 3. Press thebutton againtocycle through otherUSBsources, ifavailable. Parent topic:Connecting toExternal USBDevices Disconnecting aUSB Device orCamera FromtheProjector When youfinish presenting withaconnected USBdevice orcamera, youmust prepare todisconnect the device fromtheprojector. 1. Select Exitfrom anysoftware runningyourslide show orpresentation fromthedevice. 2. Disconnect theUSB device orcamera fromtheprojector. 37

3. Ifthe device hasapower button, besure toturn offand unplug thedevice. Parent topic:Connecting toExternal USBDevices Connecting toaDocument Camera You canconnect acompatible Epsondocument cameratoyour projectors USBType Aport toproject images viewedbythe camera. Note: Youmay beable toconnect different Epsondocument cameramodelstoyour projectors Computer ports. 1. Locate theUSB cable thatcame withthedocument camera. 2. Connect theUSB cable tothe projectors USBTypeA port. 3. Connect theother endofthe cable tothe document camerasUSBType Bport. 1 USB TypeA port Parent topic:Projector Connections Related references Optional Equipment andReplacement Parts Installing Batteriesinthe Remote Control The remote controlusesthetwo AAbatteries thatcame withtheprojector. 38

1. Open thebattery coverasshown. 2. Insert thebatteries withthe+and –ends facing asshown. 39

3. Close thebattery coverandpress itdown untilitclicks intoplace. Parent topic:Setting Upthe Projector Opening theLens Cover 1. Toopen theprojectors lenscover, slidetheA/V Mute slidelever. 40