Epson Home Cinema 3000 Users Guide
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2. Totransport orstore theprojector, makesuretheStatus lightisoff, then unplug thepower cord. Caution: Toavoid damaging theprojector orlamp, never unplug thepower cordwhen theStatus light ison orflashing. 3. Replace theprojectors lenscover. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Viewing 3DImages You canview 3Dimages usingyourprojector. Viewing3Dimages requires a3D-compatible video device andapair ofEpson RF3Dglasses (notincluded withPowerLite HomeCinema 3000).Youcan also convert 2Dimages...
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You canpurchase EpsonRF3Dglasses fromanEpson authorized reseller.Tofind thenearest reseller, call 800-GO-EPSON (800-463-7766).Oryou canpurchase (U.S.sales) or (Canadian sales). 1. Connect a3D-compatible videodevice tothe projector usingacompatible HDMIcable. 2. Turn onthe video device, thenturnonthe projector. 3. Begin playback fromthevideo device. Note: Makesureyousetthe video device toplay content in3D mode. 4. Press the2D/3D buttononthe remote controltoactivate...
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3D Viewing Range Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Pairing the3DGlasses withtheProjector Pair theglasses withtheprojector toestablish communication betweenthemfor3D viewing. 1. Turn onthe projector. 2. Settheimage source toHDMI. 3. Project a3D image. 4. Slide thepower switch onthe 3Dglasses tothe Onposition. 5. Move theglasses within10feet (3m) ofthe projector, thenholddown thePairing buttononthe glasses foratleast three seconds. The status lightonthe glasses flashesgreenandred....
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Charging the3DGlasses Charge theglasses whenthestatus lightonthe glasses flashesredtoindicate alow battery. 1. Connect thesmaller endofthe charging cabletothe port onthe bridge ofthe glasses. Note: Makesureyouconnect thecable inthe correct orientation oryou may damage theglasses or cable. 2. Connect theother endofthe cable tothe USB Type Aport onthe projector orany other device such as acomputer thathasanactive USBType Aport. Note: Theprojector mustbeturned ontocharge theglasses. The glasses...
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3D Viewing Range When youview 3Dimages, makesureyouarepositioned withintheviewing rangeshown here. 1 32 ft(10 m) Parent topic:Viewing 3DImages Selecting theLanguage forthe Projector Menus If you want toview theprojectors menusandmessages inanother language, youcanchange the Language setting. 1. Turn onthe projector. 2. Press theMenu button. 55
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3. Select themenu andpress Enter. 4. Select theLanguage settingandpress Enter. 5. Select thelanguage youwant touse and press Enter. 6. Press Menu orEsc toexit themenus. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Adjusting theImage Height If you areprojecting fromatable orother flatsurface, andtheimage istoo high orlow, youcanadjust the image heightusingtheprojectors adjustablefeet. 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. 2. Ifthe image istilted, rotate thefront feettoadjust theirheight. 56
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3. Use thevertical andhorizontal lensshiftdials onthe projector toadjust theposition ofthe projected image asnecessary. If the projected imageisunevenly rectangular, youneed toadjust theimage shape. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related concepts Image Shape Related tasks Adjusting theImage Position UsingLensShift Adjusting theImage Position UsingLensShift If you cannot installtheprojector directlyinfront ofthe screen, youcanadjust theposition ofthe projected imageusingthelens...
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2. Turn thevertical andhorizontal lensshiftdials onthe projector toadjust theposition ofthe projected image asnecessary. 1 Center oflens 2 Projected imagewhenlensshiftisset inthe center 3 V ×60% 58
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4 H ×24% Note: Youcannot movetheimage toboth thehorizontal andvertical maximum values. Follow theseguidelines whenusinglensshifttoadjust yourimages: • When adjusting theimage height, position theimage lowerthanwhere youwant itto be and then move itup using thevertical lensshiftdial. This willhelp prevent theimage frommoving downafter adjustment. • Keep thevertical andhorizontal lensshiftdials intheir center positions forthe clearest picture. Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Image...
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2. Press oneofthese keystone buttonsonthe control paneltodisplay theKeystone adjustment screen. 3. Press akeystone buttononthe projectors controlpaneltoadjust theimage shape. After correction, yourimage isslightly smaller. Note: Ifthe projector isinstalled outofreach, youcanalso correct theimage shape withtheremote control usingtheH/V-Keystone settingsinthe projector menus. Parent topic:Image Shape 60