Eiki Projector Lc Xa20 User Manual
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Setting 41 Blue back Press the Point 7 8 buttons to switch On/Off. When this function is "On", a blue image is displayed while the input signal is not detected. Keystone Press the MENU button to display the On-Screen Menu. Press the Point 7 8 buttons to move the red framed pointer to the Setting Menu icon. Language T h e l a n g u a g e u s e d i n t h e O n - S c r e e n M e n u i s available in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, P o r t u g u e s e , D u t c h , S w e d i s h , F i n n i s h , P o l i s h , Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Chinese, Korean, or Japanese. P r e s s t h e P o i n t e d b u t t o n s t o m o v e t h e r e d framed pointer to the item that you want to set and then press the SELECT button. The Setting dialog box appears. This function corrects distortion of a projected image. Select either Store or Reset with the Point 7 8 buttons, and then press the SELECT button. The keystone dialog box appears. Correct keystone with the Point ed buttons. (p.) Store . . . . store the keystone correction even when the AC power cord is unplugged. Reset . . . . reset the keystone correction when the AC power cord is unplugged. Setting This projector has Setting menu that allows you to set up the other various functions described as follows: 1 2Set the red framed pointer to the item and press the SELECT button. Press the SELECT button at Language item, the Language Menu appears. Setting Menu (Language) Setting Menu icon Press the SELECT button at this item to display the other languages. Press the SELECT button at this item to close the dialog box. Setting Zoom This function is used to memory the Zoom adjustment with the ZOOM +/- buttons on the top control.Press the Point 7 8 buttons to select Store 1, Store or Reset. Store 1. . . store the Zoom setting even when the projector is turned off. Zoom setting is cleared when the AC power cord is unplugged. Store . . . store the Zoom setting even when the AC power cord is unplugged. Reset . . . . re s e t th e Zo o m a d j u stme n t w h e n th e projector is turned off or the AC power cord is unplugged.

Setting 4 Display Press the Point 7 8 buttons to switch On/Off. This function decides to display On-Screen Displays.On. . . . . . . . . . . . . Show all the On-Screen Displays. Use this function when you want to project images after the lamp becomes bright enough. Factory default setting is this mode.Countdown off . . . Show the input image instead of the countdown when turning on the projector. Use this function w h e n y o u w a n t t o p r o j e c t t h e image as early as possible even w h e n t h e l a m p i s n o t b r i g h t enough.Off. . . . . . . . . . . . . Do not show On-Screen Displays, except; ● On-Screen Menu ● "Power off?" message ● P-Timer ● "No signal" message for Power management item (p.46) ● "Please wait..." message ● White arrows for True item in the Screen Menu (p.3) Logo select This function decides the start-up display as follows: User. . . . the image you captured Default. . the factory-set logo Off . . . . . countdown only Logo (Logo and Logo PIN code lock settings) This function allows you to customize the screen logo with Logo select, Capture, and Logo PIN code lock functions. ✔ Note: W h e n O n i s s e l e c t e d i n L o g o P I N c o d e l o c k f u n c t i o n , L o g o s e l e c t a n d C a p t u r e f u n c t i o n s cannot be selected. Logo select

Setting 43 Capture This function enables you to capture the image being projected and use it for a start-up display or interval of presentations.A f t e r c a p t u r i n g t h e p r o j e c t e d i m a g e , g o t o t h e Logo select function and set it to "User". Then the captured image is displayed when turning on the projector next time or pressing the NO SHOW button. (p.4) To capture the image, select [Yes]. To cancel the Capture function, select [No]. ✔ Note: • Before capturing an image, select Standard in the Image Select Menu to capture a proper image. (p.30, 37.) • A s i g n a l f r o m a c o m p u t e r c a n b e c a p t u r e d up to XGA (10 4x768). A signal from video equipment can be captured except for 7 0p, 1035i, and 1080i. • W h e n c a p t u r i n g t h e i m a g e t h a t h a s b e e n a d j u s t e d b y t h e K e y s t o n e f u n c t i o n , t h e adjustment data is automatically reset and the projector captures an image without keystone adjustment. • When the Logo PIN code lock function is "On", Capture menu cannot be selected. • When starting to capture a new image, the previously stored image is cleared even if you cancel the capturing. Select [Yes] to capture the projected image. Select [Yes] to stop capturing. Capture This function prevents an unauthorized person from changing the screen logo. Off . . . . . . t h e s c r e e n l o g o c a n b e c h a n g e d f r e e l y f r o m t h e L o g o s e l e c t m e n u . (p.4) On . . . . . . the screen logo cannot be changed without the Logo PIN code. I f y o u w a n t t o c h a n g e t h e L o g o P I N c o d e l o c k setting, enter a Logo PIN code along the following steps. The initial Logo PIN code is set "431" at the factory. Logo PIN code lockLogo PIN code lock Setting

Setting 44 To Enter the Logo PIN code Select a number by pressing the Point ed buttons. And then press the Point 8 button to fix the number and move the pointer. The number changes to "✳". If you fixed an incorrect number, move the pointer to the number you want to correct by pressing the Point 7 button, and then select the correct number by pressing the Point ed buttons. Repeat this step to complete entering a four-digit number. A f t e r e n t e r i n g t h e f o u r - d i g i t n u m b e r, m o v e t h e pointer to "Set" by pressing the Point 8 button. Press the SELECT button so that you can change the Logo PIN code lock setting. If you entered an incorrect Logo PIN code, "Logo PIN code" and the number (✳✳✳✳) turns red. Enter a Logo PIN code all over again. To Change the Logo PIN code Logo PIN code can be changed to your desired four-digit number. Select "Logo PIN code change" with the Point d button and press the SELECT button. Set a new Logo PIN code. Be sure to note the new Logo PIN code and keep it at hand. If you lost the number, you could no longer change the Logo PIN code setting. For details on PIN code setting, refer to relevant instructions of the PIN code lock function on pages 48 and 49. CAUTION:WH EN yOU H AVE C H A N GED TH E LOGO PI N C O D E, W R I T E D O W N T H E N E W P I N C O D E I N C O L U M N O F T H E L O G O P I N C O D E N O . MEMO ON PAGE 65, AND KEEP IT SECUREL y . SHOULD THE LOGO PIN CODE BE LOST OR FORGOTTEN , THE LOGO PIN CODE SETTING CAN NO LONGER BE CHANGED . Logo PIN code lock Dialog Box After a correct Logo PIN code is entered, the following dialog box appears. Select On/Off by pressing the Point 7 8 buttons or change the Logo PIN code.

Setting 45 Ceiling When this function is "On", the picture is top/bottom and left/right reversed. This function is used to project the image from a ceiling mounting the projector. Rear When this function is "On", the picture is left/right reversed. This function is used to project the image to a rear projection screen. Ceiling Rear Setting Input search This function detects the input signal automatically. When finding a signal, the search will stop. Use the Point 7 8 buttons to select one of the following. Off. . . . .Input search does not work. On1. . . .I n p u t s e a r c h w o r k s u n d e r t h e s i t u a t i o n below. • When pressing the INPUT button on the top control. • When pressing the COMPUTER button or VIDEO button on the remote control. On. . . .I n p u t s e a r c h w o r k s u n d e r t h e s i t u a t i o n below. • W h e n t u r n i n g o n t h e p r o j e c t o r w i t h p r e s s i n g t h e P O W E R O N / S TA N D - B Y button on the top control or on the remote control. • When pressing the COMPUTER button or VIDEO button on the remote control. • When missing the current input signal. ✳ • When pressing the INPUT button on the top control. ✔ Note: • While Input search is set On1 or On, the status of Input and Lamp are displayed every time the signal is switched. • Only the input source selected at the last time can be detected. • After searching every input signal and still can not detect any signal, Input search will operate like below: – When pressing the INPUT button, Input search will select input source other than previous one. – When pressing the COMPUTER button, Input search will stop at the previou\ s COMPUTER input. – When pressing the VIDEO button, Input search will stop at Video. • If any of the INPUT button on the top control or COMPUTER/VIDEO button on the remote control is pressed while Input search is on, Input search will stop and go back to the previous input signal. ✳ It is not available when On-Screen menu is displayed.

Setting 46 Power management F o r r e d u c i n g p o w e r c o n s u m p t i o n a s w e l l a s maintaining the lamp life, the Power management f u n c t i o n t u r n s o f f t h e p r o j e c t i o n l a m p w h e n t h e projector is not used for a certain period.When the input signal is interrupted and no button is pressed for more than 30 seconds, the timer display with "No signal" appears. The countdown starts to turn off the lamp. Select one of the operations: Ready. . . . . . . . W h e n t h e l a m p h a s b e e n f u l l y cooled down, the POWER indicator c h a n g e s t o g r e e n b l i n k i n g . I n this condition, the projection lamp is turned on if the input signal is reconnected or any button on the t o p c o n t r o l o r r e m o t e c o n t r o l i s pressed. Shut down . . . . W h e n t h e l a m p h a s b e e n f u l l y cooled down, the power is turned off. Off . . . . . . . . . . Power management function is off. T h e n s e t t h e c o u n t d o w n t i m e r w i t h t h e P o i n t 7 8 buttons. Time left before Lamp is off. Press the SELECT button at Power management and this box appears. Choose one of three settings with the Point 7 8 buttons, and go to the timer with the Point ed buttons and set time with the Point 7 8 buttons. Power management

Setting 47 Remote control This projector provides two different remote control codes: the factory-set initial code (Code 1) and the secondary code (Code ). This switching function prevents remote control interference when operating several projectors or video equipment at the same time.When operating the projector in "Code ", both the projector and the remote control must be switched to "Code ". To change the code for the projector:Select either "Code 1" or "Code " in this Setting Menu. To change the code for the remote control:Press and hold both the MENU and IMAGE buttons together for 5 seconds or more. After changing the code, make sure the remote control operates properly. Remote control Press and hold MENU and IMAGE buttons for more than 5 seconds. SettingOn start W h e n t h i s f u n c t i o n i s " O n " , t h e p r o j e c t o r i s automatically turned on just by connecting the AC power cord to a wall outlet. ✔ Note: B e s u r e t o t u r n t h e p r o j e c t o r o ff p r o p e r l y ( s e e "Turning Off the Projector" on page 19). If the projector is turned off in the incorrect sequence, the On start function does not operate properly. Lamp control This function allows you to change brightness of the screen. Normal. . . . . normal brightness Auto. . . . . . . b r i g h t n e s s a c c o r d i n g w i t h t h e input signal Eco . . . . . . . lower brightness reduces the lamp power consumption and extends the lamp life. On start

Setting 48 Key lock Security (Key lock and PIN code lock settings) T h i s f u n c t i o n a l l o w s y o u t o u s e K e y l o c k a n d P I N code lock function to set the security for the projector operation. This function locks operation of the top control or the remote control.It is useful to prevent operation by an unauthorized person. . . . . . . not locked. . . . . . . lock the operation of the top c o n t r o l . To u n l o c k , u s e t h e remote control.. . . . . . l o c k t h e o p e r a t i o n o f t h e r e m o t e c o n t r o l . To u n l o c k , use the top control. If the top control accidentally becomes locked and y o u d o n o t h a v e t h e r o m o t e c o n t r o l o r t h e r e i s something wrong with your remote control, contact the dealer where you purchased the projector or the service center. Key lock S e l e c t K e y l o c k . C h o o s e one of the alternatives with t h e P o i n t ed b u t t o n s a n d select [Yes] to activate it. PIN code lock This function prevents the projector from being operated by an unauthorized person and provides the following settings for security options. Off . . . . . t h e p r o j e c t o r i s n o t l o c k e d w i t h a PIN code. On1 . . . . require to enter a PIN code every time turning on the projector. On . . . . require to enter a PIN code to operate t h e p r o j e c t o r o n c e t h e p o w e r c o r d is disconnected; as long as the AC power cord is connected, the projector can be operated without a PIN code. Wh e n e v e r to c h a n g e th e P I N c o d e l o c k s e tti n g or the PIN code (the four-digit number), you are required to enter the PIN code. The "134" is set as the initial PIN code at the factory. When the projector is locked with the PIN code, the PIN code lock mark appears on the menu bar. PIN code lock

Setting 49 To Enter the PIN code Select a number by pressing the Point ed buttons. And then press the Point 8 button to fix the number and move the pointer. The number changes to "✳". If you fixed an incorrect number, move the pointer to the number you want to correct by pressing the Point 7 button, and then select the correct number by pressing the Point ed buttons. Repeat this step to complete entering a four-digit number. A f t e r e n t e r i n g t h e f o u r - d i g i t n u m b e r, m o v e t h e pointer to "Set" by pressing the Point 8 button. Press the SELECT button so that you can change the following PIN code lock settings. If you entered an incorrect PIN code, "PIN code" and the number (✳✳✳✳) turns red. Enter a PIN code all over again. The PIN code can be changed to your desired four-digit number. Select "PIN code change" with the Point d button, and press the SELECT button to display the New PIN code input dialog box. Select a number by pressing the Point ed buttons. And then press the Point 8 button to fix the number a n d m o v e t h e p o i n t e r. R e p e a t i t t o c o m p l e t e entering a four-digit number. After entering the four-digit number, move the pointer to "Set" by pressing the Point 8 button. Then press the SELECT button. To Change the PIN code CAUTION:WHEN yOU HAVE CHANGED THE PIN CODE , WRITE DOWN THE NEW PIN CODE IN COLUMN OF THE PIN CODE NO . MEMO ON PAGE 65, AND KEEP IT SECUREL y . IF yOU FORGET yOUR PIN CODE, THE PROjECTOR CAN NO LONGER BE STARTED . Select Off, On1, or On with the Point 7 8 buttons and then move the red framed pointer to "Quit" with the Point d button. Press the SELECT button to close the dialog box. To Change the PIN code lock setting Change the PIN code Select PIN code change and press the SELECT button. The New PIN code input dialog box appears. The input numbers are being displayed for confirmation. Change the PIN code lock setting Select a desired setting with the Point 7 8 buttons. Enter a PIN code The input numbers change to "✳" for security. Move the pointer to "Set" by pressing the Point 8 button. And then press the SELECT button. Setting

Setting 50 This function is used to reset the lamp replacement counter. When replacing the projection lamp, reset the lamp replacement counter by using this function. See page 55 for operation. Lamp counter Factory default This function returns all setting values except for the user logo, PIN code lock, Logo PIN code lock, and the lamp counter to the factory default settings. This function provides the following alternatives in the cooling fans' operation after turning off the projector. (p.19) L1. . . . . . normal operation L. . . . . . slower and lower-sound than the normal operation (L1), but it takes longer to cool the projector down. Fan Exit the Setting Menu. Quit Select Factory default and this box appears. Select [Yes], and the next box appears. Factory default Select [Yes] to activate it.