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Eiki Lc-Xs30 Multimedia Projector Owners Manual

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    On start
    When  this  function  is  "On",  the  projector  is  automatically 
    turned  on  just  by  connecting  the AC  power  cord  to  a  wall 
        Be sure to turn the projector off properly (see "Turning  Off  the  Projector"  on  page  19).    If  the  projector  is 
    turned  off  in  the  incorrect  sequence,  the  On  start 
    function does not operate properly.
    On start
    Lamp control
    T h i s  f u n c t i o n  a l l o w s  y o u  t o  c h a n g e  b r i g h t n e s s  o f  t h e 
    screen.   Normal . . . . .    normal brightness  Auto . . . . . . .    brightness  according  with  the  input   signal 
     Eco  . . . . . . .    lower  brightness  reduces  the  lamp  power  consumption  and  extends  the 
    lamp life.
     Note:
    L a m p   m o d e   c a n n o t   b e   c h a n g e d   f o r   a   w h i l e   a f t e r
    t u r n i n g  o n  t h e  p r o j e c t o r.  L a m p  n e e d s  s o m e  t i m e  t o
    s t a b i l i z e  a f t e r  t h e  p o w e r  i s  t u r n e d  o n .  S t o r e d  l a m p
    mode will be active after the lamp is stabilized.
    Closed Caption
    Closed Caption is a function that displays the audio portion 
    of  a  TV  program  as  text  on  the  screen.  If  the  input  signal 
    contains  closed  captions,  you  can  turn  on  the  feature  and 
    switch the channels. Press the Point 
    ◄► buttons to select 
    CC1, CC2, CC3 or CC4.  
    If  the  closed  caption  is  not  clear,  you  can  change  the  text 
    from Color to White.
    Closed Caption
        T h e  C l o s e d  C a p t i o n  i s  a v a i l a b l e  o n l y  u n d e r  t h e  situation below .
        • When the input signal is NTSC of composite and  
      S-video, and the system is set according to the  
      signal or set on "Auto".  
        • The system must be set on NTSC or Auto in Video       System Selection. (P.39) 
        • The icon of Closed Caption is displayed in gray        while it is not available. 
        • The closed caption is unavailable when On-Screen     menu and P-Timer are displayed. 
    Remote control
    This projector provides two different remote control codes: 
    the  factory-set  initial  code  (Code  1)  and  the    secondary 
    code  (Code  2).    This  switching  function  prevents  remote 
    control  interference  when  operating  several  projectors  or 
    video equipment at the same time.
    W h e n  o p e r a t i n g  t h e  p r o j e c t o r  i n  " C o d e  2 " ,  b o t h  t h e 
    projector  and  the  remote  control  must  be  switched  to 
    "Code 2".
    To change the code for the projector:Select either "Code 1" or "Code 2" in this Setting Menu.
    To change the code for the remote control:P r e s s  a n d  h o l d  b o t h  t h e  M E N U  a n d  I M A G E  b u t t o n s 
    together  for  5  seconds  or  more.   After  changing  the  code, 
    make sure the  remote control operates properly.
    Remote control
    P r e s s  a n d  h o l d 
    M E N U   a n d 
    I M A G E  b u t t o n s 
    f o r  m o r e  t h a n  5 
         If  the  batteries  are  removed  from  the  remote  control  for  a  long  period  of  time,  the  remote  control  code  will 
    be reset.Filter control
    You  can  replace  the  filter  with  this  function.  Press  the 
    SELECT  button  at  Filter  control  to  display  a  confi rmation 
    box.  To  replace,  press  the  SELECT  button  at  “YES”  and 
    the electrically operated fi lter starts to scroll.
    Note:  •  F i l t e r   r e p l a c e m e n t   i c o n   a n d   “ P l e a s e   w a i t . . . ”
        m e s s a g e   a p p e a r   o n   t h e   s c r e e n   w h e n   t h e   f i l t e r
         is being scrolled.
      • The fi lter cannot be rewound.
      • When the filter is replaced, the total accumulatedtime 
        of the fi lter use is automatically set to 0.
    Filter control
    M o v e  t h e  r e d  f r a m e  p o i n t e r  t o 
    " f i l t e r   c o n t r o l "   a n d   p r e s s   t h e 
    SELECT button.   
    Key lock
    Security (Key lock and PIN code lock settings)
    This  function  allows  you  to  use  Key  lock  and  PIN  code 
    lock function to set the security for the projector operation.
    This  function  locks  operation  of  the  top  control  or  the 
    remote control.
    It  is  useful  to  prevent  operation  by  an  unauthorized 
    person.. . . . . .   not locked.
    . . . . . .   l o c k  t h e  o p e r a t i o n  o f  t h e  t o p c o n t r o l .    To  u n l o c k ,  u s e  t h e 
    remote control.
    . . . . . .   lock  the  operation  of  the  remote  control.    To  unlock,  use  the  top 
    Key lock
    Select  Key  lock.  
    C h o o s e  o n e  o f 
    the  alternatives 
    with  the  Point 
    ▼  b u t t o n s  a n d 
    s e l e c t  [ Ye s ]  t o 
    activate it.
    PIN code lock
    T h i s  f u n c t i o n  p r e v e n t s  t h e  p r o j e c t o r  f r o m  b e i n g 
    operated  by  an  unauthorized  person  and  provides  the 
    following settings for security options.
      Off  . . . . .   t h e   p r o j e c t o r   i s   n o t   l o c k e d   w i t h   a 
    PIN code.
      On1  . . . .   require  to  enter  a  PIN  code  every  time  turning on the projector.
      On2  . . . .   require  to  enter  a  PIN  code  to  operate  t h e  p r o j e c t o r  o n c e  t h e  p o w e r  c o r d  i s 
    disconnected;    as  long  as  the  AC  power 
    cord  is  connected,  the  projector  can  be 
    operated without a PIN code.
    Whenever  to  change  the  PIN  code  lock  setting  or  the 
    PIN  code  (the  four-digit  number),  you  are  required  to 
    enter the PIN code.  The "1234" is set as the initial PIN 
    code at the factory.
    When  the  projector  is  locked 
    with  the  PIN  code,  the  PIN 
    code  lock  mark  appears  on 
    the menu bar.
    PIN code lock
    If  the  top  control  accidentally  becomes  locked  and  you 
    do  not  have  the  remote  control  or  there  is  something 
    wrong  with  your  remote  control,  contact  the  dealer 
    w h e r e  y o u  p u r c h a s e d  t h e  p r o j e c t o r  o r  t h e  s e r v i c e 
    To Enter the PIN code
    Select  a  number  by  pressing  the  Point ▲▼  buttons.  And 
    then  press  the  Point ►button  to  fix  the  number  and  move 
    the  pointer.    The  number  changes  to  " ".    If  you  fixed 
    an  incorrect  number,  move  the  pointer  to  the  number 
    you  want  to  correct  by  pressing  the  Point 
    ◄  button,  and 
    then  select  the  correct  number  by  pressing  the  Point ▲▼ 
    Repeat this step to complete entering a four-digit number. 
    After  entering  the  four-digit  number,  move  the  pointer  to 
    "Set"  by  pressing  the  Point 
    ►button.    Press  the  SELECT 
    button so that you can change the following PIN code lock 
    If  you  entered  an  incorrect  PIN  code,  "PIN  code"  and  the 
    number  ()  turns  red.    Enter  a  correct  PIN  code  all 
    over again.
    The  PIN  code  can  be  changed  to  your  desired  four-digit 
    Select  "PIN  code  change"  with  the  Point 
    ▼  button,  and 
    press  the  SELECT  button  to  display  the  New  PIN  code 
    input dialog box.
    Select  a  number  by  pressing  the  Point 
    ▲▼  buttons.    And 
    then  press  the  Point ►button  to  fix  the  number  and  move 
    the  pointer.    Repeat  it  to  complete  entering  a  four-digit 
    number.    After  entering  the  four-digit  number,  move  the 
    pointer to "Set" by pressing the Point 
    ►button.  Then press 
    the SELECT button.
    To Change the PIN code 
    D O W N  T H E  N E W  P I N  C O D E  I N  C O L U M N  O F  T H E 
    P I N  C O D E  N O  .  M E M O  O N  PA G E   7,  A N D  K E E P  I T 
    Select  Off,  On1,  or  On2  with  the  Point ◄►  buttons  and 
    then move the red frame pointer to "Quit" with the Point ▼ 
    button.  Press the SELECT button to close the dialog box.
    To Change the PIN code lock setting
    Change the PIN code
    S e l e c t   P I N   c o d e   c h a n g e   a n d 
    p r e s s  t h e  S E L E C T  b u t t o n .  T h e 
    N e w  P I N  c o d e  i n p u t  d i a l o g  b o x 
    T h e   i n p u t   n u m b e r s   a r e   b e i n g 
    displayed for confirmation.
    Change the PIN code lock setting
    Select  a  desired  setting  with  the 
    Point ◄►  buttons.
    Enter a PIN code
    The  input  numbers  change 
    to "" for security. 
    Move  the  pointer  to  "Set"  by  pressing 
    the  Point 
    ►  button.    And  then  press 
    the SELECT button. 
    This  function  provides  the  following  alternatives  in  the 
    cooling fans' operation after turning off the projector. (p.19)
    . . . . . .  normal operation
    . . . . . .  s
    l o w e r  a n d  l o w e r - s o u n d  t h a n  t h e  n o r m a l 
    operation  (L1),  but  it  takes  longer  to  cool  the 
    projector down.
    T h i s  f u n c t i o n  i s  u s e d  t o  r e s e t  t h e  l a m p  r e p l a c e m e n t 
    counter.    When  replacing  the  projection  lamp,  reset  the 
    lamp  replacement  counter  by  using  this  function.    See 
    page 62 for operation.
    Lamp counter 
        Do  not  reset  the  Lamp  replacement  counter  without 
    implementation  of  lamp  replacement.    Be  sure  to 
    r e s e t  t h e  L a m p  r e p l a c e m e n t  c o u n t e r  o n l y  a f t e r 
    replacing the lamp.
    Warning log
    This  function  records  anomalous  operations  while  the 
    projector is in operation and use it when diagnosing faults. 
    Up to 10 warning logs are displayed with the latest warning 
    message at the top of the list, followed by previous warning 
    messages in chronological order. 
        When the Factory default function is executed, all the 
    warning log records will be deleted.
    This icon appears on the screen when the 
    end of lamp life is reached. Lamp replacement icon
      This icon also appears at turning on and 
      selecting input source. 
    Factory default
    This  function  returns  all  setting  values  except  for  the  user 
    logo,  PIN  code  lock,  Logo  PIN  code  lock,  and  the  lamp 
    counter to the factory default settings.
    Exit the Setting Menu.
    Factory default
    SettingMaintenance and Care
    Select  Factory  default  and  this 
    box appears. Select [Yes], and 
    the next box appears.Select  [Yes]  to 
    activate it.
    Filter counter Filter counter
    Use  the  Point  ◄►  buttons  to 
    set  the  timer.  Select  from  (Off/
    400H/700H/1000H)  depending 
    on the use environment.
    Filter replacement icon appears on 
    the screen at a set time.
    Note:   • Do not reset the counter(s) when the filter or the filter cart\
    ridge  are not replaced.
       • Timer setting notifies that the filter needs replacement. To replace  the filter, use the filter control function (p.52).
    Fig.1   Filter replacement icon
    Filter cartridge replacement icon 
    appears on the screen when the filter 
    scroll is counted down to 0 scroll.
    Fig.4   Filter cartridge replacement icon
      •  Fig.1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 appear at  turning on and selecting input source.
      •  Fig.1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 will not appear  when the Display function is set to “Off” 
    (p.47), during “Freeze” (p.23), or “No show” 
    Set the red frame pointer 
    to the item and press the 
    SELECT button.
    Last scroll icon appears on the screen 
    when the filter is down to the last scroll.Fig.3   Last scroll icon
    This function is used to set a frequency for the filter 
    Use  the  Point  ▲▼  buttons  to  move  the  red  frame  pointer 
    to Filter counter and then press the SELECT button. 
    A  dialog  box  appears  showing  the  Used  time  option  and 
    the Scrolls remaining option. 
      Used Time  . . . . . . . . Show  the  total  accumulated  time 
    of  the  filter  use,  timer  setting  option  and  the 
    Reset  options.  When  the  projector  reaches 
    a  time  set  in  the  timer  setting,  the  Filter 
    replacement  icon  (Fig.  1)  appears  on  the 
    screen  and  the  total  accumulated  time  turns 
    red,  indicating  that  the  filter  replacement  is 
    necessary.  If  the  filter  is  out  of  scroll  and 
    t h e   p r o j e c t o r   r e a c h e s   a   t i m e   s e t   i n   t h e 
    timer  setting,  Fig.  2  appears  on  the  screen, 
    indicating  that  the  filter  cartridge  replacement 
    is necessary.
    Scrolls remaining. . . . S h o w   t h e   s c r o l l   c o u n t e r   a n d 
    the  Reset  options.  When  the  filter  scroll  is 
    counted  down  to  1  (Scroll  counter  on  the 
    screen is showing “0 scroll(s)” ), the last scroll 
    icon  (Fig.  3)  appears  on  the  screen.  When 
    the filter scroll is counted down to 0, the Filter 
    cartridge  replacement  icon  (Fig.  4)  appears 
    on  the  screen  and  the  WARNING  FILTER 
    indicator lights orange, indicating that the filter 
    cartridge replacement is necessary.
    To  set  a  timer,  press  the  SELECT  button  on  Used  time 
    option.  Move  the  red  arrow  pointer  to  the  timer  setting 
    option  and  use  the  Point  ◄► buttons  to  select  from  (Off/ 
    400H/700H/1000H)  depending  on  the  use  environment.
    W h e n  r e p l a c i n g  t h e  F i l t e r  c a r t r i d g e ,  r e s e t  t h e  F i l t e r 
    counter and the Scroll counter (p.59). Fig.2
    Factory default 
    Maintenance and Care
    Filter Instructions
    Filter prevents dust from accumulating on the optical elements inside th\
    e projector. Should the filter 
    becomes clogged with dust particles, it will reduce cooling fans’ effectiveness and may result in internal heat 
    buildup and adversely affect the life of the projector. This projector has an electrically operated filter which 
    helps you to replace the filter easily. The projector monitors the condition of the filter at all time and repla\
    a filter with a new one automatically when it detects the clogging. 
    If  the  projector  reaches  a  time  set  in  the  timer  setting  (p.56),  a 
    Filter  replacement  icon  (Fig.1)  appears  on  the  screen  and  the 
    WARNING FILTER indicator on the top control lights up . When 
    you  see  this  icon,  replace  the  filter  as  soon  as  possible  (p.52). 
    If the filter is out of scroll and the projector reaches a time set in 
    the  timer  setting,  Fig.  2  appears  on  the  screen,  indicating  that 
    the filter cartridge replacement is necessary.
    When  the  filter  scroll  is  counted  down  to  1,  the  Last  scroll  icon 
    (Fig.3) appears on the screen, indicating that there is one scroll 
    left in the filter cartridge (p.56).
    If  the  projector  detects  that  the  filter  is  clogged  and  no  scroll 
    is  left  in  the  filter  cartridge,  a  Filter  cartridge  replacement  icon 
    (Fig.  4)  appears  on  the  screen  and  the  WARNING  FILTER 
    indicator  on  the  top  control  lights  up  .  When  you  see  this  icon, 
    replace  the  filter  cartridge  (p.58)  and  reset  the  Filter  counter 
    (p.59) and the Scroll counter (p.59).
    When the filter is being scrolled using the Filter control function 
    in  the  setting  menu  (p.52),  a  Filter  replacement  icon  and 
    “Please  wait...”  message  (Fig.5)  appear  on  the  screen  and  the 
    WARNING  FILTER  indicator  blinks  slow  (approx.  2  seconds 
    ON, 2 seconds OFF).
    The WARNING FILTER indicator blinks fast when the projector 
    d e t e c t s  a n  a b n o r m a l  c o n d i t i o n ,  t h e  f i l t e r  c a r t r i d g e  i s  n o t 
    installed properly, or the filter scroll is not working properly .
    Fig.1   Filter replacement icon
    Fig.4    Filter cartridge replacement icon
    Fig.3   Last scroll icon
      • Fig.1,  Fig.2,  Fig.3,  Fig.  4  and  Fig.5  will  not  appear  when  the 
    Display  function  is  set  to  “Off”  (p.47),  during  “Freeze”  (p.23), 
    or “No show” (p.24).
      The filter cannot be rewinded.
      • The filter can be scrolled 9 times since the filter cartridge has 
    10 scrolls. 
      The filter cartridge is disposable. Do not clean and reuse the 
    filter cartridge.
      Do  not  expose  the  filter  cartridge  to  water  or  liquid,  or  it  may 
    cause a breakdown.
      Replace  the  filter  cartridge  after  all  the  scroll  is  used  up.  If 
    you  replace  the  filter  cartridge  when  there  are  some  scrolls 
    left  in  the  filter  cartridge,  the  filter  counter  and  the  scroll 
    counter  do  not    recognize  the  correct  number  of  remaining 
    scrolls  and  the  reset  function  cannot  work  properly.  It  may 
    cause a breakdown.
      Do  not  use  the  filter  cartridge  with  other  projector.  The  filter 
    counter  and  the  scroll  counter  do  not  recognize  the  correct 
    number  of  remaining  scrolls  of  the  used  filter  cartridge  and 
    the  reset  function  cannot  work  properly.  It  may  cause  a 
    breakdown. Fig.5  
       Filter replacement icon and “Please 
    wait...” message. 
      • Make sure that the projection lamp is turn off 
    when you are replacing the filter cartridge.
    If you replace the filter cartridge  when the projection lamp is turn on, the projector will be 
    shut down automatically for safety purpose.
     When you forget to reset the filter counter, 
    the projector cannot recognize the correct 
    number of remaining scrolls and may cause a 
      Do not forget to reset the filter counter and  the 
    scroll counter in the setting menu after replacing the filter cartridge. If you forget to reset the filter 
    counter and the scroll counter, the projector cannot 
    recognize the correct number of remaining scrolls 
    and may cause a breakdown. 
      When the projector is kept used for 3 minutes 
    without getting the filter cartridge replaced 
    after the Fig.4 appears on the screen, the 
    projector is turned off automatically to prevent 
    the damage of optical components.
    Turn off the projector, and unplug the AC power cord from 
    the AC outlet.
    First, clean up the dust on the projector and around the air 
    Loosen 2 screws of the filter cover with a screwdriver and 
    open the filter cover.
    Put  the  new  one  back  into  the  position  and  rotate  back 
    the  handle.  Make  sure  that  the  filter  cartridge  is  properly 
    and  fully  inserted.  Close  the  filter  cover  and  tighten  the  2 
    screws back into position.
    Make sure the filter cartridge is inserted in the projector. 
    If the filter cartridge is not inserted, the projector cannot 
    be turned on. 
    Do not put anything into the air vents. Doing so may 
    result in malfunction of the projector.
    Reset the filter counter and the scroll counter (p.59).
    Filter cover
    Replacing the Filter Cartridge
    Rotate the handle of the filter and pull out the filter 
    Filter cartridge
    RECOMMENDATIONWe  recommend  avoiding  dusty/smoky  environments  when 
    operating  the  projector.  Usage  in  these  environments  may 
    cause a poor image quality.
    When  using  the  projector  under  dusty  or  smoky  conditions, 
    dust  may  accumulate  on  a  lens,  liquid  crystal  panels,  or 
    optical  elements  inside  the  projector.  Such  condition  may 
    degrade the quality of the projected image.
    W h e n   t h e   s y m p t o m s   a b o v e   a r e   n o t i c e d ,   c o n t a c t   y o u r 
    authorized dealer or service station for proper cleaning.
    Replacement filter cartridge can be ordered through 
    your  dealer.  When  ordering,  give  the  following 
    information to the dealer.
       Model No. of your projector
      ●    Replacement Filter Cartridge 
               Service Parts No. 610 339 7665
    Connect the AC power cord to the projector and turn on the 
    Maintenance and CareMaintenance and Care
    Maintenance and Care
    Be sure to reset the Scroll counter after replacing the filter cartridge\
    Press  the  MENU  button  to  display  the  On-Screen 
    Menu.  Use  the  Point ◄►  buttons  to  move  the  red 
    frame pointer to the Setting Menu icon.
    Use  the  Point  ▲▼  buttons  to  move  the  red  frame 
    pointer to Filter counter and then press the SELECT 
    button. A dialog box appears showing the Used time 
    option  and  the  Scrolls  remaining  option.  Use  the 
    Point ▲▼  buttons to select  Scroll(s) remaining.
    Resetting the Scroll Counter
    Another  confirmation  dialog  box  appears,  select 
    [Yes] to reset the Scroll counter.
    3S c r o l l ( s )   r e m a i n i n g   s h o w s   t h e   n u m b e r   o f   t h e 
    remaining  scrolls  and  the  Reset  option.  Select 
    Reset  and  the  “Scroll  counter  Reset?”  appears. 
    Select [Yes] to continue.
    Be sure to reset the Filter counter after replacing the filter 
    Press the MENU button to display the On-Screen 
    Menu. Use the Point ◄► buttons to move the red 
    frame pointer to the Setting Menu icon.
    Use the Point ▲▼buttons to move the red frame 
    pointer to Filter counter and then press the SELECT 
    button. A dialog box appears showing the Used time 
    option and the Scrolls remaining option. Use the 
    Point ▲▼ buttons to select  Used time.
    Resetting the Filter Counter
    Another confirmation dialog box appears, select 
    [Yes] to reset the Filter counter.
    3Used time shows the total accumulated time of 
    the filter use, a timer setting option, and the Reset 
    option. Select Reset and the “Filter counter Reset?” 
    appears. Select [Yes] to continue.
    Filter counter
    Select  Reset  and 
    the  “Filter  counter 
    Reset?” appears.
    Set the red frame pointer 
    to the item and press the 
    SELECT button.
    S e l e c t   [ Y e s ] , 
    t h e n   a n o t h e r 
    c o n f i r m a t i o n   b o x 
    Select  [Yes]  again 
    to  reset  the  Filter 
    Scroll counter
    Select  Reset  and 
    the  “Scroll  counter 
    Reset?” appears.
    Set the red frame pointer 
    to the item and press the 
    SELECT button.
    S e l e c t   [ Y e s ] , 
    t h e n   a n o t h e r 
    c o n f i r m a t i o n   b o x 
    Select  [Yes]  again 
    to  reset  the  Scroll 
    Maintenance and Care
    Wh e n  th e  l i fe  o f  th e  p r o j e cti o n  l a m p  o f  th i s  p r o j e c to r 
    draws  to  an  end,  the  Lamp  replacement  icon  appears  on 
    the  screen  and  LAMP  REPLACE  indicator  lights  yellow. 
    Replace  the  lamp  with  a  new  one  promptly.  The  timing 
    w h e n  t h e  L A M P  R E P L A C E  i n d i c a t o r  s h o u l d  l i g h t  i s 
    depending on the lamp mode.
    Lamp Replacement
    Top Control
    For  continued  safety,  replace  with  a  lamp  of  the  same  type.    Do  not  drop  a  lamp  or  touch  a  glass 
    bulb!  The glass can shatter and may cause injury.
    Allow  a  projector  to  cool,  for  at  least  45  minutes  before  you  open  the  Lamp  cover. The  inside  of  the 
    projector can become very hot.
    When replacing the lamp because it has stopped illuminating, there is a possibility that the lamp may 
    be broken.
    If  replacing  the  lamp  of  a  projector  which  has  been  installed  on  the  ceiling,  you  should  always 
    assume that the lamp is broken, and you should stand to the side of the lamp cover, not underneath 
    it. Remove the lamp cover gently. Small pieces of glass may fall out when the lamp cover is opened. 
    If pieces of glass get into your eyes or mouth, seek medical advice imme\
    Refer to the next page for replacing a lamp.
    T h i s  i n d i c a t o r  i s  y e l l o w 
    w h e n   t h e   l i f e   o f   t h e 
    projection  lamp  draws  to 
    an end.
       The Lamp replacement icon will not 
      appear when the Display function is set 
      to “Off” (p.47), during “Freeze” (p.23), or 
      “No show” (p.24).
    Lamp replacement icon 
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