Dukane Projector Models 8911 User Manual
Here you can view all the pages of manual Dukane Projector Models 8911 User Manual. The Dukane manuals for Projector are available online for free. You can easily download all the documents as PDF.
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Y V\f O RGB \f1 RGB \f2DV\f-D RGB OUT \bL AUD\f\fN REMOTE \bL US B D\bT S-V\f O LA N \b \ \fDE O \bB/PB\bR/PR R-AUD\f\fN\ -L AUD\fU T Connection to\ the ports Connection toy the ports AARGB IN 1, BRGB IN 2, CRGB OUT D-suE 1pi\ Q mini shrink \ jack
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Connection to\ the ports DDVI -D DVI-D jack (\ digital to diy Jitalyf PinSignalSignalPinSignalSignal 1T.M.D.S. Daty D 2 -13- 2T.M.D.S. Daty D 2 +14+5V Power 3T.M.D.S. Daty D 2/4 Shield15Ground (+5V, Analog H/V.syncyf 4-16Hot-Plug Sensy H 5-17T.M.D.S. Daty D 0 - 6SCL (DDC Clockyf18T.M.D.S. Daty D 0 + 7SDA (DDC Datayf19T.M.D.S. Daty D 0/5 Shield 8Analog V. sync20- 9T.M.D.S. Daty D 1 -21- 10T.M.D.S. Daty D 1 +22T.M.D.S. Cloy Fk Shield 11T.M.D.S. Daty D 1/3 Shield23T.M.D.S. Cloy Fk + 12-24T.M.D.S. Cloy Fk...
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Connection to\ the ports LAUDIO IN (AUDIO IN (Ø3.5 stereoy mini jackyf\*JKAUDIO INL/R \ RCA jack\fAUDIO INL/R \ RCA jack\f • 200mVrms(max.yf\ N WHUPLQDWL\ Rn MAUDIO OUT (AUDIO OUT (Ø3.5 stereoy mini jackyf • 200mVrms(max.yf\ N RXWSXWLPS\ HGDQFe OOUSB USB B type jy Dck PinSignalSignalSignalSignal 1+5V 2- Data 3+ Data 4Ground NNCONTROL D-sub 9pin p\ lug • About the dety Dils of RS-2y 2C communicay Wion, please y Uefer to the y Iollowing pagey ...
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RS-232C Com\ Punication RS-232C Comy Punication 6667778899122334445556677788999123445 CONTROL port RS-232C caby Oe (Crossyf RS-232C pory W of the projecy Wor of the computy Hr- (1yf (1yf&D RD (2yf (2yf5D TD (3yf (3yf7D - (4yf (4yf7R GND (5yf (5yf*1D - (6yf (6yf6R RTS (7yf (7yf57S CTS (8yf (8yf7S - (9yf (9yf5I Connecting th\ H cable 1. Turn off the project\ Rr and the co\ Pputer. 2. C o n n e c t t h e C O N T R O L p o r t o f t h e p r o j e c t o r Z i t h...
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RS-232C Com\ Punication (continu\ Hd\f Requesting pr\ Rjector status\ (Get command\ \f (1yf6HQGWKHUHTXHVWFRGH+HDGHU&RPPDQGGDWD
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Names Operation TypeHeaderCommand DataCRCActionTypeTypeTypeTypeSetting CodeSetting CodeSetting CodeSetting Code PowerSetTurn offBE EF0306 002A D301 0000 6000 00 Turn onBE EF0306 00BA D201 0000 6001 00 GetBE EF0306 0019 D302 0000 6000 00 (Example retu\ rnyÑ 00 00 01 00 02 00 (Offyf (Onyf (Cool downyÑInput SourceSetDVIBE EF0306 000E D201 0000 2003 00 RGB IN 1BE EF0306 00FE D201 0000 2000 00 RGB IN 2BE EF0306 003E D001 0000 2004 00 VIDEOBE EF0306 006E D301...
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Names Operation TypeHeaderCommand DataCRCActionTypeTypeSetting CodeSetting Code User Gamma Pay WternSetOffBE EF0306 00FB FA01 0080 3000 00 9 step gray \ scaleBE EF0306 006B FB01 0080 3001 00 15 steps gra\ y scaleBE EF0306 009B FB01 0080 3002 00 RampBE EF0306 000B FA01 0080 3003 00 GetBE EF0306 00C8 FA02 0080 3000 00 User Gamma Poy Lnt 1GetBE EF0306 0008 FE02 0090 3000 00 IncrementBE EF0306 006E FE04 0090 3000 00 DecrementBE EF0306 00BF FF05 0090 3000 00...
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Names Operation TypeHeaderCommand DataCRCActionTypeTypeSetting CodeSetting Code COLOR TEMP GAIN GGetBE EF0306 0070 F402 00B2 3000 00 IncrementBE EF0306 0016 F404 00B2 3000 00 DecrementBE EF0306 00C7 F505 00B2 3000 00 COLOR TEMP GAIN BGetBE EF0306 008C F502 00B3 3000 00 IncrementBE EF0306 00EA F504 00B3 3000 00 DecrementBE EF0306 003B F405 00B3 3000 00 COLOR TEMP OFFSET RGetBE EF0306 0004 F502 00B5 3000 00 IncrementBE EF0306 0062 F504 00B5 3000 00...
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Names Operation TypeHeaderCommand DataCRCActionTypeTypeSetting CodeSetting Code PROGRESSIVESetTURN OFFBE EF0306 004A 7201 0007 2200 00 TVBE EF0306 00DA 7301 0007 2201 00 FILMBE EF0306 002A 7301 0007 2202 00 GetBE EF0306 0079 7202 0007 2200 00 3D-YCSSetTURN OFFBE EF0306 00E6 7001 000A 2200 00 NORMALBE EF0306 0076 7101 000A 2201 00 STILL IMAGEBE EF0306 0086 7101 000A 2202 00 GetBE EF0306 00D5 7002 000A 2200 00 VIDEO NRSetLOWBE EF0306 0026 7201 0006 2201...
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Names Operation TypeHeaderCommand DataCRCActionTypeTypeSetting CodeSetting Code COLOR SPACESetAUTOBE EF0306 000E 7201 0004 2200 00 RGBBE EF0306 009E 7301 0004 2201 00 SMPTE240BE EF0306 006E 7301 0004 2202 00 REC709BE EF0306 00FE 7201 0004 2203 00 REC601BE EF0306 00CE 7001 0004 2204 00 GetBE EF0306 003D 7202 0004 2200 00 COMPONENTSetCOMPONENTBE EF0306 004A D701 0017 2000 00 SCART RGBBE EF0306 00DA D601 0017 2001 00 GetBE EF0306 0079 D702 0017 2000 00...