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Dukane Imagepro 8949h Projector Technical Manual

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    Command Control via the Network (continued)
    Decreasing the projector setting value (Decrement command)
    (1)  The PC sends the following decrement code to the projector.
    Header + Command data (‘05H’ + ‘00H’ + type (2 bytes) + ‘00H’ + ‘00H’)
    (2) The projector decreases the setting value on the above setting code.
    (3) The projector returns the response code  ‘06H’ to the PC.
    When the projector cannot understand the received command
    When the projector cannot understand the received command, the error code ‘15H’ 
    is sent back to the PC.
    Sometimes  the  projector  cannot  properly  receive  the  command.  In  such  a  case, 
    the  command  is  not  executed  and  the  error  code  ‘15H’ is  sent  back  to  the  PC.  If 
    this error code is returned, send the same command again.
    When the projector cannot execute the received command.
    When the projector cannot execute the received command, the error code  ‘1CH’ + 
    ‘xxxxH’ is sent back to the PC. 
    When  the  data  length  is  greater  than  indicated  by  the  data  length  code,  the 
    projector ignore the excess data code. Conversely when the data length is shorter 
    than indicated by the data length code, an error code will be returned to the PC.
    When authentication error occurred.
    When  authentication  error  occurred,  the  error  code  the  ‘1FH’  +  ‘0400H’  is  sent 
    back to the PC.
    [TCP #9715]
    1. Protocol
    Consist  of  header  (1  byte)  +  data  length  (1  byte)  +  command  data  (13  bytes)  + 
    check sum (1 bytes) + connection ID (1 byte).
    2. Header
    02, Fixed
    3. Data Length
    Network control commands byte length (0D, Fixed)
    4. Command data
    Network control commands that start with BE EF (13bytes).
    5. Check Sum
    This is the value to make zero on the addition of the lower 8 bits from the header 
    to the checksum.
    6. Connection ID
    Random value from 0 to 255 (This value is attached to the reply data).
    NOTE  •   O p e r a t i o n   c a n n o t   b e   g u a r a n t e e d   w h e n   t h e   p r o j e c t o r   r e c e i v e s   a n 
    undefined command or data.
    • Provide an interval of at least 40ms between the response code and any other code.
    • Commands are not accepted during warm-up. 
    7. Reply Data
    The  connection  ID  (the  data  is  same  as  the  connection  ID  data  on  the  sending 
    data format) is attached to the Network control commands reply data.ACK reply: ‘06H’ + ‘xxH’
    NAK reply: ‘15H’ + ‘xxH’
    Error reply: ‘1CH’ + ‘xxxxH’ + ‘xxH’
    Data reply: ‘1DH’ + ‘xxxxH’ + ‘xxH’
    Projector busy reply:  ‘1FH’ + ‘xxxxH’ + ‘xxH’
    Authentication error reply:  ‘1FH’ + ‘0400H’ + ‘xxH’
    (‘xxH’ : connection ID)
    Automatic Connection Break
    T h e   T C P  c o n n e c t i o n   w i l l   b e   a u t o m a t i c a l l y   d i s c o n n e c t e d   a f t e r   t h e r e   i s   n o 
    communication for 30 seconds after being established.
    The  projector  does  not  accept  commands  without  authentication  success 
    when  authentication  is  enabled.  The  projector  uses  a  challenge  response  type 
    authentication  with  an  MD5  (Message  Digest  5)  algorithm.  When  the  projector  is 
    using  a  LAN,  a  random  8  bytes  will  be  returned  if  authentication  is  enabled.  Bind 
    this  received  8  bytes  and  the  authentication  password  and  digest  this  data  with 
    the MD5 algorithm and add this in front of the commands to send.
    Following  is a sample  if the authentication  password  is set to “password”  and  the 
    random 8 bytes are “a572f60c”.
      Select the projector.
      Receive the random 8 bytes “a572f60c” from the projector.
        B i n d   t h e   r a n d o m   8   b y t e s   “ a 5 7 2 f 6 0 c ”   a n d   t h e   a u t h e n t i c a t i o n   p a s s w o r d 
    “password” and it becomes “a572f60cpassword”.
        Digest this bind “a572f60cpassword” with MD5 algorithm.
    It will be “e3d97429adffa11bce1f7275813d4bde”.
        Add this “e3d97429adffa11bce1f7275813d4bde” in front of the commands and 
    send the data.
    Send “e3d97429adffa11bce1f7275813d4bde”+command.
        When  the  sending  data  is  correct,  the  command  will  be  performed  and  the 
    reply data will be returned. Otherwise, an authentication error will be returned.
    NOTE  •  As  for  the  transmission  of  the  second  or  subsequent  commands,  the 
    authentication data can be omitted when the same connection.
    Command Control via the Network (continued) 
    RS-232C Communication / Network command table
    Names  Operation Type Header Command Data
    CRC Action TypeSetting Code
    Power SetTURN OFF BE EF0306 00 2A D3 01 0000 6000 00
    TURN ON BE EF0306 00 BA D2 01 0000 6001 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 19 D3 02 0000 6000 00
    (Example Return) 00 00     01 00 02 00
    (Off) (On)(Cool Down)
    Input Source SetHDMI BE EF0306 00 0E D2 01 0000 2003 00
    RGB1 BE EF0306 00 FE D2 01 0000 2000 00
    RGB2 BE EF0306 00 3E D0 01 0000 2004 00
    VIDEO BE EF0306 00 6E D3 01 0000 2001 00
    S-VIDEO BE EF0306 00 9E D3 01 0000 2002 00
    COMPONENT BE EF0306 00 AE D1 01 0000 2005 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 CD D2 02 0000 2000 00
    Error Status GetBE EF0306 00 D9 D8 02 0020 6000 00
    (Example Return) 00 00 01 00 02 00 03 00
    (Normal) (Cover error) (Fan error)(Lamp error)
    04 00 05 00 06 00 07 00
    (Temp error) (Air flow error)(Lamp time error) (Cold error)
    08 00
    (Filter error)
    BRIGHTNESS GetBE EF0306 00 89 D2 02 0003 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 EF D2 04 0003 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 3E D3 05 0003 2000 00
    BRIGHTNESS Reset ExecuteBE EF0306 00 58 D3 06 0000 7000 00
    CONTRAST GetBE EF0306 00 FD D3 02 0004 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 9B D3 04 0004 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 4A D2 05 0004 2000 00
    CONTRAST Reset ExecuteBE EF0306 00 A4 D2 06 0001 7000 00
    PICTURE MODE SetNORMAL BE EF0306 00 23 F6 01 00BA 30 00 00
    CINEMA BE EF0306 00 B3 F7 01 00BA 30 01 00
    DYNAMIC BE EF0306 00 E3 F4 01 00BA 30 04 00
    BOARD (BLACK) BE EF0306 00 E3 EF 01 00BA 30 20 00
    BOARD (GREEN) BE EF0306 00 73 EE 01 00BA 30 21 00
    WHITE BOARD BE EF0306 00 83 EE 01 00BA 30 22 00
    DAY TIME BE EF0306 00 E3 C7 01 00BA 30 40 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 10 F6 02 00BA 30 00 00
    (Example Return) 00 00 01 00 04 00 10 00
    (Normal) (CINEMA) (DYNAMIC) (CUSTOM)
    20 00 21 00 22 00 40 00
    RS-232C Communication / Network command table 
    Names  Operation Type Header Command Data
    CRC Action TypeSetting Code
    RS-232C Communication / Network command table
    GAMMA Set#1 DEFAULT BE EF0306 00 07 E9 01 00A1 30 20 00
    #2 DEFAULT BE EF0306 00 97 E8 01 00A1 30 21 00
    #3 DEFAULT BE EF0306 00 67 E8 01 00A1 30 22 00
    #4 DEFAULT BE EF0306 00 F7 E9 01 00A1 30 23 00
    #5 DEFAULT BE EF0306 00 C7 EB 01 00A1 30 24 00
    #6 DEFAULT BE EF0306 00 57 EA 01 00A1 30 25 00
    #1 CUSTOM BE EF0306 00 07 FD 01 00A1 30 10 00
    #2 CUSTOM BE EF0306 00 97 FC 01 00A1 30 11 00
    #3 CUSTOM BE EF0306 00 67 FC 01 00A1 30 12 00
    #4 CUSTOM BE EF0306 00 F7 FD 01 00A1 30 13 00
    #5 CUSTOM BE EF0306 00 C7 FF 01 00A1 30 14 00
    #6 CUSTOM BE EF0306 00 57 FE 01 00A1 30 15 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 F4 F0 02 00A1 30 00 00
    User Gamma Pattern SetOff BE EF0306 00 FB FA 01 0080 3000 00
    9step Gray Scale BE EF0306 00 6B FB 01 0080 3001 00
    15step Gray Scale BE EF0306 00 9B FB 01 0080 3002 00
    Ramp BE EF0306 00 0B FA 01 0080 3003 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 C8 FA 02 0080 3000 00
    User Gamma Point 1 GetBE EF0306 00 08 FE 02 0090 3000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 6E FE 04 0090 3000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 BF FF 05 0090 3000 00
    User Gamma Point 2 GetBE EF0306 00 F4 FF 02 0091 3000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 92 FF 04 0091 3000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 43 FE 05 0091 3000 00
    User Gamma Point 3 GetBE EF0306 00 B0 FF 02 0092 3000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 D6 FF 04 0092 3000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 07 FE 05 0092 3000 00
    User Gamma Point 4 GetBE EF0306 00 4C FE 02 0093 3000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 2A FE 04 0093 3000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 FB FF 05 0093 3000 00
    User Gamma Point 5 GetBE EF0306 00 38 FF 02 0094 3000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 5E FF 04 0094 3000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 8F FE 05 0094 3000 00
    User Gamma Point 6 GetBE EF0306 00 C4 FE 02 0095 3000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 A2 FE 04 0095 3000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 73 FF 05 0095 3000 00
    User Gamma Point 7 GetBE EF0306 00 80 FE 02 0096 3000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 E6 FE 04 0096 3000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 37 FF 05 0096 3000 00
    User Gamma Point 8 GetBE EF0306 00 7C FF 02 0097 3000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 1A FF 04 0097 3000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 CB FE 05 0097 3000 00 
    RS-232C Communication / Network command table
    Names  Operation Type Header Command Data
    CRC Action TypeSetting Code
    COLOR TEMP Set#1 HIGH BE EF0306 00 0B F5 01 00B0 30 03 00
    #2 MID BE EF0306 00 9B F4 01 00B0 30 02 00
    #3 LOW BE EF0306 00 6B F4 01 00B0 30 01 00
    #4 Hi-BRIGHT-1 BE EF0306 00 3B F2 01 00B0 30 08 00
    #5 Hi-BRIGHT-2 BE EF0306 00 AB F3 01 00B0 30 09 00
    #6 Hi-BRIGHT-3 BE EF0306 00 5B F3 01 00B0 30 0A 00
    #1 CUSTOM (HIGH) BE EF0306 00 CB F8 01 00B0 30 13 00
    #2 CUSTOM (MID) BE EF0306 00 5B F9 01 00B0 30 12 00
    #3 CUSTOM (LOW) BE EF0306 00 AB F9 01 00B0 30 11 00
    #4 CUSTOM  
    (Hi-BRIGHT-1) BE EF
    0306 00 FB FF 01 00B0 30 18 00
    #5 CUSTOM  
    (Hi-BRIGHT-2) BE EF
    0306 00 6B FE 01 00B0 30 19 00
    #6 CUSTOM 
    (Hi-BRIGHT-3) BE EF
    0306 00 9B FE 01 00B0 30 1A 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 C8 F5 02 00B0 30 00 00
    COLOR TEMP GAIN R GetBE EF0306 00 34 F4 02 00B1 30 00 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 52 F4 04 00B1 30 00 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 83 F5 05 00B1 30 00 00
    COLOR TEMP GAIN G GetBE EF0306 00 70 F4 02 00B2 30 00 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 16 F4 04 00B2 30 00 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 C7 F5 05 00B2 30 00 00
    COLOR TEMP GAIN B GetBE EF0306 00 8C F5 02 00B3 30 00 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 EA F5 04 00B3 30 00 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 3B F4 05 00B3 30 00 00
    BE EF0306 00 04 F5 02 00B5 30 00 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 62 F5 04 00B5 30 00 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 B3 F4 05 00B5 30 00 00
    BE EF0306 00 40 F5 02 00B6 30 00 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 26 F5 04 00B6 30 00 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 F7 F4 05 00B6 30 00 00
    BE EF0306 00 BC F4 02 00B7 30 00 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 DA F4 04 00B7 30 00 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 0B F5 05 00B7 30 00 00
    COLOR GetBE EF0306 00 B5 72 02 0002 2200 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 D3 72 04 0002 2200 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 02 73 05 0002 2200 00
    COLOR Reset ExecuteBE EF0306 00 80 D0 06 000A 70 00 00
    TINT GetBE EF0306 00 49 73 02 0003 2200 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 2F 73 04 0003 2200 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 FE 72 05 0003 2200 00
    TINT Reset ExecuteBE EF0306 00 7C D1 06 000B 70 00 00
    SHARPNESS GetBE EF0306 00 F1 72 02 0001 2200 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 97 72 04 0001 2200 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 46 73 05 0001 2200 00
    SHARPNESS Reset ExecuteBE EF0306 00 C4 D0 06 0009 7000 00 
    Names  Operation Type Header Command Data
    CRC Action TypeSetting Code
    RS-232C Communication / Network command table
    MY MEMORY Load Set1BE EF0306 00 0E D7 01 0014 2000 00
    2 BE EF0306 00 9E D6 01 0014 2001 00
    3 BE EF0306 00 6E D6 01 0014 2002 00
    4 BE EF0306 00 FE D7 01 0014 2003 00
    MY MEMORY Save Set1BE EF0306 00 F2 D6 01 0015 2000 00
    2 BE EF0306 00 62 D7 01 0015 2001 00
    3 BE EF0306 00 92 D7 01 0015 2002 00
    4 BE EF0306 00 02 D6 01 0015 2003 00
    PROGRESSIVE SetTURN OFF BE EF0306 00 4A 72 01 0007 2200 00
    TV BE EF0306 00 DA 73 01 0007 2201 00
    FILM BE EF0306 00 2A 73 01 0007 2202 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 79 72 02 0007 2200 00
    3D-YCS SetTURN OFF BE EF0306 00 E6 70 01 000A 22 00 00
    MOVIE BE EF0306 00 76 71 01 000A 22 01 00
    STILL IMAGE BE EF0306 00 86 71 01 000A 22 02 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 D5 70 02 000A 22 00 00
    VIDEO NR SetLOW BE EF0306 00 26 72 01 0006 2201 00
    MIDDLE BE EF0306 00 D6 72 01 0006 2202 00
    HIGH BE EF0306 00 46 73 01 0006 2203 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 85 73 02 0006 2200 00
    ASPECT Set4:3 BE EF0306 00 9E D0 01 0008 2000 00
    16:9 BE EF0306 00 0E D1 01 0008 2001 00
    SMALL BE EF0306 00 FE D1 01 0008 2002 00
    REAL BE EF0306 00 5E D7 01 0008 2008 00
    14:9 BE EF0306 00 CE D6 01 0008 2009 00
    16:10 BE EF0306 00 3E D6 01 0008 200A 00
    NORMAL BE EF0306 00 5E DD 01 0008 2010 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 AD D0 02 0008 2000 00
    OVER SCAN GetBE EF0306 00 91 70 02 0009 2200 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 F7 70 04 0009 2200 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 26 71 05 0009 2200 00
    OVER SCAN Reset ExecuteBE EF0306 00 EC D9 06 0027 7000 00
    V POSITION GetBE EF0306 00 0D 83 02 0000 2100 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 6B 83 04 0000 2100 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 BA 82 05 0000 2100 00
    V POSITION Reset ExecuteBE EF0306 00 E0 D2 06 0002 7000 00
    H POSITION GetBE EF0306 00 F1 82 02 0001 2100 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 97 82 04 0001 2100 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 46 83 05 0001 2100 00
    H POSITION Reset ExecuteBE EF0306 00 1C D3 06 0003 7000 00
    H PHASE GetBE EF0306 00 49 83 02 0003 2100 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 2F 83 04 0003 2100 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 FE 82 05 0003 2100 00
    H SIZE GetBE EF0306 00 B5 82 02 0002 2100 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 D3 82 04 0002 2100 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 02 83 05 0002 2100 00
    H SIZE Reset ExecuteBE EF0306 00 68 D2 06 0004 7000 00
    0306 00 91 D0 06 000A 20 00 00 
    RS-232C Communication / Network command table
    Names  Operation Type Header Command Data
    CRC Action TypeSetting Code
    COLOR SPACE SetAUTO BE EF0306 00 0E 72 01 0004 2200 00
    RGB BE EF0306 00 9E 73 01 0004 2201 00
    SMPTE240 BE EF0306 00 6E 73 01 0004 2202 00
    REC709 BE EF0306 00 FE 72 01 0004 2203 00
    REC601 BE EF0306 00 CE 70 01 0004 2204 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 3D 72 02 0004 2200 00
    COMPONENT SetCOMPONENT BE EF0306 00 4A D7 01 0017 2000 00
    SCART RGB BE EF0306 00 DA D6 01 0017 2001 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 79 D7 02 0017 2000 00
    C-VIDEO FORMAT SetAUTO BE EF0306 00 A2 70 01 0011 220A 00
    NTSC BE EF0306 00 C2 74 01 0011 2204 00
    PAL BE EF0306 00 52 75 01 00 11 2205 00
    SECAM BE EF0306 00 52 70 01 00 11 2209 00
    NTSC4.43 BE EF0306 00 62 77 01 00 11 2202 00
    M-PAL BE EF0306 00 C2 71 01 0011 2208 00
    N-PAL BE EF0306 00 32 74 01 00 11 2207 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 31 76 02 00 11 2200 00
    S-VIDEO FORMAT SetAUTO BE EF0306 00 E6 70 01 0012 220A 00
    NTSC BE EF0306 00 86 74 01 0012 2204 00
    PAL BE EF0306 00 16 75 01 0012 2205 00
    SECAM BE EF0306 00 16 70 01 0012 2209 00
    NTSC4.43 BE EF0306 00 26 77 01 0012 2202 00
    M-PAL BE EF0306 00 86 71 01 0012 2208 00
    N-PAL BE EF0306 00 76 74 01 0012 2207 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 75 76 02 0012 2200 00
    HDMI SetAUTO BE EF0306 00 86 D8 01 0022 2000 00
    NORMAL BE EF0306 00 16 D9 01 0022 2001 00
    ENHANCED BE EF0306 00 E6 D9 01 0022 2002 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 B5 D8 02 0022 2000 00
    RGB IN1 SetSYNC ON G OFF BE EF0306 00 5E D7 01 0010 2002 00
    AUTO BE EF0306 00 CE D6 01 0010 2003 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 0D D6 02 0010 2000 00
    RGB IN2 SetSYNC ON G OFF BE EF0306 00 A2 D6 01 0011 2002 00
    AUTO BE EF0306 00 32 D7 01 0011 2003 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 F1 D7 02 0011 2000 00
    FRAME LOCK - RGB1 SetTURN OFF BE EF0306 00 3B C2 01 0050 3000 00
    TURN ON BE EF0306 00 AB C3 01 0050 3001 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 08 C2 02 0050 3000 00
    FRAME LOCK - RGB2 SetTURN OFF BE EF0306 00 0B C3 01 0054 3000 00
    TURN ON BE EF0306 00 9B C2 01 0054 3001 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 38 C3 02 0054 3000 00
    FRAME LOCK - HDMI SetTURN OFF BE EF0306 00 7F C2 01 0053 3000 00
    TURN ON BE EF0306 00 EF C3 01 0053 3001 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 4C C2 02 0053 3000 00
    KEYSTONE V GetBE EF0306 00 B9 D3 02 0007 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 DF D3 04 0007 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 0E D2 05 0007 2000 00
    KEYSTONE V Reset ExecuteBE EF
    0306 00 08 D0 06 000C 70 00 00 
    Names  Operation Type Header Command Data
    CRC Action TypeSetting Code
    RS-232C Communication / Network command table
    EXECUTE Execute
    BE EF0306 00 E5 D1 06 000D 20 00 00
    AUTO KEYSTONE V SetTURN OFF BE EF0306 00 EA D1 01 000F 20 00 00
    TURN ON BE EF0306 00 7A D0 01 000F 20 01 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 D9 D1 02 000F 20 00 00
    KEYSTONE H GetBE EF0306 00 E9 D0 02 000B 20 00 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 8F D0 04 000B 20 00 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 5E D1 05 000B 20 00 00
    KEYSTONE H Reset ExecuteBE EF0306 00 98 D8 06 0020 7000 00
    ACTIVE IRIS SetTURN OFF BE EF0306 00 0B 22 01 0004 3300 00
    THEATER BE EF0306 00 CB 2F 01 0004 3310 00
    PRESENTATION BE EF0306 00 5B 2E 01 0004 33 11 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 38 22 02 0004 3300 00
    WHISPER SetNORMAL BE EF0306 00 3B 23 01 0000 3300 00
    WHISPER BE EF0306 00 AB 22 01 0000 3301 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 08 23 02 0000 3300 00
    MIRROR SetNORMAL BE EF0306 00 C7 D2 01 0001 3000 00
    H:INVERT BE EF0306 00 57 D3 01 0001 3001 00
    V:INVERT BE EF0306 00 A7 D3 01 0001 3002 00
    H&V:INVERT BE EF0306 00 37 D2 01 0001 3003 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 F4 D2 02 0001 3000 00
    MONITOR OUT - RGB1 SetRGB1 BE EF0306 00 3E F4 01 00B0 20 00 00
    RGB2 BE EF0306 00 FE F6 01 00B0 20 04 00
    TURN OFF BE EF0306 00 CE B5 01 00B0 20 FF 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 0D F4 02 00B0 20 00 00
    MONITOR OUT - RGB2 SetRGB1 BE EF0306 00 0E F5 01 00B4 20 00 00
    RGB2 BE EF0306 00 CE F7 01 00B4 20 04 00
    TURN OFF BE EF0306 00 FE B4 01 00B4 20 FF 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 3D F5 02 00B4 20 00 00
    MONITOR OUT - HDMI SetRGB1 BE EF0306 00 7A F4 01 00B3 20 00 00
    RGB2 BE EF0306 00 BA F6 01 00B3 20 04 00
    TURN OFF BE EF0306 00 8A B5 01 00B3 20 FF 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 49 F4 02 00B3 20 00 00
    RGB1 BE EF0306 00 F2 F4 01 00B5 20 00 00
    RGB2 BE EF0306 00 32 F6 01 00B5 20 04 00
    TURN OFF BE EF0306 00 02 B5 01 00B5 20 FF 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 C1 F4 02 00B5 20 00 00
    RGB1 BE EF0306 00 86 F5 01 00B2 20 00 00
    RGB2 BE EF0306 00 46 F7 01 00B2 20 04 00
    TURN OFF BE EF0306 00 76 B4 01 00B2 20 FF 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 B5 F5 02 00B2 20 00 00
    RGB1 BE EF0306 00 C2 F5 01 00B1 20 00 00
    RGB2 BE EF0306 00 02 F7 01 00B1 20 04 00
    TURN OFF BE EF0306 00 32 B4 01 00B1 20 FF 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 F1 F5 02 00B1 20 00 00 
    RS-232C Communication / Network command table
    Names  Operation Type Header Command Data
    CRC Action TypeSetting Code
    RGB1 BE EF0306 00 2A F7 01 00BF 20 00 00
    RGB2 BE EF0306 00 EA F5 01 00BF 20 04 00
    TURN OFF BE EF0306 00 DA B6 01 00BF 20 FF 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 19 F7 02 00BF 20 00 00
    VOLUME - RGB1 GetBE EF0306 00 CD CC 02 0060 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 AB CC 04 0060 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 7A CD 05 0060 2000 00
    VOLUME - RGB2 GetBE EF0306 00 FD CD 02 0064 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 9B CD 04 0064 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 4A CC 05 0064 2000 00
    VOLUME - HDMI GetBE EF0306 00 89 CC 02 0063 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 EF CC 04 0063 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 3E CD 05 0063 2000 00
    VOLUME - 
    BE EF0306 00 01 CC 02 0065 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 67 CC 04 0065 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 B6 CD 05 0065 2000 00
    VOLUME - S-VIDEO GetBE EF0306 00 75 CD 02 0062 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 13 CD 04 0062 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 C2 CC 05 0062 2000 00
    VOLUME - VIDEO GetBE EF0306 00 31 CD 02 0061 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 57 CD 04 0061 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 86 CC 05 0061 2000 00
    BE EF0306 00 D9 CF 02 006F 20 00 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 BF CF 04 006F 20 00 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 6E CE 05 006F 20 00 00
    TREBLE - RGB1 GetBE EF0306 00 0D C8 02 0070 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 6B C8 04 0070 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 BA C9 05 0070 2000 00
    TREBLE -RGB2 GetBE EF0306 00 3D C9 02 0074 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 5B C9 04 0074 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 8A C8 05 0074 2000 00
    TREBLE - HDMI GetBE EF0306 00 49 C8 02 0073 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 2F C8 04 0073 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 FE C9 05 0073 2000 00
    TREBLE - 
    BE EF0306 00 C1 C8 02 0075 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 A7 C8 04 0075 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 76 C9 05 0075 2000 00
    TREBLE - VIDEO GetBE EF0306 00 F1 C9 02 0071 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 97 C9 04 0071 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 46 C8 05 0071 2000 00
    TREBLE - S-VIDEO GetBE EF0306 00 B5 C9 02 0072 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 D3 C9 04 0072 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 02 C8 05 0072 2000 00
    BE EF0306 00 19 CB 02 007F 20 00 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 7F CB 04 007F 20 00 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 AE CA 05 007F 20 00 00 
    Names  Operation Type Header Command Data
    CRC Action TypeSetting Code
    RS-232C Communication / Network command table
    BASS - RGB1 GetBE EF0306 00 0D FB 02 0080 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 6B FB 04 0080 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 BA FA 05 0080 2000 00
    BASS - RGB2 GetBE EF0306 00 3D FA 02 0084 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 5B FA 04 0084 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 8A FB 05 0084 2000 00
    BASS - HDMI GetBE EF0306 00 49 FB 02 0083 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 2F FB 04 0083 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 FE FA 05 0083 2000 00
    BASS - COMPONENT GetBE EF0306 00 C1 FB 02 0085 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 A7 FB 04 0085 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 76 FA 05 0085 2000 00
    BASS - S-VIDEO GetBE EF0306 00 B5 FA 02 0082 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 D3 FA 04 0082 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 02 FB 05 0082 2000 00
    BASS - VIDEO GetBE EF0306 00 F1 FA 02 0081 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 97 FA 04 0081 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 46 FB 05 0081 2000 00
    BE EF0306 00 19 F8 02 008F 2000 00
    Increment BE EF0306 00 7F F8 04 008F 2000 00
    Decrement BE EF0306 00 AE F9 05 008F 2000 00
    SRS WOW - RGB1 SetTURN OFF BE EF0306 00 FE FF 01 0090 2000 00
    MID BE EF0306 00 9E FE 01 0090 2002 00
    HIGH BE EF0306 00 0E FF 01 0090 2003 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 CD FF 02 0090 2000 00
    SRS WOW - RGB2 SetTURN OFF BE EF0306 00 CE FE 01 0094 2000 00
    MID BE EF0306 00 AE FF 01 0094 2002 00
    HIGH BE EF0306 00 3E FE 01 0094 2003 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 FD FE 02 0094 2000 00
    SRS WOW - HDMI SetTURN OFF BE EF0306 00 BA FF 01 0093 2000 00
    MID BE EF0306 00 DA FE 01 0093 2002 00
    HIGH BE EF0306 00 4A FF 01 0093 2003 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 89 FF 02 0093 2000 00
    SRS WOW - 
    TURN OFF BE EF0306 00 32 FF 01 0095 2000 00
    MID BE EF0306 00 52 FE 01 0095 2002 00
    HIGH BE EF0306 00 C2 FF 01 0095 2003 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 01 FF 02 0095 2000 00
    SRS WOW - S-VIDEO SetTURN OFF BE EF0306 00 46 FE 01 0092 2000 00
    MID BE EF0306 00 26 FF 01 0092 2002 00
    HIGH BE EF0306 00 B6 FE 01 0092 2003 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 75 FE 02 0092 2000 00
    SRS WOW - VIDEO SetTURN OFF BE EF0306 00 02 FE 01 0091 2000 00
    MID BE EF0306 00 62 FF 01 0091 2002 00
    HIGH BE EF0306 00 F2 FE 01 0091 2003 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 31 FE 02 0091 2000 00
    TURN OFF BE EF0306 00 EA FC 01 009F 2000 00
    MID BE EF0306 00 8A FD 01 009F 2002 00
    HIGH BE EF0306 00 1A FC 01 009F 2003 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 2A FE 02 009F 2004 00
    MUTE SetTURN OFF BE EF0306 00 46 D3 01 0002 2000 00
    TURN ON BE EF0306 00 D6 D2 01 0002 2001 00
    Get BE EF0306 00 75 D3 02 0002 2000 00 
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