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Dukane Imagepro 8755d Portable Lcd Projector Users Manual

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RS-232C Communication (continued)
Requesting projector status (Get command)
(1) Send the request code Header + Command data (‘02H’+‘00H’+ type (2 bytes)+‘00H’ +‘00H’) from the computer to the projector.
(2) The projector returns the response code ‘1DH’+ data (2 bytes) to the computer.
Changing the projector settings (Set command)
(1) Send the setting code Header + Command data (‘01H’+‘00H’+ type (2 bytes) +  setting code (2 bytes)) from the computer to the projector. 
(2) The projector changes the...

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Names Operation TypeHeaderCommand DataCRCActionTypeSetting Code
PowerSet Turn offBE  EF0306  002A  D301  0000  6000  00
Turn onBE  EF0306  00BA  D201  0000  6001  00
GetBE  EF0306  0019  D302  0000  6000  00
(Example return) 
  00  00  01  00  02  00   (Off)  (On)  (Cool down) RGB2 StatusGetBE  EF0306  00F1  D802  0021  2000  00
  00  00  01  00
 (RGB IN2)  (RGB OUT)Input SourceSetRGB IN 1BE  EF0306  00FE  D201  0000  2000  00
RGB IN 2BE  EF0306  003E  D001  0000  2004  00
VIDEOBE  EF0306  006E  D301...

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Names Operation TypeHeaderCommand DataCRCActionTypeSetting Code
User Gamma PatternSet OffBE  EF0306  00FB  FA01  0080  3000  00
9 step gray scaleBE  EF0306  006B  FB01  0080  3001  00
15 steps gray scaleBE  EF0306  009B  FB01  0080  3002  00
RampBE  EF0306  00 0B  FA01  0080  3003  00
GetBE  EF0306  00C8  FA02  0080  3000  00
User Gamma Point 1GetBE  EF0306  0008  FE02  0090  3000  00
IncrementBE  EF0306  006E  FE04  0090  3000  00
DecrementBE  EF0306  00BF  FF05  0090  3000  00
User Gamma Point...

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Names Operation TypeHeaderCommand DataCRCActionTypeSetting Code
COLOR TEMP GAIN GGetBE  EF0306  0070  F402  00B2  3000  00
IncrementBE  EF0306  0016  F404  00B2  3000  00
DecrementBE  EF0306  00C7  F505  00B2  3000  00
GetBE  EF0306  008C  F502  00B3  3000  00
IncrementBE  EF0306  00 EA  F504  00B3  3000  00
DecrementBE  EF0306  003B  F405  00B3  3000  00
GetBE  EF0306  0004  F502  00B5  3000  00
IncrementBE  EF0306  0062  F504  00B5  3000  00

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Names Operation TypeHeaderCommand DataCRCActionTypeSetting Code
ASPECTSet4:3BE  EF0306  009E  D001  0008  2000  00
16:9BE  EF0306  000E  D101  0008  2001  00
SMALLBE  EF0306  00FE  D101  0008  2002  00
NORMALBE  EF0306  005E  DD01  0008  2010  00
GetBE  EF0306  00AD  D002  0008  2000  00
OVER SCANGetBE  EF0306  0091  7002  0009  2200  00
IncrementBE  EF0306  00F7  7004  0009  2200  00
DecrementBE  EF0306  0026  7105  0009  2200  00
OVER SCAN ResetExecuteBE  EF0306  00EC  D906  0027  7000  00

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Names Operation TypeHeaderCommand DataCRCActionTypeSetting Code
KEYSTONE VGetBE  EF0306  00B9  D302  0007  2000  00
IncrementBE  EF0306  00DF  D304  0007  2000  00
DecrementBE  EF0306  000E  D205  0007  2000  00
 ResetExecuteBE  EF0306  0008  D006  000C  7000  00
WHISPERSetNORMALBE  EF0306  003B  2301  0000  3300  00
WHISPERBE  EF0306  00AB  2201  0000  3301  00
GetBE  EF0306  0008  2302  0000  3300  00
MIRRORSetNORMALBE  EF0306  00C7  D201  0001  3000  00
BE  EF0306  0057  D301...

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Names Operation TypeHeaderCommand DataCRCActionTypeSetting Code
MUTESetTURN OFFBE  EF0306  0046  D301  0002  2000  00
TURN ONBE  EF0306  00D6  D201  0002  2001  00
GetBE  EF0306  0075  D302  0002  2000  00
LANGUAGESetENGLISHBE  EF0306  00F7  D301  0005  3000  00
FRANÇAISBE  EF0306  0067  D201  0005  3001  00
DEUTSCHBE  EF0306  0097  D201  0005  3002  00
ÑOLBE  EF0306  0007  D301  0005  3003  00
BE  EF0306  0037  D101  0005  3004  00
NORSKBE  EF0306  00A7  D001  0005  3005  00...

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Names Operation TypeHeaderCommand DataCRCActionTypeSetting Code
OSD BRIGHT.GetBE  EF0306  00A8  D502  0018  3000  00
IncrementBE  EF0306  00CE  D504  0018  3000  00
DecrementBE  EF0306  001F  D405  0018  3000  00
BLANKSetMy ScreenBE  EF0306  00FB  CA01  0000  3020  00
ORIGINALBE  EF0306  00FB  E201  0000  3040  00
BLUEBE  EF0306  00CB  D301  0000  3003  00
WHITEBE  EF0306  006B  D001  0000  3005  00
BLACKBE  EF0306  009B  D001  0000  3006  00
GetBE  EF0306  0008  D302  0000  3000  00
BLANK On/Off...

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