Dillon Precision RL 550B Instruction Manual
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Station One In the first station, Fig. 16, brass is resized, deprimed, and then reprimed. Using the die lock rings provided, screw the sizing die into the toolhead. Raise the platform and screw the die down until it touches the shellplate. Then back it off one-half turn. Lower the platform and insert an empty case into Station One and cycle the operating handle. Now check it for sizing and depriming. If it looks good, raise the platform so the case is in the die, tighten the lock ring on the die and tighten the decapping stem. This will keep everything centered. A note of caution, never attempt to deprime a live primer. An explosion may result. Station Two In the second station, the powder is dropped and the mouth of the case is belled. This is where the Automatic Powder System is installed.First, screw the powder die (#20064) into the toolhead, Fig. 17. Now insert the pistol powder funnel (*#13782) or a rifle powder funnel (*#13426) with the tapered end down, Fig. 18. The funnel should move freely in the die. Set the powder measure assembly onto the powder die, Fig. 19. The powder measure clamp (#13939) should fit loosely around the die, tighten the screws just a little. This will enable you make adjustments to the die easily, Fig. 19. Fig. 16 - A fully loaded shellplate, directly below the proper dies. Clockwise from Station One, the cartridge at this station is resized, deprimed and reprimed. Notice the cartridge retaining spring holding the case in place. Station Two bells the case mouth (pistol only) and dispenses the powder. Station Three seats the bullet. Station Four crimps the bullet. Fig. 17 - This photo shows the powder die in its correct position (Station Two) in the toolhead. The powder die may be higher or lower depending on the caliber it is being adjusted for . Fig. 18 - Drop the powder funnel into the powder die tapered end first. The funnel should move freely in the die. Fig. 19 - The powder die can be easily adjusted by turning the die beneath the toolhead while holding the powder measure securely from above. 11* Indicates a caliber specific part. See the caliber conversion chart on page 16 for the caliber you are loading for.

On rifle cases, the die should be adjusted so that the powder funnel will contact the mouth of the case and then fully actuate the powder bar, Fig. 20 & 21. These adjustments are accomplished with a case in the shellplate and alternately raising and lowering the operating handle, while adjusting the powder die, Fig. 19. When properly adjusted, the powder bar will be moved to its full rearward position by the case, Fig. 20 & 21. When you have determined that your adjustments are correct, tighten the lock ring and the locking collar. Next, attach the powder measure fail safe rod assembly to the bellcrank (#17839). Using your thumb and index finger of your right hand, move the lock- link down to align the hole with the slot on the Powder Measure bellcrank (#17839). Then insert the rod (#97000) through the two holes, Fig. 20. Next, lower the operating handle (#20636). Insert the powdermeasure rod into the slot in the return bracket (#13885) press the shoulder washer into the slot from the bottom. Move the operating handle to the priming position, press the operating handle firmly forward. Tighten the blue wingnut (#13799) until the top of the spring (#14033) just touches the underside of the return bracket (#13885). We’ll come back to filling the measure with powder and adjusting the bar. The purpose of the powder measure failsafe rod (#97000) is to return the powder bar to its closed position. Station Three In this station the bullet is seated to its proper depth. You need to refer to a loading manual for overall length of the completed round. Put a case into the shellplate at Station Three. Raise the platform up and screw the die down until it just touches the shellplate and back it out two turns. Now, back your seating stem out. Place a bullet on the case and operate the handle. Using a dial caliper or case gage, check for overall length. Keep screwing the seating stem down in small increments until the correct overall length is achieved. Once you are satisfied with the overall length, tighten the lock ring. Station Four The crimping operation is performed at this station. Insert the crimp die and place an empty case in Station Four. Raise the platform and screw the crimping die down until it touches the rim of the case. Now lower the platform and screw the die down an additional one-quarter of a turn. Place a round in Station Four with a seated bullet and cycle the operating handle. You will need to refer to a loading manual to get proper crimp dimensions for the caliber you are loading. A dial caliper is required to take accurate measurements from your crimped round. If more crimp is needed, screw the crimp die down in small increments until you get the desired crimp, now tighten the lock ring. * Indicates a caliber specific part. See the caliber conversion chart on page 16 for the caliber you are loading for.12 Fig. 20 - This photo shows the large powder bar in its closed position. (Primer system removed for clarity.) Fig. 21 - This photo shows the large powder bar in its fully open position. (Primer system removed for clarity.)

Adjusting the Powder Charge You will notice an adjusting bolt on the back of the powder bar, Fig. 22.. Turning the bolt counter- clockwise reduces your powder charge, clockwise increases the charge. Your machine comes with two powder bars – one large and one small. Rule of thumb: Use the large bar whenever possible. These bars are easily changed, Fig. 23. Use a reloading manual to determine how much powder you need for a particular load and an accurate powder scale to determine the weight. A high qualityprecision powder scale is available from Dillon. You should now fill the powder measure with your chosen powder. Place an empty case under the measure and operate the machine's handle. Then, by trial and error adjustments, determine the correct weight of your powder charge. You are now ready to fill the primer magazine. Primer Early Warning System Installation (See item #20302 on page five for assistance.) Remove the follower rod (#13707) from the assembly bag and set it aside. Install the battery and the battery cover (#13857) in the system’s main body. Slide the Early Warning System assembly down over the knurled cap on your primer magazine (#13957) and lightly tighten the clamp screw. Primer Magazine You will notice that the primer magazines and primer pick-up tubes have different colored tips. They have been color coded to help you identify size more easily. The color code is as follows: Blue Small Primer Magazine Orifice Red Large Primer Magazine Orifice Yellow Small Primer Pick-up Tube Green Large Primer Pick-up Tube Select the proper size pick-up tube and fill it by placing the plastic expandable tip over loose primers and pressing down. The shiny sides of the primers need to be facing up, Fig. 24. This is most easily accomplished by using a primer flip tray, which will arrange them all for you, Fig. 24. A quality cast metal flip tray is available from Dillon and is a better choice than the smaller plastic trays which are difficult to use and have a tendency to warp. * Indicates a caliber specific part. See the caliber conversion chart on page 16 for the caliber you are loading for. Fig. 24 - Use of the primer pickup tube and the Dillon Primer flip tray. Fig. 22 - Turning the bolt counter- clockwise reduces your powder charge, clockwise increases the charge. Fig. 23 - After emptying the powder measure,loosen the bellcrank screw (#13904) sufficiently to allow you to remove the powder bar. Insert the new powder bar and reverse this procedure. 13 #13904

Once you’ve filled the pick-up tube, make sure the little retaining clip is in place at the top of the tube. Pivot the switch lever (#13864) away from the Early Warning System housing. Invert the pick-up tube over the knurled cap (#13957) of the primer magazine, Fig. 25. You will notice the cap has a bevel to help you funnel the primers in. Hold the tube in place, pull the retaining clip and allow the primers to drop into the magazine. Pivot the switch lever back over the Early Warning System housing. Gently slide the follower rod down into the primer magazine tube until the follower rod touches the primers. When you are nearly out of primers (about three left) the follower rod (#13707) will activate the buzzer. A word of caution: primers are easily detonated, sometimes by a remarkably light blow. Treat them as if they are as fragile as eggs. Never force them. At Last If you’ve followed instructions, you are now ready to load. Many reloaders develop their own style when using the RL 550B. But, let me explain the most efficient method. Try it and later, if you want to make changes in your technique, go ahead. Place your bullets in a box to the left of the RL 550B and the empty cases in a box to the right. A few extra cartridge collection bins (#13839) are ideal for this. You will notice an adjustable retaining spring at Station One. This spring should be adjusted to almost contact the case when it’s placed in the shellplate. Now, with your right hand, place a case in Station One and smoothly pull the operating handle. This resizes and decaps this case, at the same time your primer slide should be automatically carried back tothe primer magazine, where it will pick up a primer. Now, raise the handle smoothly. The primer slide (#13920) will come forward with a primer and place it under the deprimed case. If you are using the handle gently, you will feel the primer contact the primer pocket. Press forward firmly until the handle stops. Your primer will now be seated. Advance the case to the second Station by pressing on the index sprocket (#13720) with your left thumb. Place another empty case into Station One and pull the operating handle. Station One will repeat as before. Station number two will bell the case mouth and dispense the powder. Again, raise the handle, index with your thumb and place a bullet on the powder charged case at Station Three with your left hand, Fig. 7. With your right hand, install a new case at Station One and pull the handle. Stations one and two will repeat as before. Station Three will seat the bullet. Index with your left thumb and put in a bullet. Put an empty case into Station One with your right and operate the handle. Stations one, two and three will repeat: Station Four will have crimped the bullet. Index again and your first completed round will tumble into the cartridge collection bin. Now just add a bullet and a case. Each time you operate the handle you’ll get a loaded round. Works good, right? If not, go back over the procedure. If it’s not right you need to do some... Trouble Shooting Use 30 weight motor oil on the main shaft and bearing grease on the pivot pins. Do not use spray type penetrating lube such as WD40 or Break Free as you run the risk of contaminating powder and primers. Problem One. Primers are not seated deeply enough. A. Shellplate too loose. B. Shellplate upside down. You should be able to see a stamped shellplate number facing up. C. The crimp in the primer pockets of military brass will cause this problem. Crimps can be easily removed by use of a Dillon Primer Pocket Swage. Problem Two. Erratic powder bar operation: A. Turn the powder die (#20064) clockwise in one- eighth turn increments. This will insure complete powder bar activation. B. Extruded pencil type powders will not flow smoothly through smaller sized powder funnels because of their length. Another problem with extruded powders is getting them into small necked cases. Many times these powders will “bridge” across the case mouth and cause spillage and erratic charges, There is no fast way of dispensing these powders and if you insist on using them in small mouthed cases it is best to weigh every charge by hand. Modern ball type powders will do for most reloading situations. These powders will do everything the pencil powders * Indicates a caliber specific part. See the caliber conversion chart on page 16 for the caliber you are loading for.14 Fig. 25 - Drop the primers into the primer magazine.

15 will do, but without this problem. Warning: Do not use I.M.R. pencil lead type powder in cases smaller than .30 caliber. Problem 3. Primer jams or misfeeds. A. Primer misfeeds can be caused by misadjustment of the set screw (#13961) in the primer feed block, Fig. 12. B. The most common cause of primer misfeeds or jams is the primer punch not seated fully into the primer slide. This will cause the primer seating cup to strike the flexible orifice on the bottom of the primer magazine tube. Warning: If the primers are jammed and will not feed from the bottom of the primer magazine, Do Not Attempt to force the primers or the primer slide. An explosion resulting in injury may occur. C. Another common problem is that the primer slide fails to return fully forward with the new primer. Periodically wipe the primer slide with rubbing alcohol. This removes the spent primer residue that causes the slide to drag. Problem 4. Crushing cases: A. If your dies do not have a radiused lead-in you must guide the cases into the die. The best solution is to replace the offending dies with dies having the proper radius. B. Always tighten your die lock rings with a case in the die. This will assure you of proper alignment between the die and the shellplate. Adjust your depriming stem in the same manner and it will always be on center. REMEMBER Be sure to use the necessary precautions when loading lead bullets or when casting lead bullets. Exposure to lead can cause cancer, birth defects, and reproductive problems. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling lead. When firing lead bullets, be sure that you have adequate ventilation. Keep any lead items out of reach of children. Press forward firmly on the handle once it is at the aft position to seat your primers fully. Watch the powder bar function to make sure you’re getting powder. Set the bullet straight on the case at Station Three so that it enters the die correctly. Watch your supply of powder, you’ll be using it faster than you think you are. Take your time and learn the machine and its function. The RL 550B will deliver hundreds of trouble free rounds in short order, just relax and take your time in the beginning. Keep it clean – primer residue, spilled powder and just plain dirt can jam your machine. Clean your powder bar about every 500 rounds.Some powders build up and will eventually stick the powder bar. Paint thinner, acetone or lacquer thinner works well to remove any build up. NOTICE This machine is designed specifically to be a manually operated handloading machine. Any attempts to automate this product will void any and all warranties offered by the company. We specifically warn against converting this product to automated or motorized operation. All Dillon machines are warranted for life from defects in material or workmanship, plus a one year 100% warranty against normal wear. All electrical/electronic components in Dillon equipment are covered by a one year warranty. * Indicates a caliber specific part. See the caliber conversion chart on page 16 for the caliber you are loading for.

16 Conversion Powder Shellplate Locator Handgun CalibersKit Funnel Button .30 Luger #20175 C - #13564 5 - #13743 3 .30 Mauser #20174 C - #13564 5 - #13743 3 .32 ACP - 7.65mm #20160 S - #12845 8 - #13135 8 .32 S&W Long #20146 S - #12845 D - #13092 3 .32 Short Colt #20160 S - #12845 8 - #13135 8 .380 ACP #20133 F - #13806 3 - #13684 3 9x18 #21656 9 - #14980 5 - #13743 3 9mm Luger #20127 F - #13806 5 - #13743 3 9x25 Dillon/.357 Sig. #21526 F - #13806 5 - #13743 2 .38 S&W #20159 F - #13806 U - #12944 2 .38 AMU #20278 F - #13806 O - #12013 3 .38 Super #20127 F - #13806 5 - #13743 3 .38 Sp.-.357 Mag./Max. #20132 D - #13599 2 - #13751 2 10mm/.40 S&W #20179 W - #13600 5 - #13743 2 .41 AE #20277 AE - #13180 5 - #13743 3 .41 Mag. #20135 H - #13240 6 - #13120 1 .44 Sp. - Mag. #20136 G - #13427 4 - #13610 4 .45 ACP #20126 E - #13782 1 - #13692 1 .45 Auto Rim #20158 E - #13782 H - #13010 4 .45 Colt #20137 E - #13782 C - #13334 4 .45 Win. Mag. #20221 E - #13782 L - #12703 1 .454 Casull #20137 E - #13782 C - #13334 4 .50 AE #21428 50AE - #14465 50 - #13147 4 Rifle Calibers .17 Rem. #20203 O - #12921 3 - #13684 3 .218 Bee #20151 A - #13426 O - #12013 3 .219 Zipper/Donaldson #20180 A - #13426 7 - #12501 4 .220 Swift #20154 A - #13426 L - #12703 1 .221 Rem. Fire Ball #20128 A - #13426 3 - #13684 3 .222 Rem. - Rem. Mag. #20128 A - #13426 3 - #13684 3 .22-250 #20145 A - #13426 1 - #13692 1 .223 - 5.56 mm #20128 A - #13426 3 - #13684 3 .224 Wby. Mag. #20235 A - #13426 A - #13211 2 .225 Win. #20181 A - #13426 L - #12703 1 .22 Hornet - K Hornet #20150 A - #13426 E - #12957 8 .22 Rem. Jet #20165 A - #13426 2 - #13751 2 .22 Savage Hi Power #20180 A - #13426 7 - #12501 4 .240 Wby. Mag. #20192 I - #13305 1 - #13692 1 .243 Win. #20192 I - #13305 1 - #13692 1 .250 Savage-.250/3000 #20147 K - #13216 1 - #13692 1 .25-06 #20147 K - #13216 1 - #13692 1 .25-20 Win. #20176 543R - #13243 O - #12013 3 .25-35 Win. #20197 K - #13216 7 - #12501 4 .256 Win. Mag. #20215 543R - #13243 2 - #13751 2 .257 Ack. Imp #20147 K - #13216 1 - #13692 1 .257 Roberts #20147 K - #13216 1 - #13692 1 .257 Wby. Mag. #20199 K - #13216 B - #13347 4 .25 Rem. #20233 K - #13216 R - #13497 2 .264 Win. Mag. #20210 Y - #12870 B - #13347 4 .270 Wby. Mag. #20196 J - #13456 B - #13347 4 .270 Win. #20142 J - #13456 1 - #13692 1 .284 Win. #20142 J - #13456 1 - #13692 1 .30 M1 Carbine #20131 C - #13564 8 - #13135 8 .300 Win. Mag. #20188 B - #13587 B - #13347 4 .30-06 #20138 B - #13587 1 - #13692 1 .300 H&H Mag. #20188 B - #13587 B - #13347 4 .300 Savage #20190 B - #13587 1 - #13692 1 .300 Wby. Mag. #20188 B - #13587 B - #13347 4 .303 British #20183 B - #13587 4 - #13610 4 .30-30 Win. #20139 B - #13587 7 - #12501 4 .30-338 Win. Mag. #20188 B - #13587 B - #13347 4Conversion Powder Shellplate Locator Rifle Calibers cont...Kit Funnel Button .30-40 Krag #20185 B - #13587 P - #13134 4 .307 Win. #20237 B - #13587 L - #12703 1 .308 - 7.62 Nato #20130 B - #13587 1 - #13692 1 .308 Norma Mag. #20188 B - #13587 B - #13347 4 .30 Herret #20214 AK - #13015 7 - #12501 4 .30 Merrill #20231 AK - #13015 L - #12703 1 .30 Rem. -32 Rem. #20184 B - #13587 R - #13497 2 .32-20 Win. #20177 S - #12845 O - #12013 3 .32-40 Win. #20139 B - #13587 7 - #12501 4 .32 H&R Mag. #20146 S - #12845 D - #13092 3 .32 Win. Sp. #20139 B - #13587 7 - #12501 4 .33 Win. #20202 Q - #13406 G - #13313 7 .338 Win. Mag. #20156 Q - #13406 B - #13347 4 .340 Wby. Mag. #20156 Q - #13406 B - #13347 4 .348 Win. #20217 P - #13187 T - #12808 7 .350 Rem. Mag. #20167 P - #13187 B - #13347 4 .356 Win. #20238 P - #13187 L - #12703 1 .357 Herrett #20172 D - #13599 7 - #12501 4 .358 Win. #20170 P - #13187 1 - #13692 1 .358 Norma Mag. #20167 P - #13187 B - #13347 4 .35 Rem. #20166 P - #13187 M - #13230 2 .35 Whelen #20170 P - #13187 1 - #13692 1 .35 Win. #20168 P - #13187 P - #13134 4 .375 H&H/Wby Mag. #20204 544R - #13531 B - #13347 4 .375 Super Mag. #20226 543V - #13344 7 - #12501 4 .378 Wby. Mag. #21665 544378 - #15010 G - #13313 7 .38-40 Win. #20178 W - #13600 N - #10004 4 .38-55 Win. Ballard #20226 543V - #13344 7 - #12501 4 .444 Marlin #20164 543X - #12920 N - #10004 4 .44-40 Win. #20206 G - #13427 N - #10004 4 .45-70 Gov’t #20143 543T - #13407 G - #13313 7 .416 Rem. Mag. #20771 544RM - #13415 B - #13347 4 .455 Webley #20137 E - #13782 C - #13334 4 .458 Win. Mag. #20161 543T - #13407 B - #13347 4 .460 Wby. Mag. #21664 544460 - #15009 G - #13313 7 6.5-06 #20207 Y - #12870 1 - #13692 1 6.5 x 52 Carcano #20208 Y - #12870 M - #13230 2 6.5 mm x 54 Mann-Scho #20208 Y - #12870 M - #13230 2 6.5 x 55 Swed Mauser #20207 Y - #12870 1 - #13692 1 6.5 Japanese Arisaka #20209 Y - #12870 L - #12703 1 6.5mm Rem. Mag. #20210 Y - #12870 B - #13347 4 6mm Rem.- .244 #20192 I - #13305 1 - #13692 1 7mm-08 Rem. #20142 J - #13456 1 - #13692 1 7.62 x 39 Russian #20213 AK - #13015 A - #13211 2 7.62 x 54 Russian #20346 B - #13587 G - #13313 7 7x 57 Mauser #20142 J - #13456 1 - #13692 1 7 x 64 Brenneke #20142 J - #13456 1 - #13692 1 7.7 Japanese Arisaka #20130 B - #13587 1 - #13692 1 7mm BR #20216 N - #13014 1 - #13692 1 7mm Ex - 280 Rem. #20142 J - #13456 1 - #13692 1 7mm Rem. Mag. #20140 J - #13456 B - #13347 4 7mm Merrill #20230 N - #13014 L - #12703 1 7mm Int’l Rimmed #20223 N - #13014 7 - #12501 4 7mm TCU #20141 N - #13014 3 - #13684 3 7mm Wby. Mag. #20196 J - #13456 B - #13347 4 7-30 Waters #20223 J - #13456 7 - #12501 4 7.5 x 55 Swiss #20130 B - #13587 1 - #13692 1 7.65 Bel-Arg #20130 B - #13587 1 - #13692 1 8mm Mauser #20201 M - #12963 1 - #13692 1 8mm Rem. Mag. #20155 M - #12963 B - #13347 4 RL 450 & RL 550B Caliber Conversion Chart Kits include shellplate, locator buttons and flow thru powder funnel.

Shellplate 1 Locator Button 1 Powder Funnel .22-250 A - #13426 .30-06 B - #13587 .300 Savage AK - #13015 .308 - 7.62 Nato B - #13587 7.7 Japanese Arisaka B - #13587 7.5 x 55 Swiss B - #13587 7.65 Bel-Arg B - #13587 .45 ACP E - #13782 .240 Wby. Mag. I - #13305 .243 Win. I - #13305 6mm Rem.- .244 I - #13305 .270 Win. J - #13456 .284 Win. J - #13456 7mm-08 Rem. J - #13456 7x 57 Mauser J - #13456 7 x 64 Brenneke J - #13456 7mm Ex - 280 Rem. J - #13456 .250 Savage-.250/3000 K - #13216 .25-06 K - #13216 .257 Ack. Imp K - #13216 .257 Roberts K - #13216 8mm Mauser M - #12963 7mm BR N - #13014 7mm Int’l N - #13014 .358 Win. P - #13187 .35 Whelen P - #13187 6.5-06 Y - #12870 6.5 x 55 Swed Mauser Y - #12870 Shellplate 2 Locator Button 2 .256 Win. Mag. 543R - #13243 .22 Rem. Jet A - #13426 .38 Sp.-.357 Mag./Max. D - #13599 Shellplate 3 Locator Button 3 .221 Rem. Fire Ball A - #13426 .222 Rem. - Rem. Mag. A - #13426 .223 - 5.56 mm A - #13426 .380 ACP F - #13806 7mm TCU N - #13014 .17 Rem. O - #12921 Shellplate 4 Locator Button 4 .303 British B - #13587 .44 Sp. - Mag. G - #13427 Shellplate 5 Locator Button 2 9x25 Dillon/.357 Sig. F - #13806 10mm/.40 S&W W - #13600 Shellplate 5 Locator Button 3 9x18 9 - #14980 .41 AE AE - #13180 .30 Luger C - #13564 .30 Mauser C - #13564 9mm Luger F - #13806 .38 Super F - #13806Shellplate 6 Locator Button 1 .41 Mag. H - #13240 Shellplate 7 Locator Button 4 Powder Funnel .375 Super Mag. 543V - #13344 .38-55 Win. Ballard 543V - #13344 .219 Zipper A - #13426 .219 Donaldson A - #13426 .22 Savage Hi Power A - #13426 .30 Herret AK - #13015 .30-30 Win. B - #13587 .32-40 Win. B - #13587 .32 Win. Sp. B - #13587 .357 Herrett D - #13599 7-30 Waters N - #13014 .25-35 Win. K - #13216 7mm Int’l Rimmed N - #13014 Shellplate 8 Locator Button 8 .30 M1 Carbine C - #13564 .32 ACP - 7.65mm S - #12845 .32 Short Colt S - #12845 Shellplate 50 Locator Button 4 .50 AE 50AE - #14465 Shellplate A Locator Button 2 .224 Wby. Mag. A - #13426 7.62 x 39 Russian AK - #13015 Shellplate B Locator Button 4 .458 Win. Mag. 543T - #13407 .375 H&H 544R - #13531 .375 Wby Mag. 544R - #13531 .416 Rem. Mag. 544RM - #13415 .300 Win. Mag. B - #13587 .300 H&H Mag. B - #13587 .300 Wby. Mag. B - #13587 .30-338 Win. Mag. B - #13587 .308 Norma Mag. B - #13587 .270 Wby. Mag. J - #13456 7mm Rem. Mag. J - #13456 7mm Wby. Mag. J - #13456 .257 Wby. Mag. K - #13216 8mm Rem. Mag. M - #12963 .350 Rem. Mag. P - #13187 .358 Norma Mag. P - #13187 .338 Win. Mag. Q - #13406 .340 Wby. Mag. Q - #13406 .264 Win. Mag. Y - #12870 6.5mm Rem. Mag. Y - #12870 Shellplate C Locator Button 4 .45 Colt E - #13782 .454 Casull E - #13782 .455 Webley E - #13782 Shellplate D Locator Button 3 .32 S&W Long S - #12845 .32 H&R Mag. S - #12845Shellplate E Locator Button 8 .22 Hornet - K Hornet A - #13426 Shellplate G Locator Button 7 Powder Funnel .45-70 Gov’t 543T - #13407 .378 Wby. Mag. 544378 - #15010 7.62 x 54 Russian B - #13587 .33 Win. Q - #13406 .460 Wby. Mag. 544460 - #15009 Shellplate H Locator Button 4 .45 Auto Rim E - #13782 Shellplate L Locator Button 1 .220 Swift A - #13426 .225 Win. A - #13426 .30 Merrill AK - #13015 .307 Win. B - #13587 .45 Win. Mag. E - #13782 7mm Merrill N - #13014 .356 Win. P - #13187 6.5 Japanese Arisaka Y - #12870 Shellplate M Locator Button 2 .35 Rem. P - #13187 6.5 x 52 Carcano Y - #12870 6.5 mm x 54 Mann-Scho Y - #12870 Shellplate N Locator Button 4 .444 Marlin 543X - #12920 .44-40 Win. G - #13427 .38-40 Win. W - #13600 Shellplate O Locator Button 3 .25-20 Win. 543R - #13243 .218 Bee A - #13426 .38 AMU F - #13806 .32-20 Win. S - #12845 Shellplate P Locator Button 4 .30-40 Krag B - #13587 .35 Win. P - #13187 Shellplate R Locator Button 2 .30 Rem. -32 Rem. B - #13587 .25 Rem. K - #13216 Shellplate T Locator Button 7 .348 Win. P - #13187 Shellplate U Locator Button 2 .38 S&W F - #13806 RL 450 & RL 550B Caliber Cross Reference Chart 17

Dillon Precision Products, Inc. 8009 E. Dillon’s Way Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (480) 948-8009 FAX (480) 998-2786 Web Site: www.dillonprecision.com E-mail: [email protected] Technical Support & Customer Service (800) 223-4570 On the cover… The RL 550B is pictured with optional accessories: Strong Mount #22051 Aluminum Roller Handle #17950 Low Powder Sensor #16306 Bullet Tray #22214 Other accessories available for the RL 550B include: Video Instruction Manual #14621 Machine Cover #13795 Maintenance Kit & Spare Parts Kit #97016 The Blue Press, Dillon’s monthly catalog, has a complete listing of accessories available for all machines.