Digital Projection
Digital Projection Projector M Vision Cine 260 HB User Manual
Digital Projection Projector M Vision Cine 260 HB User Manual
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Rev A December 2010 Page 2.3 Digital Projection M-Vision Cine 230, Cine 260, Cine 400 User Manual 2. Installation Examples of 4:3 images displayed with different aspect ratio settings The 4:3 setting is best, unless there is some specific reason for wantin\ g the smaller Native image, for instance, to maintain the same scale as other images f\ rom the same source. If you are using an anamorphic lens, the 4:3 Narrow setting should be us\ ed. The lens will stretch the image to the correct width. Examples of 2.35:1 images displayed with different aspect ratio settings The 16:9 setting is best, unless there is some specific reason for wanti\ ng the smaller Native image, for instance, to maintain the same scale as other \ images from the same source. If you have an anamorphic lens, the Theaterscope setting would be a much better option. Because it uses the whole of the DMD, it will be a much brighter\ image than the letterboxed options shown above, and will fill a wider screen if thi\ s is available. Notes The 4:3 image shown here has far fewer pixels than the 1920 x 1080 of the DMD. Your image may be different. If you are using an anamorphic lens, you will need to use the 4:3 Narrow setting to correct the image. The 2.35 image shown here has far fewer pixels than the 1920 x 1080 of the DMD. Your image may be different. To take advantage of the Theaterscope setting, you MUST have an anamorphic lens. Theaterscope without Anamorphic lens with Anamorphic lens, stretched to fill wider screen 4:3Native 16:9Native 4:3 Narrow without anamorphic lens 4:3 Narrow with anamorphic lens

Page 2.4 Rev A December 2010 2. Installation Digital Projection M-Vision Cine 230, Cine 260, Cine 400 User Manual Diagonal screen sizes Screen sizes are sometimes specified by their diagonal size (D) in inc\ hes. When dealing with large screens and projection distances at different aspect ratios, it is more convenient to measure screen width (W) and height (H). The example calculations below show how to convert diagonal sizes in inc\ hes into width and height, at various aspect ratios. 2.35:1 (Scope) W = D x 0.92in (D x .023m) H = D x 0.39in (D x .01m) 1.85:1 W = D x 0.88in (D x .022m) H = D x 0.47in (D x .012m) 16:9 = 1.78:1 (native aspect ratio) W = D x 0.87in (D x .022m) H = D x 0.49in (D x .0125m) 1.66:1 (Vista) W = D x 0.86in (D x .022m) H = D x 0.52in (D x .013m) 16:10 = 1.6:1 W = D x 0.85in (D x .022m) H = D x 0.53in (D x .014m) 4:3 = 1.33:1 W = D x 0.8in (D x .02m) H = D x 0.6in (D x .015m) D = diagonal (inches) W = width H = height Notes

Rev A December 2010 Page 2.5 Digital Projection M-Vision Cine 230, Cine 260, Cine 400 User Manual 2. Installation Fitting the image to the screen It is important that your screen is of sufficient height and width to display images at all the aspect ratios you are planning to use. Use the conversion chart, or the sample calculations below to check that\ you are able to display the full image on your screen. If you have insufficient height or width, you will have to reduce the overall image size in order to display the f\ ull image on your screen. Notes 2.35:1 (Scope) W = H x 2.35 H = W x 0.426 1.85:1 W = H x 1.85 H = W x 0.54 16:9 = 1.78:1 (native aspect ratio) W = H x 1.78 H = W x 0.56 1.66:1 (Vista) W = H x 1.66 H = W x 0.6 16:10 = 1.6:1 W = H x 1.6 H = W x 0.625 4:3 = 1.33:1 W = H x 1.33 H = W x 0.75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 \ 8 9 10 Screen width Screen height 4:3 16:9 2.35:1 Aspect ratio 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1.85:1 1.66:1 16:10

Page 2.6 Rev A December 2010 2. Installation Digital Projection M-Vision Cine 230, Cine 260, Cine 400 User Manual Positioning the screen and projector Optimum viewing position For optimum viewing, the screen should be a flat surface perpendicular t\ o the floor. The bottom of the screen should be 1.2m (4 feet) above the floor and t\ he front row of the audience should not have to look up more than 30° to see the t\ op of the screen. The distance between the front row of the audience and the screen should\ be at least twice the screen height and the distance between the back row and \ the screen should be a maximum of 8 times the screen height. The screen viewing area should be within a 60° range from the face of the screen. Notes The projector should be installed as close to the power outlet as possible. The power connection should be easily accessible, so that it can be disconnected in an emergency. Ensure that there is at least 30cm (12in) of space between the ventilation outlets and any wall, and 10cm (4in) on all other sides. Do not install the projector close to anything that might be affected by its operational heat, for instance, polystyrene ceiling tiles, curtains etc. The image can be flipped for rear projection (see section 4. Using the menus, Image menu) and displayed without the need for extra mirrors or equipment. However, you must ensure that there is sufficient distance behind the screen for the projector to be correctly located. Rear installation is generally more complicated and advice should be sought from your local dealer before attempting it.

Rev A December 2010 Page 2.7 Digital Projection M-Vision Cine 230, Cine 260, Cine 400 User Manual 2. Installation Screen size vs throw distance Throw distance is the distance measured from the front of the projector \ to the screen. This is an important calculation in any projector installation as it det\ ermines whether or not you have enough room to install your projector with the d\ esired screen size, and if your image will be the right size for your screen. Calculating screen width and throw distance Throw Distance = Screen Width x Lens Throw Ratio Screen Width = Throw Distance Lens Throw Ratio Three models of the projector are available, fitted with the following l\ enses: Throw Ratio Focus range Fixed lens 0.73:1 to be confirmed Short-throw lens 1.56–1.86:1 zoom 2–7m (6.6 - 23ft) Long-throw lens 1.85–2.40:1 zoom 2.5–10m (8.2 - 32.8ft) Two optional converter lenses are available, which modify the throw ratio\ s as shown below: 0.8x converter 1.25x converter Short-throw lens 1.25–1.49:1 1.95–2.33:1 Long-throw lens 1.48–1.92:1 2.31–3:1 These throw ratios are correct for images that fill the full width of th\ e DMD. For images that do not fill the full width, the throw ratio will be larger. For 4:3 images, the throw ratio is increased by a factor of 1.33. The effect of this can be seen on the lens charts on the following pages. • • • • • Notes For more information about the relationship between screen size, throw distance and converter lenses, see the Lens charts on the following pages. Do not confuse the focus range with the zoom range: - the focus range is the distance over which the image can be focused using the focus ring. - the zoom range is the range over which the throw ratio can be changed using the zoom ring. The converter lens is not physically compatible with the Fixed lens.

Page 2.8 Rev A December 2010 2. Installation Digital Projection M-Vision Cine 230, Cine 260, Cine 400 User Manual NotesLens charts for the short throw zoom lens example You can display a 16:9 image with a screen width of 3m at a distance of 5\ m, but for a screen width of 3.5m, you will need to use the 0.8x converter lens\ . • Throw distance Screen width 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 metres 3 7 10 13 16 20 23 26 30 \ 33 36 39 feet 23 7 20 6 16 5 13 4 10 3 7 2 3 1 using the 1.25x converter lens using the 0.8x converter lens without a converter lens Throw distance Screen width 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 metres 3 7 10 13 16 20 23 26 30 \ 33 36 39 feet 23 7 20 6 16 5 13 4 10 3 7 2 3 1 using the 1.25x converter lens using the 0.8x converter lens without a converter lens feetmetres 16:9 images 4:3 images

Rev A December 2010 Page 2.9 Digital Projection M-Vision Cine 230, Cine 260, Cine 400 User Manual 2. Installation Notes Note that for the long throw lens, there is some overlap between the range available using the converter lenses and that using no converter lens. Lens charts for the long throw zoom lens example You can display a 4:3 image with a screen width of 3m at a distance of 6m\ , but for a screen width of 2m, you will need to use the 1.25x converter lens.\ • Screen width 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 metres 3 7 10 13 16 20 23 26 30 \ 33 36 39 feet 23 7 20 6 16 5 13 4 10 3 7 2 3 1 using the 1.25x converter lens using the 0.8x converter lens without a converter lens Throw distance Screen width 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 metres 3 7 10 13 16 20 23 26 30 \ 33 36 39 feet 23 7 20 6 16 5 13 4 10 3 7 2 3 1 using the 1.25x converter lens using the 0.8x converter lens without a converter lens feetmetres 16:9 images 4:3 images

Page 2.10 Rev A December 2010 2. Installation Digital Projection M-Vision Cine 230, Cine 260, Cine 400 User Manual Shifting the image Ideally, the projector should be positioned perpendicular to the screen. The normal position for the projector is at the centre of the screen. Ho\ wever, with the zoom lenses, you can set the projector above or below the centre, or\ to one side, and adjust the image using the Lens shift controls on the top of the projector to maintain a geometrically correct image. The maximum range available with no distortion is dependent on which zoo\ m lens is used. The tables below show the maximum range for images that fill the DMD. Fo\ r images which do not use the full height or width, extra shift may be pos\ sible, up to the limit of the lens mount movement. 1.56 - 1.86 : 1 zoom lens vertical (pixels) horizontal (pixels) vertical (vs DMD height) horizontal (vs DMD width) + 270 - 540 ± 288+ 0.25H (50%) - 0.5H (100%) ± 0.15W (30%) 1.85 - 2.4 : 1 zoom lens vertical (pixels) horizontal (pixels) vertical (vs DMD height) horizontal (vs DMD width) ± 648± 288± 0.6H (120%)± 0.15W (30%) The image can be shifted by up to: ± 0.6 of the height of a full screen image (known as 120% shift) ± 0.15 of the width of a full screen image (known as 30%) It is physically possible to shift the lens further than this, however t\ here will be some distortion of the image beyond the ranges specified above. • • Horizontal shift adjustment Vertical shift adjustment (Remove the badge) Notes If the projector is fitted with the fixed 0.73:1 lens then there are no mechanical controls for lens shift. Slide the badge in the direction shown below, then gently lift off by hand. Do NOT prise off using a tool. If the lens is to be shifted in two directions combined, the maximum range is somewhat less, as can be seen below. full horizontal or vertical shift without distortion combined shift is reduced

Rev A December 2010 Page 2.11 Digital Projection M-Vision Cine 230, Cine 260, Cine 400 User Manual 2. Installation + 0.6 H – 0.6 H – 0.15 W+ 0.15 W Lens shift example (1.85 - 2.4 : 1 zoom lens)Notes

Page 2.12 Rev A December 2010 2. Installation Digital Projection M-Vision Cine 230, Cine 260, Cine 400 User Manual Mounting the projector The four adjustable feet under the chassis allow the projector to be low\ ered onto a flat surface without any danger of hands being trapped between the botto\ m frame and the surface. Ceiling mounting The projector is designed to be used on a flat surface, but it can be su\ spended from a ceiling. Three M4 mounting holes with a 0.7mm pitch are provided under the projector to allow bolting to a ceiling mounting plate. Cine 230/260 Cine 400 To use the projector upside down, set Ceiling mode to On, in the System menu, to invert the image. Notes BEFORE INSTALLING THE PROjECTOR, READ ALL THE WARNINGS BELOW AND ALL THOSE IN IMPOr TANT INFOrMATION AT THE FRONT OF THIS MANUAL. The projector weighs approximately 13 kg (29 lbs). Use safe handling techniques when lifting the projector. Make sure that the surface, ceiling or rigging that is to support the projector is capable of supporting the weight of the projector. Backup safety chains or wires should always be used with ceiling mount installations. Do not tilt the projector more than ±12° in either direction when in use, as this may cause serious lamp failure, damage the lamp module and cause extra cost on replacement. ±12° ±12° Dimensions in mm