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Dell Powerconnect 8164f Manual

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Page 11

Stacking Dell PowerConnect Switches: 8132, 8132F, 8164, 8164F 
Stacking scenarios 
The following sections present examples in a variety of areas concerning stacking the Dell 
PowerConnect 8100 switches and provides step-by-step guidance using the CLI and Web UI, with screen 
shots as a visual guide.  Consult the table of contents above for a list of examples covered in this 
Each scenario in this document assumes that all Dell PowerConnect devices are using the same 

Page 12

Stacking Dell PowerConnect Switches: 8132, 8132F, 8164, 8164F 
 10Gbase-T four-port expansion module for the Dell PowerConnect 81xx and 81xxFFigure 5.
 40G QSFP+ two-port expansion module for the Dell PowerConnect 81xx and 81xxF     Figure 6.
 10G SFP+ four-port expansion modules for the Dell PowerConnect 81xx and 81xxF       Figure 7.
With an expansion module installed, the command show switch stack-ports shows the link 
status, link speed, and stack mode for each port in the module....

Page 13

Stacking Dell PowerConnect Switches: 8132, 8132F, 8164, 8164F 
 Stacking Dell PowerConnect 8100 series switches using 40G and 10G stack links Figure 8.
Notice the top two switches are stacked together using four cables plugged into 10G ports.  For each 
remaining switch in the stack, one cable from a 40G stacking port on a switch is connected to a 40G 
stacking port on the next switch.  This process is repeated until all of the devices are connected.  To 
complete the ring topology for the stack,...

Page 14

Stacking Dell PowerConnect Switches: 8132, 8132F, 8164, 8164F 
 Stacking Dell PowerConnect 8100/8100F series switches using multiple stack links Figure 9.
QSFP+ quad-breakout cables 
QSFP+ quad-breakout cables may also be used for stacking.  This allows a 40G QSFP+ port to connect to 
four 10G SFP+ ports on the adjacent switch. When a breakout cable is used, the connections are 
considered to be four links taking up four ports. 
    QSFP+ quad-breakout cable may be used for stacking Figure 10....

Page 15

Stacking Dell PowerConnect Switches: 8132, 8132F, 8164, 8164F 
Command-line interface method 
Make sure all switches are at the same firmware version prior to configuring the stack, or use the Stack 
Firmware Synchronization (boot auto-copy-fw) feature to synchronize all firmware during the stack 
setup process to that of the Master.  The boot auto-copy-fw command is explained below in this 
Connect power to all switches to be stacked. Performing the command show switch stack-ports 

Page 16

Stacking Dell PowerConnect Switches: 8132, 8132F, 8164, 8164F 
          Configured  Running 
            Stack      Stack      Link        Link 
Interface   Mode       Mode       Status      Speed (Gb/s) 
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------   ------------ 
Te1/0/1    Ethernet   Ethernet   Link Down    Unknown 
Te1/0/2    Ethernet   Ethernet   Link Down    Unknown 
Te1/0/3    Ethernet   Ethernet   Link Down    Unknown 
Te1/0/23   Ethernet   Ethernet   Link Down...

Page 17

Stacking Dell PowerConnect Switches: 8132, 8132F, 8164, 8164F 
console#show switch 
    Management Standby   Preconfig   Plugged-in  Switch   Code 
SW  Status     Status    Model ID    Model ID    Status   Version 
--- ---------- --------- ----------- ----------- -------- ------- 
1   Mgmt Sw              PCT8164F    PCT8164F    OK 
2   Stack Mbr  Oper Stby PCT8164     PCT8164     OK 
3   Stack Mbr            PCT8132     PCT8132     OK 
The show switch...

Page 18

Stacking Dell PowerConnect Switches: 8132, 8132F, 8164, 8164F 
After login, the first screen to appear is the Home screen, which shows the current stacking member 
number.  Before stacking, the single member has the Stack number of 1 (one). 
The example above shows a Dell PowerConnect 8132F with a QSFP+ two-port expansion module 
installed in Slot 1.  The two 40G QSFP+ ports are interfaces F01/1/1 and F01/1/2.  We will use these 
two interfaces for stacking in the example below.   

Page 19

Stacking Dell PowerConnect Switches: 8132, 8132F, 8164, 8164F 
Selecting the Edit check box activates the drop-down menu in the Configured Stack-mode column.  Use 
this menu to change port modes from Ethernet to Stack.   
Clicking Apply at the bottom of the screen with set the Configured Stack Mode to Stack, but the 
Running Stack Mode remains Ethernet until the switch is reloaded as instructed below.     
Save the configuration to the Startup-Configuration on the System > File Management >...

Page 20

Stacking Dell PowerConnect Switches: 8132, 8132F, 8164, 8164F 
Perform the same steps for the remaining switches.  Don’t forget to configure stacking ports on the last 
and first switch to create a ring topology if desired.  Once every switch has been configured, remove 
power from all switches.  
While powered off, cable all of the switches together using the stack ports that were configured. 
Select the switch that is desired to be the Master switch and power up that switch only, allowing a...
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