dell latitude c540 User Manual
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Pin Assignments for I/O Connectors: Dell Latitude C540/C640 Service Manu\ al Pin Signal PinSignal 1 DCD 6DSR 2 RXDA 7RTS 3 TXDA 8CTS 4 DTR 9RI 5 GND Parallel Connector Pin Signal PinSignal file:///F|/Service%20Manuals/Dell/Latitude/c540-640/pinouts.htm (2 of 1\ 0) [2/28/2004 7:57:58 AM]

Pin Assignments for I/O Connectors: Dell Latitude C540/C640 Service Manu\ al 1STRB#/5V 11BUSY/MTR# 2 PD0/INDEX# 12PE/WDATA# 3 PD1/TRK0# 13SLCT/WGATE# 4 PD2/WP# 14AFDF# 5 PD3/RDATA# 15ERROR#HDSEL# 6 PD4/DSKCHG# 16INIT#/DIR# 7 PD5F 17SLCT_IN#STEP# 8 PD6F 18–23GND 9 PD7F 24DFDD/LPT# 10 ACK#/DRV# 25GND Video Connector Pin Signal PinSignal 1 RED 9CRT_VCC 2 GREEN 10GND 3 BLUE 11MSEN# 4 NC 12DAT_DDC2 5 GND 13HSYNC file:///F|/Service%20Manuals/Dell/Latitude/c540-640/pinouts.htm (3 of 1\ 0) [2/28/2004 7:57:58 AM]

Pin Assignments for I/O Connectors: Dell Latitude C540/C640 Service Manu\ al 6GND 14VSYNC 7 GND 15CLK_DDC2 8 GND PS/2 Connector Pin Signal 1 DAT_KBD 2 DAT_SM1 3 GND 4 PS2VCC 5 CLK_KBD 6 CLK_SM1 S-Video TV-Out Connector file:///F|/Service%20Manuals/Dell/Latitude/c540-640/pinouts.htm (4 of 1\ 0) [2/28/2004 7:57:58 AM]

Pin Assignments for I/O Connectors: Dell Latitude C540/C640 Service Manu\ al S-Video Pin Signal 1 GND 2 GND 3 DLUMA-L 4 DCRMA-L Composite Video Pin Signal 5 NC 6 DCMPS-L 7 GND Docking Connector file:///F|/Service%20Manuals/Dell/Latitude/c540-640/pinouts.htm (5 of 1\ 0) [2/28/2004 7:57:58 AM]

Pin Assignments for I/O Connectors: Dell Latitude C540/C640 Service Manu\ al Pin Signal PinSignal 1 STRB#/5V 101VGA_GRN 2 PD0 102GND 3 PD1 103VGA_RED 4 PD2 104GND 5 PD3 105VGA_BLU 6 PD4 106DOCK_SD/MODE 7 PD5 107D_IRTX 8 PD6 108D_IRRX 9 PD7 109GND 10 GND 110SPIRQB# 11 DOCK_SPKR 111SPIRQC# 12 DOCK_MIC 112DAT_DDC2 13 DOCK_LINE 113CLK_DDC2 14 DOCK_CDROM 114SPAR 15 GND 115SPME# 16 M_SEN# 116GND 17 POWER_SW# 117SSERR# file:///F|/Service%20Manuals/Dell/Latitude/c540-640/pinouts.htm (6 of 1\ 0) [2/28/2004 7:57:58 AM]

Pin Assignments for I/O Connectors: Dell Latitude C540/C640 Service Manu\ al 18QPCIEN# 118SPERR# 19 S1.6M_EN# 119SLOCK# 20 DFDD/LPT# 120SSTOP# 21 GND 121GND 22 NC 122SDEVSEL# 23 NC 123STRDY# 24 D_ATCTLED 124SIRDY# 25 D_PWRLED 125SFRAME# 26 DOCK_PWR_SRC 126SCLKRUN# 27 DOCK_PWR_SRC 127GND 28 DOCK_PWR_SRC 128SGNTA# 29 GND 129SREQA# 30 +5VDOCK 130SGNT0# 31 +5VDOCK 131SREQ0# 32 +5VDOCK 132SPCIRST# 33 +5VDOCK 133SH1SEL# 34 +5VDOCK 134GND 35 GND 135SWRPRT# 36 DOCK_PWR_SRC 136SDSKCHG#/DRQ 37 DOCK_PWR_SRC 137SDIR# 38 DOCK_PWR_SRC 138STRK0# 39 DOCK_PWR_SRC 139SSTEP# 40 GND 140SDRV1# 41 DOCK_+DC_IN 141GND 42 DOCK_+DC_IN 142SMRT1# 43 DOCK_+DC_IN 143SWRDATA# 44 DOCK_+DC_IN 144SWGATE# file:///F|/Service%20Manuals/Dell/Latitude/c540-640/pinouts.htm (7 of 1\ 0) [2/28/2004 7:57:58 AM]

Pin Assignments for I/O Connectors: Dell Latitude C540/C640 Service Manu\ al 45DOCK_+DC_IN 145SRDATA# 46 DOCK_+DC_IN 146SINDEX# 47 DOCK_+DC_IN 147GND 48 DOCK_+DC_IN 148NC 49 GND 149+5VALW 50 LOW_PWR 150NC 51 HSYNC 151GND 52 VSYNC 152CLK_SPCI 53 GND 153GND 54 DOCKED 154SAD0 55 USB_VD1+ 155SAD1 56 USB_VD1– 156SAD2 57 GND 157SAD3 58 USB_VD2+ 158SAD4 59 USB_VD2– 159SAD5 60 DOCKOCI# 160SAD6 61 RUN_ON# 161GND 62 GND 162SAD7 63 NC 163SAD8 64 DOCK_SCLK 164SC/BE0# 65 DOCK_LRCK 165SAD9 66 DOCK_MCLK 166SAD10 67 GND 167SAD11 68 +12V 168SAD12 69 AFD# 169GND 70 ERROR# 170SAD13 71 ACK# 171SAD14 file:///F|/Service%20Manuals/Dell/Latitude/c540-640/pinouts.htm (8 of 1\ 0) [2/28/2004 7:57:58 AM]

Pin Assignments for I/O Connectors: Dell Latitude C540/C640 Service Manu\ al 72GND 172SAD15 73 INIT# 173SAD16 74 SLCT_IN# 174SC/BE1# 75 BUSY 175CD/BE2# 76 PE 176GND 77 SLCT 177SAD17 78 GND 178SAD18 79 DAT_SMB 179SAD19 80 DCLK_SMB 180SAD20 81 SMB_INIT# 181SAD21 82 GND 182GND 83 DAT_DOCKSM1 183SAD22 84 CLK_DOCKSM1 184SAD23 85 DAT_DOCKKBD 185SAD24 86 CLK_DOCKKBD 186SC/BE3# 87 GND 187SAD25 88 RI0 188GND 89 CTS0 189SAD26 90 RTS0 190SAD27 91 DSR0 191SAD28 92 GND 192SAD29 93 DTR0 193SAD30 94 TXD0# 194SAD31 95 RXD0# 195GND 96 DCD0 196NC 97 NC 197NC 98 +5VSUS 198NC file:///F|/Service%20Manuals/Dell/Latitude/c540-640/pinouts.htm (9 of 1\ 0) [2/28/2004 7:57:58 AM]

Pin Assignments for I/O Connectors: Dell Latitude C540/C640 Service Manu\ al 99NC 199NC 100 NC 200GND Back to Contents Page file:///F|/Service%20Manuals/Dell/Latitude/c540-640/pinouts.htm (10 of \ 10) [2/28/2004 7:57:58 AM]