Dell Inspiron Cs Service Guide
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Dell Latitude CS Portable Computers Service Manual 3 )LJXUH0DLQ%DWWHU\$VVHPEO\5HPRYDO 9. Ground yourself by touching the unpainted metal surface of the I/O panel on the back of the computer. While you work, periodically touch the I/O panel to dissipate any static electricity that might harm components. 6FUHZ,GHQWLILFDWLRQDQG7LJKWHQLQJ The illustrations in the following removal procedures provide lengths of the correct screws for each procedure. Figure 3 shows examples. Match the actual...
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4 Dell Latitude CS Portable Computers Service Manual When you are removing and replacing components, photocopy the Table 1 placement mat as a tool to lay out and keep track of the component screws. 7DEOH6FUHZ3ODFHPHQW0DWZLWK&RPSRQHQW6FUHZ&RXQWV DQG6L]HV Hard-Disk Drive Assembly: M2 x 4 mm (2 each) Memory Module Cover: M2.6 x 3 mm (2 each) Display Assembly Hinge to Bottom Case Assembly: M2.6 x 6 mm (4 each) Display Assembly, including Bezel: M2 x 4 mm (6 each [Sharp LCD] and 8 each...
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Dell Latitude CS Portable Computers Service Manual 5 =,)&RQQHFWRUV Some of the computer’s interface connectors are zero insertion force (ZIF) connectors. These connectors are not removable, but they must be released to disconnect a cable from them (see Figure 4). )LJXUHLVFRQQHFWLQJDQ,QWHUIDFH&DEOH 127,&(7KH=,)FRQQHFWRUVDUHIUDJLOH7RDYRLGGDPDJHGRQRW DSSO\WRRPXFKSUHVVXUHWRWKHPRYDEOHSDUWRIWKHFRQQHFWRU To disconnect an interface cable from a ZIF connector, perform the...
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6 Dell Latitude CS Portable Computers Service Manual 5HPRYLQJ)LHOG5HSODFHDEOH3DUWV DQG $VVHPEOLHV )LJXUH([SORGHG9LHZ³&RPSXWHU The following subsections provide instructions for removing and replacing field-replaceable parts and assemblies. display assembly keyboard palmrest assembly system board hard-disk drive main batterybottom case assembly status indicator panel right hinge cover left hinge cover thermal cooling solution media-bay port cover
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8 Dell Latitude CS Portable Computers Service Manual %RWWRP0HPRU\0RGXOH )LJXUH%RWWRP0HPRU\0RGXOH5HPRYDO To remove the bottom memory module, perform the following steps. 127,&(7RDYRLGGDPDJLQJWKHV\VWHPERDUG\RXPXVWUHPRYHWKH PDLQEDWWHU\EHIRUH\RXVHUYLFHWKHFRPSXWHU 127,&(7KH0%PHPRU\PRGXOHGRHVQRWILWLQWKHERWWRP PHPRU\PRGXOHVRFNHW 1. Remove the memory module cover. 2. Ground yourself by touching the unpainted metal surface of an I/O connector on the computer’s...
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Dell Latitude CS Portable Computers Service Manual 9 7RS0HPRU\0RGXOH )LJXUH7RS0HPRU\0RGXOH5HPRYDO 127,&(7RDYRLGGDPDJLQJWKHV\VWHPERDUG\RXPXVWUHPRYHWKH PDLQEDWWHU\EHIRUH\RXVHUYLFHWKHFRPSXWHU 1. Remove the status indicator panel. Use a flat-blade screwdriver to press in on the three tabs that secure the status indicator panel to the back panel of the computer (see Figure 9). 2. Remove the keyboard (see Figure 13). 3. Remove the thermal cooling solution (see Figure 18). 4....
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10 Dell Latitude CS Portable Computers Service Manual 6. Lift the memory module out of its socket. )LJXUH6WDWXV,QGLFDWRU3DQHO5HPRYDO To replace a memory module, perform the following steps. 127,&(7KH0%PHPRU\PRGXOHILWVWKHWRSPHPRU\PRGXOH VRFNHWRQO\ 1. Align the memory module’s edge connector with the slot in the center of the memory module socket. Memory modules are keyed, or designed to fit into their sockets in only one direction. The slots on the system board are notched so...
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Dell Latitude CS Portable Computers Service Manual 11 LVSOD\$VVHPEO\ )LJXUHLVSOD\$VVHPEO\5HPRYDO 127,&(7RDYRLGGDPDJLQJWKHV\VWHPERDUG\RXPXVWUHPRYHWKH EDWWHU\EHIRUH\RXVHUYLFHWKHFRPSXWHU 1. Remove the status indicator panel. 2. Remove the right plastic hinge cover by sliding it to the right of the display assembly. 3. Remove the two M2.6 x 6-mm hinge screws that secure the right hinge to the bottom case (see Figure 10). 4. Remove the left plastic hinge cover by sliding it to...
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12 Dell Latitude CS Portable Computers Service Manual 5. Remove the two M2.6 x 6-mm hinge screws that secure the left hinge to the bottom case. 6. Carefully disconnect the display-assembly interface wire connector, located on the left side of the display assembly, from the system board. The female connector attached to the display-assembly interface wire is keyed to fit into the male connector one way only. On some models, the interface wire is routed under the left hinge. To remove the wire from...