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DELL 1720dn User Manual

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    							2.  When  the  Drivers  and  Utilities  CD screen appears,  click   Network Installation  - Install the printer for  use on a
    network ,  and  then  click   Next.
    3 .  Select  I want to use a  network printer on this  computer ,  and  then  click  Next.
    4 .  Select the network printer(s) you want  to  install.
    If  you do not see your  printer listed, click   Refresh  List to  refresh the list, or click   Manual Add to  add  a  printer to
    the network.
    5 .  Click   Next.
    6 .  For  each  printer driver  listed:
    NOTE:  Two printer drivers are listed  for each  printer you selected, a  PostScript and  an HBP driver.
    a .  Select the printer driver  from  the list.
    b .  If  you want  to  change  the printer name, enter a  new name in the  Printer Name field.
    c .  If  you want  other users  to  access  this printer, select  Share  this  printer with other  computers,  and  then
    enter a  share  name that  users  can  easily  identify.
    d .  If  you want  this printer to  be the default printer, select  Set this  printer to default.
    e .  If  you do not want  to  install the particular  driver  for the printer, select  Do  not  install this  printer.
    7 .  Click   Next.
    8 .  Select the check  box next to  the software and  documentation you want  to  install,  and  then  click   Install.
    The  drivers, additional software,  and  documentation are installed  on your  computer. When  the installation is
    completed, a   Congratulations!  screen appears.
    9 .  If  you do not want  to  print  a  test page:  Click  Finish .
    If  you want  to  print  a  test page: a.  Select the check  box next to  the printer(s) on which you want  to  print  a  test page.
    b .  Click   Print Test Page .
    c .  Verify  the test page  printed on the printer(s).
    d .  Click   Finish .
    Remotely Installing Network Printer Drivers
    1.  Insert the  Drivers  and  Utilities  CD.
    The   Drivers  and  Utilities  CD launches the installation software automatically.
    2 .  When  the  Drivers  and  Utilities  CD screen appears,  click   Network Installation  - Install the printer for  use on a
    network ,  and  then  click   Next.
    3 .  Select  I want to install printers on remote  computers ,  and  then  click  Next.
    4 .  Enter  your  administrative  user  name and  password.
    5 .  Select a  remote  computer(s) from  the list, and  then  click   Next.
    6 .  Select the network printer(s) you want  to  install.
    							If  you do not see your  printer listed, click  Refresh  List to  refresh the list, or click   Manual Add to  add  a  printer to
    the network.
    7 .  Click   Next.
    8 .  For  each  printer driver  listed:
    NOTE:  Two printer drivers are listed  for each  printer you selected, a  PostScript and  an HBP driver.
    a .  Select the printer driver  from  the list.
    b .  If  you want  to  change  the printer name, enter a  new name in the  Printer Name field.
    c .  If  you want  other users  to  access  this printer, select  Share  this  printer with other  computers,  and  then
    enter a  share  name that  users  can  easily  identify.
    d .  If  you want  this printer to  be the default printer, select  Set this  printer to default.
    e .  If  you do not want  to  install the particular  driver  for the printer, select  Do  not  install this  printer.
    9 .  Click   Next.
    10 . Select the check  box next to  the software and  documentation you want  to  install,  and  then  click   Install.
    The  drivers, additional software,  and  documentation are installed  on your  computer. When  the installation is
    completed, a   Congratulations!  screen appears.
    11 . If  you do not want  to  print  a  test page:  Click  Finish .
    If  you want  to  print  a  test page: a.  Select the check  box next to  the printer(s) on which you want  to  print  a  test page.
    b .  Click   Print Test Page .
    c .  Verify  the test page  printed on the printer(s).
    d .  Click   Finish .
    Shared Printing
    You  can  use Microsofts  Point  and  Print or Peer-to -Peer methods  to  share  a  printer on the network with a  USB  or parallel
    cable  connection. In order  to  use one  of these methods, you must  first share  the printer and  then  install the shared
    printer on client  computers.
    However,  if you use one  of these Microsoft methods, you will not have  all the Dell features, such as the Status Monitor,
    that  are installed  using  the  Drivers  and  Utilities CD.
    Share the Printer
    1.  For  Windows XP (default  Start menu):
    a.  Click   Start ® Control  Panel .
    b .  Double -click   Printers and Other  Hardware .
    c .  Double -click   Printers and Faxes .
    For  Windows XP (Classic  Start menu):  Click  Start® Settings ® Printers and Faxes .
    For  Windows Vista (Classic  Start menu) and  all other Windows versions:  Click  Start® Settings ® Printers .
    							For  Windows Vista (default  Start menu):a.  Click  
    ® Control  Panel .
    b .  Click   Hardware  and Sound .
    c .  Click   Printers .
    2 .  Right-click  your  printer.
    3 .  Click   Sharing .
    4 .  If  you are using  Windows Vista,  you may be prompted  to  change  the sharing options before you can  continue. Press
    the  Change  Sharing  Options  button, and  then  press  Continue on the next dialog  box.
    5 .  Select  Share  this  printer ,  and  then  type a  name for the printer.
    6 .  Click   Additional Drivers ,  and  then  select the operating  systems of all network clients printing to  this printer.
    7 .  Click   OK.
    If  you are missing files, you are prompted  to  insert  the server operating  system  CD. a.  Insert the  Drivers  and  Utilities  CD, ensure that  the drive  letter  is correct for your  CD-ROM drive, and  then
    click   OK.
    b .  If  you are using  Windows Vista:  Browse to  a  client  computer  running  the operating  system, and  then  click
    OK .
    For  all other Windows versions:  Insert the operating  system  CD, ensure that  the drive  letter  is correct for
    your  CD-ROM drive, and  then  click   OK.
    8 .  Click   Close .
    To check  that  the printer was  successfully shared:
    Ensure  that  the printer object  in the  Printers folder shows  it  is shared.  For  example, in Windows 2000, a  hand is
    shown underneath  the printer icon.
    Browse  My  Network Places  or Network Neighborhood .  Find  the host name of the server,  and  look for the
    shared name you assigned to  the printer.
    Now  that  the printer is shared,  you can  install the printer on network clients using  the Point  and  Print method or the Peer-
    to -Peer method.
    Install the Shared Printer on Client Computers
    Point and Print
    This method is the best use of system  resources. The  printer server handles driver  modifications and  print  job processing.
    This lets network clients return  to  their programs much  faster.
    If  you use the Point  and  Print method,  a  subset of software information  is copied from  the print  server to  the client
    computer. This is just enough information  to  send a  print  job to  the printer. 1.  On  the Windows desktop of the client  computer, double -click   My  Network Places or Network Neighborhood .
    2 .  Double -click  the host name of the print  server computer.
    3 .  Right-click  the shared printer name, and  then  click   Install or Connect .
    							Wait  for the software information  to  copy  from  the print  server computer  to  the client  computer, and  for a  new
    printer object  to  be added to  the Printers folder. The  time this takes varies, based on network traffic  and  other
    4 .  Close  My  Network  Places  or Network  Neighborhood.
    5 .  Print a  test page  to  verify printer installation.
    a.  For  Windows XP (default  Start menu):
    1.  Click   Start ® Control  Panel .
    2 .  Double -click   Printers and Other  Hardware .
    3 .  Double -click   Printers and Faxes .
    For  Windows XP (Classic  Start menu):  Click  Start® Settings ® Printers and Faxes .
    For  Windows Vista (Classic  Start menu) and  all other Windows versions:  Click  Start® Settings ® Printers .
    For  Windows Vista (default  Start menu):
    1.  Click  
    ® Control  Panel .
    2 .  Click   Hardware  and Sound .
    3 .  Click   Printers .
    b .  Right-click  the printer you just created.
    c .  Click   Properties .
    d .  Click   Print Test Page .
    When  a  test page  prints successfully, printer installation is completed.
    If  you use the Peer-to -Peer method,  the printer software is fully installed  on each  client  computer. Network  clients retain
    control of software modifications.  The  client  computer  handles the print  job processing. 1.  For  Windows XP (default  Start menu):
    a.  Click   Start ® Control  Panel .
    b .  Double -click   Printers and Other  Hardware .
    c .  Double -click   Printers and Faxes .
    For  Windows XP (Classic  Start menu):  Click  Start® Settings ® Printers and Faxes .
    For  Windows Vista (Classic  Start menu) and  all other Windows versions:  Click  Start® Settings ® Printers .
    For  Windows Vista (default  Start menu):
    a.  Click  
    ® Control  Panel .
    b .  Click   Hardware  and Sound .
    c .  Click   Printers .
    2 .  Click   Add  Printer  to  launch the Add  Printer  Wizard.
    3 .  Click   Network Print Server .
    							4.  Select the network printer from  the Shared printers list. If  the printer is not listed, type the path  of the printer in
    the text box.  For  example:  \\\ .
    The  print  server host name is the name of the print  server computer  that  identifies it  to  the network.  The  shared
    printer name is the name assigned during the print  server installation process.
    5 .  Click   OK.
    If  this is a  new printer, you may be prompted  to  install printer software.  If  no system  software is available, then
    you need  to  provide a  path  to  available  software.
    6 .  Select whether  you want  this printer to  be the default printer for the client, and  then  click   Finish.
    7 .  Print a  test page  to  verify printer installation.
    a.  For  Windows XP (default  Start menu):
    1.  Click   Start ® Control  Panel .
    2 .  Double -click   Printers and Other  Hardware .
    3 .  Double -click   Printers and Faxes .
    For  Windows XP (Classic  Start menu):  Click  Start® Settings ® Printers and Faxes .
    For  Windows Vista (Classic  Start menu) and  all other Windows versions:  Click  Start® Settings ® Printers .
    For  Windows Vista (default  Start menu):
    1.  Click  
    ® Control  Panel .
    2 .  Click   Hardware  and Sound .
    3 .  Click   Printers .
    b .  Right-click  the printer you just created.
    c .  Click   Properties .
    d .  Click   Print Test Page .
    When  a  test page  prints successfully, printer installation is completed.
    Mac OS 9 or later is required  for network printing. In order  to  print  to  a  network printer, create a  Desktop  Printer  icon
    (Mac  OS 9)  or add  the printer in Print Center  or Printer  Setup  Utility  (Mac  OS 10).
    Mac OS X: Adding the Printer in  Print Center or Printer Setup Utility
    1 .  Install support for the printer on the computer.
    a.  Insert the  Drivers  and  Utilities  CD.
    b .  Double -click  the installer package for the printer.
    c .  Continue past the Welcome screen and  the Read  me.
    d .  Click   Continue  after viewing the license agreement, and  then  click   Agree to  accept  the terms of the
    							e.  Select a  destination for the installation,  and  then  click   Continue.
    f .  Click   Install  on the  Easy  Install  screen.
    g .  Enter  the administrator password,  and  then  click   OK.
    The  software is installed  on the computer.
    h .  Quit  the installer when  it  is finished.
    2 .  Open  Print Center  (10.2)  or Printer Setup Utility  (10.3+) located  in /Applications/Utilities .
    3 .  From the  Printers menu,  select  Add  Printer.
    4 .  If  you want  to  print  using  IP  Printing:
    a.  Choose  IP  Printing  from  the pop -up  menu  (10.2), or click  the IP  Printer  toolbar icon (10.3+).
    b .  Enter  the IP  address of the printer.
    c .  Choose the printer manufacturer from  the  Printer Model pop -up  menu.
    d .  Select the printer from  the list, and  then  click   Add.
    If  you want  to  print  using  AppleTalk: a.  Choose  AppleTalk  from  the pop -up  menu  (10.2), or click   More Printers... and  then  choose  AppleTalk
    from  the pop -up  menu  (10.3+).
    b .  Choose the AppleTalk Zone  from  the list.
    NOTE:  Look  under the AppleTalk heading on the printer network setup  page  to  know which zone  and
    printer to  select.
    c .  Choose the printer from  the list, and  then  click   Add.
    5 .  Verify  the printer installation.
    a.  Open  TextEdit  in /Applications .
    b .  From the  File menu,  choose  Print.
    c .  Choose  Summary  from  the Copies &  Pages  pop -up  menu.
    d .  If  the correct PPD for the printer model is displayed under the Error  Reporting group:  Setup  is completed.
    If  Generic PostScript Printer  is displayed under the Error  Reporting group:  Delete the printer from  the
    Printer List  in Print Center  or Printer Setup Utility ,  and  follow  the instructions again to  set  up  the
    Mac OS 9: Creating a Desktop Printer With Desktop Printer Utility
    1 .  Install support for the printer on the computer.
    a.  Insert the  Drivers  and  Utilities  CD.
    b .  Double -click  the installer package for the printer.
    c .  Continue past the Welcome screen and  the Read  me.
    d .  Click   Continue  after viewing the license agreement, and  then  click   Agree to  accept  the terms of the
    							e.  Select a  destination for the installation,  and  then  click   Continue.
    f .  Click   Install  on the  Easy  Install  screen.
    The  software is installed  on the computer.
    g .  Quit  the installer when  it  is finished.
    2 .  Open  Desktop  Printer Utility ,  usually  located  in Applications:Utilities .
    3 .  If  you want  to  print  using  IP  Printing:
    a.  Choose  Printer (LPR) ,  and  then  click   OK.
    b .  In the  LPR Printer Selection  section, click  Change.
    c .  Enter  the  Printer Address ,  leave the Queue unspecified,  and  then  click   OK.
    d .  In the PostScript Printer  Description (PPD) File section, click   Change.
    e .  Choose the printer model,  and  then  click   Select.
    f .  Click   Create .
    g .  Enter  a  name for the printer, and  then  click   OK.
    The  printer is saved  as a  Desktop  Printer.
    If  you want  to  print  using  AppleTalk:
    a.  Choose  Printer (AppleTalk) ,  and  then  click  OK.
    b .  In the  AppleTalk Printer Selection  section, click  Change.
    c .  Choose the AppleTalk Zone  from  the list.
    NOTE:  Look  under the AppleTalk heading on the printer network setup  page  to  know which zone  and
    printer to  select.
    d .  Choose the printer from  the list, and  then  click   OK.
    e .  In the PostScript Printer  Description (PPD) File section, click   Auto Setup.
    f .  Click   Create .
    g .  Click   Save.
    The  printer is saved  as a  Desktop  Printer.
    4 .  Verify  the printer installation.
    a.  Open  TextEdit  in /Applications .
    b .  From the  File menu,  choose  Print.
    c .  Choose  Summary  from  the Copies &  Pages  pop -up  menu.
    d .  If  the correct PPD for the printer displayed in the PostScript Printer  Description (PPD) file section is correct:
    Setup  is completed.
    If  Generic PostScript Printer  is displayed:  Delete the Desktop  Printer, and  follow  the instructions again to  set
    up  the printer.
    Printer  software packages  and  installation instructions are available  on the Drivers  and  Utilities CD.
    To launch the installation instructions for Linux:
    1.  Insert the  Drivers  and  Utilities  CD. If  the Drivers  and  Utilities  CD automatically launches,  click   Cancel.
    2 .  Browse to   D:\unix\docs\\index.html ,  where D:\ is the letter  of your  CD-ROM drive.
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