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DELL 1720 User Manual

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Page 71

Licensing Notice
  BSD License  and  Warranty statements
  GNU  License
The  printer resident software contains:
Software developed and  copyrighted by Dell and/or  third  parties
Dell modified software licensed under the provisions of the GNU  General Public  License  version 2 and  the GNU
Lesser General Public  License  version 2.1
Software licensed under the BSD license and  warranty statements
Software based in part on the work  of the Independent JPEG Group.
The  Dell modified GNU  licensed...

Page 72

The  licenses  for most software are designed to  take  away  your  freedom  to  share  and  change  it.  By  contrast, the GNU
General Public  License  is intended to  guarantee  your  freedom  to  share  and  change  free software--to  make  sure  the
software is free for all its  users. This General Public  License  applies  to  most of the Free  Software Foundations software
and  to  any other program  whose  authors commit to  using  it.  (Some other Free  Software Foundation software is...

Page 73

terms,  do not apply to  those  sections when  you distribute  them  as separate  works. But when  you distribute  the same
sections as part of a  whole  which is a  work  based on the Program, the distribution  of the whole  must  be on the terms of
this License, whose  permissions for other licensees  extend  to  the entire  whole, and  thus  to  each  and  every part regardless
of who wrote  it.
Thus,  it  is not the intent  of this section to  claim rights or contest your  rights to  work  written...

Page 74

9. The  Free  Software Foundation may publish revised and/or  new versions  of the General Public  License  from  time to  time.
Such new versions  will be similar  in spirit  to  the present version,  but may differ in detail  to  address new problems or
Each version is given a  distinguishing  version number. If  the Program  specifies  a  version number of this License  which
applies  to  it  and  any later version, you have  the option of following the terms and  conditions  either  of that...

Page 75

to  make  sure  that  you have  the freedom  to  distribute  copies of free software (and charge for this service  if you wish);
that  you receive  source code  or can  get  it  if you want  it; that  you can  change  the software and  use pieces of it  in new free
programs;  and  that  you are informed that  you can  do these things.
To protect your  rights, we need  to  make  restrictions  that  forbid distributors to  deny  you these rights or to  ask you to
surrender these rights. These restrictions...

Page 76

act  of running  a  program  using  the Library is not restricted, and  output from  such a  program  is covered only  if its
contents constitute a  work  based on the Library (independent  of the use of the Library in a  tool for writing  it). Whether
that  is true depends on what  the Library does  and  what  the program  that  uses  the Library does.
1. You  may copy  and  distribute  verbatim copies of the Librarys complete  source code  as you receive  it,  in any medium,
provided  that  you...

Page 77

If  such an object  file uses  only  numerical  parameters, data structure layouts and  accessors, and  small macros and  small
inline  functions (ten lines or less in length), then  the use of the object  file is unrestricted, regardless of whether  it  is
legally a  derivative work. (Executables  containing  this object  code  plus portions  of the Library will still fall  under Section
Otherwise, if the work  is a  derivative of the Library,  you may distribute  the object  code  for the work...

Page 78

11. If, as a  consequence of a  court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not  limited to
patent issues), conditions  are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement  or otherwise) that  contradict the
conditions  of this License, they do not excuse you from  the conditions  of this License. If  you cannot distribute  so as to
satisfy  simultaneously  your  obligations  under this License  and  any other pertinent obligations, then  as a  consequence you
may not...

Page 79

Setting up for Network Printing
  Print and  Check the Network  Setup  Page
  Install the Shared Printer  on Client Computers
Print and Check the Network Setup Page
1.  When  the  Ready/Data  light   is solid, press  the  Continue button  to  print  a  menu  settings page  and  a  network
setup  page.
2 .  Under  the  Standard  Network Card  heading on the network setup  page, ensure that  the  Status is Connected .
If   Status  is Not Connected :
Ensure  that  the Ethernet...

Page 80

Direct Attachment With a Network Cable (Using a Print Server)
A  print  server is any designated computer  that  centrally manages all client  print  jobs. If  you are sharing your  printer in a
small workgroup  environment  and  want  to  control all print  jobs  on this network,  connect the printer to  a  print  server.1.  Insert the  Drivers  and  Utilities  CD.
The   Drivers  and  Utilities  CD launches the installation software automatically.
2 .  When  the  Drivers  and  Utilities  CD screen...
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