Dell 1201MP Projector Owners Manual
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Contacting Dell61 Switzerland (Geneva) International Access Code:00 Country Code: 41 City Code: 22Online Support Technical Support for XPS computers only 0848 338 857 Technical Support – Home and Small Business0844 811 411 Technical Support – Corporate0844 822 844 Customer Service – Home and Small Business0848 802 202 Customer Service – Corporate0848 821 721 Main0848 335 599 Fa x022 799 01 90 Sales022 799 01 01 Country (City)...
Page 62 | 62Contacting Dell Ta i w a n International Access Code:002 Country Code: 886Online Support Technical Support – XPS computers only toll-free: 0080 186 3085 Technical Support – OptiPlex, Latitude, Inspiron, Dimension, and Electronics and Accessoriestoll-free: 0080 186 1011 Technical Support – Servers and Storagetoll-free: 0080 160 1256 Customer Servicetoll-free:0080 160 1250 (option 5) Transaction Sales toll-free: 0080...
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Contacting Dell63 Turks and Caicos Islands Online Support Technical Support, Customer Service, Sales toll-free: 1-877-441-4735 Country (City) International Access Code Country Code City Code Service Type Area Codes, Local Numbers, andToll-Free Numbers Web and E-mail Address ZZ569`Fohmjti
Page 64 | 64Contacting Dell U.K. (Bracknell) International Access Code:00 Country Code: 44 City Code: 1344Online Support Customer Service Online Sales Home and Small Business Sales 0870 907 4000 Corporate/Public Sector Sales01344 860 456 Customer Service Home and Small Business 0870 906 0010 Corporate 01344 373 185 Preferred Accounts (500–5000 employees) 0870 906 0010 Global...
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Contacting Dell65 Uruguay Online Support Technical Support, Customer Service, Sales toll-free: 000-413-598-2521 Country (City) International Access Code Country Code City Code Service Type Area Codes, Local Numbers, andToll-Free Numbers Web and E-mail Address ZZ569`Fohmjti
Page 66 | 66Contacting Dell U.S.A. (Austin, Te x a s ) International Access Code:011 Country Code: 1Dell Services for the Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, or Speech-Impairedtoll-free: 1-877-DELLTTY (1-877-335-5889) Fa xtoll-free: 1-800-727-8320 Technical XPStoll-free: 1-800-232-8544 Home and Home Officetoll-free: 1-800-624-9896 Portable and Desktop AutoTechtoll-free: 1-800-247-9362 Small Businesstoll-free: 1-800-456-3355 Medium and Large Businesstoll-free:...
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Contacting Dell67 U.S. Virgin Islands Online Technical Support, Customer Service, Sales toll-free: 1-877-702-4360 Ve n e z u e l a Online Support Technical Support, Customer Service, Sales 0800-100-4752 Country (City) International Access Code Country Code City Code Service Type Area Codes, Local Numbers, andToll-Free Numbers Web and E-mail Address ZZ569`Fohmjti
Page 69
69 Glossary ANSI Lumens—A standard for measuring light output, used for comparing projectors. Aspect Ratio— The most popular aspect ratio is 4:3 (4 by 3). Early television and computer video formats are in a 4:3 aspect ratio, which means that the width of the image is 4/3 times the height. Backlit (Backlight)— Refers to a remote control, or a projector control panel, that has buttons and controls that are illuminated. Bandwidth— The number of cycles per second (Hertz) expressing the difference...
Page 70 | 70 Contrast Ratio—Range of light and dark values in a picture, or the ratio between their maximum and minimum values. There are two methods used by the projection industry to measure the ratio: 1Full On/Off — measures the ratio of the light output of an all white image (full on) and the light outpu t of an all black (full off) image. 2ANSI — measures a pattern of 16 alternating black and white rectangles. The average light output from the white rect angles is divided...