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Land Rover Defender 90 110 Workshop Book 4 Rover

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Page 1

-Overhaul manual steering  box 
-Overhaul steering  column 
-Overhaul power steering box 
-Bleeding  power steering  system 
-Test power steering  system 
-Adjust power  steering  box 
- Overhaul  power steering  pump - V8 engine vehicles - early models 
- Overhaul Adwest  lightweight power steering  box 
- Bleeding Adwest lightweight  power steering  box 
-Test Adwest  lightweight power steering  box 
- Adjust Adwest  lightweight  power...

Page 2

This Workshop  Manual  covers  the Land Rover  Ninety  and One  Ten range  of vehicles.  It is primarily  designed  to 
assist  skilled  technicians  in the 
efficient repair  and maintenance of Land Rover  vehicles. 
Using  the appropriate  service tools and carrying  out 
the procedures  as  detailed will enable  the  operations  to  be 
within the time stated in the Repair Operation Times 
The  Manual  has  been  produced in separate  books; this allows the information to be...

Page 3

PetroVgasoline vapour is highly  flammable and  in confined  spaces is also  very  explosive  and toxic. 
petrol/gasoline evaporates  it produces 150 times  its  own  volume in vapour,  which when diluted  with air 
becomes  a  readily ignitable  mixture. The vapour  is heavier  than air and  will  always  fall to the  lowest  level. It can 
readily  be distributed  throughout  a workshop  by air  current,  consequently,  even a small  spillage 
of petrol/gasoline is ... ,  ~ ;;;,:ii.,;::...

Page 4

. Special Service 
The use of approved  special service  tools  is important.  They  are essential if service 
operations  are to be  carried  out efficiently,  and 
safcly. The amount of time  which  they 
save  can be considerable. 
Every  special  tool 
is designed  with the close  co-operation of Land  Rover  Ltd., and no 
tool  is put  into  production  which has not been  tested  and approved  by us.  New  tools  are 
only  introduced  where  an  operation cannot be satisfactorily  carried out...

Page 5

Special tool: 
RO 1016 
1. Remove  the  steering  box from  the vehicle,  and 
2.  Remove  the adjuster  locknut. 
3.  Remove the  four bolts  securing  the top  cover. 
4.  Unscrew the  top cover  from the adjuster. 
5. Lift  out the sector  shaft. 
6. Remove  the  four bolts  securing  the worm  shaft 
retaining  plate and remove the  plate complete  with 
shims  and joint washer. 
the drop arm. 
7. Remove the  taper bearing  and track....

Page 6

1. Adjuster lock nut. 
2. Top cover  retaining  bolts. 
3. Topcover. 
4. Top cover  joint washer. 
5. Sector  shaft. 
6. Worm shaft retaining plate and  bolts. 
7. Worm shaft shim(s). 
8. Worm shaft joint  washer. 
9. Worm  shaft. 
10. Worm shaft taper bearing. 
11. Worm  shaft oil seal. 
12. Worm shaft bearing track  shim. 
13. Sector shaft oil seal. 
14. Sector  shaft needle  roller bearings. 
15. Worm shaft grommet. 
16. Sector  shaft adjuster....

Page 7

r I . , ... REMOVE AND OVERHAUL  STEERING 8. Remove  the four screws  securing  the instrument 
panel  and pull  panel  away  from facia to enable  the 
COLUMN : I .,I, -_. .L * 
Remove the collapsible shaft speedometer  cable to be  disconnected. 
9. Also disconnect  two block conncctors. one 
1. Remove  the bonnet. 
2. Set  the  road  wheels  and  steering  wheel in the 
3. Mark  the relationship  of the  steering  column inner  multiplug 
connector  and one white  wire and 

Page 8

Remove the steering  column lock-switch 
14. Note the position of the  wires  on the  back of the 
lock  switch  and disconnect  the lucars. 
15. Using  a  punch  or stud  extractor  remove the two 
shear  bolts securing  the switch  to the  column. 
Remove  the  switch and collect  the two  plain 
washers  between  the switch  and clamp. 
Remove  the steering  column 
21. Remove  the bolt  securing  the tie-bar  to the  stecring 
column,  behind the instrument panel. 
Remove  the...

Page 9

,: .I,_( . 23. 
Remove  the  two  bolts securing the two  halves  of 
the  top clamp  and the  two bolts  that secure the  top 
half  of the  clamp  to the  bulkhead  and  remove  the 
clamp  and rubber  packing. 
24. Remove  the  two bolts  securing  the column  inaia 
support  bracket 
to the bulkhead. 
25.  Remove 
the steering  column and main  support 
bracket from  the vehicle.  29. 
Drive  the needle  bearing  from the outer  column. 
C.  . *. I- 
ST576M t I 
Overhaul the steering...

Page 10

Fitting steering column 
34.  Fit the main  support  bracket  and  padding  to the 
steering  column and manoeuvre  the column  into 
in the  vehicie. 
35.  Loosely  secure  the main  support  bracket and 
harness bracket to the  bulkhead  with two bolts. 
36.  Loosely 
fit the clamp and  rubber  packing strip to 
the column  and retain with two bolts. 
37.  Loosely  secure  the lower  end of the  column 
to the 
lower  support bracket  with two nuts and  bolts. 
38.  Loosely...
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