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Land Rover Defender 90 110 Workshop Book 1 Rover

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    7. Assemble the contact  breaker  spring  insulating 
    bushes  and electrical  leads, as illustrated, 
    in the 
    following  sequence: 
    (a)  lower  bush 
    (b)  spring 
    low tension lead 
    (d)  capacitor lead 
    (e)  top bush 
    and  secure  with the anchor  spring nut. 
    cam  lubrication  pad. 
    8. Apply a few  drops  of engine  oil to the  distributor 
    Sliding  contact type 
    3,lO- 3 
    Adjust points -both types 
    9. Turn the engine  in the  direction  of rotation  until 
    the  contacts  are fully  open  or the  heel  of the 
    contact  set is on the  highest  point of the  cam. 
    10. Using  a  feeler gauge  and  the dwell  angle adjuster 
    on the side of the  distributor,  set the  points  to a 
    nominal  gap of 
    0,35 to 0,40 mm (0.014 to 0.016 in). 
    11. At the earliest  opportunity  check and  adjust  the 
    dwell  angle 
    - see  data - using spccial turning 
    12. Fit  the  rotor  arm  and  distributor  cap ensuring  that 
    H.T. pick-up brush  moves  freely. 
    I -- *. 1 L .. -.. 0 1. Release the clips  and remove  the distributor  cap. 
    2. Remove the rotor  arm from the cam  spindle. 
    3. Remove  the  retaining  screw and washers  and lift 
    the  complete  contact  breaker  assembly from 
    moveable  plate. 
    4. Remove the nut  and  plastic bushes  from  the 
    terminal  post 
    to release the leads  and spring. 
    5. Discard the old contact breaker  assembly. 
    6. Clean the new  points  with  petrol to remove  the 
    7. Connect  the leads  to the  terminal  post in the 
    protective coating. 
    following  sequence: 
    (b) red lead  tab 
    (c)  contact  breaker  spring eye 
    (d)  black  lead tab 
    (e)  upper  plastic  bush 
    (f) retaining  nut. 
    the two  pegs locate  in the  holes. 
    (a)  lower 
    plastic bush 
    8. Fit the contact  set to the moving  plate ensuring  that 
    							MAINTENANCE I 10 I 
    contact type 
    1. Remove distributor  cap. 
    2. Remove rotor arm. 
    3. Lightly  smear the cam  with  clean  engine  oil. 
    4. Add a few  drops  of thin  machine  oil to lubricate  the 
    5. Wipe the inside  and outside  of the  distributor  cap 
    6. Ensure that the carbon  brush works  freely in its 
    7. Refit  rotor arm and distributor  cap 
    bearing  and distributor  shaft. 
    with  a soft  dry cloth. 
    Sliding contact type 
    1. Remove  distributor  cap. 
    2. Remove rotor arm. 
    3. Lightly  smear the cam  with  clean  engine  oil. 
    4. Add a few  drops  of thin  machine  oil to lubricate  the 
    cam  bearing  and distributor  shaft. 
    5. Wipe the inside  and outside of the distributor  cap 
    with  a soft  dry cloth. 
    6. Ensure  that the carbon  brush works  freely in its 
    7. Lubricate  the actuator  ramps and contact  breaker 
    heel  ribs with  Shell  Retinax  or equivalent  grease. 
    8. Grease the underside of the  heel  actuator. 
    1. Remove  the distributor  cover and lift off the rotor 
    arm  and anti-dust  shield. 
    2. Inspect the contact  breaker  points; if burnt  or worn 
    they should  be renewed. 
    3. Very  lightly  smear the cam  with  grease - Shell 
    4. Lubricate  the pressure  pad with  grease - Shell 
    5. Add  a few  drops of oil to the  felt  pad  in the  top of 
    the cam  spindle. 
    6. Turn the engine  until the distributor  centrifugal 
    weight  pivot post is visible  through  the cut
    -out  in 
    the  base  plate  and lubricate  the pivot  post with  a 
    of oil.  Repeat  for the  opposite  pivot post. 
    7. Carefully  wipe away  all surplus  lubricant;  and 
    ensure  that the contact  breaker  points are clean 
    and  dry. 
    8. Fit the  anti-dust  shield. 
    9. Refit  the rotor  arm, engage  the slot  in the  spindle 
    and  push  down  firmly. 
    10. Wipe  clean with dry nap-free  cloth, the inside  and 
    of the  distributor  cover, particularly 
    between  the electrodes,  and 
    fit the distributor 
    9. Apply  grease  to the  fixed  pin and  actuator  fork. CLEAN V8 ENGINE  ELECTRONIC  IGNITION 
    DISTRIBUTOR 10. Refit  rotor arm and distributor  cap. 
    80.000 km (48,000 miles) 
    Remove the distributor  cap and  rotor  arm and wipe 
    inside  with a nap-free  cloth. 
    DO NOT DISTURB the clear  plastic  insulating  cover 
    which  protects  the magnetic  pick-up module. 
    1. Clean and  lightly grease  the cam with  Shell Retinax 
    or  equivalent  and remove  any surplus  lubricant. 
    2. Using the same  grease  lubricate  the underside  of 
    the  heel actuator. 
    3. Grease  the  actuator  ramps  and  contact  breaker 
    heel  ribs. 
    4. Apply grease  to the  fixed  pin and  the actuator fork. 
    5. Apply  a drop of clean  engine  oil to the  felt  pad 
    underneath the rotor  arm. 
    6. Every 40.000 km (25,000 miles)  lubricate  the 
    automatic  advance mechanism 
    by injecting  one or 
    two drops of engine oil through the  aperture in the 
    base plate. 
    7. Wipe  the internal  and  external surfaces of the 
    distributor  cap with clean dry  nap
    -free cloth and fit 
    the  cap  to the  distributor  body. 
    3 ST1084M 
    Using  Electronic  Timing Equipment 
    A pointer  on the  timing  cover  and  marks  on the 
    crankshaft pulley indicate  positions  around T.D.C. on 
    No. 1 cylinder  (i.e. front cylinder  on left-hand  bank). 
    Refer  to Engine  Tuning data  for appropriate  ignition 
    Engine  speed  accuracy during ignition  timing 
    important.  Any  variation from the required idle  speed, 
    particularly  in an  upward  direction,  will lead  to wrongly 
    set  ignition timing. 
    1. Connect  a stroboscopic timing  light as instructed  by 
    the  manufacturer.  The engine  is timed  on 
    No. 1 
    2. Run the engine  at idle  speed. 
    3. Position  the timing  light  to  illuminate  the 
    crankshaft  pulley and scale. 
    WARNING:  Ensure that personnel  and equipment 
    are  kept  clear 
    of the rotating  cooling fan while  using 
    the timing  light. 
    t- 1. . 
    4. If the  timing  is correct the  pulley mark indicated  in 
    the Tuning  Data will show.  If correct,  instruction 
    may be ignored. 
    5. With  the engine  still running  at idle  speed,  slacken 
    the  clamp  bolt and carefully  rotate the  distributor 
    body  as  required  until the correct  pulley  mark 
    shows.  Turn anticlockwise  to advance  and 
    clockwise  to retard. 
    6. Tighten  the clamp  bolt with  the unit  in this 
    g !, A, . .. 
    							MAINTENANCE I 10 I 
    Refit or renew spark plugs .i;C’ I -2, . . 1.  Withdraw  the H.T. leads  from the  spark  plugs by 
    2. Using  an appropriate  plug spanner,  remove  the 
    the shrouds,  do not  pull  on the leads. 
    spark  plugs. 
    11. Check  that the washers  are fitted  to the  plugs. 
    12. It is important  that  only  spark plugs  specified  in 
    Data  section  are used for  replacements. 
    13.  Incorrect  grades 
    of plug may lead to piston  over- 
    heating and  engine failure. 
    14.  Wash  new plugs  in petrol  to remove  the protective 
    coating,  then  set  the electrode  gaps to the 
    appropriate  figures given in ‘Engine Tuning data’. 
    15. Fit the  plugs  and washers  to the  engine  but do not 
    16.  Examine  high tension  leads, including  the coil  to 
    distributor  lead,  for  insulation  cracking or 
    corrosion  at end  contacts.  Fit new  leads  as 
    17.  In addition  to correct  firing order,  high tension 
    leads  must  be fitted  in  correct relation  to each 
    other  to avoid  cross firing,  as illustrated.  This  is 
    particularly  important on the  V8 engine. 
    First  illustration.  4
    -cylinder engine. 
    Second illustration. 
    V8 engine. 
    shrouds  are firmly  seated  on plugs. Clean and  set gaps 18. When  pushing leads  on plugs  ensure  ferrules  within 
    Fit plug in  plug cleaning  machine. 
    4.  Wobble  plug  with  circular motion while operating 
    abrasive  blast for 
    a maximum  of four seconds. 
    CAUTION:  Excessive abrasive  blasting  will erode 
    insulator  nose. 
    5. Change to air  blast  only and continue  to wobble 
    plug  for a minimum  of thirty  seconds  to remove 
    abrasive grit  from plug cavity. 
    6.  Wire
    -brush plug  threads, open gap slightly. 
    7.  Using  point file,  square off electrode  surfaces. 
    8. Set electrode  gap, see ‘Engine Tuning  data’, 
    9. Test plugs  in accordance  with cleaning  machine 
    manufacturer’s  instructions.  If satisfactory,  refit 
    plugs in  engine. 
    10. If no  machine  is available  carefully  wire  brush 
    electrodes  and blow  or wash away  carbon particles. 
    Illustration  shows: 
    A. Dirty or unsatisfactory  electrode 
    B. Filing plug electrodes 
    C. A clean plug correctly  set 
    A B C 
    							1x1 MAINTENANCE 
    1. Check  the fluid  level in the  fluid  reservoir  by 
    observing  the level  in relation  to  the 
    ‘MIN’ or 
    ‘MAX’ marks  on  the  side  of the  translucent 
    2. If  the  level  is below  the ‘MAX’ mark clean  the 
    outside  of the  filler  cap and  top
    -up with  new,  clean 
    fluid  from  a  sealed container.  Use  only fluid 
    recommended  in the  ‘General  specification  data’ 
    section.  Refit the cap. 
    1. Disconnect  the battery. 
    2.  Remove  the terminal  nut from  each heater  plug. 
    3. Detach  the heater  plug lead and washer  from each 
    4. Remove the heater  plugs. Plug. 
    Clean and inspect 
    5. Remove  carbon from  base of heater  plugs to avoid 
    the  possibility  of  short circuiting 
    of the element. 
    Do not sandblast. 
    6. Examine  the element  for signs  of fracture  and 
    deterioration and 
    the seating  for scores.  Plugs  with 
    fractures  or doubtful  elements  must be renewed. 
    Where  scoring  of the  seating  may impair  the 
    sealing, the  plug should  be renewed. 
    Test  and refit 
    7. Test  the plug  internal  circuit for continuity  by 
    it in  circuit with a  12 volt  side  lamp  bulb 
    open  circuit  is indicated  and  the heater  plug  must 
    be  renewed. 
    a 12  volt  supply.  If the  bulb  does  not light  an 
    ST 1088M 
    8. Ensure  that the  terminals  are clean  and  that  the 
    thread  at the  base 
    of the  plug  is free  from  carbon. 
    9. Fit the  heater plugs to the engine. Do not 
    overtigh  ten. 
    10. Fit the heater  plug lead and washer  to each plug. 
    11. Connect the battery. 
    1.  Clean and remove  the  reservoir cap and  observe 
    the  fluid  level 
    in relation  to the  marks on the side  of 
    the reservoir. 
    2. Top-up  if necessary  with new,  clean  fluid from a 
    sealed  container  and of a recommended 
    - see  ‘General  specification data’ 
    section.  Refit  the cap. 
    							, ,I- z:. CHECK POWER STEERING FLUID RESERVOIR I..::..,.. 3 ..... .“d .*:. .. c’: ,..‘.,. ^... , .. 1. Clean  and  remove  the reservoir  cap and  observe 
    the  fluid level 
    in relation  to the  mark on the  side  of 
    the  reservoir. 
    2.  If necessary  top
    -up with  a recommended  fluid - 
    see ‘General specification data’ section - until the 
    fluid  is 12 
    mm (95 in)  above  the filter.  Refit the 
    Refer  to  the  ‘Cooling system’  section  for  details of 
    anti-freeze  and  inhibitors  and  to  the ‘General 
    specification  data’ section  for  anti
    -freeze  protection 
    With  a cold  engine,  the  expansion tank  should  be 
    approximately  half full. 
    WARNING: Do not  remove  the  filler  cap when  the 
    is hot  because  the  cooling  system is pressurised 
    and  personal  scalding could result. 
    To remove the filler  cap, first turn  it anti-clockwise 
    a  quarter  of a turn and  allow all pressure  to escape, 
    before  turning  further in the  same  direction  to lift  it 
    When  replacing  the 
    filler cap it is  important  that it 
    is  tightened  down 
    fuily, not just  to  the  first stop. 
    Failure  to tighten  the filler  cap properly  may result 
    in water loss, with  possible  damage to the  engine 
    through overheating. 
    Check Specific Gravity 
    The  specific  gravity of the  electrolyte  should be 
    checked  using a battery  hydrometer.  The readings 
    should  be as follows: 
    Temperate  climate  below 
    26.5”C (80°F) as 
    commissioned  for  service, fully charged  1.270 to 1.290 
    specific  gravity. 
    As  expected  during  normal service,  three
    charged  1.230 to 
    1.250 specific gravity. 
    If  the  specific  gravity should  read  between  1.190 
    1.210, half-charged, the battery  must be bench  charged 
    and  the electrical  equipment  in the  car  should be 
    Tropical  climate above 
    26.5”C (80°F) as  commissioned 
    for  service,  fully charged  1.210  to 1.230 specific gravity. 
    As expected  during  normal  service,  three-quarter 
    charge  1.170 to 1.190  specific  gravity. 
    If  the  specific  gravity should read  between  1.130 to 
    1.150, half-charged,  the battery  must be bench  charged 
    and  the electrical  equipment 
    on the car should  be 
    Check  and Top-Up Electrolyte  Level 
    1. Wipe  all dirt  and  moisture from  the battery top. 
    2.  Remove  the filler  cover.  If necessary  add sufficient 
    distilled  water 
    to raise the level  to the  top of 
    Replace the  filler plugs  or manifold lid. 
    3. Avoid  the use  of a naked  light when examining  the 
    4. In  hot climates it will be necessary  to top  up the 
    battery  at more frequent intervals. 
    5. In very  cold weather  it is  essential  that  the vehicle 
    is  used immediately  after topping  up, to ensure  that 
    the  distilled  water is thoroughly  mixed  with  the 
    electrolyte.  Neglect of this  precaution  may result in 
    the  distilled  water freezing  and causing  damage  to 
    the battery. 
    Battery terminals 
    6. Remove  battery terminals, clean,  grease and refit. 
    7. Replace  terminal  screw; do not  overtighten. Do 
    not use  the screw  for pulling down  the terminal. 
    8. Do NOT  disconnect  the battery  cables while the 
    engine  is running  or damage  to  alternator 
    semiconductor  devices may  occur.  It 
    1s also 
    to break  or make  any connection in the 
    alternator  charging and  control  circuits while 
    engine is running. 
    9. It  is essential  to observe  the polarity  of connections 
    to  the  battery,  alternator  and  regulator, as  any 
    incorrect  connections  made  when  reconnecting 
    cables  may  cause  irreparable damage to the 
    r devices. 
    IMPORTANT  NOTE: If a  new  battery is fitted to the 
    vehicle,  it should  be the same type  as fitted  to the vehicle 
    when  new.  Alternative  batteries  may  vary  in size 
    terminal  positions  and  this  could  be a  possible  fire 
    hazard  if the  terminals  or leads  come  into  contact  with 
    the  battery  clamp assembly.  When fitting a new  battery 
    ensure  that  the  terminals  and leads  are  clear  of the 
    battery  clamp assembly. 
    Remove  the nuts securing  the  master  cylinder to 
    the servo. 
    Release  the clip  retaining  the  brake  pipe  to  the 
    clutch  pipe. 
    Separate  the master  cylinder from the servo. 
    Disconnect  the vacuum  hose from the servo. 
    Disconnect the Lucars  from the stop lamp  switch at 
    the  rear  of the  pedal  box. 
    Remove  the blanking  grommets  from  the pedal 
    box.  Remove  the split pin  from the clevis  and withdraw 
    the  clevis pin  and washer. 
    8. Remove the  four  nuts  securing the servo  to the 
    pedal  box and  remove  the servo. 
    i .- F 9. Pull  back  the dust cover. 
    10. Release  the end-cap. 
    11. Cut  the filters to remove  them from the shaft. 
    14. Clean 
    the filter  seating  and fit the  new  filters noting 
    * that they  must  be cut  to fit over the shaft. 
    Fit the  end-cap  and  dust  cover  and refit  the servo 
    and  master  cylinder 
    to the vehicle  reversing  the 
    removal  procedure.  Use  a  new split 
    pin to secure 
    the  clevis. 
    Test  the brakes. 
    							MAINTENANCE I 10 I 
    ::... .. ! -j ENGINE SLOW RUNNING - 2.5 Diesel 
    .;:y 1. Using a suitable  tachometer,  check the engine  slow 
    running  adjustment 
    see Engine  tuning  data. If 
    adjustment is necessary  slacken the locknut  and 
    turn  the  control  screw  clockwise to  increase  the 
    revolutions  and anti
    -clockwise to decrease  the 
    engine  speed. Tighten  the  locknut,  increase  the 
    engine  speed for 
    a few  seconds  then re-check  the 
    slow  running. 
    .. ST1425M 
    2. If a tachometer  is not  available  adjust the control 
    screw until  the slowest  speed is obtained  consistent 
    with  smooth and even  running. 
    NOTE: The slow running  control is the only 
    permitted  adjustment  in service. Any additional 
    adjustments  required must 
    only be carried out by 
    authorised C.A.V. agents. 
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