D-Link Router DIR-810L User Manual
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17 D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration To use the myd\fink service (myd\fink.com or the myd\fink Lite app), you must have an account. Se\fect whether you do have a myd\fink account or if you need to create one. C\fick Next to continue. If you do not want to re\bister at this time, c\fick Cance\b. If you c\ficked Yes, enter your myd\fink account name (emai\f address) and password. C\fick Login to re\bister your router. If you c\ficked No, fi\f\f out the requested information and...
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18 D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration The myd\fink App wi\f\f a\f\fow you to receive notifications, browse network usa\be, and confi\bure your router from an iOS (3.0 or hi\bher), Android (1.6 or hi\bher) \udevice. To down\foad the "myd\fink \fite" app, visit the iOS App Store, Goo\b\fe P\fay Store, or http://myd\bink.com/Lite. PC and Mac users can use the myd\fink porta\f at http://myd\bink.com.
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19 D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Q\fS Mobile App (iOS, Android) D-Link offers an app for your iOS or Android device which wi\f\f assist you to insta\f\f and confi\bure your router. Step.1 From an iOS device, \bo to the iOS App Store. From an Android device \bo to the Goo\b\fe P\fay Store. Search for ‘D-Link’, se\fect QRS. Mobi\be, and down\foad the app to your device. You may a\fso scan the appropriate code on the ri\bht to \focate the app...
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20 D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Web-based Configuration Utility Leave the password b\fank by defau\ft. To access the confi\buration uti\fity, open a web-browser such as Internet Exp\forer and enter address of the router (http://d\binkrouter.\boca\b.or. Non-Windows and Non-Mac users may a\fso connect by typin\b in the address bar.
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21 D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Internet Connection Setup If you want to confi\bure your router to connect to the Internet usin\b the wizard, c\fick Internet.Connection. Setup.Wizard. You wi\f\f be directed to the Quick Setup Wizard. C\fick Manua\b. Internet. Connection. Setup to confi\bure your connection manua\f\fy and continue to the next pa\be.
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22 D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f Internet Connection Setup Wizard When confi\burin\b the router for the first time, we recommend that you use the Internet. Connection. Setup.Wizard, and fo\f\fow the instructions on the screen. This wizard is desi\bned to provide users with a quick and easy method to confi\bure the Internet Connectivity of this router. At any time durin\b the Internet Connection Setup Wizard, users can c\fick on the Cance\b button to discard any chan\bes made and return...
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23 D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f Step.2:.Se\bect. Your.Time.Zone Se\fect the appropriate time zone for your \focation. This information is required to confi\bure the time-based options for the router. C\fick Next.to continue. Step.3:.Internet.Connection Here the user wi\f\f be ab\f\ue to confi\bure the Internet connectivity used by this device. If your ISP connection is \fisted in the drop-down menu, se\fect it and c\fick Next. If your ISP connection is not \fisted then you can proceed to se\fect any...
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24 D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f Step.3:.Internet.Connection.(Dynamic.IP.Address) After se\fectin\b the Dynamic IP Address Internet connection method, the fo\f\fowin\b pa\be wi\f\f appear. The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: MAC.Address: Enter the MAC address of the Internet \bate - way (p\fu\b\bed into the Internet port of this device) here. Copy.Button: If the confi\buration PC a\fso acts as the Inter - net \bateway, then c\fick on the Copy Your PC’s MAC Address...
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25 D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f Step.3:.Internet.Connection.(PPTP) After se\fectin\b the PPTP Internet connection method, the fo\f\fowin\b pa\be wi\f\f appear: The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: Address.Mode: Here the user can speci\ufy whether this Internet connection requires the use of a Dynamic or Static IP address. PPTP usua\f\fy requires a Dynamic IP confi\buration. PPTP.IP.Address: Enter the PPTP IP addr\uess used here. This option is on\fy avai\fab\fe if...
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26 D-Link DIR-810L User Manua\f Step.3:.Internet.Connection.(L2TP) After se\fectin\b the L2TP Internet connection method, the fo\f\fowin\b pa\be wi\f\f appear: The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: Address.Mode: Here the user can speci\ufy whether this Internet connection requires the use of a Dynamic or Static IP address. L2TP usua\f requires a Dynamic IP confi\buration. L2TP.IP.Address: Enter the L2TP IP addr\uess used here. This option is on\fy avai\fab\fe if...