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D-Link Router DIR-685 User Manual

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Page 71

D-Link DIR-685 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
Tick the checkbox to enable SPI. SPI (Stateful 
Packet  Inspection,  also  known  as  dynamic 
packet  filtering)  helps  to  prevent  cyber 
attacks by tracking more states per session. 
It validates that the traffic passing through the 
session conforms to the protocol.
I f   a n   a p p l i c a t i o n   h a s   t r o u b l e   w o r k i n g 
from  behind  the  router,  you  can  expose 
one  computer  to  the  Internet  and  run  the...

Page 72

D-Link DIR-685 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
To  enable  a  Firewall  Rule,  tick  the  checkbox 
next to the corresponding rule.
Enter a name for the Firewall Rule.
Use the drop-down menu to select the source 
interface for the Firewall Rule.
Use  these  fields  to  specify  the  range  of  IP 
Addresses that you want to create the Firewall 
Rule  for.  Enter  the  lowest  IP  Address  of  the 
range in the box at the top and the highest IP 
Address of the range in the box underneath.
Use the...

Page 73

D-Link DIR-685 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
To enable a new route, tick the checkbox next 
to the corresponding route.
Select  the  interface  that  the  IP  packet  must 
use to transit out of the router when this route 
is used.
Enter the IP address of packets that will take 
this route.
Enter  the  netmask  of  the  route,  please  note 
that the numbers must match your destination 
IP address.
Enter your next hop gateway to be taken if this 
route is used.

Page 74

D-Link DIR-685 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
Set the transmit power of the antennas.
Beacons are packets sent by an Access Point 
to  synchronize  a  wireless  network.  Specify 
a  value.  100  is  the  default  setting  and  is 
This value should remain at its default setting 
of 2432. If inconsistent data flow is a problem, 
only a minor modification should be made.
The fragmentation threshold, which is specified 
in  bytes,  determines  whether  packets  will  be 

Page 75

D-Link DIR-685 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
To  use  the  Universal  Plug  and  Play  (UPnP™) 
feature,  tick  the  Enable  UPnP  b o x .   U P n P 
provides compatibility with networking equipment, 
software and peripherals.
Unticking  the  box  will  not  allow  the  DIR-685  to 
respond to pings. Blocking the Ping may provide 
some  extra  security  from  hackers.  Tick  the  box 
to allow the WAN port to be “pinged”.
You may set the port speed of the WAN/Internet 
port  to  10Mbps,...

Page 76

D-Link DIR-685 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
Guest Zone
Tick this checkbox to enable the Guest Zone feature.
Enter  a  wireless  network  name  (SSID)  that  is  different  from  your 
main wireless network. 
Select the type of security or encryption you would like to enable 
for the guest zone.
Type  the  IP  Address  that  the  router  will  use  for  the  Guest  Zone 
Type the Subnet Mask that the router will use for the Guest Zone 
Tick this checkbox to prevent guest...

Page 77

D-Link DIR-685 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
Tick the Enable DHCP Server  checkbox to configure the built-in DHCP server to assign IP addresses to computers in 
the Guest Zone.
Enter the starting and ending IP addresses that will be assigned to devices in the Guest Zone in the  DHCP IP Address 
Range fields.
Specify the length of time (in minutes) for the IP address lease in th\
e  DHCP Lease Time field.
Displays  the  Host  Name,  IP  Address  and  the  time  the  DHCP  lease  will  expire...

Page 78

D-Link DIR-685 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
Wake on LAN
Tick  the  checkbox  to  enable  the  Wake  on 
LAN feature.
Type a port number to specify the UDP port 
that  the  Magic  Packet  will  use  when  trying 
to  turn  on  or  wake  up  a  computer  on  your 
Use  the  drop-down  menu  to  specify  the 
destination interface of the Magic Packet.
Enable Wake on LAN:
UDP Port:
The Wake on LAN feature allows computers on your network to be turned on\
 or woken up remotely.  

Page 79

D-Link DIR-685 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
Disk Management
This window displays the hard drive information 
such  as  size,  available  space,  used  space, 
and format.
Click the  Format Hard Drive  button to format 
the hard drive. 
Warning: When formatting your hard drive, 
all data will be lost.  
Tick  the  box  to  turn  off  the  hard  drive  after  it 
has been idle for the amount of time (minutes) 
specified in the  Timeout field.
Hard Disk Drive 
Format Setting:

Page 80

D-Link DIR-685 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
User / Groups
User and Group 
List of All Users Users in Group
The DIR-685 supports up to 64 unique users. The users can be added to a group, or individually. The users and groups 
are created to allow access to specific folders on the DIR-685, via FTP or your local network.  
This section contains required attributes for a new 
user or group. Including User Name and Password 
or Group name. 
If  creating  a  new  user  carry  out  the...
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