D-Link Router DIR:652 User Manual
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56D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Network Filters Use MAC (Media Access Contro\f) Fi\fters to a\f\fow or deny LAN (Loca\f Area Network) computers by their MAC addresses from accessin\b the Network. You can either manua\f\fy a\udd a MAC address or se\fect the MAC address from the \fist of c\fients that are current\fy connected to the Broadband Router. Se\fect Turn.MAC .Fi\btering .\fff, Turn .MAC .Fi\btering .\fN. and .ALL\fW .computers .\bisted .to .access .the .network, or Turn .MAC .Fi\btering .\fN .and .DENY .computers .\bisted .to. access .the .network from the drop-down menu. Enter the MAC address you wou\fd \fike to fi\fter. To find the MAC address on a computer, p\fease refer to the Networkin\b Basics section in this manua\f. Se\fect a DHCP c\fient from the drop-down menu and c\fick
57D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration A\f\fess Control C\fick the Add.Po\bicy button to start the Access Contro\f Wizard. Add Poli\fy: The Access Contro\f section a\f\fows you to contro\f access in and out of your network. Use this feature as Parenta\f Contro\fs to on\fy \brant access to approved sites, \fimit web access based on time o\ur dates, and/or b\fock access from app\fications \fike P2P uti\fit\uies or \bames. C\fick Next to continue with the wizard. A\f\fess Control Wizard
58D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Enter a name for the po\ficy and then c\fick Next to continue. Se\fect a schedu\fe (I.E. A\fways) from the drop-down menu and then c\fick Next to continue. Enter the fo\f\fowin\b information and then c\fick Next to continue. • Address.Type - Se\fect IP address, MAC address, or Other Machines. • IP. Address - Enter the IP address of the computer you want to app\fy the ru\fe to.
59D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Se\fect the fi\fterin\b method and then c\u\fick Next to continue. If you se\fected App\by.Advanced .Port .Fi\bters, then enter the ru\fe: . Enab\be - Check to enab\fe the ru\fe. .Name - Enter a name for your ru\fe. .Dest.IP.Start - Enter the startin\b IP address. .Dest.IP.End - Enter the endin\b IP add\uress. .Protoco\b - Se\fect the protoco\f. .Dest.Port.Start - Enter the startin\b port number. .Dest.Port.End - Enter the endin\b port number. To enab\fe web \fo\b\bin\b, c\fick Enab\be. C\fick Save to save the access contro\f ru\fe.
60D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Website Fi\fters are used to deny LAN computers from accessin\b specific web sites by the URL or domain. A URL is a specia\f\fy formatted text strin\b that defines a \focation on the Internet. If any part of the URL contains the b\focked word, the site wi\f\f not be accessib\fe and the web pa\be wi\f\f not disp\fay. To use this feature, enter the text strin\b to be b\focked and c\fick Save.Settings. The text to be b\focked wi\f\f appear in the \fist. To de\fete the text, c\fick.C\bear.the.List.Be\bow. Website Filters Se\fect A\b\bow or Deny. Enter the keywords or URLs that you want to a\f\fow or deny. C\fick Save.Settings. Configure Website Filter Below: Website URL/Domain:
61D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Enter a name for the inbound fi\fter ru\fe. Se\fect A\b\bow or Deny. Check to enab\fe ru\fe. Enter the startin\b IP address. Enter if you do not want to specify an IP ran\be. Enter the endin\b IP address. Enter if you do not want to specify and IP r\uan\be. C\fick the Add button to add the ru\fe. You must c\fick Save.Settings at the top to save the settin\bs. This section wi\f\f \fist any ru\fes that are created. You may c\fick the Edit icon to chan\be the settin\bs or enab\fe/disab\fe the ru\fe, or c\fick the De\bete icon to remove the ru\fe. Name: A\ftion: Enable: Sour\fe IP Start: Sour\fe IP End: Add: Inbound Filter Rules List: The Inbound Fi\fter option is an advanced method of contro\f\fin\b data received from the Internet. With this feature you can confi\bure inbound data fi\fterin\b ru\fes that contro\f data based on an IP address ran\be. Inbound Fi\fters can be used with Virtua\f Server, Port Forwardin\b, or Remote Administration features. Inbound Filters
62D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration SPI (Statefu\f Packet Inspection, a\fso known as dynamic packet fi\fterin\b) he\fps to prevent cyber attacks by trackin\b more state per session. It va\fidates that the traffic passin\b throu\bh the session conforms to the protoco\f. Se\fect one of the fo\f\fowin\b for TCP and UDP ports: Endpoint.Independent .- Any incomin\b traffic sent to an open port wi\f\f be forwarded to the app\fication that opened the port. The port wi\f\f c\fose if id\fe f\uor 5 minutes. Address.Restricted - Incomin\b traffic must match the IP address of the out\boin\b connection. Address.+ .Port .Restriction - Incomin\b traffic must match the IP address and port of the out\boin\b connection. If an app\fication has troub\fe workin\b from behind the router, you can expose one computer to the Internet and run the app\fication on that computer. Note: Placing a computer in the DMZ may expose that computer to a \fariety of security risks. Use of this option is only recommended as a last\ff resort. Specify the IP address of the computer on the LAN that you want to have unrestricted Internet communication. If this computer obtains it’s IP address automatica\f\fy usin\b DHCP, be sure to make a static reservation on the Basic > DHCP pa\be so that the IP address of the DMZ machine does not chan\be. Enable SPI: NAT Endpoint Filtering: Enable DMZ Host: IP Address: Firewall Settings A firewa\f\f protects your network from the outside wor\fd. The D-Link DIR-652 offers a firewa\f\f type functiona\fity. The SPI feature he\fps prevent cyber attacks. Sometimes you may want a computer exposed to the outside wor\fd for certain types of app\fications. If you choose to expose a computer, you cam enab\fe DMZ. \uDMZ is short for Demi\fitarized Zone. This option wi\f\f expose the chosen computer comp\fete\fy to the outside wor\fd.
63D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Appli\fation Level Gateway Configuration Here you can enab\fe or disab\fe ALG’s. Some protoco\fs and app\fications require specia\f hand\fin\b of the IP pay\foad to make them work with network address trans\fation (NAT ). Each ALG provides specia\f hand\fin\b for a specific protoco\f or app\fication. A number of ALGs for common app\fications are enab\fed by defau\ft. A\f\fows mu\ftip\fe machines o\un the LAN to connect to their corporate network usin\b PPTP protoco\f. A\f\fows mu\ftip\fe VPN c\fients to connect to their corporate network usin\b IPSec. Some VPN c\fients support traversa\f of IPSec throu\bh NAT. This ALG may interfere with the operation of such VPN c\fients. If you are havin\b troub\fe connectin\b with your corporate network, try turnin\b this ALG off. P\fease check with the system adminstrator of your corporate network whether your VPN c\fient supports NAT traversa\f. A\f\fows app\fications that use Rea\f Time Streamin\b Protoco\f to receive streamin\b media from the internet. QuickTime and Rea\f P\fayer are some of the common app\fications usin\b this protoco\f. A\f\fows devices and app\fications usin\b VoIP (Voice over IP) to communicate across NAT. Some VoIP app\fications and devices have the abi\fity to discover NAT devices and work around them. This ALG may interfere with the operation of such devices. If you are havin\b troub\fe makin\b VoIP ca\f\fs, try turnin\b this ALG off. PPTP: IPSEC (VPN): RTSP: SIP:
64D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Enter the IP address of packets that wi\f\f take this route. Enter the netmask of the route, p\fease note that the octets must match your destination IP address. Enter your next hop \bateway to be taken if this route is used. The route metric is a va\fue from 1 to 16 that indicates the cost of usin\b this route. A va\fue 1 is the \fowest cost and 15 is the hi\bhest cost. Se\fect the interface that the IP packet must use to transit out of the router when this route is used. Destination IP: Netmask: Gateway: Metri\f: Interfa\fe: Routing The Routin\b option is an \uadvanced method of customizin\b specific routes of data throu\bh your network.
65D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Set the transmit power of the antennas. Beacons are packets sent by an Access Point to synchronize a wire\fess network. Specify a va\fue. 100 is the defau\ft settin\b and is recommended. This va\fue shou\fd remain at its defau\ft settin\b of 2432. If inconsistent data flow is a prob\fem, on\fy a minor modification shou\fd be made. The fra\bmentation thresho\fd, which is specified in bytes, determines whether packets wi\f\f be fra\bmented. Packets exceedin\b the 2346 byte settin\b wi\f\f be fra\bmented before transmission. 2346 i\us the defau\ft settin\b. (De\fivery Traffic Indication Messa\be) 3 is the defau\ft settin\b. A DTIM is a countdown informin\b c\fients of the next window for \fistenin\b to broadcast and mu\fticas\ut messa\bes. WMM is QoS for your wire\fess network. This wi\f\f improve the qua\fity of video and voice app\fications for your wire\fess c\fients. Check this box to reduce the \buard interva\f time therefore increasin\b the data capacity. However, it’s \fess re\fiab\fe and may create hi\bher data \foss. Transmit Power: Bea\fon Period: RTS Threshold: Fragmentation Threshold: DTIM Interval: WMM Fun\ftion: Short GI: Advan\fed Wireless Settings