D-Link Router DIR:652 User Manual
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96D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 4 - Security Conne\ft to a Wireless Network Using Windows® 7 It is recommended to enab\fe wire\fess security (WPA/WPA2) on your wire\fess router or access point before confi\burin\b your wire\fess adapter. If you are joinin\b an existin\b network, you wi\f\f need to know the security key or passphrase bein\b used. 1. C\fick on the wire\fess icon in your system tray (\fower-ri\bht corner). 2. The uti\fity wi\f\f disp\fay any avai\fab\fe wire\fess networks in your...
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97D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 4 - Security 3. Hi\bh\fi\bht the wire\fess network (SSID) you wou\fd \fike to connect to and c\fick the Connect button. If you \bet a \bood si\bna\f but cannot access the Internet, check your TCP/IP settin\bs for your wire\fess adapter. Refer to the Networkin\b Basics section in this manua\f for more information. 4. The fo\f\fowin\b window appears whi\fe your computer tries to connect to the router.
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98D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 4 - Security 5. Enter the same security key or passphrase that is on your router and c\fick \fk. It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wire\fess network. If the connection fai\fs, p\fease verify that the security settin\bs are correct. The key or passphrase must be exact\fy the same as on th\ue wire\fess router.
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99D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 5 - Connectin\b to a Wire\fess Network Using Windows Vista® Windows Vista users may use the bui\ft-in wire\fess uti\fity. If you are usin\b another company’s uti\fity or Windows® 2000, p\fease refer to the user manua\f of your wire\fess adapter for he\fp with connectin\b to a wire\fess network. Most uti\fities wi\f\f have a “site survey” option simi\far to the Windows Vista uti\fity as seen be\fow. Ri\bht-c\fick on the wire\fess computer icon in your system tray...
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100D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 5 - Connectin\b to a Wire\fess Network Configure Wireless Se\furity It is recommended to enab\fe wire\fess security (WPA/WPA2) on your wire\fess router or access point before confi\burin\b your wire\fess adapter. If you are joinin\b an existin\b network, you wi\f\f need to know the security key or passphrase bein\b used. 2..Hi\bh\fi\bht the wire\fess network (SSID) you wou\fd \fike to connect to and c\fick Connect. 1..Open the Windows Vista® Wire\fess Uti\fity by...
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101D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 5 - Connectin\b to a Wire\fess Network 3. Enter the same security key or passphrase that is on your router and c\fick Connect. It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wire\fess network. If the connection fai\fs, p\fease verify that the security settin\bs are correct. The key or passphrase must be exact\fy the same as on th\ue wire\fess router.
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102D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 5 - Connectin\b to a Wire\fess Network Using Windows® XP Windows XP users may use the bui\ft-in wire\fess uti\fity (Zero Confi\buration Uti\fity). The fo\f\fowin\b instructions are for Service Pack 2 users. If you are usin\b another company’s uti\fity or Windows 2000, p\fease refer to the user manua\f of your wire\fess adapter for he\fp with connectin\b to a wire\fess network. Most uti\fities wi\f\f have a “site survey” option simi\far to the Windows XP uti\fity...
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103D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 5 - Connectin\b to a Wire\fess Network Configure WPA-PSK It is recommended to enab\fe encryption on your wire\fess router or access point before confi\burin\b your wire\fess adapter. If you are joinin\b an existin\b network, you wi\f\f need to know the passphrase bein\b used. 2..Hi\bh\fi\bht the wire\fess network (SSID) you wou\fd \fike to connect to and c\fick Connect. 1..Open the Windows® XP Wire\fess Uti\fity by ri\bht-c\fickin\b on the...
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104D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 5 - Connectin\b to a Wire\fess Network 3. The Wire\bess. Network. Connection box wi\f\f appear. Enter the WPA-PSK passphrase and c\fick Connect. It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wire\fess network. If the connection fai\fs, p\fease verify that the WPA-PSK settin\bs are correct. The WPA-PSK passphrase must be exact\fy the same as on th\ue wire\fess router.
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105D-Link DIR-652 User Manua\f Section 6 - Troub\feshootin\b Troubleshooting This chapter provides so\futions to prob\fems that can occur durin\b the insta\f\fation and operation of the DIR-652. Read the fo\f\fowin\b descriptions if you are havin\b prob\fems. (The examp\fes be\fow are i\f\fustrated in Windows® XP. If you have a different operatin\b system, the screenshots on your computer wi\f\f \fook simi\far \uto the fo\f\fowin\b examp\fes.) 1. Why \fan’t I a\f\fess the web-based \fonfiguration...