D-Link Router DIR-605L User Manual
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37 D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Save and Res\fore Use this option to save the current router confi\buration settin\bs to a fi\fe on the hard disk of the computer you are usin\b. First, c\fick the Save button. You wi\f\f then see a fi\fe dia\fo\b, where you can se\fect a \focation and fi\fe name for the settin\bs. Use this option to \foad previous\fy saved router confi\buration settin\bs. First, use the Browse contro\f to find a previous\fy save fi\fe of...
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38 D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Firmware Upda\fe C\fick the Chec\b Now button (or the \fink at the top of the window) to find out if there is an updated firmware; if so, down\foad the new firmware to your hard drive. After you have down\foaded the new firmware, c\fick Browse in this window to \focate the firmware update on your hard drive. C\fick Save Se\f\fings to comp\fete the firmware up\brade. Firmware Upgrade: Browse: You can up\brade the firmware of the...
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39 D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration DDNS Se\f\fing Tick the Enab\fe DDNS checkbox to enab\fe support for DDNS. Se\fect one of the DDNS re\bistration or\banizations form those \fisted in the pu\f\f-down menu. Avai\fab\fe servers inc\fude dli\bkdd\bs\fcom(Free), Dy\bD\bs\forg(Custom), Dy\b\f D\bs\forg(free), and Dy\b\fD\bs\forg(Static). Enter the host name of \uthe DDNS server. Enter the username \biven to you by your DDNS server. Enter the password or key \biven to you by...
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40 D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Sys\fem Chec\b VCT is an advanced feature that inte\brates a LAN cab\fe tester on every Ethernet port on the router. Throu\bh the \braphica\f user interface (GUI), VCT can be used to remote\fy dia\bnose and report cab\fe fau\fts such as opens, shorts, swaps, and impedance mismatch. This feature si\bnificant\fy reduces service ca\f\fs and returns by a\f\fowin\b users to easi\fy troub\feshoot their cab\fe connections. The Pin\b Test...
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41 D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Schedules Enter a name for the new schedu\fe ru\u\fe. Choose the desired day(s), either A\f\f Week or Se\fect Days. If the \fatter is se\fected, p\fease use the checkboxes direct\fy be\fow to specify the indiv\uidua\f days. Tick this check box if the new schedu\fe ru\fe app\fies to the fu\f\f 24-hour period. If the new schedu\fe ru\fe does not app\fy to the fu\f\f 24- hour period, untick the previous checkbox and then enter a specific...
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42 D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Log Se\f\fings C\fick on the Save button \fink on this window to save the \fo\b fi\fe to your \foca\f hard drive. c\fick the checkbox to save the \fo\b in the \fo\b server in the LAN side. C\fick the checkbox(es) of the type of \fo\b information requested: “Sys\fem, Firewall & Securi\fy, Rou\fer S\fa\fus, Cri\fical, Warning and Informa\fion” Enter the your SNTP server name(or IP address) and enter your mai\f address before sendin\b...
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43 D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Device Info This window disp\fays the current information for the DIR-605L. It wi\f\f disp\fay the LAN, WAN, and Wire\fess information. If your WAN connection is set up for a Dynamic IP address then a DHCP Release button and a DHCP Renew button wi\f\f be disp\fayed. Use DHCP Release to disconnect from your ISP and use DHCP Renew to connect to your ISP. If your WAN connection is set up for PPPoE, a Connec\f button and a Disconnec\f button...
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44 D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Log Firs\f Page: Las\f Page: Previous: Nex\f: Clear: Lin\b \fo Log Se\f\fings: View the first pa\be of \uthe \fo\b. View the \fast pa\be of t\uhe \fo\b. View the previous pa\be. View the next pa\be. C\fear the \fo\b. C\fick this button to \bo direct\fy to the Lo\b Settin\bs window (Main\fenance > Log Se\f\fings). This window a\f\fows you to view a \fo\b of activities on the Router. This is especia\f\fy he\fpfu\f detectin\b unauthorized...
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45 D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Traffic S\fa\fis\fics Ac\five Session The window be\fow disp\fays the Traffic Statistics. Here you can view the amount of packets that pass throu\bh the DIR-605L on both the WAN and the LAN ports. The traffic counter wi\f\f reset if the device is rebooted. The NAPT Active Session tab\fe disp\fays a \fist of a\f\f active conversations between WAN computers and LAN computers. DIR-605L DIR-605L
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46 D-Link DIR-605L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Wireless The wire\fess c\fient tab\fe disp\fays a \fist of current connected wire\fess c\fients. This tab\fe a\fso disp\fays the connection time and MAC address of the connected wire\fess c\fient. DIR-605L