D-Link Dir825 B1 Manual
Here you can view all the pages of manual D-Link Dir825 B1 Manual. The D-Link manuals for Router are available online for free. You can easily download all the documents as PDF.
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96D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Enter a name for your new schedu\fe. Se\fect a day, a ran\be of days, or A\f\f Week to inc\fude every day. Check A\b\b.Day. -.24hrs or enter a start and end time for your schedu\fe. You must c\fick Save. Settings at the top for your schedu\fes to \bo into effect. The \fist of schedu\fes wi\f\f be \fisted here. C\fick the Edit icon to make chan\bes or c\fick the De\bete icon to remove the schedu\fe. Name: Days: Time: Save: S\fhedule Rules...
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97D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration This pa\be disp\fays the current information for the DIR-825. It wi\f\f disp\fay the LAN, WAN (Internet), and Wire\fess information. If your Internet connection is set up for a Dynamic IP address then a Re\bease button and a Renew button wi\f\f be disp\fayed. Use Re\bease to disconnect from your ISP and use Renew to connect to your ISP. If your Internet connection is set up for PPPoE, a Connect button and a Disconnect button wi\f\f be...
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98D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Logs Log Types: Refresh: Clear: Email Now: Save Log: You can se\fect the types of messa\bes that you want to disp\fay from the \fo\b. System Ac tivit y, D ebu\b Information, Attacks, Dropped Packets, and Notice messa\bes can be se\fected. C\fick App\by.Log.Settings. Now to activate your settin\bs. Updates the \fo\b detai\fs on the screen so it disp\fays any recent activity. C\fears a\f\f of the \fo\b \ucontents. This...
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99D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Statisti\fs The screen be\fow disp\fays the Traffic.Statistics. Here you can view the amount of packets that pass throu\bh the DIR-825 on both the WAN, LAN ports and both the 802.11n/\b (2.4GHz) and 802.11n/a (5GHz) wire\fess bands. The traffic counter wi\f\f reset if the device is rebooted.
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100D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Internet Sessions The Internet Sessions pa\be disp\fays fu\f\f detai\fs of active Internet sessions throu\bh your router. An Internet session is a conversation between a pro\bram or app\fication on a LAN-side computer and a pro\bram or app\fication on a WAN-side computer.
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101D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Routing This pa\be wi\f\f disp\fay your current routin\b tab\fe.
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102D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration The wire\fess c\fient tab\fe disp\fays a \fist of current connected wire\fess c\fients. This tab\fe a\fso disp\fays the connection time and MAC address of the connected wire\fess c\fients. Wireless
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103D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration IPv6 The IPv6 pa\be disp\fays a summary of the Router’s IPv6 settin\bs and \fists\u the IPv6 address and host name o\uf any IPv6 c\fients.
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104D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration IPV6 Routing This pa\be disp\fays the IPV6 routin\b detai\fs confi\bured for your router.